ftoell Bros., Proprietors: 01.00 Per Year in Advance VOL. XXXIV ROXBOROrNORTH CAROMAV vWesdaylEyening, October 17th, 191? Number 42. r1- "- - ' ' np5. WlLSOKSUBEKfY BOND PROCLAMATION VRC.ES people to assemble lN THEIR RESPECTIVE PLACES Let the Result Be So Impressive and Woman's CouncU of NatiokrDrfense f .pOl)' ;: MASS MEETING The .women of -Person county were T XT otjaw m" vti't ?tj ri r'.rvr a r iTT r called together jn Saturday, Septem - v; 1 oer nd fey . the temporary chairman,'. Make a Good Start Nou .While otes Mrs. L. M.' Carlton th nf trznT Are Hiirh.-s V' Cy-! fmnh:itic ." the President Urees.' - -- - - ' v..';'v;; i;-. '-gWf$&Kh:,-- . . v . . i "Oman s -Committees of the Cnimril : . :OA : rr&TjrzA., r ..Tha, v , r. no .nrougnout ne - y, Defense,fnp IVrsnn : -Thus far therk; in thicampaisn; Empire or nur tiiemy as an inaex r . - . . - has been tto.-mmaMm&. ti Jhe atizens of the County Will As- Your Greatest -Opportunity What-the New Quarantine Law" Re-1 ' - -quires of Citizens of this County I, If a man offered you $2,00 for $1.01 r ' semble in Mass-Meeting on Next would you take it? . . . v -i Do you know what is required of Fr0ay Night. You might think that heVws .'-crazy' yqu hy theh hew fstate Quarantine : . but there are mighty few of us who Law? It requires parents" or house- . ';:; ' . would turn down the; offer. This is-liolders to report every case . of ;mass meeting nas oeen caiiea iorxactIy propositidn the DAyiS whooping cough, measles, diphtheria iiuay lugnt, , m uie vwurt DKUG CU., offer you as outlined be- smallpox, scarlet fever, and typhoid ;inRoxboro, where every citi-) low. - ' . ,t fever occuring in their homes to the of What America Intends To Do To n, . - . , . , . ' -"need 'bev-fchesitahc is cordially expected vThe United Drue Co.. the largest couhtv: Quarantine officer. It reauires Brins This War To a victf ns. for each tgpf in This meeting is manufacturers of Drug StpreIer physicians to report ' every case of Conclusion." ! nnnoin much wherryo . 7 , . - Mr T. m r.n WQO a do after you gt' in7tfaTBulr ' 1 away, -who, can possibly attend. Theat the least possible cost, have drawn. on to attend to the county quarantine The Second Liberty Loan gives tne, . , , v . Some of th tnAfid foliwitV fHat' meeting is called inthe interest of nnnn thpir trmAnfaii nniYc h nffirpr anH Ha tM -oHfVm w.nhr- . ? . . . 1. ' M i . . . . if, Bond issue. MrMn4. XI TIT i TTnitAH Stai-P anntW at vumrinan 01 me women s , . " r . ,v . i- people of the Un ted btates another op I m , .subscriptions-are hard to get: . This .e Uberty porW,tv to lena eu- wnas to. tn.e.rrc fotW e Possibly true, bfit detenftine- feting ill be inthe nature of jovormaent to sustain their country at itJrT"Z TV-' V "! ers will win the bir wizis indi eet1 1!y. d you should attend and r. The might of the United Stats ST&STt ' welgtlete Just what a Liberty Bond is, ;a homo- mobohzed and organized to ,r rowwing .jaaies, Mrs.,M. , : 5 anHiusf whv vou should suhscrihA. n,nrtal blow at antorrv'in Ms s Wmstead, Mrs. W. , . ;. . , - r .: , V ; of outraged American rehts Mt, Mrs. T. H. Street. Mrs. R. , nrs votingperioa wim-ci d? " Alburn and Mrs. ivey Stephens . 2Su a iu di - u.. j. ii". 0 11 -. . . must come in t.o rnwomcp to cat. n of hilars are required to arm, feed, voteg Worfog and cloth the brav men who are going pi ' Womn 1 theitubscriptions at the. ofeor mail forth to fight our country's battles and. ' " r-T . '2"rn them on the next mail offer thardate uuuiy iemunsiraLor ior jrerson do- - - - - v.X 7. f unty, - Chairman. , leaving meir piace 01 resmence- : - - FnnH nAncnfiAr, umn ' Mill Lhance For IN ew Entrance PpnnnTTiiAs Mr p. w tu0, ! So htle has been done by the .ma- - WW AUVlUUUj Chairman jority of tha candidates that -a " new man.' ( 8) ' Safeguarding of est, just take the interest coupon to ; themselves inUhe lead -by a few days j the "Postoffice or to any bank and re ceive the interest. There is no red tape about the transaction, and you will have no trouble in collecting the interest. - Be sure to "come to Roxboro next Friday night, and bring along your neighbor. to assist the nations ' with whom we ar making common cause against :at eommon foe. To subscribe to .the Liberty Loan is to perform a service1 ! of patriotism. riv ' PnhiiA WoaHv, tj rvQn 1 candidate could start now and put -Vow. therefore. I. Woodrow WiW 4) Public Health- Mr- Crowell, .... . . ,;k4. . . , . . . - Chairman. Pl,i.,,nt ot the united btates ot Amer Education; Miss Bertha ' persistant work. Probably when the iea, .lo appoint Wednesday th twenty-; Nrfc - Chairman . . . i final count is made and it is noted how fourth of October, - as Liberty Day, , -ierty Loan Mrs J A ' little wa ir onhettst and urge and advise the; people to as- Long Jr cnairman ' ' ' t prizes, here will be many-" dfeap'point- semble m their respective community Home and Foreign Reliefents among those who thnkhig and pledge to one another and to the; , of entering but did Hot. ,iMvr'.iiont thur fonrsonre tv-i qti ha v ' 0 1 r -j. 1 i. fullest measure of financial support. ci oaieuai uiiiir til v nra nn SniviHtoi -FA lu.-eo a best YO offer is in effect.,: ; The ad- quest that patriotic meetings be, hid jChjrman- vertisement on another page: explains in every city, town ana namiet tnrogn ft. the present vot offer, read it and then j, ' r uwute aim xuuucciiy. iuiss " . v. . , J Breta Nbell, Chairman. . scv uus,y (10) Magazine Collection. Miss Mae Willson,. Chairman. I . fill.. IlintAl. D-aan.r. l.f T ken organized by the Federal Re.- T - . .-, ;: . j D . rri r - d , 4-LualeJJmstead, Chairman, sene Banks. The peopt responded j z u x, , wi 4k i i l t' 1 Mrsi Carlton--, jirg.es that the tem- nobly to the call of the First laberty zrr-z , i. . iriftr than fiffv nor rrtf " tr fhf " r- --v lrene VBUUMr KV . A. CiaCK- ffiore than 1Uy cent c.rt ,-tnei rt-Ai-f.,, Anju ,4 nJ , . , , r ..A ahrjust why yoti should subscribe for; them. Remeber, when you buy onf jf these Liberty bonds you are not. asked to give anything to the gov ernment,, you are simply given the privilege of subscribing to a Govern ment bond, in other words you are lending Uncle Sam some of your mone for which he is going to pay you, semi annually four per cent. And you will have no trouble in collecting the inter- ! Get busv todav. eet vtiur friends j w w ' Moral and SUDScrPos to The Courier while -the out the land, under the general direc tion of the secretary of th treasury s and the immediate Mirectiori -of the. Liberty Loan Committees which, have Here are Babies TShtef edt to - Date. If Tour Favorites Name is Not Among Them Send it in Now,- Baby ' Parent or Guardiah nd Address and- Nanber of have made it Tiossihlft. for ns to "Ho nnr - four hours. Tt irpoiiirps mihli bit to help you solve the high cost of school teachers to fill out and return living problem. They have enabledus jthhe blanks furnished them by the to offer you $2.00 in merchandise for county quarantine officer, and to every $1.01 paid to us. (This is of follow the rulesand regulations sent course a strictly cash proposition.) , to protect them and their schools Beginning Wednesday October 24th, in case of an outbreak of any con for aperiod of three days only we will tagious disease. It requires county sell "any twe articles for the price of uarantine officers to send to any par- one, plus one penny, for instance a ent or householder in whose home box of Toilet Powder the standard a contaggious disease has been re price of which is 25c will be sold at ported a yellow placard with the name the rate of two for 26c. Coffee, "tea,' of the disease printed on it with ih Soap, Cough Remedies etc, in the structions for pdstingg the placard same manner. , ion the front of the house;; ( it re- This is a great opportunityfor you quires-him to send instructions for the to fill your needs for a long timeMo treatment and control of the patient come, at the cheapest possible pricce. in the house. The quarantine officer Hundreds of our friends are delay- is required to enforce the quarantine in their purchases waiting for this law and to make it give the protection 1 sale and we urge you to either come or for which it was intended. T Administrator's Notice tesponse to th esecond loan 4 ev -2,- " V ' rater and let amount l Erasmus ClaM. T;Cl.y, hat it. will sArvA. aa an aMiiraiv. t&u -Ti . jV-.-' v - "V .1 vm , wdw, .6. . w,avu qaed sup - ; itrinrylay, Jr.,Tat. to face th-fir of battle for us.l 1 H. Qay, Roxboro . 550 Cunningham Twins, Geo. L. Cunningham, Cunningham. .7150 Willie Gray Clayton, O. Y. Having qualified as administrator of tne estate of Mrs. Cornelia Brooks, deceased, late of Person County, this is to notify all persons having -claims against sad estate to present them to the .Undersigned on or before the 18th tday lof Octl918, or this notice will be plead in bat of their recovery. ; A1J: persons indlebted o said estate will )leas ;make immediate settlement his;thenta day of Oct 1917 - R: P. BROOKS, sencfon the opening day. Counties reporting many ceases of - T. See-whole page advertisement for , contagious diseases are given ccredit further particulars. THE DAVIS DRUG COMPANY "The Rexall Store" Contributions to the Red Cross: Mrs Mamie Merritt $5:00; Miss May for doing good work. It shows that the people are co-operating with the quarantine officer and are reporting all or a great many of their cases. It shows that they are interested in re ducing illness and saving the lives of means that uneqi who ar.e V Let the result be so impressive nt T . , tTaIIawov,. emphatic that it will echo tnvoughout T t ri . w j j-t t . . . , j L. P. Duncan, Woodsdale; Miss Lo the empire of our enemy as an index I w. . , "TTMV t , , ; . . . . j i 4 u I rame Winstead, OUve Hill; Mrs. F. vx niiai i-ktiiiiv iiivciiuo iu uv vu vxiiig i v this war to a victorious conclusion. "For the purpose of participating in Hester, Bushy Fork; Mrs. C. G. Reade, Mt. Tirzah; Mrs. Joe Monta- friiA. AllAnsviliA Mlee T.auica Ma11 Liberty Day celebrations all em-(C,, D. , - n n . , i m lar KiVAr Mrs I .a rnnninifhom ployes of the federal government I n. u j m , . , A , A . 6 .1 Cunningham; and Mrs. Hubert Mor- throughout th country whose services . ru i j . ton, Roxboro. can be spared, may be excused at 12 j . o'clock Wednesday, the twenty- Notice fourth Of October. I All narw wnA kava nAf na;A if W VVAAV A MTV W llv v .VVV1T VA "In witness whereof, I have hereun- check for preminms awarded at the to set my hand and caused the seal of 1017 Person County Fair will please the United States to be affixed. appiy to secretary for same at the ''Dune in the District of Columbia earliest date convenient, this 12th day of October in the year j g WALKER of our Loard, one thousand nin hun- Secretary. 'red and seventeen and of the Inde- Pemkn ct of the -United States of Watch For The Liberty Loan Board America the One-Hundred and Forty j A board will be erected and stat- igm.-!) WOODROD WILSON, ioned. at the entrance of the Pass, What is a Liberty Bond? IS' -: ,. I "By tho President. 'Sigm-h Robert Lansing, "Secretary of State." Executor's Notice' Woody and Long building showing just how much each township in Per son county is expected to take of the Liberty Loan. This board will also jhow each day as long as the cam paign lasts just how much each town ship has subscribed. Watch the Having qualified as the exxecutor of Lucy Glidewell, deceased of Person bounty Xorth Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claime a pinst deceased to present them on or oefort- Oct. 15,1918 or this notice will foe D 1 (J- P i f ! in K3T rf fVai -rrrmvT All persons indebted to said estate SALES AT HYCO WAREHOUSE w'!l pi'.ase come forward and make 11 !' c : att fayment. j Bethel Barnwell sold one load for GEO. L. CUNNINGHAM, ! $15105. Clayton, Stem, N. C. 6150 Lucile Gladys Clayton, C. M. Clayton, Rougemont 6,200 Nannie May Daniel, Hubert Daniel, Roxboro, R. 3 -8350 Arch Boone Gentry, A. H. Gentry, Roxboro. R. 2 8200 Cora Jane Howard, Roy How ard, Jalong, N. C 5750 Mabel Hobgoocl, Lagna Hob- good, Roxboro, R. 2 5000 Lillian Claric Jones, Mrs. Lillian T. Jones, Timber lake, N. C. .7250 Luease King, J. W. King, 1 Roxboro, N. C. 5,000 Maxine King, J. C. King, Jalong, N..C. 5,000 Charlie Ellis Lee, Jim Lee, Roxboro, N. C, R. 3. 5,600 Harvey Montague, Joe Mon tague, Roxboro, N. C, R. 2 .6,000 Wayne Knox Moore, W. K. Moore, Hurdles Mill, 7400 Clyde Murphy, B W. Murphy, Roxboro 6,200 Newton Twins, R. D. Newton Hurdles Mill, N. C. R. 3 It is the direct obligation of the United States. It is a first mortgage on the wealth of our country. The estimated wealth of the United States is $225i)00,000,000.00. The iterest rate is 4 per cent. Coupons for the interest are attached to each bond. T.hese are clipped at each interest date, Nov. 15th, May 15th each year. They are payable at any bank or post office anywhere in the United States Our government bonds have always sold at face value or more. There is. a ready market for any U. S. bond. The daily sales of the first Liberty Loan on the New York Stock Ex change have averaged $225,000.00. United States Bond are the best col lateral, and you can always borrow money on them. Buy a bond and help put one in every home in Person Co unty. Liberty Loan Committee. r 1 Wilson SI .00; Mr. R. P. Brooks50c: liuie chftiidren, and it . .- - mi . r 1 . a, l . ' 1 Mr. R. B. Strum 50c; Mk Earl Mit- inere wiu.De iewer aeatns to report t; chell $1.00; Mr. E. J. Robertson $1,00; Mr. Ellis Nunn 25c; Mr. Thomas Nunn 25c; Mr. Will Walker 254 Mrf Jai derson Morris 25c. V New Members"bf the Red Cross Chap ter: ' little later on. - e ii9nies and addresses of those having had. a case o'f contagious di sease during the month of September,, which were reported to inerare printed belowv It yoii should- know, of other . .' .-' i board and don't let your township be a slacker. Go to your bank todayfVViIlie Riley Austin Rilev' and hand in your subscription. Cam paign ends October 27th, 1917. Liberty Loan Committee. .5350 7200 Rougemont, N. C. Maggie Regan,. Thomas Re gan, Smora, N. C. 5,000 Abie J. Slaughter, Mrs. Lula Slaughter, Timbrlake 6000 Larry Ennis Tilley Grover Tilley, Rougemont, 6000 Harrison Tillman, Mrs, H. G. Tillman, Woodsdale, N. C. 6,450 Virginia Ann Timberlake, L Frank Timberlake, Timber- lake, N. C 9350 Felix Wilkerson, Tletcher Wilkerson, Timberlake, R 6850 It is with real sorrow wenote the . fast that Miss iviary opurgeua, Eexecutor, c. t. a. S. N. Smith sold one load for $433.- L- -M. Carlton, Atty. . j 77. ! Lots of others have done just as well Planter Warehouse, Durham, N. C. at tha HYCO. So! i last Fridav 139:358 Dounds of tobacco fur $42,911.15, average $33. This includes burnt lugs and trash Can any one house in the -state Miss Spurgeon Resigns Hrsehry Mtchell, Mrs; pec ' Wil liams, MrSfcfL- J. Robertson, Miss Rosa Robertson, Mr. R. L. Wilburn. The fol lowing members are from Mill Creek Church : Rev. C. T. Plybon, Jdiss Ida Miss Nonie Wrenn, .Mrs. Matilda Buchanan, Miss Maggie Gentry, Miss Lizzie Long, 3liss Francis Wrenn, Mr. R. H. Bailey, Mrs. Annie Tatum, Mr. T. H. Street and Mr. Z. T. Gentry. W. E. Barnett 50c; Rev. W. T. Cornish 25c Mrs W. T. Cornish 25c; M. E. Burton 30c; Rev. W. H. Jones 25c; Jno. R. Read 25c; Caroline Barnett 25c; Myrtle Hester 25c; Ab. Brnett 50c; Elbert Dickens 25c; Green Tally 50c 1 Wm. Gentry 25c; Jonah Bolton 25c; Bell Wiliams, 25c; Clande Trotter 50c; Jack' Tapp 25c; Roxie Cuning ham 25c; Rufus Johnson 50c; Marie Johnson 25c, Eugene Reid 25c; Rev. T. Yr Stanfield 50c; Leonn Bias 25c; Wm. Seward 25c; Amanda Bailey 25c; Ida Williams 25c; Will Tuck 25c; Rev. oases whose names do not aonear here. rt'f-mlt -.-l-.-i. ma'- '"'t'-"- VVjA. i-'i k.. j.'3-''rf " " f stnetfidence4ltonay means 01 savins' a Hie or keeomsr Research Club Meets down an epidemic. " The following cases are reported: Children of J. A. Denny, Leasburgf N. C, Leasburg school dstrict. Jane Gladys and Gertie Pleasant, Leasburg, N. C. Leasburg school district. Child ren of A. Webster, J Leasburg, NT C. Leasburg Tschool district. - Children of Ed. Dixon, xol. Roxboro, N. C. Rox boro school district. Children of Car rie Mangum, Roxboro. Roxboro school district. Children of Minnie Read, Roxboro. Roxboro school district. Child of Mark Chambers, Roxboro. Roxboro school district. Whooping cough (Signed) Dr. W. T. Long County Quarantine Officer. 4. v. Administratrix Notice The Research Club was entertained by Mrs. J. J. Winstead at her home on Mafn street, Wednesday after-' noon. The cltlb was opened by the president, Mrs. R. J. Teague and of ter the business transaction was con cluded the meeting was turned over to Mrs. W. T. Pass, who conducted the lesson study. The subject for the afternoon was, "Withh Political France," which included questions on the hhi story of France. Quotations were given by members on French statesmen, and a most interesting talk on Woman's Part in French Pol itics, was given by Mrs. S. G. Win stead. At the close of the meeting: a salad course was served by the hostess. .Having qualified as the administra trix of Henry Jack Winsted, deceased, C. P. Harris 50c: S. J. Barnett 25c: 1 of ?erson county' North Carolina, this Wash Mangum 25c; Stephen Moore is to: notify all persons having claims 25c; Mary Stanfield 20c; Henrietta Stanfild 10c; Fannie Bradsher 10c; Fred Whittied $1.00; Jim Bailey 25c; Zola Terry 10c Total, $11.00. Don't forget the Red Cross meeting next Thursday. Your president was very much plersed with the attenbance and the progress made with the work at our last meeting. Person Circuit against said deceased to present them on or before Sept. 24, 1918 or this no tice will be plead in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. Mrs. Eunice Wagstaff, Adm. This September 24th, 1917. L. M. Carlton,. Atty. Presbyterian Announcements Prayer meeting tonight 'at 7:30. Sunday School Sunday at 9:45 a. m. m. . - , . . Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 pm. The fourth Quarterly conferncei ... avev. v. iii.. tviuiC win picacii au Warren's Grove school house at 3:30 p. m. next Sunday. v , 9 Come lin t.o fnic oqIa? fif at and think for vnnr.oif TWr ha who has had charge of Home Econo d by people who are not post-! cs for this PSt year ter From the Colored People. Price for the purpose, of raising funds for the Red Cross. They wished us to thank Messrs. L. M. Carlton and J. A. Long for attendinb and explaining the of the Person charge will be held at Oak Grove Saturday. Preaching at 11 o'clock by Rev. W. W. Peele of the Biblical Department of Trinity j College, Durham. Dinner on the groun .Notice of Land Sale and communion of the Lord's Sup per and business session in the after- By virtue of a trust executed to me The colored people of the town -held but drivA a a v,?v, has resigned and left for her home nr meetine on last Friday even- waua anvi m - 1 J . w ... Yurs for jrood service I HHlsboro. miss ppurgeon m uunc j ing at pieasant Grove Baptist church tead, Bill Monk, Dock Allien1 work mthis county and tne . work sne nas aone wm xui mmuy Croup years to come. She has blazed the If your children are'subiect to croun way here for a great work and we on- -Tv4. . - - - A. - a oottle of Chamberlain's Cough ly wish she could have seen ner way to we appreciate the fact that toedy, and when the attack' comes continue the work. She has 1 worked 4 theolored people are -inter n be careful to foiw fta mioN n'nf J faithfullv. patiently and with an en-, t,p aud of 'tKeir XIX Qirectionf Yah nriii u a,.,nv;oA4 Arrv noRsessed by few. and while aom mMrlc RaIaw w Hva list nf thnsA tha ... . . j. - . ... . . . - :, quick relief wheih it affords. AXTED Agent for Roxboro and Clnity. Good nronositfAtv PrAvioiia her work has made .many wherever she has gone. friends who contributed. The whole amount has been collected ; and - turned .over to .the;-.Capter;;.-There ereiafew Alelruzz. Rye $3.50 per bushel, Wfflv , Senence unnecessary. Free school of . tcr Rye' $2.50 per bushel, 'Fulghun names th failed to get. ' Ructions. Address" MaasachusettaOats $U0 per bushel, ther. above are "cauii ending and Insurance Company, Ac-H; well matured and gleaned. Trice f. 0. A " Iflaur Hr.' 1 Announcement First Baptist Church The pastor will preach Sunday jjiorning and evening. The evening service will be evangelistic. . Bible school Sunday morning at 9:30, JW. Noell, Superintendent. Th regular monthly Deacon's meet ing will be hid Friday evening at 81 o'clock ! B..Y. P. U. Sunday evenng at 60, Miss-Edna Bradsher, President. The normal classwill inmeilmmed iately after the services on Sunday Uvehings in plac of Wednesdays after the prayer services. targe congregations at both .morn ing and evening services " last- Sunday Mrs T. C. Bradsher favored us with the magnificient soIo:"The Holy City, at the vtming service, r . .A cordial invitation to"allrto attend A Tii 1 1 . V 1 1 1 y-f, T T 11 1 A?. mawia noon. All tn omciais, composea 01, Dy u. rv. nusseu anu wucumy icgia trustes of the church property, Sun-. tered in book 1, page 567, Person eo-" day school SuperintendentsT and lay leaders, ar urged by the pastor to be present. This is" important that all officials be there since" this is the ses , -;f':. ..v- .. : unty register's office, the -conditions not being complied with and by re quest I will on the 15th Day of November, 1917 sion of all sessions, of the year when sell at public auction for cash in front y :vvSv ' theofficials for the ensuing year-will! be elected. Come, brethen and lets make'this a great occasion. . ,Rev. Mr. Peel will preach;at Oak Grove on Sun day at 11- o'clock also and the pastor of thfc court house 4oor in Roxboro that certain tract! of land lying .in AlCensville township, Person county, North Carolina, bounded on! the east' by; the lands of J.! A Russell; south will preach at. Chcicr at the sam.by the lands of Anderson Duncan; j-: hour, and at La's Chapel in the after- west;by Callie Bumpass; and ' northg u p noon Sunday: at 3 o'clock. The pubjuj by Mrs. J. S. Gentry, containing (70) : :.. . 11 --. r a. m .ti 11 V . I - . - .. ... .j 1 - . -i."' . ii . is cordially invited to attend all these services. ; - : J. A. DAILEY, Pasor. -r V- .....- r - Nothing will cher - the boys from seventy acres more or less. This.l5th vday, of Oct.' 191V ' , R. P. Brooks, J , V. : f V 'iTrustee tfome more than a Uberal subscript . Person County's quota of the second tibnto the second liberty Loan bv liberty Loan is $103,000.00.. Let ev- putin aibond in"evehome--Liber-' ery township in.&e county doits bit , j T- fv-fn IrinritmittPAr"-"" C-'-i':-' Liberty-Loan rainittee.C;r-; v. ' ' I ' -viv tr V,a ToriuTi-lafATTiAl(1i these services. . . . We would "welcome 1 Dioartment. SaffbJtoxboro Uartioima r arm, mwii -TT;:rrr . " - - .''-': T i ' 1 J 1 . GapitalO - 'h

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