Br ' , -> PAGE TWO . r - "Alwtyt get a beadacb* from i*mmimfMytspdjjwntotiftionthac . bUmydrv ' "Tdt.t yon, c*J fc> ?ef SURE FIT V a, 1 did. It't comfortable ro nutLsr fiew tnug you' wear it." 'IV :? .. : . tlia.L s onlybzic rc:;rL :i /\ why "SURE-FIT" is the world's mostcomfortablecap. r ~ No elastic to bind the forehead. The simple adjusting ~ "*"8UR1 " . * Fbt-lUa The World's Most Comfortable CAP ?-? - - AT YOLTR DEALER'S ?or write to the.makers, Fine Sl Levy,702 B*wmy, N.Y. .T _ ' t Chicago Baby De 'r'"''*"*'"* ~ ^ LltlloNorma Leeb; firc-weekfrQld shows the most wonderful developing] the Ins*' decade. Norma sleeps 0:1 he cloth to deveiop^her stomach muscles? Was one weoJt old. She sits in n dial tfupport&l by. her mother. , She..took ..- photographer. . POULTRY NOTES j At (I i > ? i ii ii i > i nil t * rin| ? ? A Keep chicks out of the wet grass. * . The -boanler hen always Jump? her ?? hoard Mil- tfTve her tile crate. ?I? ?k a. Geese urow fast, atid need pp_ feed In the summer '-it they have a grassy . run. W 1 " Filth causes more sickness than anything else. Clean up and keep things clean! ., IJnylng hens and hens being fattenet! for market should not be kept ' in the same pen. J ft A cement floor Is considered best (or tlie permanent uivfng house as It inats u long lime and Is OasUy cleaned and keepe oat rats, y . ? r*. /> *~~s . . 's -K . .. ' V?; *K 7 - '/ > ". ' .. 4 . ' - . _-J- ' . . strap (hidden above the visor) works the same way as a belt. A slight pull, ahd your "SORE-FIT" is tighter or "'HC looser, as you prefer. All the new Fifth Avenye styles, in the latest patterns from American and overseas mills. Prices " the seme as you'd pay for any stylish cap g ?and you get "SUPJZ-F?T'S" unrivalled comfort.Irnpc Tl&U: Our better grade ' SLkil FITS'' a.c __ .showers. Thus they keeo _ their ihipe, hut longer, lootr better, and give you 100% *^ tajny day. E-FIT"~ " ?by a small; invisible MNp, to your varying hc-iJ-aize. i . ; V ' r. irelops Remarkably ?wt - ff~- 'ji-v" . -^ - JTi -r- W ;^^-f;vTT" - " ; aught or of t)t. Carl Loeb of CfttCago* at of any In Chicago* during jr. stomach-on d board - covered with a She has lived on. fruit juice since she r without uny support and u'ntks when ^eyernl.jBtfcps for ihe benefit of the - ". . i , New Banana Field. For fbe first time bananas are to be grown on tla- Pacific coast of Guatemala on-a commercial scale, sh'ys Popular Mechanics Magazine. An Amer lean corporation, licensed to do busii that country, has acquired a plantation 10 miles west of San Jose do Cluutemfila, where it is expected l_goon to' hare 2,OCft5 acres planted with bananaa. AithoiT^h the banana induetry has reached large development on i the Caribbean coast, It has hitherto hoi been attempted, on the Pacific coast, because yf a Lack of rainfall and transportation facilities. ?Z |r * e I]?? o.i? _ i ?LII J*' vjai igudi uniy ocnwi wmiaren. A thorough physical examination ot every child at entrance to school and a similarly complete examination before the eight or ten-yenT period are urged by Dr. S. Josephine Baker, director ot the bureau of child hygiene of New VorlMclty, ratlvar than annual eiamlnatlotaB throughout the school career. * f'? I of an Older Horse? ? lei tLt "Paw" Dobbin is the j ldest. wo years Patsy-ha* hauled lumber at i uutv.^ fflKiou kiurw ufii luim' "Mci. ' R * I ' > ' THE ROXBORQ CWR>IER Glorying in the Cross .' By REV. JOHN C. PAGB I THchir of Bible Doctrine. Moody 2] TEXT?God forbid that I .tumid glor] ?avq tn tlm crow oC our IXftf Jegtu ChrUt.?Galatians 6:14. X 'I'llo hnftlA ft\i? tha PhHoMnn #**! ?* i> some form or otjier baa to be fonghl ' ' out In each sue ces'slve . genera The crosi . of CbrlBt Is thi LL^tb-lwH- Of li 11 art fe vJMWto by the enemy Jf - Constant effort li " put forth 'to re duce It" to a uteri A^HBEFjr example ot hero ^/^^Hpjjee ism, a going ovei the top and" al that sort of thing SHL VfB^b. Unman nature "L "P whether coarse 01 '"cultured, has no objection to this, foi It gi?es occasion for self-praise ant the accumulation of merit. The crosi destroys all this. Its message Is do' of something to be done, but of some thing that has been done, somethlni on which th* soul of man mny rest wcauue it. meets DOtn ais guui um helplessness. . There are three outstanding rensoni why the believer glories In the crosi of Chrtst. First, It meets the penalti Involved in. sin. "Sin Is trnnsgresslbi of the law." . The penalty Involved li the breaking of law (an never be re mltted. That would be an unrlghteoui a<*. The glory of the cross Is due li part to the fact that the penalty In vslved In transgressions was met am paid In the death of Christ. "God se forth Christ to be a propitiation"?the offering for sin which righteousness re quires. In scripture this effering Is re ferred to ns the one net pf righteous 1 ness, because It .met every rlghteou: l requirement Involved.' Cntil this li } bollorod there end ncvor be peace wltl j Ood. After this Is believed there cai ! never be anything else but pence wltl God. He made peace through tlx 1 blood .of His cross, a righteous pence Believe It and assert It. Say with thi j apostle: "Being now Justified by hli i blood, we shall be saved from wratl j through him." "Transgression worh , etli wrath," but, standing at Jhe crosi . and looking in faith at the one whi J died for our sins, we can repeat tin words -of -IvThessalonlnns 1:10?"Je ' siis, Who delivered tis from tno wratl to cotge." When the requirements o law are satisfied then nrfd rmiy" tliei "*~csn>busc1cirre he-sltTts^d.-tSaagmncl as 'every claim of the rlchteouqtlrv iius.iwsnjnet, uus^elcnce-lant "rest ant - .(Tip heart' ts-irt pence. ?- -*=_*; - ^ In ^ SflpiPTRimt-t?ie>i.?jsah^.rHBiiitt~ 4iLuw_r:; ij fay, vvltL _the wTitrr^ot our texJgX':Tu3nr":CIf?5t-j?-ii6v btfVC-Mv Lveth In iuq. This te' "t1T6T source" oi nil Gar goodness. There Is "no trm oh.,....,.*., *? nature \ve belong 4b a fatten race; w< havo fallen from TioTTness." * Our Lorr Himself declared that "out of tlt< heart proceed erll things," and vtly ^ great hpiistte-tesfffiod: "In-me dtffeU eth no "good thing." The problem o; deliverance from the corruption anc power of this fallen nature of ours h solved at Calvary. Not only did Chris; take our sins to the cross, but lie tool j us there? too?"Qu.r old man was cru I cifled with Him." Our, union wttl I Christ begins with union with Him lr ; His death. The purpose of this is t( ! destroy the p6wet of sin In us, thougl . not the presence of It. A thing mnj exist, yet not reign; It may operate but not contror. The command t< Christians Is, "Let not s!n reign It your mortal bodies."* The cross make.' this possible and actual In experience All down through the ages there tint Issued from .It a stream of splr * ltual power, liberating, separating sanctifying and energising. On the one side?the death side?the cross strikei that old Adam life and destroys Its doriiinlon. On* the other side?the resur rectlon side?rtt provides that new lift by wlflCh we are saved to holiness ant ti ml Christian character.' In othei i words, goodness Is the result of unlot i with Christ In death and resnrroetlon , Possibly the supreme mistake both li the .church and In the world Is that o trying to make this-old fallen natun of ours fit for the presence of Ood I Far better to adopt GiyPs way 'Htld, li | the light of His truth, reckon our I selves "dead Indeed unto sin, and alh'< unto God In Christ Jesus." % Furthermore, we glory In the erogj as the place where' Satan was over come. This ought to be "broadcasted' everywhere among Christian people ffi contend with the .same snlrltiia foee as (lid our Lord. H& not onlj blotted out the handwriting of ordl nances that was against ma. netting-1 principalities and -powers Of darkness triumphing uver them In the ciuss. Tilt victory was complete f-the Prince o Pprkness was utterly defeated, ant now ' the. light of redemption shines brightly and ^ivlthrmt^ obstructloi shonld.we Mt_*loryJtUhe cross^.. Lt h thebasts of our pdace; the fountfatloj of nil human goodness, and the place where our adveseery^ the Devtl, wu ^ ' T ; ? ? ' i' - r' ;-X\ > AERIL 4'.h 1923 [CROWOER MAKES '[' j .. 20 P01DS GAIN ! Declares He Would Not Take $1000 i For Good Tanlac pid Him. a -- "For twentv-five ye?r- " "M nJir ^ Crowder, a well-known mfrclirnt, of t-awpdale, N. C, "Fa^ffered from The , , worst* sort Of stomacK trouSle a'nd r jot so run-down, nervous and-, worn- ' . out I tlJjught 1- would never get well. *" ."Mv appetite wag completely gone. '' > I was sick at the stomach mush of ! the time, and nearly everything I r would eat (Mlrt me. I finally got so" ? i weak I could hardly get around and . life yvas a burden- to me. . . , "I . had lost faitU in all medicines^ bit 1 am thankful a thousand times ' t over that 1 gave Tanlac a trial. I L felt mv strength returning by the 5 ' tiipe I had finished tlJ." -first bottle. ~ J for I could pick up a two bushel sack ' . of anything and walk right off with i i u. : 1 9 "So I kept taking Tanlac and gett ting better and hive gained twenty ' pounds. Now all my stomach trouble f is gone, my""'nerves are* steady as a j clock, my appetite fine and I am brimful of - new life and energy, I wouldn't take a thousand dollars for J 'he good Tanlac has dene me. It is j- jmpo*3sbile for me to recommend it i too. highly, "for it has made i new i man .of me." Tanlac is for sale by all gcod drug? gists. Accept no substitute. Over 371 million bottles -sold. t Tr* ri V rttrrrt a <*..4 > . IV I'bl VTC.ll A1LAJN 1IU * - . ?* n^farfj'li, Vf'.o -kf.:tw t-rfr^Tf j I loyal Critic living t>m ps7 ling llownT* - In every tvpe of aircraft. r_ fz^z'-i=i.z?^LL->- -"- ' , ; it 5gigB A Cc :?; * : 1 : i > -I?. li 'I . - ; |: - "The i \ ' ' ' ; Friendly IL ;|Xhe I'ir .... ' : ?' .a T.- . . / ?. . " ' ?*?X' ', y ' . v* :: j - ,' EASBURO EXERCISER BIfD SUCCESSFUL YEAR The closing exercises of the Leasurg school were celebrated Friday rith an appropriate program. Prof. F. S. Aldridge, of Tiinity cllege,. delivered the . literacy adresa-at?b*ci6icted in the pageant. S W. T PREPARES F( a Amour Fertilizer Works, 3 Greensboro, N. G. 1 Gentlemen Please enter my order R7 Special Tobacco Fertilizer : ? shipped as fast as my storaj t~f\ f j TO C Vt-O 07101* TTnwfil irrnwtr 4-Vi? f??- j. vi biiitibio ma Grower cannot afford to ris] a few dollars on his Fertili B? ffoxboro, N. C, * BA Nli: OF || ^rmour Fertilizer Works, || Greensboro, N. C. Bp Gentlemen?- ?? Mr. Wj. Tf Pass has f g3 farms for years. Tbtee: yen H} arid-.w?Ziried H cAvintfed ius 8.iff gct.^V ?|- 1 iisd?^thi s >nveni 4 % As jrou find the toll T ? cf your greatest con _ SOCIAL. WOtlLD^ i a CHECKING AC equal convenience ii TIC AFFAIRS. It will ' eliminate worry of having to the hotfife. We especially invite ladies and extend to , TESIES and conver :l' bank. ' '''v. ORGANIZED 1918. - 1 at .i u iiu ii 17 u 11 Vf y.ii'fi.i'i i ^ ; 1 . . 1 ' I:;, W*'- ).[ . ; ':7- T V _ ^ ? > ?? -I v NOTICP SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. Undeaaud by virtneflfth'e-auUiority conferred upon ua^by 'a. judgment of tlia Superior Court' of Person County, rendered Jq that Special Proceeding in a^id court, entitled. Mrs. f'annie Long and others v* Lacey FousHee and others, the tfndersigned commissioners will oh ' T'" DAY APRIL 9th 1923 at 12 o'clock. M. in front of the Court house door in Roxboro, N. C. sell to tile highest bidder for cash, the - following dr*T . scribed lands to wit: 1 ?That certain, tract of land lit Ro? boro township Person County, North -Carolina, bounded, on the North by the lands of Mrs. J. B. Stanfield, on the East by the lands of T. D. Winstead on the South by the lands of T.D. wtnstead and on the West by the lands of D. S. Long, containing one hundred twenty dght acres more or 4 le?? and knowri as the S. M: .Long Home place. This March 6th, 1923.. \ . i S. G. Hamlin, "" D. S. Long, Commisaioners. '.Pass | !)R BIG SEASON. I r B i for 5000 bags of 'Armour's |j for the coming season to be 3 ?e will accommodate it. There s n Armour's but the Tobacco J| i his crop in an effort to save 3 1 izer bill. Jj : W. T. PASS. RDXBORO.?-?? /g ; March-14, 1923. 1 ' M :: 'urnished Fertilizers for our rs ago he took your account ?jj.. Szmco Fertilizers. Thisr test " hiigt: Tob^cd"4CSdilt-?^F..- ^ ;phone to be'due1 _IL veniences in you* ' , js?" so you will find || OUNT an . $3 t your DOMES- '?j the trouble apd is! keep money in - jgj 'M - I the accounts- of . * to tk.mitu. ffirrn Mi?m> kite vvuiv- ^ liences of this |y