Bank Yhieve# ?^~| j'. . ' .By'^LAfRE SMITH "" " W?WWftM^>W?WW/.8K???! . . ' "fiusiiW Forsytlie smiled with the Unpt' J0P Ihltf -V.BU watches titnwtt MuiqfiB ln.: the grip v '? i'f fate taut has ?ra?ii, tired ef instance. _lli locked'tlla' door of hie ?s . .' i 'Will you coma Into toy office a moment, Mr. Foraythe ?" asked rhelatt*jr "** ~ "* el^lr. Foraythe," said _ though! be would he tWo to ratunn' to : . -4wy, but the end came ynexpectodly. .I yS "We hays, decided to give ydh his position," continued the njanstger -kindly. "Fou tjb*e'worked for us faith- ', folly and efficiently Tor seven years. : I uur present salary le-?r Two'thousand sir." answered Forsyth**, swallowing dryly. . 'TToa will start ou Monday morning at a.w.'.' said Mr. smith. "That-to the assistant manager's regular . shl-. ary. Please let'me have your' key. I ' shall tnrn It over to Griggs, who will ' ' succeed you. IteRbrt to me on Monday at nine o'clock. Thank you !od " day 1' is.' " A uilnule later Forsythc' tvaa stand- , . lag on the cttrb in fnnit of tlie bunk, ' . . brefcthless and bewildered. It was a " I '^fatnnfray ait?rnoont and la Ills ~gottr ~ case he hail a, ticket for l*eTisncohv und -? a? JftrOOO- In bllld, the iJf'operty "Of the " H1"-:- ' " He had been driven to l_t. Ha bad trie* to'Etiep : Maud ahd their little" glr} in comfort. l?e had plunged deeper and ~5eeper In debt. Loan sharks threatened him tyllb if "bawling out," which'would mean the ioss ctf Ula position. And Maud lay sick In a southern sanitarium,' and Muriel'was . staying witii a relative:' Maud had undergone a desperate operation suCcessfuily, but it would be weeks .before "sfre wss w<;VL The news -of bisdefalcatlou would not reach'" her in AtWste'r, J'ln. The ('rudeness and Impossibility of bis plnn hod uot troubled.tflin. When - . a man- Is surrounded by creditors.and - sharks his life becomes such a nightmare that he grasps at gay release. So he had token $5,000 that morning, knowing that the theft would hot ; . be discovered till Monday.? And now?his- brain swnnl, hla. j . , atones reeled. Ho must get the- numey back." Into ' p>a aafet Jd** i 1?? " U ouly ha had-not yielded to that hideous temptation! Neil dny Was Sunday. Every time ue went, ouuuae-~nis apartment. ouiuilflf, tils fb?mea tram the chiirch j . - 'steeples, Fotfsyfhu turtind huPVevrard, He wVmid oonfi.sfi upan.thu iiiprrow" . * would Ka fo.Mr. Szntth ;p)il? A tlhy flUtkor' of Hukt jgfelrh? the - 1ififTR~ TTtFrhci ed .U&- attention. SCome body AViifs witljln "the bank. "' " _ r'or^yrho thfr Rht swiftly. If Ihlevo.l .1. , had . frlhral ne&.ss it must have been _ . " . frpni, an ndjucent l>uHrt!m?. FTd htirrb'd round to the rellnt* clUor that gfliyfe upon the rearstret. . He crouched behind a p|ie of luluher and waiter]. >VH. at .ones Frr- _ -? . sytho heard t&o faintest Bound IrerhJnd ' " " ' " ' b J nV * ' " " " " " " " " v " " ' ' ' It was flip sonnrt^ef a padlock be'.. tag WHX.,t'nuttousiy'unfastened, ** A moment later a man caino stealthily op the stairs, follower! by another. The two hesitated.. They looked round, anxiously, -and one of them caught sight of Forsythe behind the ? - lumber plte, - . .. " Instantly they ttew at htm. For sythe saw the p?ni of a steel bhidte In the hands of one of them. He dodged and struck the felltnv with a length of timber1, felling him tci tlie * ground. The'other closed with htm. Tliey wrestled'- wildly. Into 'the street, and fell iotl the. curb. Forsythe was no watch for tills giant, He coMd not defend hlmsjlf ad- 1 eguately In any event lor Ids hands 1 * were" fdll ^f 'bills. Five thousand dob lars In tfts hands, and ibis fool wildly' ' * bwunierlnK at bis face! How much 1 mnna did-li*? hoon nn hl.n1 ' 1 he hail t?k<-n"trom'ttie safe wb? now 1 Increased by_|5.O0O. for wllh )>!e last i atom ij|f 9'W'' ifomj'E -| ~ thM-mowte^i^^ts fuH -of- rheddttsr; p^WjieMjiiT I'lponivl M^eyes'he tvaa Iv. i tag ig darkened room. .A uotchn > stirred beside Ms Tied.-. 1 "Where ant P* he piked, r?ebly, I and Me" liands went nutonfaetlcalTy 1 feeling for the i^Wnyr- "i ' fi"1 _ j * J'Fbrnfthe! Don't yoti knew tflsr taAA^.msn .whe roe* ft?m-ffl? iicdf "jlde. " y . " , i;. . "Mr. Sutlth!" Foraythp-jex itla lined, ? the e'oonta- e< the- poet hlgtt jMf|t -J log through bis U.ou again. " ' - - ^*ri'yP" have savejl, Hie bank $30,000," ? , . end the monager wUlt r.motlou. . ' 1 -- Fitted hunsat. a: Jowl he hail lakra., . V oniy.1S.000. _ "It we* a"mtencie," the manager ?ntlbned. "The t>nnlpwl!l not forget >? - V th?But tell. me. FraeyUte.-rho.i in " - ' the_g?d .1.0 y?,d .Unpjiai^L^ the :pot when tJ)C thieves .cuhlff.TWt . & '" Forsythe neter remenihorad lit- ?n- , _ ewer. ^ ' , . ' , % iftiCREASme ESQ PffOBUeTWH mtliuy fi-Hfrm win whiii m mtyf . r?? TouA With What- Lwd?n ,. . Art Doing. (Ptfp?rtd b? th? L'tlUa.Sta-M L**partm?H ' ot Agriculture.) "The methods fhyored by large poaltrytnen for Increasing the productivity of their Hocks ore often'amicable oe tbe general farm or in. the back-yard poultry> fclant. Every pohltry keel** will, therefore, d? well, te - keep' lit touch with ulmt the leader* are aiolhg' to Increase thgir profits, says, the Cntted tttates< Depirtmrnt of Ajtrlcnltare. CAflnln.U-callBW in California, for Instance, bare become famous fd* . fbelr poultry and egg production, and the study that ,1? gteen tir-Hwd* prob - Obtaining High-Class- Breading. Stock r I* Easier (or the flhiall Poultryman When Sales Are Held. iems by faifroers, and the owners of btg plants, hat reaatted in a gsent Ira pfovement In their, practises. ? - Thwiuuntj extension orgiyttstiop [n Atuuicdn county, California,. bus 'aken steps through- Its poultry division to raise the standard ot all poultry in- the'county by Improving the. quality of fowls used in breeding-docks. Owners of hatcheries In the ' ergmty have enteral Into an agreement with the, connty extension *. organization to use eggs fof incubation from selected breeding stock, excluding the lucubatlon of 'egg* from the general rtm_ot; Jptvlain, the locnUty1 vltll the understanding that the <-o-ir- . y extension organization . shall furhlsh lodges to pass on the desirability of birds selected for breeding. _ ' Thlt method- of -controlling the [Utility of the poultry'ln a county-Is -xpeoted to result Itf a rapitl general < . Improvement In the productivity of' the flbcks. It - should also give. the county a good reputation ' iVh'efever catching tjjgs or birds are sold..*, _ Promising ilMOlopmeht fhnt Is being neouraged In the famous I'etaluran poultry . (|lK?rb.-t Is the consignment .ale of' tm kfaels Itj Uils the poultry, feeders have 'heon flMloniiig the lead >t other growers _ of hlgb-clasS live : ajoacr: eame breeders bare been tumbling- bujl sales. for u number, of years; shweiV brefc'ders have, ram sales; if Iweb sow's. In tho'rnso of cockerels \o pedigree papers are sdpptled, as they are with other irtndii of'.purebred live stock, but s\fr>rn affidavits as to breeding c? witn each. bird. - A White Leghorn cockerel sale was hehl -frr Sonoma eotinty-Uhb Vutuluma p?;oas?rr VM-II Ts>x-ig? oast. breeders who consigned birds Hf ji sworn statements as to their breeding. According to tbe county agent, who was Instrumental Irt putting; on this Sale,- mqst of the 52 Cockerels "consigned -represented unusually high breeding, many of th.m hav|ng pedigrees oxtendingjiack eight or nine -generations with trap-nest racirdi Most of them had inheritance reoryrdk of more -than 2T5 eggs in a yeaf-and some, mora thin 300. The fact that 1.000-catalogues were Issued shows the. Importance given to thfe., 5rst saleTrf this kind." - . The*-two-methods of flock improve uent ought to be popular altiong ppolry raisers in sll parts of the country. Thoy are' practical, say the ..poultry- ' ncn of The t'nlted Ktat'eg Department-- if Agricultut*. and tliey help to mnke tood stock Available to the average urattry raiser who la the past lias had ' id assurance, other than- the breeder** ,'uni, Ihm iiu-'AHh- gi'ttmi.' bihls of" mperior- popfonmmt'e' merit.? Feu- 1 lalnyihen,. hotf K*mv*r? -or beaf>cattle . nihferg .nre alio good live-stock "breed-, ?rs.ibut methods^hnve been developed 1 hat,make it pr*?!Me for-*ny ?nort . 'ardier to bulhl up Un excellent * [t Aould 4>e Just hs easy fdr a poultry" ttifter to in 1 prove Uf* flock. PREVENT. OF DtSEASE i fols ?nd Other Contagious Ailment. ' Are Difficult to Control 1 Oac ;.-r " * | arau 8lak BlrJi.", . . . -]1 'ifold, rtnmp, poorly lighted nail 'ujiiu^ul ***** llSprJIt ifnrt sometime* Impossible to . vtv.H'-iiTraTHIon In Thi" j ilHj' sluv Wherever preventive n^Mijrav fnIL separate ?lclt Itlrde Jjjrm at dlretee nod then obtain expert id rid to d?eet i car*. ?. ti ~ . . ~ i*t : ? ' \ . . " J . ' ' *'* "' r I THE NEW FAMILY I.' i. ?/ ~~ __ y rr | by jckfa a. ROClNLSfOU | A. .1**1. h? McClmp Nttimatr a?* ' S'he little village of Dunbar u?> Idled aiiHi mti-1W>biiii?i ',1 ntM?; finally g?fiiu move Into the pluoe, "u litre event for that remote coon try. town. The Coney farin. as It was called, , lutd lou* been "vacant and run.1i.wn,. Now a new .owner waeroming. and In- ' tercet wo high.. , ' _ "nis;_8Btne? Jenkins," Mrs. JSbtje Informed her neighbors: Ska bad bee* mpktogjnqufaltss. dbont .jbe expected newcomers, They've been' Itvtn*. doer* In the city. He's got. a wlftj but ebtfr d inland five children." : AH -irete eagef to e?b the nCjv famb li.afrtvfc. Some of. t&n-.wotaen. *v?% Went down to the email-bag otBtlou. " The whistle sounded, the train, came to o.stop, .antf the new. Comity uii'ghted* ?JJ of them. A truny. tvell strapped, . wSs.set dawn on,the platform, a bsa and a .buggy. , . * got a T>uggy.': whispered Mrs. True. Ain't It fine? - The rest ot the things must be coming later." Mr. Jenklny looted'u boat on his new ' neighbors, a "breed. smlltf on Ms face, tb*t won their hearts. He seemed a Jolly -scrt df man. good-natnred. "Any -of ytfn.get a horse I can borrow?*:-he asked. "My wife here ain't -I note iu wars. aly 'ougyy came, DOC I need a horse." . g. " "You're welcome to take ,one o' oura," quleily responded Mrs. Chobmbs.- . Tis: . Choonibs soon, returned. Mr. I Jenklps. with thanks, harnessed the' horse to his buggy, piled bis family in '' and drove off. . . ??r' Mrs. Bates, who llv^ nearest' lo tha Coney farm, was preparing her supper when thpre came a kijock at the door, There- stood one of the Jenkins children. .: ? ' "Dad says, 'cotrtd?yoo -Jend him a. bit of wood?"', she asked, "an' ma, site wants a saucepan and a, Uula dour." . _ "To be sure,'dear!" respondedTJrs. Bates: t ' s with.the request: "Could, yqu lend uie a loaf <3 Dread anil a Jgw potatoes, '" end Dad, be wants a shovel." _ After ,u few day's the neighbors begun to talk among themselves. "It'p about* time them -things of theirs came, I say." observed Mrs. Jones.. "The things they've1 "borrowed o' mar and. - hain't never returned, I couldn't -tail. yon." "JVhy. 1 thought I -was the-ooly. ?eeTrhe lent 'em things!" cried Mrs, TTrntrig i ? . E "The only one? Not ranch i** cried several voices. 'Tin lendla' 'era things every day." "Me. too."'Wh1 I | ^ V- * -* - J . | By DOROTHY .WHITCOMB CagyW|ht,y t??f. JpiatorZ Mmptpw^ Unius UW" trouble,-Leiterf" ' wu," MI'IIIIIIH?irtat''7fjwi:i'y ' u'ffifi cw^.7 '^ "You'd.find It-uo Infallible medicine, you think?"- * ' - know it.r dad a red tester Martin iii.-I pru^st-tli-iT oo his way gcuinpy and dolorous. . J. ^Hl Jfeal Dormap (issued almost.' pityingly after bis frfe?Hl. In a way they A were rivals -In lore. That la, both. vlaIted weekly*** same young lady. Silas VietalUurse. though no different evrn ntnga. Young Donban was thrifty uut, always grumbling at bis hbrd and always living beyond hfs meant" ' - ' y ': A wonderful stroke of "good luck." as be termed It, came-to htm that* very afternoon. Aa he was passing the one office bonding of the town a Oguru at an upper window hailed Mm. It was ' Mr. Snow, th^. lawyer. "8U down,' Mr. Martin." Invited ftjr. Snow. "I baVe heard' frotp yftur grand;-! father.* continued the - attorner. "As I you kno?". In your $ghalf I have trtgjl to Interest htm. a rotative and at least start you In. some Small business." ' ; "Yes yes." commented. Martin rapidly, his eyes glovvlrtg with eagerness as be noticed a "fluttering check pinned tu the jflneuflient J'n the lawyer's naBIT"" "lie seudS Jou-tine thousand'dfllara. lie says he started In business "on onehalf that amount rth does, not- enconrnge me to f>elleve;thnt-be will dp anything furtflhr for yot?. but, I presume-your success or failure would be a test as to-that." %.-t!" - "So the tnnon old hunks has loosened up at last, bus he?" railed Lester. "I'm going to do things up brtiwk)." he secretly vaunted. "\l\ glee Viols the time of her life. Oltf Morse has a oeot plum of a fortune ahd she's a. stake worth playing for." The foolish young man did what many a caWow youth similarly drcumstanced had done before htm. There were new :suka of clothes, Some gorgeous neckties, a diamond pin and a removal from hie fbrmer mode/t Ilvlog quarters td a suite In the (ktndpal hotel of tire place. A note name for Viola Onfl morning. Inviting her 'to drive over to a theater party at a nearby city In "my new sport .car," end Martln ?alinded to the high social standing of some ni the Martin "wee very much put oot to receive a courteous but definite reply to the effect that Viola had a previous engagement ' JthOf evening Viola-did Indeed keep an engagement-^' village mnslcaje, llPrt N'pbI fiormnn caw liar ?... A' fcls excellent _,,cgjyp9ny "somewhat atoned for wbhtTIola. had missed, for n week Martin stffkcd and did not cboie-ucor the JloWe-bome. One afternoon 4nr drove up to tire place in his elegant car. It una one he lhid j leased for a. month, bllt he did .not tell { that. , ' V-'V ' * . ...I . It" was a pTeasuiu enough drive, al-1 though Martin rathfcr disgusted, her ! with Ms boasting of all the money he I sias spending,- J[ust*a? they were pass- j ing'-flditSdgo tli? cur turned over. i "Oh, dear?take-care.T warned violaM ?Martin leaped free of liny vehlaie. This upset, spilling Vlotii to the |" ground. A cry of pain came from i Viola's Hps. }' . I "Hurt?" inquired Martd}.? "I fear mjg. tinkle is sprained. Oil. lie. Mmtin, 1 fei.l su t.ilui I '.i.-ii'i uiu? trj-'ta get me trotae to mother/' "Why. Miss Morse!" cried an anxious voice. und running a wheelbarrow filled with bags before him Neal Dorman appeared on the scene. "I saw the accident. Tell me?are yon, lain red?" ., Viola explained weakly, and pleaded to be taken home. In a trice Dorman had arranged the empty bags upon thp _ wheelbarfow. "It may nortbe vary comfortable." he explained. "Never mind that I am In such pain. 1 want to see mother." Neol's heart beat mightily as. trans, terring tl^at dainty form to the bar row, Viola's soft hands clasped his neck. _ ' " He called st the Morse home the next morning, to leatn good news the moment he opened the garden gate * Viola was seated upon the porch conrerslhg* wlrh her .WdtfPer,; therefore Improved. These words ffoated to the mes'iif the IdSMHiem derenor! ' "After yesterdpy'f" experience' with Wrr'ltfnrtlnT'mpthdr, "Of courseTnevcr? lofors that, attll oo. for?I love an >ther." . Ant), cneting hie jntnd ahoq't to ooler 'hltj- riddle of loveT~Neat Dorman hiegaod It put that ho- waa a favored J jn?, Indeed, y . ^He fmmtr tt ogr7?T*r eupety.beMfe i# ported wlth'Vtola that inornlnc. TTiere ?er?f no further, renitttancee 'or Martin when that- Ant thousand i?d been dlnatpnted. tTelldlng bolts irerg itngiug the evening "Tie flippM r iway Imia' t?s?u. In ilabt nnd oot of lotto, bht they did not chime-for htm. ??* -* ; Ha BeuUL " ivaa .pretry. Ho* does your con?clenc*-etend the atro'ln?" . "Qh? J" told her thp truth." r "The Irnth?" toa tUn'i really'mean to aky yon think " ^ .XCM I...U 'I I 'Mr uiu ..'Byis Emily in aha aonlrl he?ftll'mfc ?Amerlr?n legion Woolly,' , ^ ' ' x"" ?"?? - - - " * . - \ M-?y I . - " ? 1 * ' ? . f * " E~ i \ 12 n . r? - T r ? . ~7 - '..v ;^ " * <. - " . "' ...? , y*-.: Dorothy'* Odd ! \ . Auciieiicg?5?- -j fiy. MALCOLM 3ROWN- ~ 1 CswytlsUp lilt. IVaUil tStiripA^? L'alou. '; The Honiyrfui nfanrntm lifat J, arrUct 1 >Jru?li>' 'ITlflopj'waa io mi\lt 3 Iter debut us a pianist at < Clarldge ball, nod Eustace, lier ttance wo a tif be ( them. ' < . - Ciirtdjge bail a as nut the lineal bull , In the city. It was,Mtow'ever, oue of tha lea<*og centers of iau?U?' ' Dor.-thy h?a been ertticutlrw'herself I ns-aikanlss for seven y wuru, she had' raspy tdfttttSra too. She bad hope.! (0 make mafic her ilfe'cufeer. '< yet many a girl who dreams of u life career soiv renders. It when the right mun coaAs <15b(. Asut with ftastace to care (or; tha ptapo had* become a less vslged t' * * "Still. Eustace," she-*bad saltl, "I can play Qacq In a while ut. tlest. even aftfer tie.are ummcl, and make a few extra dollars. Don* you think sol" Eustace had-Aeeu dnbloos, tut Dor oQ?y'? father was emphatically.- In agreement witn tier. "You'reAgoing to give'that piano recitnl. anyway, -Dorothy," be said. Dorqroy's father was not- veryworldly wl*e, but a'oyway he had lila will.' And so the fateful afternoon arrived.' , S When /Dorothy Hrrtved with her father sod Kustaee and saw the pjacards In " front of the building her heart gave little thfobe'of prftle. "Dorothy Clifford,"- they nnnounced. In/ great Made letters, under her picture. "Durulhy Cuilurd. ahd'theii in small--er letters, "gives hey pianoforte' recital In Ola ridge hall'^?the laat words verjxblg again?"oo frldajrnext at . aieot" - :Eustace squeezed her hand and her father twisted hlsovblte mustache nnd strolled along liq prdtid aS a King. "ltoom 4. Mis* Clifford," they told; hpr Inside. So Dorothy had "to say good-by td her father and sweetheart and hurry ryund to the musicians' entrance. She walked up nnd dowji corTidors?for Clarldgc khll Is quite n.j large place?and at Iqst foopd room 4. 'They qr? waiting far you," said ilii' ttnge entrance1? a little curtly. Dorothy thought. "The house w?? Mill IIIII) II. Dorothy walked forward'toward the' grpnd piano, which, "rather-oddly, she thought, occupied a corner of the, stage Umtcsa.' tif the . center," Such a salvo Of hsnd-dupplng broke forth that the tears came' Into l4er eyes. She could hardly see t? read the tuuslc that she unrolled and placed upon the stand. The flrst part, consisted pf a Chophi nocturne, Dui'uih) sui 'tluuu?rnjjf- struck the opening chordd. ' 4t first she was timid. It was her flrst'. appearance in i.nhllc. unrt rhe CA SA\ ? 1 11 : : I"-' [i COMMENCING APRIL 1st, j| - THE NEXT 10 DAVS OR GOODS AT A GREAT I 1 CANNED CORN 12'/-c pe CANNED TOMATOES 12 GOOD LOOSE COFFEE 1 PACKAGE COFFRE FRC GOODJJQI LET SOAPS 5< BABY LIMA BEANS 15c PINK BEANS, NAVY BI -quart. ^? DTC T /~\Hn TDIOTT /-vVr?T*T 'ri uiu ia/x i xvion WDDbll. a JUST RECIEVED, IN FA | STOCK COMPLETE, AND I EVERYTHING USUALLY } | GROCERY STORE. , . 1, i -: \tt|JV I. Wg L Roxboi D. M. AMOREWS BL( .. --- r - . *' ? - - " - ' :?HI :erit? hern Ultle;'.tpTbrfwe he tsni Uiyeti.hjjlf-n dolwii 1 Jhr she had for- . jotton where aim' wn* la the Joy. off" >1*JI3S. ufd. liefwi" :>A" hhuo Uv Uji1 ? free warn, ended. thirulhy got'up ami >' To Iwt amazement there waa.ngt a t n :)u littm^elafl. Not .one pereon- oht a t that veal in.!., i .e had heen - _ Merf'to orofhy I ^Vlie're liftvjp'>-uu tieenf It was 'I.'listace, Kuetace -standing ar." her rlil'. Sjhe tried tolilile ilie ttors that tilled lier eg** -Iibroth^f Tlftit s the wring room. That's Nupiher 3. We"h*?e/bwyt i nitliiS for you n quarter of r.n ii'our, dllle ' audience Is getting luipatleut." - J ^t^baofOity or the mist?6e n>nb lh? girl lutu a.- reaction pi hyslerlqal jnughter. Tq whelm had. shfc been Rlay- ~v lag. then? She Would not yield no-*: ?Me would go on the right stage nud-" ! lay her part. Otherwise?ivtl!, b-y 0 '. father would have Id pas laielr the. I*>i offlee-receipts, and that.would.-jnejin (1 or four hundred dollars.' at ier.t". Meelianlcally-slie-entered Number . ' - - , Ar.d Us she entered Jud'iis hearts a 1 foul :t of npprause greeted her m he-- . fort. Uttt-Avben shc-.enUod thediOrtse w'eot. .vilcl iylth enthusinsuiv'.'Kueorn^*'-? they yelled. Tlicj called' fidr Imc.j fhtec limes In each of the Jfrst i \v. parts r.ljil six tlmeS-nt the end, " Ami. __ d as the'painch* sail! next d'ny. TtoroUiy *. s Bad "tfrmrni." * ~ "\Vho?o U'O?ueie limy. r.'il'niT." he'tskedv at ibi f.rrt-cppoffnr.lly..' Eustace threw Vlmci t;U leal and laughed. ?. JDorotiifi" he-?rl.l. ' > jur 'fteet pu'v _ He concert "- pi jdven ? tfnre.thf tlOeiu Association nf tWiifAInts/. V yl - . -?r ?i" "^*/ . ? b - Tartfty ;drAV' '. The?htrgu'e;. Je. nl wffftr ynJl.e'.-S_a large ituhntltj of food (Includtnt Him and rabbits. .-poultry and pigeons) for hli ntnfo ,.nd ntrsprln^: ' anil the peasunls l.ave l/oem'tinnwn.w ntttlxe him as Elijah his .r-iveua.There Is on .oil tale , that the ptarmigan mikes stores of lerries and buds beneath the Snow, bat there Is no doubt . that at leas.t tWo species of wood, peckers store ucopns. sticking- tb??m firmly Into holes which are bored for .. the purpose In. the tree stems. Tils Is all the more interesting. If It he. true, thatwhatthe woodpeckers realty eat Is not the acorn; hot a. kind of gxuht that derelops Insldo It His Sole Attraction. > ?Ai. Itin.A'Issep 1 maid .Santire all' ? my wealth for your love. A . Young Adnrad?If you did tmjrthlag SO footwh-f shoold never love you. riAL SH. LEI | .--f .. WE WtLL OFFER FOR | OCERIES AND CANNED | jj tEDUCTION IN PRICE! " ??1 rcan. |j &c TO 20c. | 2%'c, 15c and'2Qc PER LB. | HI" 16c to 40c RER PKGT 1 7c and 10g A CAKE. T 4 A QUART. I SANS and PEAS at lac. A I ~ . .% ' -i ? R POTATOES FOR SEED, 4 X YOU WILL FIND OUR | OUR PRICES RIGHT ON ? SOLD IN A FIRST CLASS 1 / ' :i - ilker, Jr. i !Qy^fc C. ' >CK, DEPO T STREET. . n . in iii i jii M^atate l>,'^'"l"l