Noell Bros., Propnetorsv Home Firt : AbroaH Next $1.00Per ;Year iii Advance VOL. XXXIV ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening Jan, 3, 1917 Numbervl NEW DEMONSTRATOR. 31 r. W. C Warren Appointed Farm Demonstrator;! or Person1 County Begins Duties; Monday, 1 O Mr. W. 'C, Warren, of Vdordontpn, last week received his appointment as Farm Demonstrator for " Person County. . , - - ' 4. . . He began his duties the first of the year, 1917. Mr." arre'n took the Agricultural course two years at the .A gricultural and Mechanical College in Raleigh, and comes into this posi tion highly recommended. ;, , -: Mr. Warren will coyer the opunty five days each week and will spend one day in Roxboro. This day will probably be Saturday. Roy Denson, employee of the Rox boro Cotton Mills, was tried before The mayor Tuesday morning' for shooting his two brothers. It was claimed by botji the defendant and his family that the shooting was acci derttal, and Ihe defendant was dismissed.- v Inactivity Causes Constipation. Lack of exercise in the winter is a frequent cause of constipation.. You feel heavy, dull and listless, your com plexion is sallow and pimply, and energy at low ebb. Clean ' up this condition at once with . Dr. King's New Life Pills, a mid laxative that relieves the congested intestines without ggriping. Adose before re tiring will assure you a full and easy movement in the morning. 25c at your Daruggist. Everything to Build With. W ATKINS & BULLOCK. SAFETY In lumber means Quality First. We never sacrifice quality for price but quick sales and small profits enables us to give you bet ter lumber for the same money. We specialize in KILN DRIED lumber of quality GET OUR PRICES Roxboro Lumber Co. "Home of Quality Lumber." PRESTON SATTERFIELD, Sect'y.& Manager. ' BEST CHRISTMAS WISHES May ' tHe SEIRIT of CHRIST MASMakeMppy ypurHobdays arid Shiiife;f 'mto the'Ne). Year. 'Andrew we wish, ; t6r ..thank the people" of Roxboro and Per son County for their liberal pat ronage . during" 1916.; And in 1917 we. afei going to rseiiye you better than ever,-so make our store your store. We want- your business, wie are goinjg to ; try; and de8ejrveitVnd'wing-.ybu,; prosperous; NEW TEAR, we are Yours -for Hardware, i mi &9 bickens-ltaird. ? ;a pretty marriage was solemnized Tuesday af ternoon .at 5 o'clock at the home, of MrT and Mrs W, L. Lewis on Academy St., when their, daughter, Mrs Lula Baird became the bride ' of Mrr 3. J ,V ' Dickens. The marriage was a quiet home affairs only a few intimate friends outside of the rela tives attending. t Mrrs. K; Ii. Street, a sister" of the bride, rendered a short musical pro? gram before the ' ceremony, after wards using Lohengrin's Bridal Cho rus as a processional and Mendels-r sohii's for the recessional. Rev. 0. W. Dowd, of the nlethodist church, performed, the ceremony, the rntg ceremony feeing used. The bride was , becomingly attired in a g6ing away suit- of Burgundy cloth, trimmed in fur with accessories to match and wearing a corsage of lillies of the valley. The home was beautifully decorated with white canl dies, mingled in with ferns, v .Mr: and Mrs. Dickens left the city on the north-bound train for joints in Texas, where they will spent some, time with relatives of the groom. The bride has a host of . friends who ex tend heartiest congratulations while the groom is a prosperous planter of the county. Immediately following the mar riage ceremony of their daughter, Mr and Mrs. Lewis Entertained the bridal party and guests at a delight ful isx course dinner. The decora tions in the dining room were of white roses. V , WANTED Salesman and collec tor for Roxboro and Person county. Apply to Singer Sewing Machine Co. DurhanvN. ,C. 1 3 5ts pd. if "V - i - V-,- 'J - l'w FIRST Co LEGISLATURE . TJEETS TODAYj Messrs, Pass and Tucker Left !For Raleigh YesterdayMurphy 1 Gets! Speakership. Hon. J. C. Pass, Representative , aj 'm:LM iiT' -- and Senator E.' J. .Tucker left vested I W W6 Pame thfc 0UF . day for -Raleigh to attend the ses-treaders m" be equally as glad to sions of the general assembly. '.Ofiknow that 'the Roxboro's best,bus- North Carolina which convenes this . mormngg. l : - Judgihg from present indications the sixty days, of the 1917 assembly will be filled witl important legfsla tion, much of which will be of direct interest to' person. Owing, to 'the fact that the four constitutional amendments which ' were passed . in the recent general election .and will become effective January 10, prohib it a vast amount of special municipal leggislation it is expected that, the legislature this week-will b$ flooded wil bills designed to bring about municipal changes. V; At the democratic caucus.' in' Ril eigh last night Hon. Walterl Murphy, of Rowan county was selected as can didate for the speaker of the loyer house of the general assembly. The other candidates, Hon. Henry Page; of Moore county, and Hon. Gallitan Roberts, of Buncombe, withdrew from the race in the afternoon before the democrats went in to caucus. The race for the speakership hss been warm during the past month, and especially so during the week preceding the opening of the legisla ture. All of the speakers and their boosters arrived early and button holed members of the lower house xas they came in from every section of the State. IN MEMORY OF PATTIE ROBERTSON. t It is with much sadness that I reel ord the death of Pattie- Robertsojt, the daughter of Mr and Mrs. E. J. Robertson.'-hf Woorfsr!al- N. f! In the latterjpartiif .(ktot saygp was taken sick of typhoid : fever at the State i Normal College, where; she had returned, well and happy only a short time before, to resume her studies. Although she received every attention that loving hands and effi cient training could bestow, . the dreadful disease conquered and after a struggling illness of two months, death relieved .her. of her suffering on December 23, .1916. On the fol lowing day, her remains accompanied by her griefrstriccken parents and Dr. Faust, President f the college, were, taken to Woodsdale for inter ment. The funeral services were con ducted at the Methodist church by her pastor, Rev. J. A.j Daily. When the news of her death reach- fed Woodsdale the anticipations for t i9 approaching holidays were at once changed from gaiety and pleas ure to sorro wand sadness. Her many friends in reviewing past asso ciations, realized that "In the midst of life we are in death' yet some found comfort in remembering her beautiful character and accomplish ments. She .was one of the most beautiful and best loved; girls in her community and her strong character and winning personality won for her a host of friends., Her popularity was clearly manifested by the many lovely flowers which she received dur ing her 'illness. Dr. Faust, m speak- Jng of her, . said- she was ; a most faithful student, and that he had nev er seen girl with a more" ready ' tie?. termination 'to work under all , diffir cculties. - ' ; - During ner short life of c twenty years she was v a devoted christian having" been a consistent member of the1 Methodist churcl- :sirice early childhood.- JJfowhere Was : tthis christ ian spirit more: clearly, shown than during her illness, which ; she bore with preat patiencce and rlsignatiori never .murihuring norQomplaining. . s She c leaves a "mother father six brothers and twot: sisters besides numerous relatives' and, friend to mourn her death: .V V- -v , May God's ; rich grace- angl' bless ings rest pi the bereaved family and though their, home is .sad ahdionely vmay hef life be as a shining star, to guide them to a home where .there wTm ue ;no sorrow, nor , separauon " v , - mm . , . , i i , Tfrere ; wa never , laAfoetter stock of KILN DRIED building BUILDING -v MATERIAL - OF, QUALITY: AND; BANKv THE COST OF V REPAIRS; -Let Jus material Sold m RoxbOrQr:thirXhrefr pnsonere?:ailcoiorea, nay nhw carried irioiipJ stock! f RTTY ; wopd Putlerr Eulus : Alston and :Dlhe show y6u.B0XBORO.iBUJ SPECIAL EBITlOII. 11 IS inaeea very gratitying ana a grat source of pleasure to US to know that our proposed special edition olan willbft a hiijrA snhftftss. inessf men have financiered some thing' that will prodacabig results for. the entire community. . v Many of the local business have interestly endorsed the plan by putting their signature to- a con tract bidding a large amount of space. Whije the medium- is pub listed for the real purposed ; of ad vertising the community's re sources, the local business men are unraveling their many" offers- for home 'trade in the paper. ' i v It is useless to state to those who know, that Person county and Roxboro are isolated from other parts of the world, due mostly to the fact that our railroad facilities are inadequate. However, to cor roborate our aforesaid point, that the work will help materially in bringing about local as " well as outside spirit. We herewith submit an encouraging letter which was received a few days ago from one of the county's most progressive citizens. Here is the letter: The Roxboro Courier ( Roxboro, N. C. Gentlemen:- L ' I note with pleasure that you are in the near future going to get out a special edition of the Courier for the purpose of show ing the many advantages of this idea," arid will do much good f6r the county. I like your text. Schools and Good Roads. Wlien we et good four teacher school houses and good roads, many oth er good things will follow. I will bei glad to take advertis ing space in this special elition, and will support the work in any way I can. Very truly yours, W. T. Calton. We feel very grateful for the kind expression regarding our work, and many of the same kind of expression, would help wonder fully in producing cne of the mpi t creditable papers ever published in the State. "... Bad .Habits. Those who breakfast at eight o'clock or later, lunch at twelve and have dinner at six are aliriost-'cer- tain to be troubled with indigestion. They do not. allow time for ; one meal to digest before taking; another. Not less than five hours should elapse; be tween meals. If f you are troubled with indigestion correct your rhabits and take Chamberlain's Tablets; arid you may reasonably hope for a quiccVi" recovery. , r These; i tablets' strengthen , the stomach ' ana tenable Wishing for thr NeWea;fc17., I m wishing 4hat every worthy en terprise may. succeed, that everyj no ble ambition may- be realized and that, every heart-hunger may be sat isfied. ; " I km' wishing tihat (everyone ;wiil be Thappyi thalk every home will ; be brighl and ; peaceful, I ;arii wishing that ie'very child will, be aspiring and purposeful and loving aria ; obedient.-, I am wishing health "for the sicck, strengthfor th? weakQuragi. and hope: for the disheartened. I. am wishing, victory over .selfishness and ahr, - envy. V I .am -wishing" -for Jthe reigri of ;lov in- all men's, hearts, . and peace on earthy and r , good f will to ward. alImen.;,CHappy New Year; for you -alL ' ':Z -;-" w. ' ' : ' ' V ' r O, DQWD. 1 ,'" rt ;Bradshaw; escaped; Saturday ; night from the. Wake County amp,! located ori'the Holly 'Springsjroad, five; miles fromfalcihA reward is offered it . to perform its-functions . liaturally. Obtainable everyivhere. r r 10 - -, ' r - i y Providing $20,000 Appropriate : ed by the County and Govern ment Is Not Sufficient Jurors 1 for February Term Of Court Drawb. The County Commissioners met in thei r regular monthly meeting Monday morning at 10. o'clock with all members present , It was decided by the board to state, that if tHs amount already appropriated did not finish the contemplated road to run through the county, they' ,would agree s to f u rnish amou at to finish same . It is no doubt that the 20,000 will norcomplete the road, the govern ment always takes the above pre caution. The following jurors were drawn for February term of Person County ..Superior Cmrt, which convenes the second , Monday in February. S. G. Hamlin, Geo. A. Daniel, Thos. Clayton, C. E. Winstead, W. L. Montague, C. F. Woods; E. L. Wilkerson, W. T. Carver, S. T. Slaughter, J. W. Walton, W. A. Sergeant, E. B. Foushee, J. C. Woody, J. T. Newton, C. L. Brooks, L. P. Duncan, E. J. Clayton, Wm. Wrenn, J.Hr Har ris, W. H. Hall, G, E. Lee, J. Alvis Clayton, A.-W. Blalock, J. W. Reade, J. E. Winstead, J. M. Fox Sr., A. J. Blalock " Fcmhee, Sam Barnett E, E. Moon, O. Hf Hamlin; J. R. Van Hook, H. E. Carter, M. Allen, George Mitchel and R. P.-Brobks; -commiioners- .adjournejl-' at thitee Vclock in ' the " afternoon to meet again. in road meeting. Mon day January 15th, 19J 7. LOST. On road from Hurdle Mills to Roxboro, Sunday afternoon, T lost two Automobile Chains, finder please returrn to me and receive reward. R M. WEBB. AGREE FISH AD OO00W00O0C00000C0O000003000000000C00000OC30000CO mm o o o o o G o o o o o o .0 o Pay 'Your Begin the 'New Year Right e o : : Out of o o o o o o WerhaVe a number of accounts on our , books that 'have already ; been there too ; . o o o o g iongaccbunts that should have beeji paid long agor r; Kydurs is . one of these , you XV ; 1 lowjt'forwehave already in,.direct,jjr.r 8 way spoken Or written to you to that. bf-;i 8 feet. , IfouH is one omaKevan .eupri'iu. o o it Woiir account "fo -51 ':;' 1 we nav g ones who eenx tp thihle that your credit is g good whether f ;you pay or not we say, 8 t'cbmeWlpaus" and' yv6; trust jt will norhe necesskrv V for urgent r those .who pay ' their accuW 8 sonable degrf e ; W ; pf ompthess. . It : ;: is:;a 8 t)leasure to accommodate you an4 we hope ? o you will, call on us tor 8 wish. -. We are : always'; pleased : to serve ) o you. . . . - . ; , i o o o "Roxboro's Christmas Entertainment. ,-.'. -. '.On fhe evening'" of December: 22"r the school and Sunday-schools of J& Iong gave a Christmas entertainrnent at . the- church. y " After ; addresses , by .". Mr. I. Iu . Shaver, and Mr.-R; A. SpenI, cer, "the school sang - several . Christ- .. . . . . , . , , , v . mas 'songs, and "Masters Lewis Yar boro. arid I David Blacckstock; asked r every body to feel welcome. .;V;v -. A , conversation, oetween Mr. Ceil Dickerson and Miss "Evans as Mr. and --. ... -. . . -. .' ..... . -. ' -- - MrrsJSanta Glaus,; was interrupted t by Msis Lillian Carver, asj Fairy Con tent, who came to inform Mrs. Santa . Claus that the good1 children Nfrc:a, all over the land .were coming to sea , , her, ' so Mr. Santa Claus,- wishins' j everybody ; a . Merry Christmas, has tened away with' his reindeer, 'jprom- . isirig, to return later j in the r evening:; and fill every' stocking. - " '" J-'Jy r.l Among sthe attractive feataresvr s . were recitations, solos, dialogues, '"5 Christmas -acrostics, songs, tc. . llien Mr. Santa Claus, true to las -promise, came in and gave" all; the?' good children something ' from the beautiful Christmas tree,7 which vrzs 7 ' loaded down with stuffed stockings ;, and gifts. . v-; ' J along News. ''"j V - A few evenings before the Qiristf' mas holidays as the 'students Ofthe-, night school assembled for their, regn- , lar , work, they were . surprised "with a Christmas feast given 'by Misses .Marcus andPridmgre, teachers of the i . , Jalong school. ,One of. the - schoor rooms was decorated with bells, hoUy and other Christmas ornaments and J here the merry crowd enjoyed the , 5 ; good things prepared for theni. Ci, ars, tied swith Christmas ribbon, 1 t were used as souyeniers ' -"'"-. -The teachers of the Jalong stfehool wish to express their heartiest thanki- , to the students of the, night school:- ,' for the handsome remembrances sent them during j the holidays; f i t : ; Painf f ul Coughs Relieved. .7 , r and cpfds' that has stood .the' test o&J nearly fifty years. For that-cough -that strains the throat arid: sapsthe vitality try Dr. King's New Discov-'' . v ery. The soothing pine balsams, and , mild laxative ingredients soon - drive . -the cold from the system., Have, av 1 . bottle on hand for winter .colds, - ' ccroup, grippe and: brohichial v affee- tions. At your Drluggist, 50c . . Accounts; -: , o 6t theses: you .should f us to make, a more 5 1 any layor ypu may ; ) m- . 1 ( Debt Best:.Stbrc" V BER CO?. lor ? their lcapxure. o o ror.D :cr :::r - T T-1 ' J,l r

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