: ^ ' . . ?7 " . ' - ' i V I ' -^ACg fcIS- . .. ' SOMVIXG AN& REAPING. ^ . " .Pditcr CcuTier: I ljave seen two. interesting arti-. cles in rc'ee'ilt '-issues" of The Courier i on -the sin, of worldiinnis in the gtyrrcVv.a, -jtllVh I honrliUf -anctiotl , ~~ f I 1 i irnnVr i 'writ-.en by A. M. Stan- i field, who I bi'liare ia II lull. : i|iii iti J oaliy minded QijHstian. One_ who ; . sees ecnoitcns as 'hey are,, looks, .facts in the face and takes Qod at l His word,, and while surroundings V? could be mucli worse, they also could' : be much better. We as church mem- : ------ bci s-vrhoutd abstain from all yppear- i ances cf evil and strive for the high- i eat and best in our owh lifov and i those around, us, and also .strive for < nlgher achievements and attainments of our chujchesl We are not doing v much- to' promote and build up oar i church if we, far some pratogt or i fltmscy excuse,' stay away or- are i seldom. at. its services-. If we have time to go to many other- places, yet ?low?(n attend?uui' (.'HUl'cTT " Services. We are not doing much to promote and build up bur churches and community if we do not oppose blockading. The church member should be oat- and out an! always against _ this curse, and yet I am told there are so called church members who actually aid and abet in.this nefa'r , jous business. The sooner such people are expelled the bettor it will bs for our churches. . *". The writer mentioned card playing as oine of the evils of some church members. This is nothing in their favor, but card playing and other similar social games are not so bad when there is no betting. Connected with it daneing. Sabbath nrofaninv and other.marital and vwrl&1 y. plCas, irtes a?ii] customs now practiced J>y many socalfed chiukft 'firsinbetyi. whiclj ii-a.bht and a Rtsiir en them i that Jvorldliners is coming into many of ..pur churches _and-st ripping them ot- their power to a great . extent.'?' There is e<? little difference,, or (lis- , , Christians and. the- people .of t>Jx' _ world. ' . ??. ' ". . i The trend cf the times is away * - from spirituality, away front the : -higher sense of: morality,, away from self sacrifice; it is;toward carng!it?, i self .indulgence and worldly^ ^ pleas- 1 _ "pre. The. truV arri tyart-cllfnl Christian j - can~nict be blinded by- sophistry fcs j . to these facts. And what will the harvest-be? The, Divine Word tells J us-what Sye/s^vVo will reap. Sow s " - ? .wind/and; reap the, whirlwln i. ? A'? > ^rank'dni.-, > ^TiStdKr". strife, <!i--.'or<l,cline arid degrddu'tiorir ' Again..TW .?<>c.d Be ok tells *t3^ they'fHht sow to. ;1 th.e'spirit sjiaU n^ap "life- everlasting. ' VLet Ks^dvf mofa of the cro'i-1 see ! ot k ? . 1jv\ . iuyatry~~and obedienee t.o Clod. 1 ' mor^ ,"^\t 2 . ^.jjeace,' unity aikf ch'tirit v. Sow yrioif of seed i)f"~mode3ty> virtu? puaptyr'pTct jf~!.henA*e will- r.iap- iho 1 i beautifulnnj hvuntiful hnrvgjti of : honor, peace "and^i lens pre, an 1 thuT ?.-rr;* 'iaas^f-ui a*i4- -hit*t^hdrvest pf Sczxow,:' rggret 'and ; Suffering-,* the r ,Vu!1r<ol sTnfuPsowinp:. The writer rpc;ed First Cor., fr.lj) and 14. which was very: appropriate.* ,.?4. The Bible, also t-lbs ..us to ha^e n v.? fellowship 'Wltl) J he nnerodlv works ~ cf darkness, hut rather reprove them"/ an.d also,' the 1usT of the" eyo, -j of the the pride of life, are not ' of fiia Father, but of the world. A- < gain, they .that aire Christ'.s have i ' vriijifii i !/' fh-Kh v-.th tne attcctiohs and lust, kf ~any~nr;e *h:; in Ch'/iat they are new creatures, old things have passed away, arid behold all. 5 things bccom?- h?w. O'theF Scriptures might be quoted whicll call us to Higher and ' better .'things. I know > there are gome people who did not 1 like anything said or done against Trcmrm of'tf.'.; work3 ot1 Satan that are ( going on among us. If .we do our 1 * duty along this line we will be call- ' ed pe*rtmist, crank, calamity howl era, kickers etc. One.of the inspired 1 writers said If he sought to please * men he wculd not be a servant of ' 4 Clod. We are commanded to go the right way, tHrough evil as well aa ! good report. "Y^ can not serve Go I' 1 and mammcrt, ?ays cur Divine .'Ma?- ^ ter.'We* all kn#w ;fhere- is right ah4 wrong, good and evil among us.. We 1 should not he blind* to either. I be- ] lieveit is/our-dutv. and the imnern- 1 aider, promote and defepd the .two and ri(fW5{: dtso see, consider, hinder ' 7^ and - oppose to cur utierrtlost?- the ' . wrong and cCil. I do not say every- 7 ? ^ 'thing, U going (<y urrorB, int anH' ^ \ ' lulu, TJieru ui u hopeful signs. Faithr ' hope and charity .are not dead- yet. There are niany good Christian peo- j . , . l^e^HFTighT^flhe^wgHdrihe-!^ ^ ? ?f the eartH. May their number raps: 5 ' idly increase and may thousands, I yea, finilicnt brave,' true and "strong, toon Join" the arriMea of righteous- ; Pess to conquer the kingdom of. sin. . .. ? , ? -t ,- Thad K.. .Ipftes.- - - x " V AN OH^JVANCE TCf AUTHORIZE* 516,000 fiONDS TO FUND NOTES. BE ITtORDAINJiD By the board qf Commissioners of Roxboro, North Carolina, as ftllowiV Section I. TWit pursuant fo an alt ratified February '7( 1033, entitled 'An A.-r I/-. aiith^.-i7p the Tn?'n r,f Roxboro 12 issue bonds," the Town if Roxboro issue r Hp bonds in the '.mount of Sixteen--Thousand Dollar i ($1G,B00) for the purpose of funding >nd paying these certain notes in'the rmoyjr.'t of .approximately $15,613.11 ind interest tilcreort, representing sn indebtedness created before Dee imber 5, 1921, for permanent water extensions And permanent , street | im^rovcmaats, being for neeessary purposes, said indebtedness falling due in the present year and there being no funds , with which the same can be paid. Section 2. 'That a tax sufficient to pay the principal and internal ^ bonds -sHalT be annually levied and collected. Section 8. That a statement of the debt of the Town has been filed with the Clerjc "and is open for public inspection.' . Section 4. That thi sordinance sL'all be in force and effect from and after- its '^passage arid* shall not be submitted to thevoters. Tha foregoing ordinance was passbd op the 8th day of March, 1923-i" and was first published on the 21stlay of^ilarcll, 1923. Any action or proceeding questioning the validity cf' said ordinance rriust be commence ?d. within thirty days after its first " uVfation, Hattie Burch, "* ' . -TbWh Clerk Sts J-f rt 'O? r-i . \N ORDINANCE TO/ AUTHORIZE .?? 11\ r< i-wu CERTAIN OVERDRAFTS. ' ?o? BR IT ORDAINED By the Board -1 Co/i) *1 i s iso nqvs of Roxboro, North CnYOlhto; ag follows S' 111 : ?^ Section I: That- pusnant t.b% an act ratificii. February. 7, 1923, entitled Act to authorize .'the Town: of RoxbcTo . to 'issue bonds," the Town >f Roxboro issue its b.onds in the imount of Fourteen Thousand Dollars $14,000) to make goo*i an overdraft of $8,752.90 on .the", geriaral fund account and'.an overdraft of $5,361.70 on the water account, the rums 'to be paid from the.-j>roceeds of -^rifbonds iqto sale! respective * accounts; yard to be expended only for rnr'T-Ti_ nf the Town^pro-. eaiiL^accounts' la. moneys theretofoVe jjaid out frchv .said accounts'"for r.ee ?gsary expenses chargeable .thereto. __S.cciip,ru-2. ?That a^tirx^suhicient to ?dy the pwneipal and.-Jptere^t of shall bo ann\3^11y. levied . thJ collected.''. * - " % " nTha* <-f tfi. 1'fcbt of tlU^Town hh^ l>?vn fileTbyith he- Clcvk and is. epen Jnr. public inspection. ' *m*'\C ' Section?4~. Th'at'- tht*i -ordinance :b'aTlrjDt'' irt force and effect frorh an :l " Rtk pb/hK-^hall submitted to the Voters. The-foregoing ordinance was. asskl on the Sth? day of March, J923, i.nd was first published on th? 21st. lay cf v.I.avch, 1923. Any action or rreceedir.fc. questioning the validity jf -raid ordinance must be bommonc?J Within thirty days after it-? first puSicaticn. . " l?attie BurcF.i, . ??- ^?Towu?Chirk. 560,000 TOWN OF ROXBORO, N. C. GOLD BONDS. T ?o? . Sealed proposals will be received in til 2:00 o'clock, P. -M., April-7th, 1023. by the Board of Commission's, in: care of the. Undersigned, for lie purchase of the following bonds A said Town dated. February 1, 1923; 150,000 Water and . Sewer Bonis, [consolidation of $20,000 Watbr Ex:ensien*and $30,000 Sewerage), mauring annually, February .1,. $1,0001926 to 1951, $2,000 1952 to 1963; ! 10,000 Street Improvement Bonds liatilring $2,000 annually, February 1, 1924'to 1928.. I)enominatipn of all bonds $1,000; lb option of prior payment reserved; principal and interest (F and Al) payable in gold* in New York City; sxceeding 6 per Cent, in a multiple if-*1-4 of_1 per cent; general town ' ibligations; unlimited taxi legal opin. on of?Cheater B. Masslich, Esq.; lertltioation by 11. S. Mortgage Orust Company. New. York [City. Bids nust be on forma, Which, wjtfi addi ional information as to the Town ind the conditions of hiHHing $n. . abiding requirement - -for 2, 'per cant >y the undersigned or . said trust , ompany. Delivery on or hbput May 1923. The right to rejaet all bids sresorved. ? ? V ' ^ -f """ Hattip Burch, ? ; '' ' . ,10wn Clark.- = - -? - " ?? : ? =s-5 i . - ' (' THE ROXBORtf-CPITRIR AN ofiSlNANCE4 TO AUTHORIZE $130,000 WATER WORKS EX"" BE IT ORDAIXgb By the Bovi ef Commissioners jot Roocboro, NorttJ Carolina, as' follows: Section I. That the 'Town 'of Roxhoro Issue its bohds, pursuant" to the Hmii ij il tin iiii I1 ill In in n annul not exceeding One 'Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars <$150,000) fqr the purpose of extending the exisiting wattr" works system by drilling new wells arid laying new pipe lines and malting otner, improvements to said iystem", thereby increasing tU> water yupplx and extending the system SO :is tor supply the growing needs of he Town, the issue herein authorised to be over and above the $20,000 Water Works Extension bonds' oatllorired hy an ordinance passe-.l September o, 1922. ' Section 2. That a tirr niHnirnt tn pay llltt prfncipai ana interest of said bonds shall be', annually levied and collected.. . Section 3. That a statement of the ,'ebt of .the Town has been filed with '.lb Clerk and is open for_public inspection. Section "4. That this ordinance shall take effect thirty davs after its first publication unless in the meantime a petition for its submission to the voters is filed under* the Municipal Finance Act, in whicW event ii shall take effect when approved by Voters at the Town at an~electkin as provided in said act. The foregblne ordinance was passad op the 8th day of March, 1323, arfd was f'n'st publisUjd .on the 21st day' of MaTicH,. lwnw "Any action ot jiroOaeiJing: | frueetioning - tire Validity of said" ordinance Wist he qommenc i within thirty -days after its firs! - ' '.irc-i.-m .. * . , IT.-litis Burch, 1 " ' Town Clerk- 2is. ?'??.?u THE WEARY WAY Uaily Bfc^ninij Lcsw Wearisome tc M&ny in Kmbr.ro. Wjth a "back .that aclbs alfitay, With rest, disturbed, at nigh). Annoying: urinary disorders, 'Tis a- weary wayf^ndeed.. . iDoanV Kidney USiHfT'afe especially for kidney --trouble. Are endorsed by. Rcxboro citizens, Ask yatit neighbor! ~ V . > Mrs. A. -M. Long, Lam&rStT, Roxcbro, says:' "My ki3fieys ~5?ve me tJ edible-4 J#U miserable! M Drn^ trfT^I 'Wfls"tir?4 and languidonnd had revere pains - in my sides. I~cbuTdf^t be cn- "my feet lbiig before^ T played *ut: and bi2came-"-Ii?tlc5S. My" kidneys a "ted irregularly and it was' an effort to' get aRout with-my. w<ork. A fri+.--AI" -I'ee.ohirnended'** Doa"h*3 Knjftey ?&S find T ?^ro ciir6&\ f rom lda'ASEk *v- A" Htin's "Dfusr ^tVre, Joan's cured we cf thy fiojuble and.my^irrn ! bae.n' permanent/' /. Price <>0c. at* all * dealers. Don\c ' _ * ... "tmply e?k-- or aidr,'.'y"4*el.-.v.Iy?gci Dean's Kidnev PilU.?the same- that Mrs. Long had. Fosfer-Milbum .Co.; ?!frs.Buffalo, N.-Y. PLEASE GIYg ME THE NEWS. Having assumed tite- local editorship of The Courier 1 will greatly appreciate it if you will kindly, phone me .any news item you-may have. It you to tend making a trip, or if you have friends visiting you please let me know it, for I want to make the local news worth while and can only do so with your caapeffatfon. Do not think your goings and comings are so. important that I ouglft to get them anyway, for it is impossible for me to twrwiin with tu? a?-.?. -' -- j- -r " - ? ?mv, uumga vi this hustling town without your aid. Heljo me out with this department by giving me ail- ol the news. Very respectfully. MISS ELIZABETH NOEI.L, ' iiocal Editor. Why Wail ' <Wi waste valuable time al Vqu don't hpve to when yot DoaresJSa | f', . . Five chairs, all seiwnd?hsr | [w^SSi!nM8?and their business is ' Sanitary to the minute. Every tiling of th I fin,' von will liprrme n rnprnln. J. K* DOAR rNext Door to Wi f. i- v Depot ' ' - r ' . . -r, ' ,_ ** ~ " " " .... R:MARC& 2&h i?23 .' '"> ' !in< ' nt -jr?1 j l;' " . .""inn jd1?f"^aogs.Trrracsac:",:-ion 1} Weak I 1 Back' p ' |j Mis. Mildred Pipkin, of | . i jj R. F. D>-8. Columbia. Temi., BH Cacdui has covered a number of jj Ju years. Nineteen years ago ... If || I got down with weak back. I rin I] was run-down and so weak and lj j iliiiiiil I ^ W.- W " U and sent for it. 1 took only one Hi bottle at that time, and it helped j>| ? me; seemed to. strengthen and j| build me right' up. So that is B I ..how I first knew of Cardui. 1 S] After that, ... when 1 began to 51 B get weak and 'no account', I U0 | sent right for Cardui, and it 1 I never failed to help me." J If you are weak and.suffering H If ' from wpmanly ailments, Cardui |j j ; may be just what you need. || ilia Take Cardui. It has helped IB I thousands, and ought to help nn you. At all druggists' and dealers'. |j I E 91 Li J c. a a en rrc cm n wrtr-r??nncnr-n n inr - inn TDTTCTtT'C! C AI r rtn r ? vr> i ivvii'u p onut, wviyu. . ; -?r0~~ .'. "> .UiMsr and byvirtue of-the pow-rs ear.talned-4? a cCrtnjh" deed d: ; trust oxec'utSJ to me as trustee V; _ Willicm Brgtii) Mitchell arid wife cit December- 30, 1918, for the pantos: of securing the payment of two cev . tain.bands therein recited And refer red to, whicB deed of trust is of re card -in' Book 1, page 418, office o register of deeds, i I will, at' the' re quest cf the holders cfsaid bond, (the same not hating Jo^en paid ir - accordance with th? terms cf sait deed of trust) Sell at public sale" ttHs highest bidder,, for cash at th: courthouse ,'ocr in Eoxboro, Jf. C on v._ - . ,-v '; MOXDATT APRTt 9, 1923, the land conveyed bv said. deed, gl trutat dnd described a3 follows: Thai lot ci* parcel of land lying and being -in Rexboro VTownship, Person County, North Carolina, oh Jhe***west-^ide of the public road (old roai) from Roxboro to.. Allensville, adjoinine lumPpfE^r -H. Long, Yancey Carver 4 .and -^Athevs,-' containing "nine acres more cr less,- b?ing"tllit conveyed by S. B. Winstead, Commission :-r to WiHiamJSrann Mitehell under an Orde?-of th^-:SupjMHcu\Court" sOn County i:VeciaP affe . /, . -- . Tl." Wtot&Bf] TEXocUtor pf C S"r'-Wittsiead, vs Leu .."d. \Qr..;- '*nml- b tilers. . . This' -March 9, ' -V S. CJ. WINSTEAD, Trustee. Please vPost. HELP IOURSELF GET WELL FAST IP you have been ill; -and jt seems as if yon never would get your . strength back, you need the wonderful strengthening and rebuilding qualities of Gudefs Pepto-Mangan. It has helped thousands oT invalids and convalescents to get back their strength, put on firm flesh, eat well, sleep well, feel well and BE well! Your druggist has Gude's PeptoMangan?liquid or tablets, as you prefer. Gude's Pepto-Mangan Tonic and Blooct Enricher :? t tHj Barker Shop. * i patronize irber Shop^-i expert barhars. w'hn know t.hpir . j to serve you._. e most modern design. "Cali once. -*[ patron, -f ES, PROP., " * lkerson Drug .Co. . Street. ^ .. i - * ' V i- ^ i| *T ? ? ?i Dr. S. Rapport | OF OURHAM. N. C. *" J II nnjjL. tSL AI ? -[[ il ROXBORO, AT THE HOTEL | j| EVERT*-, - . V.-". "J II' FIRST WEDNESDAY JJ . a In each month to examine- eyes 1 'I and fit glasees. Glasses fitted || ll that are easy and Textual " to J || the eyes. Hcadr hea caused by || ss ;?: |{ eye a trail, relieved. My next ,|j i( Visit prill be "WEDNESDAY' [| (I APRIL 4th 1923. - WRIGIFVS and give yoor S^/^> stomach a lift. Provides " the- bit ol fay NWcet" 1 u bmnmficiat | _ iorm. ' ? xr' . V Helps to cleanse I i the teeth and Keep them healthy. , 1 Whoa! 1? la town, or down ci the farm?to satisi 1 thirst?drink I 2 f- Drink. ; f 1 *?2? Bottled f Delicious and Refresh: ' ? I '" " - , ' > ' ,' I I '. . ' V titer ju H ^|gM 1 SOTTLCD L/K^gp AN ?XCLU8VI:v it^gNSE r J 1 ?2*m " '' ? ' i- . L.?* .rf '... ' ' ' ' 1 f *? r~r~ Jt%: 1 . MEANS M eOQD FE The American Agricultur -more than a fertilizer man > organization sincerely interi , _ er's production of larger; t crops., It is interested in'YC An important, part of th CULTURAL SERVICE B'U , B. Wheeler, formerly Direct iment Station. This bureau mental work in all sections . ju$t what fertilizers are be locality. fA A FEI * I ' ? :'< r , * ancKubsidiary brands are 1 _ of plant food authorities irt " r fertilizer irfflilstfy . - THE AMERICAN AGRICl Raleigt -' .' . J | - L. G. Stanfield, 1 The following leading br Reading dealers: ZsIIb, Har Imperial, British Mixture. *'v ~~ ' - ~ T ? ; ?-i_ *-+ - ' *"'* : ' ' u"-r ~ ~ . ^ ._ ' _ "j - .' "'?** _?WAK?- * for the Catkins ?r?f brings 1 A STORg TO YOUR DODR.$ J. L. CHESTNUT .. ROXBORO, G. ' - ~ , * '_ZL_ TESTED UNDER TONS OF WATER //' EVERY .Clark Crave, Vault before it leave?. the factory J ! withstands xhe severest 'poiaible ~T" }< tests. It is completely submerged ; in water ? Subjected tq two and ( I onohalf tons pressure. It must be ' absolutely air-tight and not at any time permit water tnleak through. ??- (rauiiLrbrlL,lt ftrkl concrete vaults let water in and hold it') Its proved protection is made permanent through the ose- of . heavy twelve gauge Keystdne copper-bearing steel ? the most perfect rust resisting steel made. AH joints are doubly welded; are thicker and stronger than the plates themselves. We earnestly recommend this "quality" vault. ' R, A. SPENCER & SON * ? Funeral Directors N. C. ^ SUBSCRIBE TO THE COU- .1 RIER, $1.50 A YEAR. ET" ' nfi ORE THAN ^ UTILIZER al Chemical Company means ufacturjng concern. It is an sated in the American farmpetter and more profitable ? )UR success. is organization is its AGRIRE AU, -conducted by Dr. H. or Rhode Island State Exper- j ; carries on practical experiof the counter," to determine j st adapted to each crop and ' ' ' ' I \ tTILIZERS . ftoased on-the discoveries and fotedly the must noted group?t the history of the chemical .."LTERAL CHEMICAL. CO. i, N. C. <> '.. ... ? x>cai Representative. ands are handled herebynpton,' Pocomoke. ftotaosco. - > - - - -

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