HP " I .1 ( " ...f.. \ ' * ' .T . . , See.n\e aiid.Se* Better Optical Store _ 'j, Opposite _ Po^tofficr * Main St- J { , . . r ' . X A Tonic v \ t For Women t X. "I was iiardly able to drag, 1 X M was co weakened," writes Mrs, L W. P. Ray, of EasJey. S. C. T "The dotfortreated me for abrnt H M two nafnths, still 1 didn't .get W R any better. 1 bad ?"laige fam- R U fly and felt 1 surely mist do M XI KinMllfaMf trt awaklo ma ? *"W- * Py >N? > .iv.v IIIW M IMC If v care of my little ones. 1 bad H Jr heard of J r sCARDUl* i.; X The Woman's Tonic X, af "I decided to try It," con- X " Tj tinues Mrs. Ray . . . "I took ^ W' eight bottles in all .I j re- y | ^ gained ?ny strength and hive r . y bad 110 more trouble with wo- M F. A manly weakness. I have ten F y children and am able to do all H 7 my bonsework and a lot out- Y [. ^ doors . . I can Sure recom- ^ , ' M mend Csrdui." " M{ R Take Cardui today. lt tatty. Wi . y be Just what yoil/need. ? k# E * '' A At all druggists. : ; W m _* ? _r; ^ J J Art ym rver v-c n^crct f"' Mill hrvcr nude.by lur.Tal ^ jlj ne%*r hear of millionaire u-.di 5?"?7?: pMfl| ~ !:- rrvf-f--* r rjftjv have resulted in large invest m . l-Q 04 #. . , ?c equipment, funeral homes )P?& ^ about a^lfcavy and continuous K: * ' Another reason is that the I i--. 1 ov^r ail thc iasks formerly I * .' ! RW ' and friends. He also perfrj RfM Krrvic.es which modern coiy: * Mm .biliues-xJeduodi pi fit Irt the (unetai director's bill, nCM overhead -(often a large pro r . Ij81 cauaily is included in the < JfV^I stood items: Such chari TOl4 Reproduced by permisiion of ?. is tanyjronji (opyritbttiLmru ("IT Saturday Etaeduz Post of AI; V " 5? R. A. SPENCEl * , fig . FUNERAt DIB S3 / ' Hoxboro, N rJ Vi ' French Hwanwa IkrSew.S) iw*?C ofKmat H. 1*^1 OwwuUESytyaju." UtiUf mi F .. " : 'IPrices' -tUttUtl ihliib )UU\ i 1 CAM . I mDKEkSSS I ' : if. Radical price reduction pints' - S' that no famtls wifch-a-imrie t - ' - ?T : ent this rnbrdern heating pli E" . At tjlii ilOW-ht^ {jrjrTT ' . ?J - * than, stoves necess ? ',? . Costs Teas than a goo ?4' w Costs lqss than a goc pr?-""S- * Costs less than twiee ' B ing machine. I '' ? -Costa less than twice nrj-- -? S . . Onlnr a~Ckl3fIH nnv [T--...- dt... comfcrt iind convenience you j cause it protects the family's SB ily'B puckelbuok. Deeauae4t V: |M in the fuel it saves. :? p 5L Order how because prices car * Sr in'jt nSvf you will ?njoy the e - ra ceaiage of iU.cost this wint \ - B~- Do not delay. Winter is he . " H is an argument tor Caloric ^Lfisfc Our gwtffaitee?your t !? g - ? JOBH ___ : | ROXBORO, NOl \p=f=. w ii>j -"j ? * ' I ' ~ ^ . - V# ? mm^mmmrn RESALE OP LAND. , ~ By reason of a 5 per cent increased bid having been placed on the former sale of -tl?: landa-tiej^nsfter deacribHaold oa April 17,, 1922, and by direction of the Courtt as Trustee* Tfjs tliat 'deed of- trust executed by John HldfK'wgll' 1)1) Nuifiubei tOUi, 101?, roe.jtded. in Book 2. page 118, "Repis,1<t's-Office-of Person Countp, I Will' . J j: 'SATURDAY, MAY. 13th 1922. | at-12 o'clock Noon at the Cpnrt-hoiise door in Rox'joto, . - -" Sell 'to the highest bidder af pub-' lie auction fdr cash the following described Jot or parcel of land. ..to-wit: Lj'ing.ind being, in Busily Fork :Township on. both sides of the Roxboro-Bushy. K*?k public road Joegin.Wifrrein's line S. V/. corner oil lot 'No. 4; thence S. 25 .degreea TV. 2chs. and 98 Unk's-fox's "fork N. W-. corner-of Lot No. 2; thence with Lot No. 2, S. 83 degrees E. 37 chs. and 70 links to an iron in the Roxboro road;, thence with said road S. 36 .1-2 degrees W. 1 cb And 35 links to an iron in said. joad; thence S. 78 degrees E-. 35 chr. to stake Si 86 dcgroeii East 37 chs. |and 90 links to pointers N. E. corner !of No. 21 thence N. 1 "1-2 degrees E. 3 chs. and 55 links St;, E. corner of I No. 4; thence with No. 4 N. hp degrees | 1 IS. sr-ur- J * h. "4 .J I * HO. au.i i?v UUK9 a siaKe; thence N. <78 ^ogteei W.' 3l.ch?. and 10 links to.iron in Baxbcfro road; thcnee with roacKh'.' HB degree's' fe 1 chi and 4d_ links tt> an iron^n-^w^ roadffhfinte N. ?3 degrees W. 40 ciis: fend 90 links to the beginning, containing 39.3-4 acres more or less ttnd-being L*>t Ntf. 3'in the division of Lewis Rl&ckwell lands.' See deed Geo. Blackwell -and otbefs to J*o.' Blackwejl, Book 22V page ^5; Perkon County. Bidding at this* sale will begin at This April 25th, 1922. L. Si. Carlton, # Apr; -26tb 3ts. l-f i? EGGS ANp STOCK teauced. Prize perfs Sr C; Reds, H2 prizes. -Cockerels. and. pullets for sale.?ttra. John Ktfrr, Durtijuri, N. C. -J, " 2tpd 1 - *?y quick fortune* are W1W v Inferiors and why you Kw <* and improved fsnilitie* * _ ?HO em* in motor cars^cicntifahd^rhapels. These bring LB flj (operating expense. [unefaTUicrctor has taken . loqked after by neighbor* rrris scores of additional nn tilions and modern fcensi- HE |A the cost of this servicp and. KJ3 portion of the totai costX K55 -harge for better under- ; [^] gre should be judged KM t in mind. / j Wj The Cinfinhati CofiH Com- 13* t. wkith -a Pf<artd in The I9M iy,6.iv*2. . nn R. ? SON ' SS ECTORS gg , Si teken from Omer KAowam ? 'Turn V4 :f r,.n^ ( of VT,rkU4 lvr; C. C. Co. ^ ^ Down" | the cost of a CaloriC so low ?ll 0 heat-can offerd to be with la&v;c-- .& ' v jS"" s the CaJor'iC cost.5?' less H arv to hegt the building, . a! d piano. . \" P >d" home water system. \ JP the price of a. goocfwash- ' W. . the price of A lhonograph. M i hecaiiae if. i* fhe' greatest, jj|| can have i|L_yjeurhonte. Be- Si health and thereby the farti- pal ^ mot be lower~?and by order- . ]2 omporthnd save a good -per- ja re in earnest. Every bhagard jj|j;? ifttbrfACtion or money.Jaack^Jl.. F. a E A W 5T A , B " iTH CAROLINA ~ I ' ' . ' >' -1. -V.' ' -F . v > ' re-.. ' '-1 ' ? " -. THE ROXBtmO M.iy.'i' F poultry"" 1 FLOCKS V ' <-a TRAP WESTS HELP'BREEDERS C Enable Pouttrymen ,to Find Profit E: Shlji Layers hy Selecting LMo Molting Hen^ ... %?Jfejlu?? - "ftTj."-'. u-.. (Prepared- by the United States Rtpart- <F ' mem of Aeticvltuje.) T rap-nest tng hens to. find, the tnn4? profitable'layers does, not appeal, to the ttverage farmer and back-yard ra poultryman as hrtag practical; . liesides the original cotjt of niriUln^ .the ,0 nests there Is thell extra labor re- ,H quired of 1 (lotting after the layers. cl However. some flirts that have, been ? ?..-* - ' . ' ti Profitable L.ay$fSt'*l-cund by Use <tf ^ , . ' " .Trap - f.'sst. * - ., learned n&*u result *?>? using tfce trap nest may be applied In the improve ' ^ .nibnj:. of tlie. flock. say . poultrymen of > the United States l>epah;ment of. .Ag. ricolture. Kor instance,'.-the trap .nest ~ lias shown tba? the Inge roolter Is the 4 most profitable bird In the flock. ?iow. " with the use of the trap' nest, u man may, ?eiect -the Itflte iholter itnrt" be sureMhat he h? the orean: the. flock. And'^ib- seems reason " aMe to belleve^thuf this characterise tic breeds aa.frpin generation to generation. " . _ AX IS BEST FOR EGG EATERS ' , ?^3 . ,Habit*8pread? From One Fowl to Another and Uniev$ Cheeked ' .. V .Affocta Whole Flock. * '(Pretiar0^ SV th* Unit**" S'.ntes Dcimrlmen. * of AsjdcnTtUre ) Egg eating sometimes becomes a se? rious \^5e'um flock, the fowls becoming ve^j fond of eggs when they have 1 learned to eat . theni. The habit spreads from fowl to fawl and unless checked will oftenspreud through the Whole flock. Egg eating usually begins through accident by eggs being broken iVn. u-Onen. Soe that the nests are properly supplied With strajvv or other nesting material-and have ihem darkened*, so tiist If r.tJ?egg is accidentally broken the fowlg will dot be likoly' |r> Ma. _ 1 supply plenty of liiue in the I 'fornyof oyster shcilH, hone or similar. ? substances to insure a Ann shell. ? SOOI) ?Ufi wnvcroH that a 1 hastforme^She Jiabit, the* fowl should < be removed no prevent the .spread of < the vine. Oncfc formed, It is difficult i to eradicate; auel the safest remedy Is the death penaUyL say poultry speclrfJ- j ists of the Unfteo^totes. Department 2 of Agriculture. < Fowls sometimes pluck * feathers J frnhi themselves and from each oth^/ J This Is often Caused by too clo*??c?n- ' Hneuifem, by the presence^f insect < pests? or .by improper feeding. When some fit the fowte 'of a flock have ? formed, the habit slightly, a wide 1 range with a changeo?f diet, including 1 .a plentiful supply of animal feed, and J freedom from insect pests, will usual* Jy correct the evil. 'Above all, see 1 that the fowls haveiplenty of inducement 4to' exercise; If the habit becomes w-eR formed it is very troublesome and may necessitate the kJHIng of some' of the frwlh in order, to stop It. YEARLY ' EGG LAYING PERIOD , '? *0*1 . . Increase Made at Massachusetts Ex- j periment Statfbn by 3e!#ption. ^ < * of Pullets. -V. .f Dr-.'H. I), troodale. research biologist _ in poultry at the Massachusetts Ei* periihentaJ station, stated that' the } yearly egg-laying period of a flock of henSat that place had been increased e by iin average of 58 day* by egg-selection from early-laying pullets. L Tills, lie said, had rtsuft^fl in an in(rVftfeH-in the number of whiter cggs^. $ Ya,lsin? the annual egg averagefrom 1-21 to" 185. Poukry breeders should aim" fb" ;eiiminatd. : broody liens from breeding-stock; id*?. the bir&s idle lopgei^ in the tvinter months. . r IDOWMMMi; Keepmraee nnd yard clean! ? " "Tj Provide .rooati* nnd dropping boards. H ' -i I Ihettii ^ " v" 11' r -I 'Si* * . Save the manOte. It Is worth money. [if treated properly. * rJ t .{?'--- ' .Pi Tb? early hatv^wl chick liecomu Uu ? f'h> | 1] H<U the hnuee dry. and free from a KM nlln. tnr vylMl.tfao .- J I ; : ^ K i ? ktnd eat the pooreet h?? tn the tt fan Then"they begin to juqu and cenee t;< p lift r .1 u 1 ; . 1 ' ' ' t-f ~ . ??? t>tht.19g2. . jl9' (mm IRCLES HELP FARM INCOME Kfcellefct Example of Way in WHich Home Demonstration Workers Aro Aiding Fanmers.' l'rej#a\^d Wy the i nltrd State? 'Department ' of AjrricuHard.) Heine demonstration workers realise fit feeftft* Wubstaiitiai^ Uii]nov^ti^nw' id be ijjhde III rural Hon? li*V there" hist be mbre cash income wlth^vhich ! install convenience*. correct kfcets, kutlfy the surrouinlUiK*', or iinpiote lotblfig.- On nio?t *7^108 m -and sailing" of eggs ahd. kmltry ter the best Immediate pn?siunities w Increasing the tncon:?. The- home 'iponst ration agente -of Hie- United lutes I>eparttuent of Agriculture' and ie state agiiciilturai colleges', there- J re have turned'their attention to. ~ vtog lielp In this fleltl whenever there *emed to be- need of#lt. The poultprojec^at Orchard Gar?ns cdmniunity.* Dultotli- County, [inn^ iB?ah'exc?lIent example of the av In which hnme . __domohRtrHtion ork thus ^nieets a real want." The ome demonstration agent helped to iterest- people, In pphifr^raising as a >uryei of income, whicb-weuld mean leotoe ilurthy .the winter as .-well urfag the smnijier. ^ The poultry project was started by le poultry spectatlsT. '-During the roject the n?eml><irsforme'>? poultry ssooiation.' The first \vork*ofHfie as noiatioir was to-poof fheir orders tot" eed, -thug saving a considerable stim Tie secohd-etep of jhe assoctntton Wnfr ixorganize hu egg cirCleio crake plans jv the market hip of the-eggs. The epp ircle was formed and h.v-laws adopted taking- provlsiota for a guaraftty thai heir product would he of crecHe^y Flock of Laying Hens In Good Health. luaJSty. Each member was furnished ivrtJt a stamp with the name ?tf the egjr drrte and'a number. Identifying |hes -4t? case a had ecjr was shlfipe?i. t. could br tnjeetf to. the owner.? . Tbtrooglr the- home /'demopotratioa ipeot a market for the egg? was fotmd to the",Women's Community Council >f Minneapolis. the office pf the Mlnne-: ipoll? home demonstration agent' being .used as the distributing center, rhe prodnAloo from, the egg' circlesoon outgrew this form of marketing fhd the president of the Orchard Oarlens Poultry association"then secured' i wmrket for the eggs tftrpugh dne pY" fie hlgh-elasa market s-itt-eggs and but-^ er In Minneapolis. , IAKED BONES FOR POULTRY rlimiah Mineral Matter Which lavof Great importance?Pound Into Small Crumbs. Heavy bones of allkinds may be pnt n shape for chicken feed by baking tnfil brittle.- and then rolling or pounding into, small .crumbs/ These*.baked bonck. furbish mlriVrul matter which Is if great importance In nutrition. ;reeu hemp is probably the .best -Sousce f mhifral matter, but green "hone Is ?ot always at hand J and bones for baknjr .are' riinre or less abundant on very farm. .ICE ARE ^QUiTE INJURIOUS 'acaeitcs Have .Been Knovvij to De, stroy Dozens of Turkey^ in Short. ..;.* Period of Time, .Experienced furkej^ breeders agree hat-lice are the thosf dangerous, to duit turkeys, durijng the fall and Winer. They have been known! to defray /dozen* of bir^s In n few week a* T.b- jisual raaaoir gfyen fs that t*fic~ gfkeyft are urilftre to flruT^Atat, I V-fhHr^pnrorfi JBKdF^blch to flaht the e*t ii> their own way,.and corw**ni??f~ the Hee j?et on unuaunl fooUtoUlr 'RQF1TABLLT0 RAISE DUCKS . oe?f?"Matma Rapidly and Art needy fSf Market at Tan or Eleven Weeke of AflO. ^^ _ . One of the beat aourtrs of profit In iraltry rnlMnn.' partlcsl?rlj wherelarket poultry I* eoncerned, la In the iptdly and are- general? ready far arket at ten of eleven weeke of ,a* f feeders they bring good ttrteta If mm . irod and belt otrer.unUl the bread , I' *? . v -' t They are I T Good! J . . ". . , r\, . - :' 'y! ... Buy this Cigarette ?f ONE MILLPQN. ACRES . LAND UNDENT WATER MEMBERS OF-'t<JX,GRESf? ARE ' I CARRIED OVER FI.O0D AREA} .fr ,0 j S|>ecial' Tiain Bnckfrrt'^Tbroimb pvfrj Twfi feet cf Wa% (\ives Congress- j men Vivid Insight Into Tragedy ofj River Flood Party. Taken SttiWner \ And (iocs Farther ..Op To South'; Stopping 'At 'Matches. Tfedey^-16*060 "Persons Are-Already Jd-Need of Help?Growing Wcrte. In Vicin* . ity cf New Orleans. * i ' ' -? - ' V;? - .J VicksbuTg, Miss:, May ?One mil- j i.lion adr^8-^25 -peieept t under cultiv-: 1 a tion?munda-ted to a -depth3 of from! three - to 15 feet, _ yater-ccvered . and ] rapidly disintegrating farm buildings refugees housed in boxcars* tents, and railroad stations, and hdre and. there a more persistent householder sticking to hhis dwelling despit^ tfoj lapping of water against the thresholds, viewed from the windows of it special train which ploughed ft/ftay through more than two feet of backwatdr fat a distance of 25 miles irdm Oafey to Vicksburg, .gave the congressional del egation survevyjng the ravages 'of sight today into the tragedy of the river flood- - 7?Today's journey, the third dgy oi the tour begun at Memphis Moftdaj was through th^ "badkwater" spread ing'oyer the Yazoo basin from Brunswick Gap and. uncompleted Stretch oi tb* Mississippi river levee systen north of Vickaburg and through th< . Yazoo river- ? ? From Carey at present the north limits of -the inland owvefflow?tc Vicksburg, it was much the same sijfrt?abandoned farm houses, here and there a knoll of high ground crowded with corraled livestock, a raftmoving to the neighboring b'illa, or railroad: right of wary with piled up household goods and Refugees, and at intervals a house built on stilts with the occupant holding tbiir groun making- the best of the situation'and t^pparentry determined to stick it out. ,. * . X Box cars, top floors of cot'tdp gins railroad stationsand loading platform and tents pitched pn the ridjfes. which dot. the generally flat lowlands, now I are housing several thousand refug-l I ees, with 'tHj number expected to ap- I preciably increase as the waters rise and spread further** ^Approximately 2,000 are being car if H . A (treat thing to ^iave on ice a th< ? Ka Vqur grcxSw delivers it by the i B 1 Delicious ai}d Refe I B ROXBORQ BOTTL -LIP Boyaono I H wm# vana aa aiCi^iova Licini fad - r~^?: ? ' /' ' ' ' *.y 'frig? T*far H' :ig^rettes inf and Save Money reform liny erirni HOP of which'have. . r bt^n distributed on sidinps at. central '.; pointa aionp the Ime of. the' Yazoo * ?nd Mississippi vally railroad io the Overflowed urea: , .'? - .: . \Vember3*pf the congressional party *. y'. left thc^.riVejy .commission s<eamer Mississippi abro.cT wdtrch "thj/ yroat part of 'the tour is bft.im5^ipa ie, at . - > jGtetoTjiU oarjy. (odov/and after art. rroomiibilef^Ie fhfr Inland' for a view ' if neighboring.. plantations.' e&rtailei Ijjj? a heavy >oansto_?m, boarded a-snt-c . ipl .-tiv.in at 'the latter, town., for the v raid trip through the^flooded sections .. tof Vichsburp. ? -:After a. tfwit. to the natiopa) park here, and a lunclcon, the party re- . ...?. Itoarde'd the Mississippi for . a-contitr- ~r y uafcion of the southward journey. Ndtehpz, the pcxt ^ton in -the itiner. iry, is exntctod to he' reached late tomorrow. >-?*? . ' ' . . i In its spread over the farm lahgs l irx.tho Ynzdo basin thfrv^wsfor utihii ately will inuidate- sections of five. f ; ounties?Isaaqrena, v'Sharkey* HumtpHreyA, Yazoo, and .the* northern part 'of Warren. 7*7 7T'' ' .' >* ' t Ut Tnfiny port*, of vhe "ur.?4 already |-o verflowei, seed was planted several week* ago. * '? ~~~* ' j Joseph C. Logan, .Red Cross repre i genMtivc vun i'i " \ 'tin conhipetaon with; state and locakjdU . \ ' | ficials. issued a statement today mdiicatiHB that approximately 16000 perr' mostly negro_tenant_farmerg. ' | already" been reported as m need ?l [' relief in Rdzpo hasin and several otll- _ 'cr coanlie* of the south. f. ''Rationing" began a week tfgb in i * some sections. Thus far thin we"k i subsistence* for 3,000 persons for 4 week fyas been distributed. It was e? { timated from reports m-ade by field , I agents, to the Vicksburg Rqd Cross headjjuartqrs that upwards ol 40,000^persons'ultimately will be in need of.. aid to tiirie them over ^antil th& Water subside^ l^od crops Xap 6e raised: . X ; ft V -? ' O ' L . \ . ...... -^CRl. NEWS. ! * ' \ * N . The farmers are busy planting corn. Wheat, oats and clqver are . looking go<yi. Mud Branch* went dry last summer, ^oaaeqm^ltly hook and line have played in Hard luck this spring. Tobacco plants seem t<f be plentiful. Mr. J. A. Moell*, who died the last of 'January, was. my riend, in.'fact was a friend to every one. He remarked to fnu a long time ago that " he harmed no man intentionally, 1' Thbquig Frazier. I, 1 1 r 1 n i 1 jii ^ iHBassalKCB0B8K33MBii ~ ~ .

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