A. li x- 1 if- -f A NoellBrosM Prbprietbrs 1 1 1 ;road Neixt $1.00 Per'Yeqr in Advan.; - vol. xxxiy t:. ,;; v .--,. , ,.KUA tJL)ROy .NOR 1 H G A .v -'Wednesdav Evening Tamiv 17x 1017 ;,tv; x ;? tvt t ' SOOD ROAD BILL FOR PERSON GOUUTY The General Accembly of North Car Section 1. That for the purpose of building, grading and", constructing of macadam, gravely soil sand " clay or other material, and tottierwise im proving and maintaining . the ; public roads in Person county," the Board of Commissioners of saicl county is here by authorized empowered and direct ed, and it shall be its duty ;io submit io the voters 'of said county,' as soon J after the ratification of this .act as practicable, upon petition made" to it signed by two hundred fifty qualified voters of said county,, the question 'of issuing - bonds to an amount not ex ceeding three hundred thousand dol ars. ". ' Av Section. 2. That the Board -'of Cotih iy Commissioners shall, fix the date for holding the . election for. the; pur pose of voting on said bond issue,' and 1 shall name the registers and - judges of election for the voting, -precincts of said ; county, and give , notice of said election for at leastthurty 4aya prior to the date thereof in some newspaper published in Person tptin ty ; and : that said J election shalfcf be otherwise conducted in all. respects as is now provided for holding elc tions for members of ) the General Assembly and. other , county onlcers, and said county commissioners may ior may not order a. new registratipn ior said election. The votes shall be eounted at the close of the: polls and a return thereof made to the said Board of Commissioners on Thurs day next following said election, all bf which shall be recorded in the minutes of . the said Commissioners, and no j&therf read mg or declaring of the results shall "be necessary3;rha it saelciion the voters shall vote a -ticket written or printed thereon on "For koadrrlm prove'ment Bonds1 Hon shall ;lniaVor(thui jsuer then the Central HighwaiFCom .mission of Person county, which is hereinafter provided for, shall sell Ihe said -bonds-herein authorized, af ter thirty; days' advertisement, at public auction. to the highest bidder at the court-house door in Roxboro, N. C. ; and in the event the bonds are not all thus disposed' of, the said Central Commission v may receive sealed bids for-the remainder of said issue or .of such portion thereof as they may see fit to sell, and shall dis pose of the said bonds as other bonds are ordinarily sold. The bonds so. is sued shall bear interest at the rate of not to exceed five per cent, payable the first day of July and January of each year, and shall Tun for a period not exceeding forty years from date of issue. The said Central Highway Commission may provide; for the. re tirement of seventy-five thousand dol lars of said bonds at the end of ten yars after date of issue, seventy-five thousand dollars at the end of thirty years, and the other seventy-five thousand dollars at the end of forty years, all of this to be in ths discre tion of th 2' Central Highway Com mission. '-.X ' "' '"'x" . '""X Section 3. The bonds herein pro vided for shall be signed by the chairman of the Central Highway Commission provided for, and coun tersigned by the register; of deeds of Person county, and the seal of the said county of Person shall be plac ed thereon by the said register of deeds. The bonds mav, be issued in denominations ' of bne' hun Jred dollars or multiples of one ' h-lndred dollars ypto one thousand dollars toy suit purchasers. " I lx: -" ' -Section 4. That at 'thetime of the election hereinbefore provided 'for,i there shall , also be elected ;4n each township in Person county 4hree. per sons to be known as "Township. High way Commissioners," one of whom shall hold office until the nast regi lar election for members-of-the Gen eral Assembly and .,f or 'county offi cers, one for. four years and-one -for ix years ; and -thereafter ."one .Town ship Highway Commissioner shall be elected at each " general election; ' by the voters of 'each township in Per-, son county. , f :i . J1 Section .1). On the" first Monday af ter the' election hereinbefore provide d for, if a majority of the' votes cast in said coiinly 'shall , beyn iaypr ; of ' the issuing k df i the . said; rai bonds, the said Toship-Highwayommis-siohers elected in each- township shall meet at the cbuH-house in; Roxboro, andH)shalljbe vtpmoWS y.i.v'( Continued OnPare T'. -.) iv v vwvtiuor .syLit)es ;M:Wr" . . i.joriijr.ofeotejs& STOGKHOLOERS : t mEET Mr. J.H. CarvRe-Elected Presidents- J- SecreUry; Rea4 Report Showing an Excellent Condition of the Fair As .j sociationNew Directors. Ejected . AW New Vice-Presidents. ' . ! The annual "metingof the 'stock holders of the - Person3Coun ;M Association " was heldin f the v direc torsV room of the Peonies TtanV Iflcf Saturday afternoon. The 'meeting was " Salied'biSer' by, the president; of the Fair Associa tion Mr. J. H. Carver, promptly at 1:30 p. m. The president requested M.Xr h. M. Carlton to preside over the .meeting. ... -..y, .l i .: Minutes of the last meeting were disposed of . A roll call of the stock was ordered by the chairman, and which showed a majority of the. stock represented at this meeting. The secretary was requested to make his report He read the report to the stockholders. Same was ordered ap proved. His report was also submit ted to th.e directors sometime ago and published in the Courier. The show ing was remarkable good and met the approval of the-stockholders. ; The election of president for the coming year resulted in the unani mous re-election of Mr. Joe H. Car ver.. . .y. . X- It was decided that the association should elect at least three vice-presidents. The following were elected: Messrs. R. W,(umpton, Tom Jor dan and T. H. Street r. J. S. Walker was also re-elected as secretary without a dissenting E- G. Long was unanimously feelected tiasurier .-X- y V The following geiitlemen were elected as directors of the association fqritjie cominglyear:-' Messrs.Jr,H4 Caryer, t R -W jtmptoomfQr by some of the negroes of the county had been made, to see if they could not rent the fair grounds for a Negro Fair of person county next year. The matter of renting the grounds to them was discussed at length and was finally decided by a vote -to leave the matter up to the directors of the as sociation, giving them full power to act as they saw best. It was ordered by the stockholders that a committee be appointed to draft new by-laws for the associa tion and to submit same at the next meeting of the stockholders. After attending to all business, the stockholders adjourned at 3:30 p. m. Mr. W. K . Medernach to Leave. Mr. W. R. Medernach, Buyeir on -the Roxboro market for Ligett " & Myers Tozacco Company, has, handed in his resignation to his companjro take efiect the first of March. Mr. Meder nach has represented this company on the local tobacco market for the past two seasons, and has "made a large number of friends both in the county and the town of RoxboTo, who will learn with regret of his decision to ieave Roxboro. ' Mr. and Mrs. Merdernach will leave Roxbord about the first of March and will make Charleston's. C their fu ture .home. i John Pointer FoundDead. Sunday morning .quite a . great deal of excitement prevailed when it was learned that the body of J ohn Point er had been fouml. in bushes, . near Roxboro, 'and", near hia home.- The corner, J)r. W. ;lA.(Bradsher, was snTniTinnod at - once. 'ana - aner once,' ana aner a . t ' 1 'J i.1 U-t-l. 14- -.-.mr, fnivnA tnoiougn mvesugatn uw- hv ih rnroner -mat tne ueceaseu r.-.-". i" : death waff due .to' apoplexy. Mr. Pointer had been missing some feed from,. luV stables, and decided early Friday morning -W would go put and seevif . he Jcould detect any one 'making way with his feed. 1He; concealed himself in bushes near his f eed,' -and ; there it is v stated - that the end ,cameJ;j "Hfr l.had" been1 "missing since; "j-iday morning.. x'-' v - The deceased had been in ill -health for the past three years:. . He7, was the son of the late Mr. Sam Pointer lie leaves three sisters and two, brotners.; The funeral (was held' Monday after- noon" and was buried in ,tne. lamixy . - . i. s i v. .t " zi-z DUnai giuuuua. . 'i ' " . Edgar Long Memorial Church.-.1; ; .eiiWt npxt Sunday, 11 a.m., ,-J. i 1 jii u "TVw ethics of: the Pocket Book." My subject for Sunday night, 5- ."The Twin Brothers."' ve ex- ! tend, you a very cordial welcome to nttcni r.ll ovr Fi KWSM 'come tdrBxhbrd 'to liv-V other friends.; i H Hrw t?wt-r tnesocial-and "commercial I u;;pcniea pastor or tnerer- x Vr .. -':' ,-.v'.v; ettoandilla "ytji nf4nvrht' ut they ilbprobaU take n 1 Between Braila'.and G. grad Reports JlavVlr:!.: . : tually yhchangeid;Pc::ticr., , t Berlin I Claims :; Have C en c r plated "Points itof Tantage .ALx Moldavian Frontier, r . . . : Field - Marshal von , , Macken: outposts are now only; similes' f r Galatz, the importahtRumanian i on the Danubeiehd,of ith9 Serctli 1" river itself . on e'railwiy - bet .. . " . UH41UV''a ft 7'i"iv', - 1 - Elsewhere along a .heVVRunianhn front the continuing.' tattle which b being waged under -unfavorable ;ve a -ther conditions has resulted ' .recently in few modifications of the. line.- - 3 Petrograd reports haves, indicat: l a virtually . unchanged position, v.hil? Berlin's claims have ben f or r . tho most part of isolated points ibf vrr.t age won along the Moldavian L i tier mountain chains v;.'. r On the .northern -endof tl; I -sian front in the; Riga' district t' i yances: recently scored' sby "the 7 -sians appear to Have been ir.cir.t ' in the -: ace; of heavy co'unr. r ' by the Qerniahs Twice on su : : . days Petrograd has Announce J -repulse of heavy" assaults; ;byvr.:-: : of troops. ;" .' ' ; ; ' ODeratLons on the Franeo-r i! -' n froht are confined for' the mc:t r to artillery; V i.i. .. .in if--? Mr, R." U VHburn, of nurdle nr.i , ; N. C WiU be Oiie of Us. V . It afford us. no littleYsens -jleasute Tto ' chronicle the faci v t fo.W'L Wilbumland 4iis Jnesti: arc known.the citizens of thetown will m spirit feel,v and in one) accord say, welcome.. x We unhesitatingly say that "Mr. Wilburn is one of the most progress sive and successful business men ;of our county, and . Roxboro r Always needs and welcomes such. The .occa sion of. his coming will be the firm of Wilhurn '& Satterfield, the junior member of the firm- being Mr. M. WJ Satterfield of our town, and you mark here our prediction, 'Watch them grow." They will occupy the stores form erly occupied by Clayton, Long & Long, and they will .carry every thing for the ladies and children in ready-to-wear dress goods, shoes, etc., -and in one of the stores everything to be found in a gents furnishing department. ' , -''X-T ; We are informed that the entire front of -the building will be torn out and a modern front put in, also radi cal changes will be., made on the in side i of the store which will easily c!ass it one" of rthe best in town and one of the' prettiest in the. State.' . We learn that they will opep for business on or about the first of March. We again 4repeat, we wel come such men here, we welcome such enterprises. ". Merchants playrnq small part in 'the upbuilding -of our town and county and we feel safe to predict that wth prospects we have before us there will be little : excuse for foreign buying and wo would re spectfully point' our. county, with re spect ,to merchandise to our long standing motto, l"Home first, abroad next." -We welcome your enter- - Messrs. Wil Wn' ' & ' Satfprfirfd J .' ., . ' V0!i;i.UlSE!! uie, ieuwnic( pressure; navin rr; ji i ue&uayuioniing r ,N . , i ed in another train, when" the t - Snow-and ice' coated th sonthem'lf .'ent. Vadeni was taken. Vladeni i- 1 -! date's from Texas to VirffiniaVmtpr- , the navy ranking about two' miles 'Soutt-oF -th' V PeriM:witli;trieViimanV nl'aiWt the avaL, organization I We wifeand family,, will irirtha n. -. ctcewrve as paster., -my N; : , A- ? , . . v.v v mvc;vvo k " t lidarfa f o : o H Vt 4 Ar-"land bespeak-for you the success-we f eel, you will merit:. ' , Announcement. . , X The Methodists are planning an in teresting, .all day service at" Concord for , Saturday. ,The .presiding1 elder wiir,preachat 11 o'clock, immediately following, the. sermon ithe. pastbr will install all th?, elective, officers of the Person "circuit," lunch - served, and in j the afternoon th e first Quarterly Con f erence"of the year will be held. The public is cordially, invited Ho attend. :.,Miss -Anna Rigsbee Of Durham, -is the guest" of Mrs.. C. C.: Critcher this week,V . .-,. f :r- " ;Mrand''Mrs E"F, .UpchufcK of Yanpeville, zspent the r nighty (Thurs day), on .their way from' the. inaugu ration with Mrs.. L. II. C:.rltr:i, leav ing, frr their ho: ; SNOK ANDAICE COATED ,; :THE SOUTHERN STATES; MON DAY JNIGHT.; f A" fiiutherfr States Itli. Excepiioii r-W ? ne j .: cf Gecria and PlCTida HaVe Cold;; ,:-.Tbu'f '.tlw, Dead;Adjnirl.? 1 T fact VU jr' j. f'-rv. V ' '. ... ..lb ""J"- ' -V- ' Roxboro .Coveredwith : Sleet tanoT ' 'hin0 v SWMondaW.Taey.vSf Jeweyrhero pf the battle of -Artlni coat; of -ic? coVered'i: the: Wj ttVforemortvtf, officer of .the streets: of RoxborQ Uonday and : late Vted Statea.died at his Some here Monday afternoon snow began to fall JAa5r' ?he1 nYaL;hero.went to'Jis indrTuesday vmorimgr the 1 streets vdue?th iethis hands clasped 'Mn were covered with- about- twlnrW- A'" demoted -'wife, who ; had of 'snbw;iroien , ontop by the rain. ..e-Trr" x '. " . ' with' the-heavy VV 17 oerilojS;1-'' ' ": - - " ' - J CSictti):' the vorst rigors6f 'thseaWstseverest1 -inter blast: but nearly-all the other ;ulf : and south -Atlantic- states exper ienced .snow sleet" :or glaze : acconi ;anied by freezing temperaturesvThe satherl bureau Selievesthe storms .'ill continue for a short-time. At;MemphU theisnow atfeined ilv IYei . 5?enngiy ;.rooust, Tth otnve inches, interrupting tdr01 t:.r.ct street -car .service. '! At Char-I .i ircuuft.inaness cisxpressed. riitor:- ;4i I-h.to have a word through the tnlro iffl th mvrVaA linoe rf inir . XV r , f v . Tr- : X left a TOyal, loyar people, many of them, atour going,, in N Durham and came to Roxboro to reside, to live in t the midst of a igracious people, many of whom we ! have personally; known for many years I have this j . eot.. V. m f T w.AnnUnw aam f t oojf ui mem. nu picacuci van j ever hope to have a finer spirit shown ' X r ' j i i.. ; f . ; him and family than has been mam- . . - i -, , fest m so many ways toward us by - j j J.. . y many inside and outside the town. I ? , . . iT u u 4 must hasten to say 'I have been so j . . 1 nappy 10 nna nere, ana in me coun-; .i s ., , T , , try near those with whom I attended school . twenty-seven ' years ago, and T ' , , .t.,., these have ; shown -us special' kind liesses.-for which I; am profoundly tiankful. These and many-others j , . - . , ' . have made our sojourn thus far most v - v' t. , j , rieasant. Itrust in some, degree at liast I may prove myself worthy of tieir esteem and confidence by ren- qering a faithful and an unselfish service unto them all in the Master's rame. , 1 have been able to meet ail the ii, holy thmggs The people at each appointment have. received me heartir r and all have given me a glad hand. & I K have preached jthe Gospel to tkem. joyfully, and, I trist, effective - It.-"The ladies from different sec- tfons of the circuit met at the par-. s mage on Thursday afternoon of last veek and planned. some needed lm - rovementsx to - be made inside the p irsonage f to make more coirif oria lle our dwelling place, and their rresence and 4 interest made us-, glad, a; .fine a body of women as we have sien, gather together Jn many years. "Bi ay came, not alone and took note of- needed- comforts, hut they came drepared:to and give lis a most gen- etous "Dounamsr." iow, you see tms I reader is going to both live jrt home aid abroad this year. ,At different tW; others . have ; sent ( in -good tlinsrs ,to-eat. For allthase-expres- it 3 jthe 'temperature dropped-nnore "5 ?. 01 20 WesAarhing Ja drizihW Ulne W; ; Hd T0lor -.ymmbrVficur :;eVa:, becWof half an Jnch:',a' f" 2;-whileeWortNew8'' -many;essas to Jay Wi ' 4bor' n- " i. birthday the day; after Christ- ' rtheriikbsissfcpi eastonVAri' '' anl aiTusWthe'siiow:) :,.northand Antral Texs Wiig V5'?1?? p?n& -avst In history; M5. ph ' condition nd is .',-" - - -"v- threat capacity ior work V In inforr IM11 'B ft'rtih' AtiaWMi holidaysI arrived.with my family to -rTTr-T' k.i'ltL. u.iiSy , w achievements. He will be buried in sons of good.wiU we ymyz Martin, of faand we .earnestly pray .that; our rhJi-X ; - V Z.1 ' I eaven!y; Father - may abundant. Mr 7;. Hesterwere "enter,' l ess , each, donor., We shall hope toamed larg and sumptuous din- tfe heipiui.to .as many people as we c;n throughout th entire commun - iy..-so'let .us continue- to 'encourage - - - - t. . .- . did help onfe another along, for we msS; mis .way uut vue onuc-ra.iuc Cordiallv.K . '. . , ' -' - ' J A-,?MLEYPast h ' """ IT: 1 .lr. a. 14. incmpzen, ci L-eaccurg, fl Ul lilll.il LI.l 1111 & -' bA AA k W . i V . . I 1 A.. " .-Hm i a& 1 . FI A . K Iiace, prosperity an plenty be-on- Crumptori of near;Roxboro and is bne 2 1 the people, . - , sl ' : tx ' ', ; ' f , mo x QT)ULT :Tu' 0 person 11 r IRnrnni vnrinni' nrnn Mil! illnil. IILrlLV IILI1II -i : m m m m m ..,;;. t 1 v-',:fm to-rt's' bedside; throughout :his fatal ilmeIR TP11 Ktton o nraah-n. ine general .officer' of lay:' dying - vyiison sent to inquire as to how4he hero wasdoing.;;Sec Baker ;nd Secretary i of j the ay5r?amels called at the house and uiis, xjaiupia bpent- sometjinie - witn Mrsf Dewey.? V ' VT-; ' Up to , the last we'ek.of his life Ad .miral -Dewey; had' been -one, ;of the j commanding, figures -in .Washington. ly ounce oi . nis; energy ma; reception vat .hi' bolceeJtQld Scctetary, Daniels: ;! ' -Ti : am in rreatJ condition, Tt I am suSTering frpip what Joha piayea:used to cal.lthat fincurable t disease 'ano i Arlinsrton cemeterv on a 'lone of - a 1 w ' - . r .;T'- - -7, hill,which overlooks the resting place of the nation, heroes. I " . SOCIETY NEWS.' - of much interest to'' the f ' d ... , . i , here v will .be, the announcement, of ,il ' i - -. .- .. the engagement and approaching . ; n. , i mamag-of Miss Clyde: Daughtnt'ge .r- ,r-ii r to v Mr. Millard F.- Jones, of. Rocky . . r , Mount.. The announcement was made , . . , ! last week in ( a , very unique manner at 1 ? .i . - . I. . - , . . j twelve of her intimate, friends The wedding will take ;placel in March. ' . , , - V . 5. . membered here as having sperit some .v . r T N time as the guest of Miss Sue Long:; t - j At h-ome.of m, i, . was hostess ! to the' Friday af ternoon' rook vclub ' and additional - guests ' at vthp Inst ' nhnnmt mppfiTitrr ' Riv - to- . - i x. . j. uie& were arraiigeu in uie living-room layf ,ft Wo course tim, , - - .,r . 1 , v ; " Pn,a , ' Np . q- V , entertained' the Girls Club at ul , i, o4-.; . , 1. v , - ...... MrsV W H; B;, Neweli. Afer f the r v x i:':X i ments was ; served Little Miss Fran- ces Long assisted m looking after the pleasures of the guests. -'X :" Crumpton-Hester. ' - Miss Lillian Crumpton and Mr. R. A;- Hester were united , in, marriage' at and.MrS R. W.Crumptonyon Sunday! - , r. woi ihic -r , home wa3 actively w.Vt,0 ft,M;;AT1 .Jrf'W relates of thQ jrfde and groom were . 4 i -j-' u.''. nef, Sunday': evening "directly after , ge ;&t . ibone - nareiik Mrlnd Mri G C' grooms parents, air.ana-mis. u. . : Ugg; . - ' XX: " is .the attractive Mrs " Htpr" -mi: .1 ' - vr-- . j county, l ne ruuI,, xvait. laesutir, js j the son of:lfrt and Mrs. G. C. Hester, ' end is cfthe most prcrcc:ive fogs that shroud- i? Washington besieged the house fr word;of, his condition; -President ''.lst Curing Brings $2C3.C0. H'Mr.'.J." ffrMoorej oiieof-the vc' town this, week and favored us v. t- alpleasantcall:j.He: had just' his- last - curing for; which he receive $268.00;He(had sold his tobacco c: the RoxDorb -market; and was ! cidedly1 well t pieasedwith his pric; z. kXXX'- - . - v - , , 80 ...Gallon Still CapturVd t 1 Last i Saturday Deputy i Marshall Lif sey ; an5 "t, sheriff Hobgood v wit! Chief. Sam Wheeler of Oxford, ccp tured :, and destroyed an1; 80 ;galh still, i ,The .still wasbne of the big gest captured "lately; and 4was of tha finest material, right ready to begin oraloiL'estUiyai found in. the comer of JPerson and Granville "couh ties.7i '-.'Ol V-'- - ? ' ' '" . - -' , ,. i- I V Commissioners in Session. . The 'wunty Commissioners met njt their; regular! monthly road irieetmsr last . Monday t moming, witii, all',c6m-. missioners'Cpresent ; with the . except tion .of Mr." Daniel Long.- ; : :The general :routine line of lwcrlc was v passed ? upon, nd new Jjusinecs. coming before the ' board. X" i lt was decided ioseUtwo'of tio county's , road Imdes;; -Further, 'cs liouncement of . same wil be found fcr another Column of The Courier, . - i.ne coamissioners j aajcumca c. noon;. A "V. 4 5 4' ' . : fMonday, wis a disarecalli df f;r alinbs.t! any kind of bus:r.tb?'l:oT:;v;r: JUeputy Marshajjs FtlAlzzy tzZ E. Morris t, and J Mr Pun; ;IIcErc:r, Succeeded '; in ' capturing three ctrj.v 1 ijl "wit&n; about ' o'n mile"-cf c::!; Other; -The 'stillsrWreswithln -C: yards of Oliyee; Branch church 'prte.fprep'kred, toVdo' a large tzzi- at the ;thieV' ufcapture the 'c.C:c: i Z found about jOOO'gallons. of fescr' tr I sqven bags' 61 meal; ' . - v J ...vj:uu.a , . - tThe RoxL ordTobacco" mairket'epe-. -All .-graded are selling, as ."well and some .better than theydid' ' before. Christmas. f ; All the buyers were : on ; hand for the-first sales and all. seemeoV' eager for1, the weed. - Not; asrbig . a ' proportion of: good? tobaccos were on the. sales as before ; the u first of the -year, but the;" market; madea higher " average than the close of December. Sales1 forlast week averaged! $21.61. , The annual meeting of the t stock-' holders of the Roxboro Cotton Mills was held last. Saturday. Asatisfac- jtory, report of the past year's work watt cnhmifoil fft -Vi!l ertiHrklflo'ro vTf y3uc. vawic uesi years, unanciaiir these, mills, have , enjoyed.; "The old . officei's Were' re-elected. k4 quarterly dividend of : 2, per cent' was 'declared. The management bf the Roxboro Cot ton J Mills,- which includes I the ' Long- hursts mill, , have; made improvements ' in tne two miiis as - weu as.: in tne mill villages in the'past twelve mon ths. ' " They have also ' increased the ; pay of their .employee during this . time;- And above all tnia ;'tli :m11T-. 'nave Deen; paying a-yeany aiviaena of 8 per cent for the six "months.; r, 1 . .i" ' t- ,.',- - , Lewis-Clayton. Miss Lillian ;Clayton' and Mr; Yohn -Lewis, of FarmvilleV Va.,- were marr ; ried Thursday . ', evening. at;. ' 6:30 "o'clock at the' home of . the. ' bride'a parents,, Mr. and Mrs: A. P, v Clayton, , on niar stree t.,The;ceremony was: impressively performed by - Rev.;: O. W.-Dowd in the presence of 'only the immediate relatives and a" few close friends.: , I " The .parlor in which the vowj were assumed : was made . very .. attractive with ' decorations of pink ' carnations, ferns and candles, the . ceremony tak ing place before an improvised altar. M?Missi,Hattie , Clayton played Men-1' delssohn's'1 wedding' "march f or - the processional , The bride wore atrav eling" suiV.of.navy VbluebroadcIoth with accessories to s match v and car ried - a shower boquet of sweet peas and lillips of tiie valley .f She was at- tended, by Mrs. R.-G; Brooks as dame W wfte uoe ewis;. as accomp;?ied groom ' C' immiafptf Wm.p Vpt. mon Tr and Mrs.- Lewis left on the . A , . . - . ,r . .noixifvwnu irain ior rrospeci.,, va., where they will visit, the .parents cf Mr .Lewis. "The bride byher lovabb taisposmonrnas enaearea nerssir o many firerlds and will be ccitl missed in herhcrr.e tevrn.- Tho r:;:. is ccr.r':t:J 'ed troi:;aftcrr4he holidays,' r-V prices have; be$n. high, .all: the weclb-1

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