.. .... jS^Mk&Westers ^claJuiyEITwlivB April SO 1922*') " p. ro. a, m. ^ a. m. p: m Jt5;3n -*7:00 IV," Durham Jir.-jy.00 9:13 'x7:09j?8:18 lv. Roxboro ar. 9:23.7:34 x7:5Sj*8:45 lv. DennUtbn ar. 8:45 7:19 x8:20 *9:05 lv. S.,Boaton ar. 8:J8'4r5? . x>t8B|*9-i9 iv; Halifax ar'8:02J#:48 ?xltis .)4t!40 ar.-Lynahg. lv. 5:80,4:19 I p. m. a. hi.-b. m. I '1 Daily' atid Dally Ex. Son; Connections at LynclJburg withj-' trains east' and westbound. ' Parlor and sleeping cars dining carp. The best route to the west and northwest. Rates and information upon application to agent, or ? W. C. SAUNDERS, V General Pas's. Agent v\. .Roanoke, Va. SUBSCRIBE, TO THE ItOXBORO -?COURIER, Better and Bettor, each A Distinguishc rp\ is a plea 16V-, idence : i (/JiSC r.?\co, " seed Oil t Theyaretlmply addhtsLmaeed Pure Pail Oil to LAM Emil-PeetePebrt Qaicklydone, Save$you Money ? L?? I i FOR SA . ~ . . rrn ttt ' itrrAU a rt wov. IT . 1I1U.T1A9 . sfoopp NotKmcj else wail d '*Z0a- ' ' ' You ? let snore and Better sKitu fot* yous* mone] t f.T. Dallcy Coapny Inc. - |5g >?*'-? ' p - *"??*' -ru,- .*. T' 4 ^ ' PI % J ' y, * ym ' / ! ~ A Siill | 1 . Sm mm V "V_? I V. i. jj ~ -Never before has a sold at such a low p . " . Never before has t . | nner upholstery, w: and with many refir construction. This, is the family . i meets every require l_ ' comfort and sturdy . . ] So great is the dejm will soon be almosi .: your order now, m; ; payment, the balanc - *n J Ford prices hove m j] Ford quality has m _L__ _ i_i' CROWELL, ~ Roxboro ft ...J. . i ' f -U.Wjl! ll--YOUR HOME TOWN' FIRST. > Tiitt tot' yaar owhr tuwu. Beautify it. Improve it. Make it attractive. . Thp. wcrlj war and the Treaty' of Peace, the Protective Tariff ami .aU such things, are important subjects,but wlMl't the good of cleaning a? the world unless you sweep your own (!cop steps.? L; j 'r. The jiest advertisement cf. you? Surir.ess is the town -.-hb live : Towns get reputations, as well -as men. Make your town- talk-all over the state. It will, thus draw people. And where the people come there is prosperity. Rid your town of* one eyesore after anotlJir. Clean up the vacant lota and^jdant them in gardens. Make-a cluttered yard a disgrace, ^fake public o~pinioh loo hot for those who will r.nt hatn?-The Franklin TimeS. id Appearance sure enjoyed whsn your Resis attractively painted with I SEIWi-PASTF PAINT years of wear because costly inc is added for durability ? t,because you add3 quarts of Lii*- ~~ o each Kali- pahtt, making the Best it for $2.66 a gall., ready to use. ExtinMively.u?*d for 50 yaara LE BY ?J KOXKOItO, N. i' """ r iY '' ; crsayg^^ hi r. *vt" i i " - .:* -, ; - ' - - ' l':.\ - ' v"; *$1^1 ^ v; M 'COC i P. O.B . DETROIT ! I iter6Value I - - I Ford Sedan been rice. here'been such a rr--improved with indow regulators, , |i lements in chassis " ' car which fully ment of economy, i service. tnd that deliveries ^impossible. List ' ike a small down :e on easy terms. wer been so low , * 1 wer bom so hifk MITOCQ . _u_ ij, . . TFlfi* KDXBORO- COURIER M. J ' - ' " . ) ?? ^ " THe "wi ?i i , . -r ' ^ f '.^v' ' ,py i ' ' V - 1 . ' < * i ! ? mibi ii I ? BII i mi?T~i?rmr Cat3 Like It. The heir" to the. family fortunes nnd misfortunes. under the supposition that "we nnrst stick together^' is un'3\verv-J .ingly U>yaf-to DatJ,"e*Vii wh^FfiiTt. loyalty inyolyca attributes. not ysualy belonging to that side of the household. Mother was conr^tlerin.a ".n vacation trip, nnd sojne.one n?ke.d S<?h*Ht he nnd Dad oould '.imnuge' tiiecooklrtg during" her absence. " . "CUi, sure," Was the V*iidy, ..reply. Dad's rt good eooir. Wo can't oat Ills cooking, hut the , cats ?ian."?-PIttsbprgh Cjiroalde-Tcdogt&iilh Ulirhing F^ort for FreJudTces. ~ Is your' cree 1 n goal to be ' retried ns life grows or merely a mental hitching post! What Interested Kim. Major ^x-Indiai^ army, w'as playing his usual IS holes before lunch, but wq$ a long why below his usual standard, making many had shots. In consequence of-this- his temper, never one of the best, became somewhat ruffled, and .his anger .Increased when he noticed tTfat a laborerVns following from hole to hole. At last the major could, sfn"fi*d U 4io%lpnger. "What the. .are you. looking at?" ho- buret "Looking, slrj? replied the tnhTrer. "I ain't !ook\\ 1 ; I'm *{ Istent\?Lot^ don Tit-llits. " ^ . ... * i ^ ^ " It '"Was the "Rule. f". "\ One of ti?e reg;ilatit?hs of 'the congrtf^"on<Sc?r'library at Wliehiffa V is | rs u j W,ry .parcels I Otie a^U.-whroa(l->!i.oKbJeVod; Epun,' ^arrived aju^one <?f ^The 7Tooi\s of. the .lLhrm-y. -having m- l?er hanrf ft neat br ir.vQ ^aper. bundles .are "irthiwed hulhiihr;," *niti the attendant. "You | must leave it here till you voroe out." The young . vyh^vn objected. The ! man said It was the rule. The "young woman said It was absurd. The man i was rtrui. He must obey orders.. - The: young ^jjiYian hetettnfert : then she undid the parcel, hung se\T?rn1 Phjrs of black hose, over hcu arm, hand 3d the man the paper, and said: "Thcie, you may keep that until I come o it."?T.hila(K*lphSa Ledger. I nnmr II - liUMIt "" ^ SWEET (?)' HIE I *<&? Qaear Knowi Raal 1"*- Afr-. Matrimorua) JKl/ Lofie Gilkison "S ! - 4 ?. ?tlTOC??T?? f HOW 00 YOU K.KOW. THeY'Rt (wewLYweos? -rwgv jus-r V fiov/eo /n Y?S-nEftDAY y j x AFTERNOO^y /+Sj*x ?- * p-j '' Jfrix &#M| ^-' ^? fc ** .v _ .. V Xfi ' * ' vsfc, * VHCH 28"!i .1323 efgh*' of the Progr He Knew What to Do. j j Mother?Well, Johnny, I hope that you were n good boy In Sunday school Jadajv??? Johnny?Yes, mother, .1 didn't talk \ or .'any thing. . . 1 Mother?-Did you do yotafduty when the collection plate was passed? * j { JohnriJ'?YV?a bet I t*.ld! I got . enough to buy three tee cream sodai and go to the movies tomorrow night1 F ARBITER OF NATIONS I ^ An-' ..jpxi'jfislTo pV'ipjtamh qP. .Sir l SMfeiJ Zrt4tttf^?T fitmoujf^Angto-Oreet5 tlnancler, who is the owner ot Stonte Carlo and promoter anil banker of | Greece. Little Is known of the elusive j Sir Basil, save that be is a reputed i arbiter pf nations, the owner of newa-J papers, ships, factories, etc. Cloaked In mystery, tiehas.freen the power behind | the throne in almost all important oil deals In Elirope and Asia Minor. It Is reported that'since the armistice lie has lost about $54,000,0(X) in various Industries. " Vou ,iM 0oi/J' | , /ooo AJETW Seure - m i ( HA HOO? Lf=rT f-rweew a . \MlSSeO I Iff ^ ^ _c rS"*7 <? > ' I j [ weu. ip t I V MAftRlEP i \ op r-fl- A ~ ^ -yNE^Eg ..^4} \ HI/A m "rS5 m\\ fn| . it ff <! ferWI jia SMis&ag; t^&ga F "-. -- " < r essive \4 -. -* ^ ? fELL. -1 DO -- liif EH EVE ?'M .. J|gi SAINIA46 /^llf SOAAE/^^^p I Y0UN3 POULTS RELISH CURD: AdtfttttTrTof Few Onion Tops Chopped J Fine Is Recommended?Much I Drnger of Overfeeding, o There Is feed for the young ' poults thnn sour CO ft) Into which Tins T been pl/ieed n Tew onion 'tops'.Chopped flTie. 1 lolled date will irlso he relished. There J.s diihsfot of orerfeedtnfr at. the . Ptnrt. P.('tU*r n<?t: ford them anything -for *J4 hours after they are .lititehed: | The:jHiik of th'e egg will then he ohporhed'froni tlie system nn(T fdkJd.uiojre Mslly digested. ~ ' POULTRY NdTES Fat hens seldom have rob p. * ""^IhiYRey cb ed under" hens. < 1 * ' ! ?*** ? Limiting the jirotelTrtfr beef scraps in the ration wiU retard egg produo I tlon/ *"= * Sod lain fluoride 1$ a most* effective . Uce pmv?rt?r. It 1s W?*cpi>n {ye, easily wilT Trbt the licec ' JPew .eggs. result "^hhn Jieps are 4ai- lowed to eat theic^nitir-fiv^j^ie^^rT floor In lazy content.. All- grain should, be! scattered in deep fitter for this purpose. rTfvfsirn^^FTpWTTtfrnTin n ;. rvparf""metit, of AgriculPire/v Washington, D. .-C.; mar/oii ' enjtllctrf; ajflttfjp on turkeys nlileh caju he hfe-tor the asking. . ' ./ TTrm- In t'f>t fliA r?io?r fi'Vim -rrtiir The uio of the rVl' >:i y Tfodrh^M&fPT " ort of rearing -chlcR* Insures the r:> tslne of healthy cliltlts tflth ;tie least" work cepessnrf. ? Goose earjts mhy^te'locking :n .fortuity. because- of -.an" unsatisfactory gander. In. such cases n new gander inny be the remedy. It pays to male geese In the fall, as later nmtlfigs may not produce fertile eggs the first year AJe?6M80C? TM6 AJgwcfWBOs/ _ S//M6 A FAMILV S^AT-SMg / PLATE AT M?M - If J i> *IM AN' 96ANgQ Sl&JUgt ' MtSY'O SKEW LlOMP 1.NV LEM6TH MUnE S HE WOO LP mabitt HAVg MA^gVau >' : WITH -THAT Puate^^^- * ' HABIT /AJ . / , ' so/a none? ' ^1/%-Jr 3fW 11 10 ' V <* '* WE'U *u"l"ff4 ?w?- *. Swst! wwi FEEDING POULTRY FOR EGGS Profitable Returns From Laying Hens Are Largely Result of Feeding Balanced Ration. Good egg production and profitable returns from laying hens urn largely the result of property -balanced fa- . +4v?**Tt vmnpnsett 01 wnoiesome reeos. balanced ration Is a combination of feeds w hich furnish lust the neceiK Leghorn? Do Not Consume as Much ... Feed.,-as Heavier, Breeds. sar.v Amount of nutrients to produce the highest anil most .economical egfc yield*. 1' V ' J% -In some experiteents recently made, general-purpose pullets produced a d07.crt eggs fronu.6.7 pounds of feed, and Logic trn pullets' from 4.8 pounds ' '* . ?heps"required p much ~~? larger'amount of feed thnnpuMets.lo prpdactffjj^-do?,en egga."! -??- . _ to get. the utosJ, 'profitable -results,feedj jd tuple mixtures composed t of r Item* o-_grn jvfr- gr^fl!eiked~thelr Uy-W"dtVr'u^ts. >Mi>pl?.iriented \vith meat or fish *" :>CUip A- jllHlr ftHfiicnff I scratch. mixl(1re_^>f^t^"o i-arts ^mcLed.eotiinncroue 'I pnit^oats, and a nmsli of tlirerr"parts common I and or# part meat scrap. XHulse nil the srftjp?-f??ed-fiipi?ds much. LTRY" - " Trouble Is Brought About by Fowl Eating Decayed Animal Matter? Castor Gd Helps. Llmbeineck Is recognized by the fart that the fowl seems to lose control of its neck muscles, thereby allowing the* head to hang down and touch the r ground. The fowl seems powerless to raise the . head or have any control v. of It. The trouble, according to Hurry Krhbleton, professor of poultry husbandry at Oklahoma A. and M. c^lege, la brought about hy the bating of sopie decayed animal matter. "The best means, therefore,. of preventing further trouble Is to lodk the premises ovet . for a carcass of some kind," Embleton says. "In some cases we have found It to he rabbits, in others, snakes or ^ carcasses of fowls. Castor oil given lj:? by means of n small funnel and rubber V tube Inserted- In the food passage, seems to help somewhat hi restoring ' the affected birds to health." GREEN FEED HELPS POULTRY One of Moot Common Feeds During J Cold- Months la Sprouted Oat*? a Right Amount to Feed. Poultry relish a green feed during the winter months, and'one of the most commonly 'fed Is sprouted outs, Fed at the rate of one to two square Inches of oats to a fowl, two quarts of oats soaked In two quarts of water. and sprouted to proper length, two to four inches, will be sufficient for ISO hlrdi. Ordinarily, a gander may he mated with from one to four geese, although pair or trio. mating* generally give / the besp results. 'Wild ganders Bel-' dom mate with more than one "goose; - 1 \ ^ ^

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