HT - P : page tour .-tmf coirier _-_j.yrr 3. W.' NOKLL, Editor. Published, Every Wednesday Evening SUBSCRIPHNOX-.TEMfe$1.60 a ?^ear, 75 cents for 6' months "50 cents for 3 months?Cash in Advance. f? - " The Editor is in no way responsible for views expraiapd by yorrespondents. * - ^ Entered at the Post Office at Jtox Dorou. >M. C., as second.clrss" matter. Foreign Advertising' Reor?sent?tive _?^ THE AMERICANd*RES3 ASS'^CIATTOTT Roxboro, N. C. March 28th 1923 EXEMPTING FOREIGN CORPOR ,J ,w- A!!^S|The law exemping stock of foreign corporations owned by resident North Carolinians from direct taxa~ . lion is being roundly abased by many, snd highly praised by. others. It is, trnly, tlte finest opportunity ' for the demagogue imaginable, for it,is so easy to incite tp wrath the masses by telling them that all legislation today is in the interest of the "rich against ttb poor?and, un, 1 . ?? ;?J' fortunately, most cf them will faVT for it. We know, at first blush, the average man is likely to oppose the law exempting stocks for the simple reason that tlte average man- owns no stock, but when the matter Is thoroughly investigated we belidVo many will conclude it is a good law. ... - mtv i-arxer, wno piloted it through tils House; says in a recent eommuni-' nation: * Another reason for this law is thnt the exempting of these stocks from direct tax offers the only hopefor a decrease in taxes on" small homes and farmed Tile provision fqr a six months' school term is written ip -oar constitution agd is, of course, statewide. It was adopted by the vote^of all the people of all the counties. It is what the people have, said is necessary for .<*' tlte children of the state, therefore this six months' school term should -- ?< be provided by the-state and the deplorable" and ^detestable system' of forcing msny . counties ?to Come as mendicants .and-called pauper coun-. ties to' enable them to have t!JT six moths' school , term should be done -.air nway with."In almost every instance the largest sjngtr if<fm of tax levied by UV county is for the six month.?! .: school term. If the state could run J the schools fpr six months,wthe coun fc? pkri.-not ^evy.-tMS trtivect pyoSesty " we*rftuat provide fnfc'nn _ state income and simply* to change from a, county direct to a state di? rect tax w^d offev no relief. If, by preventing merTowning foreign stock froiji leaving the state and if by encouraging such ' the state, we can increase the -amduirt the state receives from income and , inheritance-taxes, tb?n the state can take gharge of and run these schools nntf the counties can relieve their burdened home owners . and farm ^owners from a part of the direct tax noiw-levied. #:s law is the only hope held out to bring about this most desirable condition." Very few of our readers knpw Mr. Parker, hut the majority d6 know Mr. Clarence Poe, editor -of the Progressive Parmer, who in discussing "Whst Ihp North Ornlina l.rgiala. . tore Did?and .Left Undone," says: About ?otne ntlJjr mattets that have aroused much discussion we refuse to become excited one way or the other. It ie our belief, for example, that the liberal and progressive forces of the State are 3hking a mistake in laying?so mupH emphasis -on the fact that persons holding stock "IrT corporation! operating outeioe .North " Carolina wiu not nereaiter list these aharea f!>r ad valorem taxation. TWe writer doesn't own or expect to own any each shares.: and nobody be lieres mure strongly then we in put-? ting more of the tax burden on {Re " wealthy and less on the poor; in 1920 f~~wt wwkwf ' day ?for thai -?-?income tax amendment,?which fth jgfc least made it possible for North Carolina to tax incomes from property. This year we favored Senator cofrld taxes <iu lu d innr ciift on TScomcs exceeding $25,0Q0. . . 50 ' Hut wihle insisting on puttine El'-- ' V'... r more of" the fax burden on wealth - - -r and less on the poor, let- ua be (air. n EapiJ corporation is required to pay- 4 tax git; its property, jOst as each ' landowner is requited to pay oji his lpnd. /V share of stock in' a company i is like trtdeei tn a piece of land. No < one weuld say, "Tax the land and al- ' to tax the deed lo the land." There seems to us qs little justice in tax- c ins a company on its- property and i then taxing tfii stockholder on. Jtls shares in the taxed company. And if J this is recognised as just in the case if North nflrrtllHB MmnoniM in it not also just in the case of companies operating outside North Carolina t" Sp, after reading much pro ah J con""wo believe you have no cause to get-excited over this law, for, in the end, it will be the means of reducing the taxes of the "poor_ farmer,1' ?the man who tHs demagogue pre,, tends to have such love for, and is the only way whereby the State will ever be able to pay the entire cost of running our public sctiools for six months in-the year. We all know our school tax is the major part of our taxes, and with this' off we would have Httle" cause to worry over the tax situation. r o > ? There may, or may not, have beeno deficit in the State's finances wWen Mr. Maxwell threw the . mqnkey wrench in the machinery, but if there are Inany" more suits to be defended by the State tiJsre will be one all right. We see it "stated that the fees i -I (.tiv lawjey in inn nisi one were r revehty thousand dollars?haif of it t going to one attorney. * ??.???-o Governor Morrison's shipping com- ( mlttee met yesterday for instructions as to the great shipping industry. However, it looks like $ven the ardor a of the Governor Hid kinder weaken- . . ti etc. oh the proposition. k -~o ? h "X" in his article in, which Ms f states he is "agifi" the new " offers a very fair jfcbposition?let J the oeOple sav at the polls whetHar ? . i ' . y 4.- V they wfint the new depot at the \ price; Fair enough, seems to us. ^ Judge Bynirm'a fee, it is stated; for ' 3 defending this State vsj^puthern Rai^- ^ road \Vas thirty: 1?vg thousand dol- d tors, yet a bit too high, had no busi-. * r.ass vC^ploying - o~ Republican. ~ Z * HSlNjSLMS. . BRIJWf^yonr good veal calves 'U T. H. Loy, on "Depot Strcet.^3T11 j&tj* ] : : We cat eh to Young Men and. tHgy I find here what tKey want. Try it. 1 Willnun & Satterffeld. f+t*r-*r*?r.~' * PRIZE WINNING seed Vorn for Sale, .Prolific^ S2.00.-per bushel. R. W. ' Crumpto'n, Ruac-hcro,-. N. C.f route 1. ) 3-28 2ts. p FOUND som$ moneyT Owner can get "thte sfime by identifying and paying for this ad. Apt>fy to Luther : Hull. ltpd. _ + - : See that bargain table of Shoes at Wilbum & Satterfield. > ? j ALL TAXES not paid by April the lit, will be put out for collection. Pay , now and save cost- of-advertising. J. 1 M. O'Brinnt, T?t Cnllactor ) < - ?j? ' FRESH cow for sa][e, a very fine young cow. Good qualities. Apply to ! Dr. R, S. Baynes, Hurdle Mills, N. C. | 3-28, 2tpd.. We are carrying the best and snap- ! piest line of Clothing wg, have everv j carried. Get a suit in the flew sft&des* ] W*th-j/n & Satterfield WHY "FLIRT WITH FATE? Windstoams and tornadoes wreck property worth millions each year. It coat bat little to protett you. See SATTERFIELD INS. AGENCY. "Old mid. Tried". - ?? . . ~ ' - ? :?; ?-? : ? NOTICE. When, you want hay and . atller feeds - for -then tiorae, cow, . plRs and chitVana?don't?atop?until?yon?find R. IL Gate's Feed Store. 3-7, 8ta: j Try the Auto Tire and Repair Shop far the next, work" you want on that^ automobile. Good workmen; beat aU \ tentlon, Maskable. price. Shop next'; door to Pcttigrew'i blacksmith shop. | Entrance frOim?either Main or Depot Street. . j . -' r; ~ r ' ' * ; 1: / ^^THB^ROTCBORO^^^OOURI^t . TRUNKS, big line, good assort ' ieqt?automatic wardrobe,'and steam-1 T- CalL and look them over and 'get I ny prirea. E. IT Cheek. ? '? .When it comes to sngp, yoUo^Tnirul everts to Knox?Hgtc. A shipment if felta .and straws received this veek. Wilbarni $ Satyerfjeld; "Mr. and Mr*r Pol(y Tickk'"\ a S'medy with ipusic. Benefit of Aroerean Legion,, High school auditorium 'riday night, March 30th.? i . % NOW IS TOE TIME to aet hens n raise early pullets. Pure bfed thode Island eggs, 15 for ft.00. John J. Yarbrcugh & Sons, Allensvillo, N. 3. .*. ltpd : ? -? j??? "Mr. and Mrs. Polly- Tickk"", q omedy with music,. Benefit of Araercan Legion, High schyol auditorium Viday night, March 30tH. 1 v' - ' ?;T?1 FOR SALE* 11 baseball suits, in food condition, mkkka, hats and base i>H". paraphernalia. .Apply to E. Vloatwright, Roxboro, N. O. 3-21, 3ts. WANTED; More salespeople in owns and cities?150 Products Exracts, Spices, Soaps, *?oilet Articles ?Easiest Sellers?No Advance id Vices?On market 34 years?No >ond. required?Hustlers make $1.00 lour. Write W. T. RawieigH- Co., Ct. ;T0? Treeport, III. 3-14 3ts. "Mr. and Mrs. Polly Tiekk"";. a cmedy with music. Benefit of Amerran Legion, High school auditorium Viday night, March 30tlJ. - * FOR SALE, at auction, if noVffold irivately, on April 2nd at court house Icor in Roxboro at. 12 o'clock, a 70 ere farm, located* on the sand clay. Icad leading to DurWam, about 2 ;iles from Roxboro. A splendid farm nd goqd opportunity far invest;.eht.. J. E. BROOKS, Roxboro, N. route 4. 3-21, 2ts. pd. We call your especal attention to bargain table of Pumps and Oxordis. Prices $1.00 to $3.50?Shoes a this lot that originally sotd as igh as $10.00. You will always find argains here. Wilburn & Satterleld. \ DWELLING} HOUSE and lot on -amarr Street for sale. 9 room house, frith bath, good garden and all ceneniences. Appljr to dOE KTRBY. Try the Auto Tire and Jfcepfcir Shop or work yeu. want on that utomobila. Good workmep, best ateirtion,* reasenabler prfCe.^Shon' next cor to Pettigjrew's blackjsimitH shop. Entrance?from Ijeither Main^r Deofr. Street. ?^ '' ' J ir," ; . ' I * . Special AL S A" . * V S For 1 Tea. Kettles, Preserving Ket 9i ! ' Bring us your country Longhurst M Jalong | The Sik Police PI CTURfi yourself in dire necess Yen dash out of your house in t OlaSj he> is nowhere in sight . ' That is not always the nolicem ground to cover, and he nfay be But, each night, tlJjye is a si I street corner There am, [ the street iighte operated by tii? J pahy. of your community. Crime cannot exist within the c ??"nKTOT~cofai^oro ''a'"/ "T"1' I great city, the Mayer ordered til t central bosinesa section, should .1 Within'an lbur after the'ordc I;i tiers,- a score of hold-ups and inn theft of the Mayor's own car froi I committed. Beforh the night was_j Roxboro Light ^ : " ~~~~ gSSftV. . :r"v ' ; " t-"Our' Shoes are growing in favor f daily, we buy Shoes tfilt are bjilt up to a standard- and- not down to a"1 priro''Quality .will lull in the long run.' Wilburn & SatterfveM. CONGOLBOM druggets have advanced from $ 16.20 to $12-00, but I: am 91111 oiienng um cut uruRKei aij $10.00. Better come quick for these prices ean not be duplicated later on, E. D. Cheek. HOG SALfr?'This is "my last lot of pigs and. shcats I will sell tHis season. 1 have sold over 400 this season. So here is a chance for you to get "your breeding" "and porker hogs at your own price. Don't miss seeing this lot of shoats. I am offering tH*m at a low price. Sec them at once. Will Fcrbush, Roxboro Cotton Mills, Roxboro, N. ,C. ltpd. -FOR SALST'pUre bred Bronze Tur.XOy'cggs. Apply to.Mrs. J. H. Newtonr"Hurdle Mills, N. C., route 3. 8.-7, 4ts.pd. FDR SALE, Nancy Hall and Porto Rico sweet potato seed, fine quality. I. G. Stephens, Roxboro, Route 3. 3tspd. 3-21. r . SPECIAL for Friday and Saturday, i cent hosiery sale. ' 1 pair at regular price, another 1 pair of the same cfUality for 1 cent. ; Best grade Blue Buckle overalls j II.60. / ' $12.50 Boys Suits for $7.50. $1.50 and $2.00 Boys pants $1.00. j ' $1.25 and $1.50 mens underwear 83 oents. ' You owe -it to yourself to look over i my line Deiore ouymg? We soJl ior^ LESS. Roxboro Shoe Store. WANTED,?man with family, to re,ni my home place on shares. Must bo tobacco farmer. Tobacco olant bed set. J, Crawford, Durham, N. C. 3121.' . 2tspd. [ LeghObna and Barred Plymouth Rocks, $14)0 per setting. E. T*- 'Thomas, Roxboro. 3-21, dtspd. NOTICE. f The firm of Clayton and Satter- ' [field, mrechanta R. F. D- No. 1 Tim- _ berlake Person County, N. C. Has been disaolived bv mutual consent, from and after tftis,' date. Willie G. Clayton assumihg 1kll debts of the firm. .. ThU March 21st 1923. * ?S? _ WUB?k?G. Clayton M. 28 4ts. R. L.' Satterfield, jr. ? O? ' , SUBSCRIBE ,TO THE COUBIF.R SI .50 A YEAR. zEEr idminum L E . i ; Wc^k ties, Percolators, large-Size ! 5c produce?{ve want it^_ ; ercantile Co. 5= ? , N". C. . . : i - 1 mt r' iman lity of the strong arm of the law! ! he nigtlt to call a policeman. But, 4. i ion's faoltr He-Hta-a good deal of at the other end of his beat, ilent policeman standing at your j Is of them in your pity. They are? >4 istg-"electric light and power com- ~ j 'irclo of their protecting radiance. ,i ti in their efforts Jo ji6iiat.,in the j Ji tion of their street lights. In one ' I! ut all such llgtiH.-outsldti' of the >' it1 ia-oytingni"hod at olovon o'elo;!;. : r wis putShto effect fhree mnruiherable robberies, including the m in front of the City Hall, wereygat' ftB tfnyftr ill II... Li ease ~ !~ JL - . 4 1 r?!5?~Z?? 1 1 and Power-Co. "jy - N ? _r. - V ' ~* b". . J ' > " ' . ^ - 1 - ^ April 1st is ?T AS WELL AS FOC r? Balmy Springs \veather Easter. Everybody wants t<5 ge i for Easter. As long as you wear tf after Spring, weather cor such a bad case of Spring be good for nothing. So d< all other nature; get on c shoes, hat and other thing you look good, feel good springy, light step and rie We are ready to supply Spring outfit; one that wi ery way from head to fo< man, woman or child; { please you more than the show you our offerings, pleased to serve you. Harris & IROXBORO'S RES' w '' ' ' r _ ^ ^ | rt ant MJ Cultivate. EC t ... . ' . ' START-to put mpney. in the ? g jratway to financial Jqfccxi&sL. Making the -tralffnce "to -your . ' v. : ' . . : traveling on the roa.d. to PROS! We refer those who have-not ?v who have. We will welcome yoi The People ROXBORC > ' i ry ? Safety Di Boxe for REN t r-*~1 I ; V. SMALL BOX PER MEDIUM BOX PER e - ' ' . LARGE BOX PER - * r?? ? ? t' * - c - .... ? * Easter >L'8 DAY. ' * - . ' ' * is sure to follow i r~:- T i , *'J * on a new outfit "K'.~ w t 1-1 - . . lat old winter suit ' ries you will have fever that you will ) lijjie the trees and i new Spring suit, s whicl/will make arjd g&e you that w life. \ you with that new 11 please you in evDt whether you bfe > md nothing will_ price. Come let us We are always i ,v _ [' Burns | rSTORE. * ' ON, :onomy j_ hank" and yoiTopen the ? t :r credit grow, keeps you'ERITY. banked with us to thoseir account.' s Bank ), N. C, 4 ? . . aposifc??t ? is ' HI I__TL ? ? IfEAR $1.00 Year $1.50 r*~~ ' " ? * 1'EAR $2.00

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