. ?- ? ! ! . ? !?? . -y.'J "..'....., . IDo It Take a tip from us ' NOW? Todaj^a lumber-arri3 ' j| ' look like bargains six gj prices or today are r Think arc lower than I ber market for many | cipated the advances | we are going to pass 5 tomers. From the bri< L the shingles on the r< | furnish you and rem< | i ing material of quali i_ cost of repairs". SEND US YOUR ( 1 THE DIFFERENCE 1 Roxboro I "Home of Qu H ' ~ * ' ?-?:??? - ? [1 Pri ?HAVENS | 8 to I PER g$?. GROCERIES, FEE WE HAVE I IOC? ? I BOUGHT ON THE LOW M ; 1 FROM _ I - 10' TO 20 F S ON YOUR REQUIREMENT OUR STOCK IS ' I ... . ^^oeierry^ I -NO. H1 .'.EAST .MAIN^TttE :'! THE PTil^CE, ROXBO .Advance programe from Thursd April ItU THURSDAY: Jesse L. Laskv ] U tiohj "THE Nth. COMMA.VDMH BJ Morrison, Eddie Phillips. A-Pari RL written by Fajinie Hurst, and dir W iw'ttin Kpighthorxl was ir i I was responsible for HXJMORES k I "He leads others follow." .single r I slona. ; I 4 FRJDAY Will lam-Fox present! HI with EIHHW Percy, WanCis been) z I aid. (The "romance of the waif of I girl who was born in mid-ocean, 1 II ADDED. Larry Semon in His bit I II by far the worlds greatest corned I two reels. ?1 SATURDAY. William Fox pr : II "RTRAIfJHT FFOM TWF QHH f . speed and of the humor of the where Back gives it to tHem st Larry Semon in "THE COUNTB at 2:80 P. M; Y>-* ~ H * MONDAY A Ttl ESI) A V (fcasi aie L. Lasky presents William with Theodore Roberts, May McJ of the Super 89). The play-btoke in' New York?and then came ba A mys'tery love story. Added sinf pee at 2:30. P. M. no advance it ; - * WEDNESDAY. William Fox L_ i. "WINNING WITH WITS" suptn ? ring etory of a girls fight tolvin that might cannot conquer l ight | Added Screen Snapshots tThe aft L- I ' . Ccminy Thursday- and Frida; '?1 "ADAMS RIB" Willi Mtlinn 311 ?j and. Julia Fnpn A Paraninnnt P ijsrI '. = r ' " ' I " SI I I Tt-tf thu Aiite Tire and Kupair^Shop forthenext work you want on that rnt"m"hi1e (.nod workmen test ati,m, reasonable pHFA. Bhep oex' door to PettiTfTew's Markxmitt shop. Entrance from either Main or~Depot Street. t .. - V-STT.I .... -. i - . ' ' " : rSow^ | s and do your biulding material prices' will ty days from now. Our jS eal bargains and we |] -you will find the lum- IS months. We have anti-. | and .bought right and | this saving to our cus- I Jc in the foundation to | >of we are prepared to | ember: "Buying build- | ty means-banking the | ORDERS AND NOTE i t . | .umber C?-1 ality Lumber" ces DVANCED . ?ent i )n? ? ;d and seeds. irs j^li arket and will save 1 eli cent ^""11 "s. come quick before p exhausted. qp* i FT, SOU'HI riOSTON, SS THEoAT%E RO,'N. g. . | lay March 29th. to Wednesdtfv 11 " j j sreaents (Cosmopolitan's Produc)NT" with Colleen Moore, .James amount Picture. This drama was ccted by Frank Borzage, who di- i Flower) and the same trio that QUE. ADDED Harold Lloyd in eel comedy; No advance in admis> "LITTLE MISS HAWKSHAW i frame (Jlark, and J. F. McDon- fl the sea, the romance of a pretty j and became at once an Orphan. H est and greatest hit to date, and ian "THE COUNTER JUMPER" ; . agents Chas.?'Buck'?Junes?in ULDER" (A story of thrills of new days on-the western plains, raight from the shoulder. Added TR JUMPER" two reels. Matinee or and a special Attraction.). JesDeMilles production '"GRUMPY" j Ivoy, "Conrad Nagel and Harrison nger. A Paramount Picture. (One JL Londons record, ran a whole year ck. for a season-long engagement, tie reel Hal-Roach Comedy. Matii admissions. - J I.I [ | I presents Barbara Bedford in .1 I irted by William Scott. THs^atir. L jtieSSa h?? fntheea hrwyvr, showing . J wtisn opposed tiy a womans wits. { ] tdio before your single reel. * t" y??eeil?H.. Demi He's production . j lis, Elliott Dealer, Anna Ntiaaun t ij iet'tea - .- ' | ^_WILLARp STORAGE BATTERY. ' 7 Aeknywteoged the BBHf.- THey arc 'reasonably priced and iriva sati'afar. tnmr-When yniY have battery trduble J come -to us, we know'how to treat them. S. Mi BgADSHER, at Jackj son Garage. 3-7-tf, _?.s ; .:__1 i - ^ .. :y?_- .. _ui THE COURIER Rpxfr,r9l N, t;'. ,MinrctJ.2ath..l923. .. Mr. M. C. Winsteadof MUton wa3 8 Rdxborp visitor last Saturday. ' Miss 0.1a Woody Was -a Durham visitor ' Saturday. TV Mrs. W. A. Mills spent several .},... 1 i. 1_ T"? -1 . u?X? iH31 wtien -in uuriiani. r?s?? = -* . -Mr. C. B. Goswick of Durtiwn spent the week end here visiting friends. 'Mr. Carlyle Brooks has returned from an extended trip tn California. e * m , Miss Luciie Shore of Rockingham in "the guest of Mrs. J. j. Winstead. . * * 'Miss Alma Tillman- and Mrs. Effie Bell Masaey attended the W. Jf. U. Convention in Durham tUs week. * ? * 'Misses Huldah Hester and Helen -Graves ware Greensboro visitors last setuwey. ? ? ? ? htrs. Nora Featherston has returned from Lenoir where slJi visited her daughter, Mrs. A. A. Kent. Master Edgar Boatwright will leave today for New York. He will accompany lis grandmother. ? ? ? Miss Mae Hardy was called to her home in Snow Hill last Thursday on account of the illnedse of her mother. Mrs. W. H. Long has returned after spending -some time in WinstonSalem visiting relatives. -~Mrs. Roberta Scott of Scmora is visiting her sister, Mrs. S. C. Barnett. ! - Mess. J. L. CHsstnut and W. L. 'GCfTierie spent Saturday in _ South .Boston on business. ~. _ ?'.* */ Mrs; R. L; Wilinrn and daughter, Miss Winnie, are visiting Mrs. CaYr Timberlake in Durham. ~ J * ? * * ' * w. S. Clary, Jr., is visiting in Dft^SgCthis week, the guest of Mrs. T. C?. Markham. ? ter teaching the past winter in the Country. .. ? . 1 t., m Mrs. F. W. A. Mills and .Miss Clara Mills spent the week end in SoutU Boston." ., . . i. , ? * Misses Sallie and Irma Wilkerson arjd Banna Garrfett spent Saturday in Durham. Air."and Mrs. Joe Kirby, Mjises Annie Lou^and Wilmer Thomas, spent Sunday^ irt. Oxford. _ -.*v i ^ I^-g;, y?a *> m arf Mr. aidMra. Viva -VjeiUey o.f Gi'eerrsboro ^vroro Roxboro visitors^ Monday:'"' - 'S. Miss Florence Cruichfield of RaU. eigh spent the week end with Misses DHie and Glenna Wood. .-7 We enjoyed a call last Wednesday from our friend Mr. M. W. Clements of Nelson, Va. % * * * * 'Mfs. J. M. Carr of route 1 was a ?<> welcome guest at this office last Thursday. v ' . . Mr. R. A. Spencer left one day last week for Richmond where he will spend a short time in the interest of IJis health. ? 'Mess. H. L. Boatwrighf; John and Lee Boatwright of Danville were week end guests of Mr. E. V. B?atwright. . " . ' Mr. T. C. Bradsher arrived Saturday night and'in npending some time Uere with his wife at the home of Kir. ar?l Mrs. W. J. Pettigpew. Rev. R. E. White was summoned to Le^infjtcf*^ \fciday evening to conduct the fnneraP'servicey of one -of his' former members at that >eint. *? j Mr. and Mrs; W. R..~ James : and children of Winston-Salem spent the week end Hare guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. .Brooks. Mr. R. S. Graves of Yanceyville, who haa been visi-ting~HTs sister, Mrs. D. W. Bradsher fof several days left 1or_ home yesterday. ? " '* * kfrsstnez "Harris or jr^uraie iuiiis ffsm u.nwul -Java Iimm; last weeW visiting her sister, Mrs. ,E. Z. Brad iqyr- y- v . ? - * * v" * . Mrs. - C.. A. Armstrong' of Sali&; u iy rwftTTjinr irrctt -vmti n tj,-her pat, eht-a. Mr. and Mrs. W. H,' Harris, left "Ti? At--' Of the week for Santord where she Will visit for n short while ' before returning to_hjer Jtome. * ..'I** - v.it 1923^3^., ' iMisa Ella GYavea TBtmpson left Tuesday for the meeting of the Wonutns' _ Missionary- .Association in Dttrham. . - ' " - 'i! f . Ve.e ' . -Miss Virginia Adkins of Boydfton, V?., was a Roxhoro Visitor last-week, tlJi guest .oi >Miss Mary Lee Crowell. " ' c Mr. M. ft* Cur neuter ft# hnrt, ' _ the general sales agent for this section for-the ClJivrolet ears, favorel us with a call last Thursday! ' I i | ?Mi. Edwin' Ebiirman, who is if stu- r den> at Tooms School, Port Deposit, . Md., is spending a few days It're J k with his parents., Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Eberman. t ~~7 {. Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Peoples left Sunday evening for Oxford. They have been "in Roxboro for several months, Mr. Peoples 'Having been in charge of the weH boring which the j ]' town was having done. ' ? * m I i (Mr. and Mrs. Z. V. Gwyrm arritT ed here one day last week, visiting Mrs. Gwynn's sister, Mrs. J. A; Long, [ Mr. Gwynn left the following morn- ' 1 lug, but Mrs. Gwynn will be Uire for ' several days. . " ^ MARY HAM BRICK * MISSIONARY SOCIETY. .The literary meeting of the Mary Hambrick Missionary Society, held in the Methodist .Church last Tuesday afternoon was attended by a large number. The ladies of the Pres. bytcrian Auxiliary . were . invited to meet with us.and most of their band J was present. Before the meeting 6> ' oned Mrs. KemhtH Street played sev- i oral selections on the organ.-Mrs. A. j j ' "ET"Stalvey was the leader for tlio | [ Bible lesson. This was a social -er-- i vice meeting and Mrs. R. B. Smitlj, | superintendent of that department, ; read an interesting report on the ! work. Met James - Jb-G. Clayton- and- - tS G. Winstead made: splendid talks,, Mo the subject. This^ was followed by i a duet by Mesdames H. W. Newell and J. A. Long, Jr. 1 !' An interesting feature of -the af- j ' tern.oon was _a_-?hrv-. "'Aunt Tillie -Learns Tn Tithegiven bv a num- y her of girlSr'in the junior missionary ] " spcScties and well trained by Mrs, I i James Burrows. ' ; t I "iDelicious cream aad.cake was serv- ... ed in the basement-by* Airs- F. O. Carver's circle.?See. ^ : | W I r'7he . -i-.3 I Friendly . Bank" ~ ~ BUSTER WANTS A MOTHER. ery < ?o? V ~ in? : . Dear Mr. Editor: ' ^ T lTnr-a-lIttE=K^rt?ermimth* qM fS~ti ' and they call me "Bu'ster". A hind dren providence sent, me to Children's Una, Hojul Aoaety: and I am growing1 qy-. u ?; : ji eve fjSlrv^ bol ' H9 VRESSE E A S' \ We all welcome'tl . frpm that old suit < done ua auch vengr caused us to wont could bridge the.se Easter is the day. i -? ) brighter shades and cies. -V . We are prepared those who have Wi minute: . : See those ft 1 5.00 F in this week. The calls have be that we have decide silk dresses on apj ture. They keep con selling. It will pay a ~~ UsTTry it. 11 .mf Wilb 1 Sattei nvejtii 1" lif:-. i"" ' ; . ' -T-; Z I^r /. **-..?, -' ?- . . ~ " _ ,-wi '; ' * *- ?-. . r".' As you find 'the telep of your greatest conve SOCIAL WORLD, . s<> n CHECKING ACCO equal convenience In V; TIC AFFAIRS. It will eliminate tl worry of haviifg to the house. We especially invite j ladies and extend toll _ TESIES. and .convenu ?* haah -? ' !?. ?: : ^ _ fc XT #~i r\n 4 t?11 it LKJIJN "T~" . . . . 1 ? " ??~ i ' _ ".Ml _ - " lay and will soon be a big, bounc- d bojf.r' ' X wantmpme good woman to write j ho iuCtfrinteratent of the Chfl- \ 's li * V V ' ? V ' \ / PAGE "FIV'i: * !- - ~ RY JL TE R ie time to change ar Dress that has ablc ae! vice, arid ler whether " we ason. For the change to I the^seasoos fanto take care of aited to the last / . j )resses that came ; 'i! en au numcrgus ;d to send out all )roval in the furling and we kjeep - ,rou to trade with p? . TV"~ I urn field u . - j ^>5* ^ ^m* ' . 1 t * . .. . - . . - -s ~-??F * . '| -^s -jS? -** hone to be one. " . rg niencea in your __ ra you will find - W UNT to be an 8 your DOMES- 8 he trouble and . . j keep money -in j ; 1 . i Jje acceunta_o( | rem tHe COUR ;nc?s of this ^ -isij"7?~n7nf7'T!*. j".\ '.I'v'Tf:T lo so, as he IJas so many motherlesir its Hnme. Wjritn him today. and t ~ rill "bring joy ami happiness to sonic hlldleas- no me. sT . . . ' With love, . . ^ , . AS: Homeless Baby B^.