'J> , . J . - : . t " ' '' "'I 'III| -'iTT ** ' - " J JWIJJ ^ , i _? ? ______ Take a tip from Sir Today's lumber an || look like bargains s: jg prices of today are ' r? :?I f~\W ' /"* >* f~ f~* 'Kj LI 111 i Iv alt: xv> W vJl Ula 1| ber market for man P 7? .. i Iciparea me aavano we are goinpr to pas tomers. |Fr<^n:h*i> the shingles o^Wnr furnish you and rei ing material of qua cost of repairs^*: SEND US YOUR E asm Roxboro "Home a&? ^ "" fyVn i " f jrHVr. ?*1 : ? ' Sergeant H Sta-l I LIKE THE LAW ^ There's a s that tends to II er's of Good 1 5| FRESH fruit Si this week. DIRECT FR FRESH --SNA i . MEW, FOTA . FRBSHvSQL 'I FANGYtWA ;a NEW WHIT GRAPE FRl . I GES. - a PJione us. your v/i | ? a service '. ...1 ? ' ' ?? :IE"*"" . ' .vm*" ' THEP%I^C s ' .. . ROX 1 -Advance programe from Th ^ THURSDAY and FRIDAY H - Production "RICH IVfEN'B V H . Wfnsdor, Rosemary: Tlx. by, G ^ f drcd June,.'Carol HoHoway n '.if Stcry by Agnes C. Johns. ? llumoughly human drama?th IE ture?then ?tsk yourself are R r ed cr envied 7 < , ADDED FRIDAY Cbas. H ; i of "SPEED",two iraeja,,Matir "vance in adtri. Evening at 7:3 if po SATURDAY William Fox YOUR OWN HEART" (A s (Sq Mix's experiences as a cdw be Kl Semen (The world's greates I I?. BELLS" Matinee at 2:30 P. 7;30-8:4J> P. M. , MONDAY AS TUESDAY : RugglagjPp^aluction TlyR/BI j : Walt., r HeiHfe Jacqud&ie Uogl CIiaiowKWttflii. -A I >aramou Here's jolly Walter Heris a j:\ a fast, Hilarious love-comedy, L^as the boss of a South Amer 1'-* Add.ed Single rqel' Hal Roai Hrn. . SHJSK1FV UP, A SU^.UUli" ;. . I $c. Tartte atory 'Adventure'. \ !!;-jstfthti?^evidence? TJwy*calle< (: *:' with Rip fiats L^^rKankfr'tf a Kp .air a|d|i(i Hajpl'l' I Coming Mav' 4tM. Norma irst National Victor*?. ..i|,;av Cpminc May 2-3rd, Marion (IH mo\)nt Pictniy>. ' ? V ACCIDENT TICKETS. ~ . jjttftjie?yuu krtm. rail?at?SaV Satterfleld'ii Insurance A gem - "OW and Tried." ' . ' " - t Now 1 us and do voui^jMtiJUliiMfcJi real bargains and we P nryou will find the lam?a y months. have anti- ? 5s and bought right an3 | nember: "Buying build- ? .jity means^i^gl^i, g . ORDERS AND NOTE g ftel lO eli. Lumber C?-1 ibo b Mh|jjj i Eats" to the store I _ jg & Claiyton.^No 'j v/||: 9 and Vegetables " ' ' i OM FLORIDA . :?? ~ I. .PS', bio 1 YTnoH ixooi er,r!| i TOBSn1 leei^vinu ad b~K | JjdkSHu' -")n io erroilfirriprli Bpj SHED OELERV^ Ping E POTATOES-?J - IJ1TANDORAN | int?. You .will find our jg on the job. | " -??? ' 11 ' '* " ' ' " -ESS THE6An. An Al-Lichtman Production. A J J rilling and appealing.. See the picicM Mefri'i : Wives to be pitied, scorn-- ,* j utohicon ' in EpUode No. 2 "NERVE1 nic^Thuriday at .3:00 P. M; No ad ,fPO r>'\ j; presents TOM MIX in "AFTER j tory of the west brittl full jof Tom >y, plenty of action). ADDED, Larry . I t comedian) in "N'O WEDDING M." No advance in adm. Evening at' Tease L. La^y p r. sentrye mMQEir (BotSjf sSScfc)|ES "lET"^ iilFH , ii"< i TT 'in s you've wanted to see him. Star in starting as a ribbon clerk, finishing ican republic. 1 eh comedy. Matihee Monday at 3 !#0 with William Fairbanks. From W. j Vould >?ou convict a man on circum- , i him SiUent- for he j^id 11's taking )W bey, atair^h^oaj^iyct as we^l **,; j Talmadgd in "Loves Redemption' A Ii h Pylirto ?? T ^ "TURN THE COW AROUND". : ^eu have fed the cow for these northern fellows for 100 years. Let's miTF a wwie?fturgdlW.?see SA'ri'EKt. ' JEFFERSON phRcy 'MM RW|I V'JU' inuney'nt heiilie. Do'It * Now. SATTEftFlELD INS. Agency, "Old and Tfied". -> . - ? - ? . - ? _ - 1 "?, ' *W* : ^ f TBE WtBQa^'cOURIER " THE COURIER Soiboro, 1J, C. April 18tli 1923 ' BUSINESS LOCALS. I ?? Five shares First .National Bank, stock will be sold at the Court-honii tor May 7th, 1923, by D. W. Long; Hcecutcr of A. M. Lone. w- 77~ - When WALK-OVERS go on sh<$ troubles go off. Tlie bes^ stock eve! ai iJacnsLX Bants'. ' s . _ ' i &4 'Let us match it in extra qualiQ silk hose. \ Wilburn SatterfleTd. f > come to us, we know how to tre^ them. S. M. BRADSHER, at JackJ son Oarage. 3-7-t#^ Have you heard Rev. J. L. JunVlB who "Is conducting seOviees at tl04 Baoti? Kh?c4lT>(Hofr him, it m$j| oritiTO iayoar-:!ig Our piece goods department i?2 making a strong appeal to those , who; know. It will pay you to trade v-'ittv Wilburn & Satterfield,'-; -?? . -Porch setts, will soon be time fopf tl'tM, landi u/wtk' >kaivei mostly bjp? calling and seeirfg my line and getan?ra?^ria(ices. E. D. CHEEK. 'More than your money's worth-?; Dcn'l ^liss H?-The "Great Pumpkin! i' RALEIGH, N._C.' Try an Emery shirt and you wilt he?an Emery booster- Emery shirtat fail to please.; Your style and at Harrisf & Burns'. time has past for handing fiHWF over the counter, it takes experience to fit them right, misfits cause 90 per cent of all foot troubleTry Wilburn & Satterfield for Stloesfc . ?.?, , : : ^ Kitchen Cabinets?no better to be had anywhere, and the. price~is ft reaft %h. fend look theiijf ' for ? KvtflrtByjCAfUHr! W'TJnusual -Talent Ai^itoriumf^April 7:45 P. M.| Z - * ~ - -~ i? .Ev/srfast? -Fr f^ter fade- See Ha r rig & Burns' ad. ; * -. ? Qo*ie onf -to the services at the Baptist church?it. may do you goocL We inVJie you to take a look at our piece goods, you. will get wHat you want in the quality that appeals to you. Wilburn & Satterfield. ,'JMri you ever hear oL*a~mah Being Tfbrt" -hy attending chwcB service? The fire less in the U. S. for 1922 exceeded five hundred million dollars, a tea* of-$95r foi' every minute of tlte dav and night. Who knows who will bo next? See SATTERFIELD, "Do; It New". BCKtfc! See SATTERFIELD for ajl kinds o^ b.?ndsk "YAp can't afford to, mvolya your iriena s property when Vein1 can buy_ ybUr bond." See SATTRRFIBLD) tWa Bond Man. Do V - I IFOR SALE, 40 bbla. corn and 75> bushels of wheat, rough feed, hay. and stock feed, for cash. Apply E. W. Garrett, Timberlake, N. C., route X. 4-18, 2tspd. m i^iy ' > I A I It Wan ,v > ! - } I ! OfK) Dozen l-'.ggs. we II ,r* Rrinpf na your chicker k Longhurst M ~ ~ ' Jalong ff x ? - y r ? r_^?i?i ~i 1 , jfr.' - *>, . / f X. . _ V*' * X * && WONDERFUL STORY TOLD WITH FIGURES. The JEFFERSON J STANDARD since Christmas. January 1923 *8,058,600. February. *4.958,400, April *12,149,060 thus far. ph* on. the Band Wagon. See SATtTEKFIELD, "Old. and TriedV. | , , ' i i Howard & Foster and Uta & Dunn Shoes, lCnox or, Stetsofl Hats, Rita Shirts and Kuppenheimer .ClBthes^ s%i?r Iiaru to oeax. It trade with us. Try WTlboa|?& Satterffeld. S J' [ FOR SALE, six cows, -fresh and OminK fresh. Will exchange for beef ftt^tle. S.' BT Moore, Koxboro, N. C., j 1 . i "FIRES GALORE" Fire loss in v'orth Carolina during March ^eachd the . enormous fours may be nexW- ?tHf-0AJri Mtti rtELD now. Tomorrow may be too j ate. SATTERFIELD INS. AGENCY, 'Qld and Tried". " ,, . j WANTED, some one to work two horse farm, either shares or rent. Good corn and tobacco land. WHear prop sown, plant beds sown." A^oed i place for the right party. J. R.u5o?h.' > Timberlake, N. C. . 4-4 3ts. (Look for Roxboro Shoe Store ad in- tnts~%eekj^issUe?it means money to you. Roxboro Shoe Store. "? NOTICE. If ydu or yours have the misfortune to jtet burnt let me know at once. I am making a salve for burns which my mother has made for J thirty years and it Has never failed to cure any kitgi nf a burn. It tvill cure jour burp cheaper" and quicker ' xoan any tning on tne market. Cure guaranteed or your money | back. Apply for same at N# Win- | stead's home, one mile ' qf^Leas- , We, n. r. ;N | April 4-4,' 4tV/pd. I H T?' (Services Jfi(iFat~itj^tnd <7* [. Who 1 Jive at your - vsemce, e*per- 1 ieneed salesmen with artistic designs'/ I A factor 460> feet long* fully equip- i ped with ^the latest improved hyro electric machinery; and manned by inferior, wH;n you can buy the BEST s direct for less. 4-18 2tS pd Refrigerators?everybody. krrj|^L the-value in haying a refrigerator. In fact a refrigerator today >s considered a necessity, not a luxury. When you wanttBe BEST for thf LEAST money call cn F.. D. CHEEK. ! ? ?1 ' V > > . "-'-.''J. i Our Hoys?Their Play?Benefit tltjir Gymnasium?Auditorium Friday week. 11? 11 1 ic 1 ".?? " * . fiTry PAINTING. I wish to announce to the public that I am now in business and Will appreciate your woTk. Before having any painting done give me a chance tb figure ,witH you. Best work ant} rtioat reasonable prices guaranteed. Call at Doares Barber Shcx, Roxboro, 4-18. 8tpd James H. Perkins. ?m I. tedpay 20c cash, 25c in 1} J ' . y~~?'? . "I f l 13 and Hams, highest paid. ercantile Co. vH C. ~ ; j ' ' ..... . ^ L.". 7'~" ... ???i__ ? facis-JIVS?> ^ - V---l? I |''^r " | : ^ ^ | Every Fellow .uses his head when, he h lrJ*g|>es t6-buy.^ njkt, an <1 pould do the same thing when he goes to buy a suit ? of clothes. * B We have the best Assortment, the fij P"'" me|. If. it is a made-to-measure suit, our ex- j J pert is on the groiuifil all the time. A fit j guaranteed or no.sale.lt will pay you to h ktVad^vHthus/Try v Wilburn & Satteriield I ' Blue Grass Country DOJSpfm OIp Kw'Utkv lie tlie Wue pr.ua pasture*. Atid in the + [. , paatjtf^nyoap. with an pictufo.-ibe kleek. well-fed ]- tnarcagrrorea nurse grazing fhere. IK *-or ;Tb%tb?ixHti^red is. almost a national Ttgiisej of him. f Yet, were the region arid, the breading of the home would not if save his sleekness >or strength. - ~l ! J : ' " TV* . So it is jn th* pasture* of investment. The fare of the electric ? light and power industry must be,wholesome, else it cajj^Rt have | | a healthy;growth and work, for you satisfactorily.- 'Sjie starved i iterap-evwpulled a heavy Bed.* r - ' g , - Tlie whole-theory of the^e electric light and power Companies p !' "has beein to-give emcient Service to the jntflfe.* * t L Wider state regulation, .When charges to the public are under -r ebnSderation, recognition is given to actuatwrperating cost, -with tf ft fair return rn invest*re . ,.i f In other words, capital is paut only fixed Wttjjesj. in ibis indus- f try. | Since the industry must httv ?i%ney as Well as material if the r growing needs of the country arc to-be met, it is essential that . l-v tlij wages -uT capital should be fairly fixed." Investors cannot be ' f drawn.to. a -pasture' if it,becomes arid. i f .Feurtpen hundretb thousand homes ,m the United-State* ore tin-?1 i ? 1 wired and wili be furnished with electric service, -tvhrff needed, by - tieW capital induced to work for "fair: wages." 1 f More than 1,500,000 bbmes, 500,000 factories, 5,600 churches, ' | ' 60.000 apartment buildings,"iXOilO theatres and 5,000 public schools i r must be builV to Take- care of inctfeaeed. popuplation. Vast new ; j i equipment must be added, and a tremendous'investment made by j f the electric light and power companies, to keep pace with the na| toin's progress. i This ean.be done only tkkough genernl understnnding^of the ; 1 i problems of the electrical industry^ , * > ; F* Roxboro Light and Power Co. j ' 11 " V-e-bJ?- ? W." " | - ' '?'?" ! ~- i . Safety Deposit Boxes for i | RENTr. _ _ J I |_ SMALL BOX PER YEAR $1.00 1i jib MEDIUM BOX PfiR YEAR $1.50 v? i ? l| ^ LARGEJ^X^PE^YEAR $2.00 . J ' J g T. E. AUSTIN, PlREStDENT W. P. LONG CARnH?r'