in - fBESaS-l _ J. W. NQELU Editor and Pul " .-v : ~ VOL. XXXVIV ANNOUNCEMENTS. TO THE VOTERS OF PERSON COVNTY 1 .hereby announce, myself a candi date for "the nomination of Sherill for Person Connty, subject to th? .action of ttJs Primary. Having aervet von_ in this capacity I feel that I air well qualified to serve yon and will . respectfully appreciate .your support ' Youra truly, (; - S. P. WILLIAMS. TO THE VOTERS OF v-PERSON COUNTY: T beg to announce to the Voters oi this County that I am a candidate foi the nomination of Treasurer of Person County oh the Democratic ticket. As most of you will remember, when fe.. this ofilc'e "*i?sa crested by 'the last t'Leffiifl atufr I waf appointed by the Beard of Coun,tv Commissioners to act as Treasurer. I tiave tried to fill the office to" the satisfsiction. of all, and I. will appreciate your support i?. in tH.' .the coming primary, V;V ' .Yours truly, 7 B. G. GLAYTOX. '. April iv. 1922. \ _y - ' I 0 . ' announcement. ; I hereby announce myself- ft candidate for Clerk-of the Superior Court for Person Copnty, subject to the action of Democratic primary. I trill appreciate your support. ~ b. w. BRADSHER. April 12, 1922. ~ TO THE VOTERS OF , . - ; _ PERSON CfH NTT: 1 desire tp- announce that I am'a candidate fop tbj nomination on "the Democratic ticket for a seat in the next General Assembly. . - COOPER HALL4 April 10, 1922. TO THE VOTERS OF m?. -J-ERSON COONTYT . I respect/t^ly announce myself a . candidate Toj the .nomination for the Legislature/on the t>emocratJ,c ticket. The -pepplo it this County Have ~ ~ Lfsneyed nij with this high The , past.' My record is .hefore^yt'U ..and/you know hbsy well I served y'otr. I am a farmer and I.tluek. the . farmers are. entitled to a farmer rejt " preslmtative this iinio ai tb; repre* sentetive for The past 8 years has r- ccmc from 'P.bJtboro. Jieing a farmer depending cn nu' living froni ray fsrh}j it Will be impossible - for" me T to leave my work to calHon you perI so Pally, hence I am depending on my i. friends tq look after my interest's ia 1 the primary, f . Your friend. ' \V A WARREN* lit.-'. April 11, 1922,.. F-v t?-O ??? | ? . TO THE VOTERS:. ' f < ' ' . P" I.ilcsirt to *annour.(;e*T5tjrfMi^?J8'>. di^tte for thenimmation for Clerk df^he Superior Court for Person Cohnty on the Demoerstie ticket. 1 I- am a native of the county, was borf. . and raited on rhe firny,. and.' have I' lived and labored afuong' you all my -: "fc-1 have never liiTd, or asked for, t '..any office at your^hands, but I feel ; ; ^"xhat I can serve you satisfactorily L.; in office, and wii)' highly apprei cfate ydur vote in the Primary, pC.t-Lester Brooks. April _11th. 1922. - > . ^> * 1 - 1 . - t" ANNOUNCEMENT; |. I hereby announce myself a cah! didate for the office of Sheriff of Fer son" County, subject to the action 'of [.A the Democratic primary. The people of the County neve nonoreo me Heretofore; and they are- familiar with my .. record. I TSTcFThis occasion, to yx*'pre?* Illy appretiation?of. what the i people have done for me in the past. I to aaaure-every oneAhat I shall ' anpreeUte any support /that I may receive in Hie present campaign. ??? , ' .V.. tt. Thompson L.?. ANNOL NCF.M EXT.. ^ - - To The,Voters of Person Countyi i_ , i' t?w? iHj m'nttod' to 'BTmotrn" ' ' 0>?t I am. a candidate for_the nornin[ " atinn of Sheriff for Person' County, subject; -to the Democratic pajmayies fc'e- 1 hrve been connected-tftith the Sherf (ff'k office for some time and how well 'I :have performed my duties, you ?Tn7T'_r?- 1 "in* wHu ITrf V tnrire-1. to this. position am! be*' l evc't Oil 'if to the' satiifactioii - of^th^iCc'M people of tins County. I) ilisher : ? , :? 4 . i . rr , .. ROXBORO,' you think ?o, I will appreciate your votes and- it nominated shall try not to disappoint you. \ _ : . Very truly, >; J. MELVIN LONG.f ANNOUNCEMENT. 7 i ' I hereby announce myself, a candl- : I date for the nomination of Sheriff, i subject to the -Democratic primaries. I I was born on the farm ajidijisve liv. ed_on the farm ever sinoe, save for tlU time I was in damp and overseas in the late world war. I will appreciate any, kindness shown me. and especially your vote in the Primary. Yours truly. SAMUEL-P:-JONES. ! March 28, 1922h 4ts. ' i P. ! "AVNOU^CEM EXT" U desire to announce to' the voters I a.V*_ i-s sJ ._s - ?- ' * * ui mis \_/oumy inai 1 am a Candidate for nominationRegister of Deeds, subject to the Derrfocratic^Primaries. Trusting .tHet the good-people of^this County may see fit to favor Tne with , their hearty' and loyal support. And promise that if .nominated Sod elect- . . ed to the said Office to render to the , people of this County the best service there fs in my ability. Thanking you, I" :1m ... . Yours very truly, , Willie T. Rirby. . , ANNOUNCEMENT 1 hereby announce myself as can- j didate- for ther nomination for Register of Deeds subject to the demo-' critic . primary. My record, as a worker ,_tar the party.ffpr the paat thirty years is well known and I , wilt - appreciate .the support of my ' friends. ' .0. D. BAILEY, ^ Woodsdale, St: C., .R,P. D- * i AN NOUNCEMENT. 1 ?. 4 I desire >o annoiice to the voters i of this County that I am a candidate l for the nomination of- Register of 1 Deed**; subject to the Democratic I primaries. I Will greatly appreciate anything you may do for me,, I am i r.0 stranger to tne mosi OI you, nav- < inir been raised on a' farm in this I County, and spent all of my life with ' you. ' . . i Thinking those who have so gen- j I eroualy., tendfered their --support and 11 I trusting vou =will give me a libera! i< V^Je, I >m, " ) Yours very truly; " > * "JAMES H. wfilTT ~ ?: . 1 . 0'?r? v 1 AX^OCN'CEMENj. - I bog to DMounce to the .people ofi Person. County. that -I ant a talrdidate , .for the nomination 'of _ Sheriff, sutr- ' jec-t to the Democratic primaries. ' This is my native -County and while ' I !avc byer. living in the adjoining County of Durham, I am back Home, and, say. Marfy of you know me personally and, to- those who do not know me, as almost any of your friends. . -. fit asking for this nomination I .feet that myretfpertenee of 12 years 1 in this kitid of work qualifies ma to ( filT^t-he offlee with satisfaction to ' you, and therefor? t ask for. your .'Very respectfully, 1 W. L. MOORE. ; ] A Gt>OD SUGGESTION. During the World War .the women of Perrson Oounty did nfcble 1 work, each time tliey were calked upon they 2id what Was requested ' of them, why not show our appreciation of -their loyal service by elect*- 1 ing one of them, to represent us in the Next General Assembly. We have in^our midst one who has tteld many importanO positions' in the state. arid has filled each well, she is a rnHvr of' fhetounty, and we be. lieve wnnld prill mnrc votes than any person we "could nominate. . We Arc confident that she would Cagry the would add strength tff the entire tieiiet. that she- whofd nerve wtth= * Honor, lin'lli Inifsctf ajul euuut>. -fcet us sdf work" together-te rlpminate and i jjlertL Miss R?e?ie Ilanial. fn , be, the first woman =dS> -.represent Penan. _ - TV>unty T6 U|a' of" Ipeprestftta* 4 fives and the second In the state to i 1 Hold a seat -in the General Assam- i bly. ; . ^ i r- . -*> : ?7-.-.. . . ' "77 ' .TT"T.:-v w.sltini;. MrJ. UlSL'il!. ..UMlrfii His, . " ilaynatiThay made the"trip in their ! auto. - v ir+- ' i | *? ' 4 ; -i t? ' . - - i . r?. i ^rr ^ a?s^ Home First. / NORTH CAROLINA, i EDMONDSON*S WAREHOUSE " %WltL BE^OPEli IN THE -a FUTURE AS IT HAS BEE , FN. THE PAS Owing Ko^he fact that molt of tl largest . markets, namely, Winsti Salem, Reidvill*,? Durham . Rod Mount. WHson. Tarboro, arid. Jmu other" of N'iorth Carolina, Dahvfll Chase City. Lynchburg. Drakes Brani and many of the smaller markets i Virginia will be open for* the comir season*. if would be uaolejp to cjoi alPof the Warehouses of South Bo ton as it would only force those d. tiling to sell their tobacco to' leai ottr . County and sell in other Towi and Cities. Therefore weiherehy- ai nouce . that Edanondscjn's Warelioui will he rebuilt and compTeted in an pie time to - serve those desiring 1 sell their tobacco on the open ma ket. . r ^ To close our books for the pai season witlJout. thanking the pntrot af.the South Boston, market at those .who so liberally gave ua the support, it would_be to leave cine ( our largest ^eMs unp;itL ^So ^ wit '.Tiann you for your most liberal -pqt ronage in the past and will apprei iate any patronage Chat la entrusts to "our care in th'g .future.' All of th large buyers corporations and mam Facturers will be represented or) or Market in the .furture as they ha\ been in the" past. : Again thanking you,\ we are , Your friends, ... i." ELMONDSON & POWELL CO. WHOSE ARE THE FLOWERS AT OUR. CEMETERY Some appreciation of the chebrft brightness, wonderful' creation c ipicy odors of flowers is innate i >aeh of us. The feeling they stir i tome is .akin to reverence; plain ac miration of the beautiful- they ci :orm in ouiers; to otners they loa in impulse -to more optimistic liv-ini Unfortunately -to a few, the flowei ng plaint or shrub; "only tempts 1 itreiees, thoughtress breaking- elf t :he head or blossom. ' t In" a few instances, this has Itat oerted to some of?the 'Sowers, ill ot Cemetery} Sunday-strollers who ffra iesjroy the property end work; c it iters give little thought- to the in portanpe of their, wrong-doing.' fry small, number .of. so' mthc iggr^ssions will tentf, to. jijssourag Voukl?'be beautifie'rs 'of the place. Whether undirected children < -areless older folks, let us cujtivat e?4 respect for gtew-irig things?e! HtMb those nurtured in 'niemor if "our-dead. Every plant on indivk I'al lots or-elsewhere is ours to AI fftBCJATE' and ESJCJY but als JTHER'3 for the SAME PTTRPOSl HATTIE E. BURCH. Cemetery Commisisone rO TAX LISTERS The following are the Tax Listet 'or;Person County: , ' . Allerisville Townsllip, Mr. S. Slaughter. ? .. ' Bushy Fork Township, Mr. W, ( A'arren. Franklin. Viat River Township, Mr. C. J Hamlin.. ' HoHoways Towrjship^ Mr. M. 1 ^layHn. ' , . Mt, Tirzah Township Mr. J.' J Fogleman. ,, Olive- .gill Township, Mr T.' I WagstafF. Roxboro Township, Mr. J. S. Wa tor. W-oodsdole Township. Air. R. J Bailey r All Tiix. Listers are required i meet with Tax Supervisor in Rexboi May, 1, Ft D. LONG Apirl 12, 1922 ' NOTICE -b : Rer-Sr C. Whedbee, of Brooksdal will preaeh a Maeonie Senium at II Roybore Methndisr. Chrri-h Rnnrtgy hlght Apirl J6tb, beginning at 7.1 J^ll Mtsant axe urged to alter this satict, anrtare requested to me at the hafl 'of Person Lodire LIS i ff:UO"to preparurto attend ,the servii It a body. Masons of other lodges ai cordially invited. V- , - ?hi. LUNSFORI). : W. Master, Person. tJfrge ^J T, B. WiipdjI^Sect. ?Mr t. f Harnng- of ktehlsnd^.^ C., spent the- wcil t end "her e viiiffc f'rienas. - ' K ' :? """ *2 J* if TO -, . -JL .JggttagigaMWI ^hro?ri Nf?*?. " '" - ';l Wednesday Everyng At>ri SOCIAL NEWS- " \ ???- *. 3 T _.. Mrs- E. P. Dunlap entertained the i; FVtday Afternoon Club at Her home >u on Virginia Avenue Friday afternoon jlv from 3 to 6 P; M. Si* tablet were >y arranged forjy^ .in the living rooms t e, which ytere attractive with baskets of j :b lilacs, jinquils and hyaeinSu. Cob'- t it eluding a number of spirited gamee, j ig the hostess, assisted by her dangh- ( ie terl Mayy Marshall and Mt*. D. W. ? Bradaher, .served an ice course with t e- cindief jmd salted almonds, followed ^ re by coffee. Those. present were: Mes- 'g is dames P. K. Miles, G. "W. Thomas, [i* A. lit Burns E. V. Boatwright, Ed le win Hurman, W. D. Merritt,' Oscar i- Career, E. G. Long, D. W. Bradsher, * to Goo. W. Kane, J. Burroughs, H. S. *; r- Morton, W. T. Pass, Hugh Woods, . , J T/J- and H. W^Winatead, T.' JWHen- ' tTt'rg.'.fs ft. G. Stephens', B. G. Clay- i is ton, J. D. K. RSehmond, W. S. Clqry, . id Jr., J. W. Noell. W. C. Bullock, W. " ir H,' Long and Miss Allie Moore, ? lf ~ - ' '- J~?~ d ih" Mfs, W. C. Bullock was ItaKmit ? tt III"JttwMKJl Cluo at tne lasr-eepointt yd'meeting. Many baskets and vithes of; spring "flowers made a pretty.deid f oration for the lining-room, where (a the, quests assembled for the leseoTV 1- hcu*. The program was led very inir barqytmgljr by Mrs. A. S." deVlamiug, J e tie subject being "Famous Women _ Wrfters^of-Today". Mrs. B. G. Clay- ^ ton read an amusing sketch on "Hus- . bands", by , Qorra Harris. A salad J. . courts, with iced tea, was served to ^ the following' members: Meadames ? J HTHurlev, W. O. Sample, J. J. and 2- Garland Winstead. A".?S. deVtaming. j 1 J. A, Beam, A. M> Burns, E. P. Duh-_ J it lap, B; G. -Clayton, and W. .T. Pasi/ IT , -*! . o? n PROF. ZIMMERMAN AD- /> " n DRESSED THE FARMERS 3 i- ' -o- ' s 11 On last Saturday Prof. C. C. Zim- r n mermiw of Raleigh addressed the f- lsfTost crowd of fatroers- we haw r- seen in Roxboro in quite awhile. He o devoted the 'yger portion of his sd!F dress in explaining the workings of , .the Co-operative Marketing, and he ^ >*' made it plain to all. Prof. Zimmer- j ir man is professor of Economics in the ?"X' anti E. College, and iff explhna- * nun \yas-hit msi cpuia lyive oeen ae? aired. He explained-houi the plaa^.wag iV .expected tc work, how it was to be >r financed and the mam.' advantages e xvhicH would "accrue to the farmer under' Its workings. Unstated that the >r warehouses here Viad heen .tendered ;e tne. Association and th3t there .would i- r.ot he any. mere of the! old auction [ , . r. v days. . I- At the' eonehisiory of his. address he called upcrh all in the audience who f io were members to hoi 1 up their h'andfe. \ ~ 2.-- and it looked as if almost every on?] ^ a,in the house?2nd the- court house ^ r. j was literally pack-eel, held up tffejr hands/ After the 'addj?8&-^e. cnnvae-? ] I set vtaited on tfie crcwd and?secured *s the signature of those wh5 hari not JtoyioUsTy signed % \ P. . o ? TflE EPISCOPAL CHURCH HOLDS * t. . SERVICES *I?t- MASONIC HALL. I -i -PP,flnrn TITl^ fH"l Y 'VFFh"l |" (li WednesdsyT April 12th at 7:W^ k. P. M. tbere will be a service oh the litany and a "short talk r. about sctrA phase of Holy Week. (21 Good Friday, Ayril, 14th. On t V. that first Good Friday ' there was ,QUr? ^ 8:00. P. M. This Good Friday, there 1 Ik will b'e a short sendee -at. noon? t 12:00 There will be another short k, 'sendde at 3:00 P. M. and also"a service at .7:30 P. M. t to (3) Easter Sunday, Aprlf 19th. 1 -o He rises, glorious, frdm the dcaiy ; hallelujah! Holy Communion at 7,30 { A. M. -Service,*. sermon and Holy <. ? Lg?? * ~ i ALLEN8VILLE HIGH SCHOOL ? COMMENCEMENT. e. ?0? ?i , - A ? Gowwi en cedent for AUenayille High i tO ?cnooi: ; -|/ Mj- ITApril 19. 7:30 p. m. Intermediate ] et and primary?grades- * -.J rt April 20. 3:30 p. pi. Ddtlamatian c !c and recitaSiin' contpat. 7:30 't>. m.. -e High School -Play. .' Joe B. Currin, i ? LL*?ifiriiftiial 13 1 DR.>HUCHKS HAS ARRIVRD. J "y fcfhr Jr ffrHtmljea baa an'ired iiiRaa4. Jood, wT|l bo tocatod'in Dr.- tTJ. j will be ready fotiuoine?h n?*t wcck. i A;# >;ji X ". * 0iirt j ~ . 1.?j il I2th 1922L r t ' > ; ?r BOOKS ARE OPEN- TO PUBLIC. RoxborofN. C., April 10, 1812. Ir, 1. W. Noell Edits*,?The ' Courier, - Roxboro. NT O. > lew M?. Editor: ' We hsTr noticed recently one or wo communications in your paper rom parties in tHe county stating bey wouH like to* have some iafornr-r tion in regard, to ro|td affairs in bis county. They did not 'state what lformation they desired and we, bereforc, hardly know how. to give he information which - tbay d? de~ ire. However, our books are kept in very business like manner and rduld be easily understood by the verage man. They-are open for in. peetion at 'all times and if the paries writing have ever made any efort to find-di^ anvtfting from in we o not know it._ However, if -they nd it is too much trouble to look ver our books if they will kindly dvise us jost what "information i? estfed we will take pleasure jp eneavoring To furnisH samp to them. .* "" Yonrs vrryrtrnly. ??_? /' . M. R. Long, . Chairman. A a^. ' * . "AJUNE NIGHT." . "A June Night, the biggest xhuaial revue over?staged in South Boson," so says tWa Halifax Gazette, iome to the auditorium -in Roxboro 'hursday night, April 13th, and en-, oy this home talent production from outh Boston. Over forty persona are ii the- cast, and a most attractive eature of mnaical' jJrogram is "a srge Hawaian number with twelve ' ittie Hula girls in beautiful tosumes. This, combined with an orhestra and snappy play should furisti a delightful evening. Proceeds, 0 per cent, go to'Womana' Club. Reerved seats, 75. cents, general adulation 50 cents. V ALWAYS WELOOMB Of course we are glad to have aryy f tftt'l fiinuij lhH. but mc ucti lotxbly pleased to. VeceiVe a * visit ram. an. Old soldier ast Saturday. 'Mr, A. M. Staufteld nd Miss Ahner Staofiell favored us city a deligditful visift?not jtte-t one i those pup calls, but n sure enbuglr isit ahd we listened with ploaisur/ t what he had to sav. * - ' . ?r= HV? GLEE CLUB FRIDAY NipHT. Trinity Glee Club gave V perform- nee here* last Friday 'night anti we lave heard nothing, but" praise fori his splendid musical body." They were j T^eted b.v a large audience and/ met r be satisfaction Of In most ecticnl ; T seccnd appearance of thi - j dub here and;,thqy seem tto'tgrow i etter year by year. j SERSION TO'/THE M A SONS' J ?K) , ( On next Sunday evening at the | lethodist CHrrth. Re\'\ J.dC. Whedbe? j vill preach a special sermon to the fasons of Roxboro. While this strnon is to the Slasons, the public is retcomie and all are invited to attend be-aervices, ... - ... .. EASTBR SERVICE . There will be Easter services at he Methodist church* on next Sunlay nforning, Rev. J. B. ^uyley, the instor will conduct the services and ise :ia. his subject "The Resurrection." fho public is cordially invited to hese seryices. . o?? ? Mr. ancf Mrs. Frank Barnett and wo cBildren of Akron, Ohio arrived aat Friday evening and are visitng the parents of Mr. Barnett, Mr.' tnd Mrs. J. B. Barnett. They will pent about four week's here 'after iccompanied by Mrs. J. B. Barnett: * si.? Dr. George Wo Young will address ho oittsee* ol ttsxhorn and Person jountjr lii rhe MeiModUl Chuteh ofr ic-Kt Friday evening in the interest if the Lawt. add Enforcement order. i>r. Young is represented -as being'a re?y able speaker, and the public is ordlaliy invited' to hear himl '* Mr. W. T. Whittrof' CreedntOqre, an old_6er?6n Copnty citizen, vrae a iozfcoro visitor' last week and honi*ed ns with a., cell.' * * -< _ Among tBo welcome visitor* .si :his office last week were ourj good Fill 111: if l ii Hi Tun Pit-' ChamJ^ers^^oL Mt. Tiraah^seci^on.^. v - ?? "v" ? .jr*a ' tt. , > _ > o,50 Per Year in Advanc* ^ . No. 14 - TO THE PUBLIC _ - ~ -"" "We wi?h to announce that the.Plaioten Warehouse South Boston Va$. will be open for business as usual for the sale of leaf'Tobacco for the coming season 192&-1928. We aim. wish tb take this, metliod ,to thank our friends and patrons for their , liberkl patronage in-the past and tip, assure them that, we will |||f oar ?. best efforts in the future to (ret yoo to ruifneflt price lor your tobacco." Our house will be open at all tfan- ei to tHa public and some of our .* force will be on hand to welcome ygp when you come to South Beaton. Ip the meanwhile please accept our " ! thanks and beat wishes for * a stood crop and a pood price {his fall. As ever . .. _j . Your Friends, _HODGES . & DEJARNETTE." ' ' BOTTLED DFMNKS CLASSED AS FOOD PROD1T8. Washington, D. p., April 'lO BdCf- /~"T classed as a?food product by Federal and State food officials," h$ve come to_be part of the daily dief of .p?-< .? tients many hospitals throughout the country, according to "a recent survey of "hospital dietetics.- , Foremost dieticians of the countryare ' recommending prfre. wholesome bottled" soft jirinks. as-a part of the ' diet of patients, for the aid whicn . " the. carbonic gaB "Idtids to digestion and IBj ease with which the inert sugar, the food property of the soft drink. Lan be assimilated, practically =? ? Instantaneously, by the patieift's "Sys- ' ' . fas.. H ' "V. V';'"1 . >) Dieticians at the CoUis P. Hunting ton Hospital.. Boston, Mass., which tieats Cancer cases, find that Ginger Ale' and e til ay beverages can be. retained on the stomach of the patient longer than other articles of food. Investigations of the directions has proven Jthat -carbonated beverage* will prove most advantageous to the net-iik'nt ifjorvoH eStrvii* A -II?: 1 daily. The Johns HeHospital, at Baltimore* ,haa been servitig tWSae bottjpd soft drinks, to patients -for some tirife. The Parker Hill .hospital, -*?- * flosfan. which \s Used .exclusively for the veterans of the JVorli uses / hundreds of. cases of "these, beverages \vF*Wy. * i - ""*' } Other'..Boston-Hospitals using soft drinks .are the City.. Massachusetts General;; Hart* Bay State, Coirvmoriwealth. Seaboy, Peter Bent Bingham, Robert Brigb m. Both Israel, .Leopold Morse. Forest Faulkner; Emerson, ; Lying-in, Boothby awl *C\jrpev, 'Purest and best in this, section bottled by the Roxboro Bottling Company. v _ ^?: ? . s .. - FAIR PRICES WIN. . When you' want furniture of ahy ?- -y. descriptioiTit will pay ycu to get my-: ' ? prices before 'buying your funifeurcy % I ajn selling .Chinese matting drug-"" gets 9 bv 12l one seam, for $5.00. Everything else in proportion. My prices win Try me, *E. D, CHEEK " ' ' : -o ??Z * v Mr. G. P. Allen nf -route 1 wa* a plessant~ball?r "laet "Friday " > Sir. Herbert Barnett left last Friday evening for Xew Yorkson a short business trip. Mess. Fred Masten and Leroy Herring and "Mrs. R. E. Cheek -and Miss EWlabeth Noell- ?pent last Sunday evening in Durham., . * Mr. and Mrs. W. l\ Bullock and children spent the week end 1n Warrenton visiting Mrs. Bullick's mother, Mrs. Nannie Moofc. . .. . * * * . Mr. and Mrs. Gaither' Beam and '. I the. week end here with Mr. Beams' parents, Rev: and Mrs. J.-A. Beam. * .. , ' Mr. G .W. Hart. wli> is now locate ' . ' ed in Greensboro, waa a Rnxhnro Visitor last, Sunday, spending; the day here with his fuuity. "7 ? Mn. Will Moose., died at, her home . near Mt. Tintah -ifat funeral esesei'se.s. were held*-at the Mt. Tlrzah Methodist ChuYeta, 0?. ? V Monday. + ; -We know our, readers-will excuse the absence of editorial matter this "week, -?a aur advertisers have drawn ? ? pretty Tieavlly Ipon cdi1 dUafce. Bttt. reaUy, you will set njose outo?_tbMe: : -ads-than you WojjfiL-frem^whftt w?. 11 r-"'r nf?-kwill be the richer .- - ~ EI