J. W. NOELL, Editor and Pub :vol.xxxv.iv WOMAN WILL RON FOR N. C. SENATE It became knowru-JioSo la?t digli! Vhnt. North Carolina wilt have a Jyr4man candidate for the State Senator Miss Bessie Thompson, of Leasburg in Caawetl .county having filed her ~ cshlidsry fui il|slly at the county seat in Vanceyville. Miss Thompson is described as a Woman in Hsr thirties; * a school teacher and a cultured woman. She is ? daughter of Hon. Get). Thompson, the- first Democrat to be -> etectel from Caswell after the.Civil War. She is a direct deceridant from Jacob Thompson, who, three genera! trons ago was a member of tils United. SUtes Senate, Miss Thompson, it -is understood,.--have little appreciable -opposition' "but will have con? - aitterable 'support from .-'-Han. 'J- E: ^ Tucker,,whb served in.the lower HouSe >!*:.. for four years and .who was jreneral, ly believed to be about' to enter' the Tace for the Senate has decided not . to run but has tlJ.-own his?substantial support to the woman candidate r~~ . in the pyimary'^to be held Junek3rd "She wjfi. if olecfed; represent four counties?Caswell Orance. Alstmanee and Durham and she .will be ?the first . woman in history to make, the race for the S'orth Carolina Senate.. ' Miss Thompson is related in Danville and c^mps of a distinguished family. Although the fiphtr will be beyond fhe Virginia line Danville people will watch U?r fortunes with interest. She will make her platform on Health*! Roads and Education, and may stump the district?ras Mr. Tuck ?r has "decided to do also-in-her behalf.?Danville Aetrister.' May 1 Oth. A WOMAN CANDIDATE ASPIRES! ??o? This immediate section of t!l> Unite8 States appears to be prolific in political Amaztyts. Danville t- pave Nancy"Astor to' the world and now Caswell county, which adjoins - uy -thr""'""* 'n yield the first woman State Senator to.the eld North State. Eliewhere i?- published an art outi t of .ue filing 0? s-udidaey of Mia/ B*s**-'V sfc-Tho'mpfjrnJ'of LcasTmrgr>?. who proposes to rap in the.primaries . of June 3rd in the four counties .emmance Orange 2nd Durham. Despite ?tin factAljJJC^orthy-Ca'ipHna lays small elahn to the interests of _Yn:** ginihns. there U something about hey candidacy aVhicl' wili he watch'el witti cageTjjess bv the'people of rhi? ^ction, As we.undecstarid it. there -j . certain element in the Sena.tr trlct which is fomenting a "^revolt against the present .'method of Imild-Jng roads and whirl.! would go back ^Uirthe old order of things in ord*r. tc -* .? avoid extra taxation which voa-i building naturally involves. If Thi* " reported "revolt" succeeds * he fine r;" pace set in road building in cur neigh boring counties across tre ,line wil1 have gene to nought. It is against tHis "revolt*' that Mtas Thompscr has set her heart and* she is out tc " '. ; maintain progress i/? ro&d-huildlng Jp' inclrldinK. in her .pUtfcrm health .anc education. ^ North .Carolina- is fully awaken : . ed to the new influence .Which' has come with, the enfranchisement ol ' women. The leaders of both the ma t. jor parties -are seeking to interest wAmc? In things political. The _JBe - publicans have lost no opportunity^ t: strengthen their position by an, alliance \vkh til* wpmen and the Dom "Ofttte ar?*\pnpOurotr.ing their leading I',"- , ^omen 11> in'tb-the political ar ena. For that reason it is likely tha Mies Thpirrpson wiH have no oppo. gition thoTrimarv. N'o greater blow cNpld be struck at women's fla pirations than by assiduously' court hti? a fair candidate, inducing h*t t? *" rUU and .putting up n male can . didate against her. We eiispSct,-there &to, that the old policy of nobles*. Ul^ bollge prey Ail and that the Dem ocrata of Korth Carolina Sen a tori a ' district .wttUclear Lhc path far a tci ufffphfthfrrm -far fir?^North Car lJ!L_,eUBa woman' th* first of her sex t< hm* agpire far the ujx>er branch of Nbrrtl SlE- State Legislature.?^tAwmue Ma; !<?>< ? . - ..._ i* ' NEXT SUNDAY AT TH V~ ~*" &KV;. . METHOtMSf CHURCH r 11 A. M. Subject: The hurt of _cyi bioodingr-or the sin ?f worry. g P. M. Sermon: The .Gospel jj good T?hoer. tT~ " These aermpns follow each othe "^T^Jn-leteical sequence, A discussion o .tBgg qupst.-ons seem timely."^'? " 2 s tidier ROXBORO. .' WHAT MAKES IT GOT . In the window facing Main Street in the Peoples Bank is a clock which ip one of-tlJ-' mysteries. It has- ot machinery, no electrical. connection or anything apparently to make .it Iceqp time, but'it does ran ?nd, keqpa correclt~time. The next tim?~"yott are on the streets stop and take a .look ltrit, andrif yotrare not satisfied wi^h a look from the oatside Step in and examine it more closely. There fs no . trick about-it, but the question is, "What makes it go?." A little booklet, whicll'the bank is to any one, and after reading it you will, clearly' understand just what it tliat" makes it go. Here is the explanation : "The, revolution of the earth oh its axis every twenty-four - hours-pesssessea both a rotary 'and centrmigal .force. The rotary force is neutralized, so we do not notice it", bp tUi' tremetniniis size of tfie earthy sphere, and the .centrifugal force is neutral . ized by,.,the .magnetic attraction which causes .articles to fall instead of fly out into space-when drppfridt i By supplanting this neutralization of the rotary motion of -tl*> eatth in its. daily revolution by a. counter'ifilancing influence secured by means of. a "bisecting spheroid to, which a magnetic compass is attached, "and by astronomically calculating- the proper reduction in size so that the circumference of the clock's dial bears the same' relationship to its ejxis ap the circumference of the earth ibears tc the axis of the earth and ult so utilizing ' tlja attraction of the I ntoon to t!)?'earth! which is found to i be felt upon the hour -hand of the j clock "when this neutralization is- reJ moved by the above mentioned scientific. discovery,,"hen the hands are olI lowed tc rotate in accord witW the , revolution of- the earth, the same as ! the"-earth rotates on its- satis, ejpept I that the cslrutatrrm is- such that the hands of the clock make tfo revolutions to the earth's-one. . NOTICE. To My Friends and Patrons: | ' We wish to say that we are buildl ing cut of the largest and best way . hoisea in tils State, fire proof, afcd i will have it completed in time foi i early Fall Opening at usuil time ir ;[September. We wilt i mi-auction sale? and sell'for CASH, and wev are tookintr for good prices. We have the -asaurafice from all of the Companies that they wrll hive buyers fverc r ready to look "after your interest ai -1' N'pw Hyeo Warehouse.' We are going to run cur Ware , house ant we atj* going to sell to; barer at auction as usQal. so do rim * believe - everything you hear. Sell this cron at the" New Hyeo, and we wil 'appreciate your trade-and look aftei jycur interest?pay ALL CASH th< t same day. I Your friends, W. T. PASS & CO., Roxhoro, N. C. -? o SOCIETY IvYENTS. Mrs. Edgar V. Boafwright enter jltaiued most delightfully the mem bom of the Bridge Club and a tev invited guests Friday afternoon. "Th< ' home wag brigldb an<f pretty with de ^ ccrations of roses and snap dragons After several professions- of bridge 11 and t-labcr^te course of refreshments I ccnsis-irg of chicken a la/king, -stuff .ed tomatoes, fandwiches, hot rolls ice cream and cake was served by th< _ Rpsiess ana .uirs -tiny naruy vo mi , f olic Wing guests: MpsHamw A. M Burrts. T. B. Woody, R. W.'.Stephens t S. A. Jenes, R. L. Wall of Winston ;; Salem. J. W, Noell, M. R. Lcnar, W f f. Watkins, W. T. Lorn?. W. S. Clary Jr., nMary Ehonman, Geo. . W. Kani and Elizabeth Noel!. I ?<*? . | TH? musk pupils of Miss Josephin< .. Craven gave an. .enjoyable recita ^Friday "evening-in the graded sehoo . auditorium. A program consisting o jlpiano soles, dufts, quartetts am . choruses was presented to a larpre an< "3 appr^eiauvo [am hence.. imaa father j'inf Hatehett won the medal for th i greatest improvement in musk dur ^ ing the year. DEAifTH/F MUM. CTA ?'TU V. .Mrs. L. G. Clayton, -sister of Col 1 J. H Burch, died-at her home nea AllensviTTe Monday at 12 o*clock<- Eon f ci*l services were conducted by he 1 pastor, Kev. J. C* Whedbeer on yes r terday evening. Out of a frfmily . o t twelyis_ children only CoL Burch i now It ft, ? I 1 . / l0$ba Tloroe First, Abrq - , NORTH CAROLINA, ; TWENTYTON METEOR ~ HITS.EHRTH IN VIR6INIA WODOS Over Southern Virginia and in N. Carolina. NORFOLK, May 12.?TJw shock of a 20-ton meteoTuwhich crash es to tn.' ground in an isolated spoi in Nottoway county, 12 miles southwest of Blackstone, late last, night, wai felt for a radius of 50 milej the brilliant glare of the incandescent body illumined the heavens ovei southern Virginia and sections ol tile meteor fell in a slow curve from the, zenith at an angle of about 45 degrees, was visible in this city. Rich. niond and at'points'along the James river, creating. general excitqipent and ev^n consternation on the part oi negroes. . - The meteor, compqaed of, a metallic substance, crashed Tnto a grove cf oak tiees with" tfh explosive roar, some distance'from any House, makj ing a hole with an area of 500 square feet and jurying several trees with | it. Flames which immediately shot up were visible, for?many miles, while trees caught fire. ' ROXBORO'S -RESPECTFUL RESPONSE Memory turned the r steps of many to 6\St Cemetery on Mothers' Day and Cerfietery Flower Day. Of tHj three hundred and imore marked and unmarked mounds scarce one but bor< the token of some one's thought florist's flowers a few brought. Man) shared flowers of their own garden 1 An occasional bunch of wild blossom! sheared the spirit in which al^.*ntero< into the day. Here an<?there Some single rose suggested perhaps strangei hands' thoughtfulness and desire thai nope?net one grave1?should be over looked. With one accord and a com nnrnnse tn unite in evidence o: respect to our dead, four Hundred am fifty men,' women, and. children visit 1 led the Cemetery or^ this one' day. I None will..deny that it was fitting to" shew such loyalty to the departed 1 few will feel that this union in i "worthy cause did anything but' goo< 'i to. the living:. Shall we rot make th< ' pcustcni an annual one and see tha its "spirit increases with the years? HIGH SCHOOL COM M EN ( EM ENTS High' Schf^I Commencements wet? , j the ccdcr of the day last week, ther< ,j being fourr on hand,** ar.d all did : j; flourishing business as we learn h; , | the 'reports from""thom. Burhy Fori iHfeU S;ho:l. Helena -High School j Longburst -High School and Bethe Hill High School'all had their cjosinj ,j exercises during the week, : nd we -ar | glad tc know rill of thera closed mos I successful terms. THese schools Ar j the pride of the County, and to .then j we mus: look largely for the futur c? the County. Notwithstanding w | were called down for an article re cently because we assorted that th j teachers were the s ilt cf tlte' earth j we again assert that, no mortal eai measure the good these. gcod, patien teachers are doing for the Counts and some day they- will come int [ their own. j We. sincerely regret we could no j be "present all of these exercise; : but it was impossible. We Bad hope' i to have full Teports from each schoo 1 but we have been disappointed, a j our correspondents A failed 'us thi , I tune. & i - ?7-?"?1? NOTICE TO CANDIDATES. AU- persona..who.wish to be candi p '' wither in#tli? Democratic or Re j publican Primary to be held June ? j 1922 must file* tVvwr apTTMfTrtmrwtt ^ the undersigned on or before Ma i j 20, 1922. j j Thfe above applies also to eandi _ > dnto? without -opposition-in. tha Pri efrtnrnr. They Tfrrrat lilt ? .jcandidacy on or before May 20, 192 jjcfr it will be impossible for tlJM i r ?nies to , be printed as the regufa nomineSSToi -tneir partV. ~ ? ? - - , R. Lv. <JA.RRI3 Chairman County Board of Election ^Majr W lWE .J | ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. rj Mr. atul Mrs. William R. Wtlkei * son announce the enKBfcmrnt of ?Hti ' daughter. Jesjda, to llr. Clafonce I s Boyd ot Rtoxboro. The, wedding is t ; f.?V? ? fti g *d.>Jext. ' .. f, 1 Wednesday Evening Ma RENLHEiK COUNTY-^" - CONVENTION ' The Republicans of -Person Count} Ijeki their convention on Saturday | May 13th, at the County Court Houst end nominated the follwing^ - candidates to compose their ticket for the r earning Fn.1! election! Legislature, Mr. T. B, Davis, Allepsville, Twp. ' - ."Slteriff, Mr. J. C. Cites, Flat Rivet iW ;"7~. Clerk rf Court,'Mr. Chas. C. Gar: rett, Rojtboro Twp. Reg. Deeds, Mr. -A. P. Clayton, , Ro'xboro Twp. i, Treasurer, Mr. W. F. Long). Rox: boro Twp. ' * . v^roner;,wr. aamuei Clayton, wox' bcro Twp. h ?Surveyor, Mr. w T. Buchanan. AMensville Twp. V Go. Gommi., Mr- C. H. Hunter, Roxboro Twp. ?? L Mr. H.. J. Whittf>/Roxboro Mr* J..G. Chambers, - Flat* River twp- , Th>- fallowing' were?elected r to .serve as County ~Ex. Comm. for the 1 next two .years: 1 Mr. R. - A. Burch, East' Roymo, Cfiafnriin.- . ' " ,,, : . Mr. J. V. Woody, AHeniyille. i Mr. C. A. Monk, Bushy Fark. Mr. J. T. Lunstford, Gates. Mr. John .James, Ai. * Mr- Jawell Crowder, Cunningham. Mr. 1?. E. Clayton, Ceffo, . Mr. G. C: Barrett, Holloways. : Mf- A. B.' O'Briant, Morish. - Mr; L..M Clayton, Mt. Tirxah Hop. W. D.'Merritt, West Roxboro : Mr- O. Y. Clayton, Winstead. i MitB. E. Miteheli, Woodsdale/^ " ' Mr. C. E. Cirver, Chub Lake. I - i ' i???-b?:???i F Close of bushy F.ork high SCHOOL 1 t. Affe.^, successful term Busily Fort - High fcJhool ^osed l^sr week, the^ex: r ercises beginning on" Thursday niktj t with exercises by the primary class - which were greeted by a pttckec - house. Friday's program consisting L y- f iiiii 7 ilpi-l-inimr f)n' i was thoroughly enjoyed by a large - V>wc. A deciartaiiton contort, th< fitst In a number of vear? aFTtlJl: r .school; took place on- Friday, the.med : nl hpirttr won hv Lennie NewtOn i which wps presented by ?E 1 Bums, of Roxboro. 'Two prizes wrti 5' given for greatest improvement ii 1 penmanship, these prizes being avoi by Miss Etta Hester "and" Miss Jani? Ropers. "Rev. J. A. Bcim presenter these prizes: Diplomas were present ed. by. the Supt. of-dhe Set* vol to-^Iis: ? Etta Hester and. Jubal Baynea. Tri e day nipFt^closed the "oxercisVs '.Ctrl ^-two plays, 'which were most gracious ly receiver! the large audience. Maj. L. P. Mcllendcn.of Durban delivered ti?> commencement address j whicb wis the- feature cf the day o T Friday.. He made many friends i ?Jthis cdhimumty.?S. " 11* ? " ?. COfNTY M I>IT RECEIVED. a '? e There, has been much d^icussion. a e bcut the audit of th*e Person Count . offices since last summer and fal e and although there has been delay v i, getting til's report, it is now on fil n in the Office of the Register of Deed t for public inspection to every on r, who dsires to see it. This rep5rt cov o ers Sheriff's settlemer's. U^ard o Education, Central Highway Com t mission and Clerk of the Superio i. Court'and covers in'alltwo hundre d oages. The auditors have gone, int 1, tlli- greatest details in checking th s accounts* and it makes ver.t-interest s ing reading. The audit was made b authority cf the State Auditor an was prepared by Pulleri, Henderso & Company, certified public, accoun afits of high reputation. There is always-more or loss dis {, cusaion about* the handling of publi hi flffid*? "n fid'this audit now crire* t y the public information and" detail wH'.h has long been sought for. Any i- body interested in these matters ca -[ran in the Reenter of Deed's Offie f, where a open to pnhlic m 2! spection as required by law. r| -o? r RESPECTFULLY REFERRED -- ??JO?COUNTY ATTbttNEl s3 Wo business men were in our ol .-f\cp yesterday cvenine'am! wanted1'1 , know when the law requiring (logs t t be confined went into . effect. Tiav'.n v no dog and not being ryuph -interest r ed -tn the subject we Voulff tyt giv I tjiec tHa information sought. Will th d County Attorney kindly give this ir feomntion. " ' ~~~ v - . __ [rttrfi Jl r $.1 ty 17th 1922 V By LIGHTNING i ~ * f i ??6?? ' On last Thursday evening the re, sidence of Mr. G. W. Thomas on South Main. Street was struct-by lightning. It' camf dosu the chimney knocking the" grate put of the fire place in one,room and tOtoWTYig the summer front out in another room.. The roof was considerably damaged which, aside from tfife amoot scattered oyer the house, was about all of the damage done, fortunately no one was in eitHSr <tf the rooms wbcro lightning struck. *-* \ r RED CROSS NURSE. , ?* The Person County Chapter .of the Red Cross have employed a nurse, Miss Charlotte Smigekrwr who sill give l.'jr whole time to work in this County.. Miss Smigelow will visit c^ery section cf the County and organize classes which will study the various ills of women and. children. In short her work will be along the lines of trying .to prevent sickness, and in case "of sickness to instruct how. to nurse the cases. TIC County is In debt to the Red Cross for this work,. for it will mean, much to-the County. We -ceicome Miss Smingelow and arc quite sure she will find a watm welcome by every one interested in the health and general welfare cf -the County. " : READ THIS LETTER. " Semora, N. C. " May 10th-1921. Mr. S1 P. Satterfteld, Rojboro. N. G. Dear Sir:- . ; . . I am writing to "thank you for your cheek, for 41002.52 in. payment_for - my husband's policy for$ 1000.00 I< _ fnond thit he vow . on*- year j younger tha-n was on tBV application, , so your-company refunded the tuccess t part of premium. No wonder you sell so. many Jef. ferson policies. They are so uniforrv , ly kind and prompt in settlements. I would advise everybody tfc carry a JaiSferson.;, It was a God iSend' -to me and' mv children, j. ' Thanking you for the,interest you Kovn Vnt.^' QT?i4 Rrdmnr ?Arf1p-mpn.t I 1 ......?.m- r. rr 1 lam,.. v . e Very truly yours. ] * - Mrs. Mary Snltb Mantield. 5, | ?EX4*AGEM-ENT ANNOUNCED, ' r '? p i ? - ston-Salem, S, C.. announce the er.gairetment; ofc-their dau'ghter#>8yhelma ft j Woods, to" Mr. Trch o. (Ttwjfer, ofj j Asheville. N. C. The welding will ri take place in the summer. Mi^s Adams will be remembered as the niece cf Mr. and Mrs. Hug!1 Woods. She jhaa visited in Rcxbero often and has Tri?.r>y friends- who will be interested j in hor engagement. v PUPILS OF MRS.-NEWELL i, TO iflAVE RECITAL. n The pupils cf Mrs. H. W. Newell e will give their recital in the school ? auditorium Thursday night, M?.V eTSoth, at 8 o'clock. The public is cor* -1dially invited. * ATTENTION. VETERANS. T'j All Confederate Veterans are hered i by called to meet "in the court house 0! in Roxborc on Saturday, May 20th 6 [at- 9 A. M- Important business will " come before tjte*. Camp and all arc y urged to l>e present, and to come or ^ time, as we want to get these husi* " ness n liters qui of the'way before 1i;u un.'.r cacitioco J. H. BURCB. Coromander Tamp loMt. CJ r> i? . 0 SIMMER SCHOOL. *! Tbe Summer School for the teach* '"[era of this County will open on May H | 29tL\ and will continue for six u'eeks '"i a large ntimber, and they wi-11 all find I a warm ^relccme to the town. r ! DEATH OF MR. V1LL1NES. * Mr. N. R. Villine* died at his home | .near P'uslJ yesterday evening and will i be buried this evening" at i. IcmeneE ? j Baptist Church. Rev. K'. E. White 0t will conduct the funeral service. *\- - ' ? ~ "j ' REGISTER TODAY. e, Saturday, May 20th, is the last day i- you will have to register for-thn yri mary on June 3rd. t i? i - * " i :.50 Per Year in Advanc* J, ' No. 19 GOME TO ROXBORO 0NV NEXT SATURDAY > * . 01 S, .A record breaking crowd ia ex- * tpected in Roxboro oni next Saturday. . * -The. unveiling of the- monument ia "attraction sufficient to draw every one here, but the further fact that Hon. JosephUs Daniel! of Raleigh will deliver the address adds to the attraction. ?-Come early, and lefa --ahow the Veterans that we still love to do them honor. ? ? ' . . MEETING OF NVRS1\T. fdVtimTBB mittee Held Monday "evening an orgranjzation was perfected tSitb the following Com pi it tee: Dr. W. A. Bradshcr," W. H. Harris, Rov. J. A. -?: Beam, Miss Huldah Hester, and MralS J, .J. Winstead, Chairman. Miss Charlotte Sraigelow, of Den| vet. Col., graduate of St. Lukes'HdS- "v ' pjtal, Denver, CoL, and post graduate course at Western Reserve UniversirtjW Cleveland, Ohio, is the nurse in cKarge. '. " " ". ; After Selection of the . committee :l tJ.ullli j^ugram for County work was, .discussed., ' , _ WALKING-CANE LOST, DuringMJourt Week while in Bn. bcro I lost a crooked handle black walkih* cane. I prize this" cane very highly, as it was a gift, and if you know anything about it trill greatly appreciate IF if you will kindly leave it; at Tile Courier office.?G. W? i . MOORE. > . . INDEPENDENT WAREHOUSE WILL CONTINUE TO SEEL TOBACCO AT AUCTION. ' ' ' . . nlf: ..ti k!?_ orneving. mat ens present mgtn..od' of auction sales is the be?t ay* tem thpt has been devised for the marketing of tobacco, the IMDEP WW WAREHOUSE Mill CMUMae to use the auction system. Indication at present are that ohly two warehouses on the SoutU Boston market for the coming sea*or? 1922?23 which means that with two sets of buyers,, we wjll have a first sale evep* day. Our <14000 square feet of sales floor which is <"rie t)f. r\' ' beat, lighted--' .> floors in the BRIGHT J^ELT can accomodate enough tcha?ca?tr> occupy' ; the entire selling time dyjing each day.* [*. .'With an . experience \ force which . * jhasheen in u Warehouse business [ far?Quite a number of years, and i Gee. "Finch a* auctioneer, insures the ' best of service, likewise the higltest possible 'price for your . tobacco. The accomodations at the INDRP EN'DF.XT for man and beast, are an- -r ! excelled, which eliminates all -possible ,1 rouble r and inconvenience when ' marketing your tobatce. , By Having in our employment a live sales force of almcst life time experience warehousemen we .feel f that we are in position to furnish the very best service obtainable for. tho ' marketing of tobacco. > , To this end we have expended our ; energy and thought, likewise cur mon ?y to make the INDEPENDENT ^ r WAJRluwOTJ-SE t he- best place in tlfe BRIGHT BEET at which to sell- or market* your tobacco. > .v f ?We are assured two full corps e? . buyers "by ail of the tobaccfo rompanr r xes '.wiin me promise 01 . amitionai : buyers provided, theY are needed. i We cannot predict what the price cf tboapcD will be this fall, but tho > size and -quality of t)J? crop will havo more effect on the price paid than all the buying and selling wcrnninu * tibnaT in' the" world! To the farmers who have patronized any pf our force in the past I when they were in the employment of-warehouses using the auction sys. | tem ?er the marketing of tobacco, we* want to eay with confidence ami i sincerity^ that when better prfcesT | it wnfbe at the INDEPENDENT * .WAREHOUSE. . ' ?1 With an experienced sales force I wrich kno^n ihrftughout Halifax and / r'adjoining counties, and with tli* l?i est modern improved facilities for UJ^ markeUng of tobarco^ we respectfully solicit: your patronage promising* yotr our every effort to make the market ing of "your tobacco both pleasant ' and profitable. I Your* fot ?service, ftEAVE^ WAREHOUSE jCOs ^ "I" ' , " ~ * 7 -1 . }->

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