H I PAGE EIGHT p 1 " M BIG ALUMNI GATHERING -AT UNIVERSITY FINALS. CHAPEL HILL, May 19.?The officers of the association of University alumni are making plans for a great alumni gathering during commencement week next month. With President Walter Murphy and Secretary Daniel L. Grant in direct charge of the campaign and pushing it vigor .ously, the expectation is that more Carolina men than have come to the finals before will be on hand this ? >w. ; : .? ' Of course the Caroliha-Virginia baseball game, scheduled "for Tuesday afternoon, June 12, will be a powerful drawing card. The night before the game, on Mondnv. the offieeM?<oresidentar- secre - iarica and treasurers) of the local alumni- associations will have a meeting in the new Carolina Cafeteria, .which , will be installed by that time in the Tankersley building next to the post-office. It is these local officers in cities ;jnd towns scattered all over the country, who are depended upon t i keep the alumni organization running smoothly. They will exchange rrcorla of their experiences, and methods., and wiil* lay plans for the m*r- vear.' <.<:rire Govdon Battle. an eminent Criivarsity alun-.ni in N'ew York, who \< to be the. Commencement speaker thii* year, is tc be invited ;o attend !hn mVcting. He has been about the Hi- .-', active rnpn i:i keeping the New York alumni together and. lining them up in support of the University This last year th? alumni assocint;?ip l as taken new spirit. A reorganization was (Verted" last comnvcnce:ncn|, and Secretary Grant has been making visits since then, to the aiuimii as far north as Boston and a? fur. South as Jacksonville, and Mon; gomery. He has found everywhere that the nu*n who were on?e ih-colhfrc -hero have kept up a warm in tercet in tH'e place and are eager to | know about what is going on at the t'!?ivVr":ty?an4 eager to give all the huip i hey can. On :he--e trips, - he has given a new, * <t?rf to local organisations thnt had lapsed into a state of inactivity. In i yvery community the ofit'eers are "per-! feeling the lists of the alumni i:i their territory and s>riving to get every eligible man in as a member of 'the association. Here, commencement, there will be the usual reunions. One of the events is to he a baseball game between the da*? of 1903 and the faculty. o EFFORTS TO BE MADE TO SPEED 1 P CONSTRUCTION OF DIXIE HIGHWAY. I From Manufacturers''Record.) An effort to' speed up construction of the Dixie Highway .will be made at a meeting" of the Hoard of Directors of the Dixie Highway Association, which is to meet at Chattanooga, May at, 25 and 2G. Mr Monte .1 ?Oohlr.?Viee"Presid?nt?of?tha?Fifth.. Third Nations! Rank of Cincinnati, whb is one of the Directors of the Dixie Highway .Association,. writes to the Manufacturers Record, ".We --Mai -IhHI. Hie luliuli as a srhnln i? interested in this highway, because the completion of any one trunk line highway from tho North to the South will" encourage the building pf other * highways, not -only front the North to the South, Uflt from -the . East to the West; as well_a? ths-boild. . _ , .1 ?> . ! *" ' " . emorial Day TKoi imppr* ing of better roads through each lo cal community." The railroads in the territory af fected and also the bankers of th states to be traversed by the Dixi Highway are cooperating in the ?f fort to get a large attendance to th< Chattanooga meeting and to arousi effective interest in th? undertaking Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, Flori is, North Carolina and South Caroli na are the states through which th< Dixie Highway will run. At the Chat tanooga meeting an especial effor will be made to assure the early com pletion of at least the eastern* divis ion of the Highway. Also at Chat tanooga the question of revoking several designations of the Dixi< Highway system will be discussed. I is stated that several counties or or ganizations have failed to live up t( their original contracts and agree merits. (Final action will also be talfcn or the new routing on the west coast of Florida from Valdosta to St.. Peters burg, via Lake City, Ocala, Dunnel '.or: and Brooksville. which was made \ tentative part cf the Dixie Highway System at fft?"*fcannual meeting Held last May at Jacksonville, Fin. NOTICE. At a regular meeting of the Boari of Commissioners of Person County : eld at their office in Roxboro, or Monday; May 7. 1923, a petition hv tho tvnstdps nf thp Rpthpl Hill High School District,- boing Distr'ct No. One, having been favorably i ijf rsed by the Board cf Education ot' that' county, was presented, asking that .an election be held in the 1 Crginafter described contiguous territory to the said Bethel Hill High School District, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters the "Viestion as to whether a special hool tax, of not exceeding a 30c on vr 100-dollar valuation of real and rersonal property shall be levied and ?r>!iected for the purpose of supplerenting the regular school funds for I said district, and for the purpose of ; Mr ving a bus to go into the said proj sed contiguous territory to convey the children {herein tc the Bethel Hill High School. It is therefore ordered by the Board, that said election be held: that it he held at the residence of Hester Long in Woodsdale Township Person County, North Carolina; that it 1 c hold on Tuesday, July 3, 1923 and that Hester Long is hereby appointed Registrar for said election: that Robert Anderson and J. Mc Long Faro appointed Judges of the specia' election. ; That the lines of the said contiguous territory to the district aforesaid are as follows: Beginning where, the Wc^xlsdaleChublake Road intersects with the Roxboro-Harmony road in the present, lhie cf the Bethel Hill Hasmorij Hum!?tn the Virginia?State?line. thence Wr?with" the Virginia Statt line to the line between WoodsdaU and Cunningham Townsltip (whicl is Hyco Creek 1 thence this line u; Hyco Creek to Ghents' Creek; thenc< ' up unents' troek to the ro?d fron Woodsdale to Cunningham Quarters ' Thence this road in South-Eaaierl\ Direction to a small ravine running . iin Stnrirn Crank, rhnnra ilnwn thii ravine to Stories Creek?up Storiw t^reek to a stake near q targe pgpn i fatr trEei_thence to a. Soath-Westerii ' - ! ..__M I . , r-ar? . V 3 : THE ROXBORO COURIEI ' ? ? ? UP*:" ' j '; zr-ir ' c. /*< P to-srard tjim esttl that ii Jio/.i Jioi fiapjjz;\ J?; a^aJn? " ? "> ^8WS^. I f *i,cufr?CC:<o^. I - - " I ' - Direction to the West edges of Chublake; thence along West Side of pond - to head of pond Stories Creek; thence e up Stories Creek to Roxboro Towne ship line; thence East along this line - :o Marloes Creek; thence down Mare ices Creek to Hagers' Mountain; e thence a direct line to the point of beginning, i, That those favoring the special tax shall vote a ballot on which "For . Local Tax" shall be printed or writi ten. Those opposing the special tax shall vote a ballot on which "Against I Special Tax" shall be printed or written; that a new legisti'utioiv for?said- district is hereby required; that the | registration, books shall be opened on Saturday May 26, and that on >aeh Saturday (luring the time of egistration the Registrar shall be H his home, the polling place, beween the hours of 9 A. M. and sun. et and on other days at the resi- ; ence of the said Hester Long. That i .aid registration books' shall be clos- I I sd on Saturday, June 23, 1923 at sun- } set;- Saturday, June 30, shall be j Challenge Day and the Registrar j thall attend the oollinc nlace hetween "rhc- hours of 9 A. M. and sunset or. ; iaid date, allowing: all qualified vot- j ?rs of said district the privilege of , coking over said books and chal'er.ging any person- thereon register- -!J ed. i The Judges of Election shall attend I th' polling place en Challenge Day ; i * Done ..by_order of the Board,. Mon- j day May 7~ 1923 .. [ W. H. Harris, Chairman of Board. W. T. Kirby, i Clerk of Board. AMERICAN OFFICIALS IN CHINA PESSIMISTIC Washington, May 21/??fissimistfc reports were received today* from American- officials in China as to the probability of successful negotiations between the Chinese government and bandit leaders for the release of Americans and other foreign hostages held bv the brigands as a rejsult concern was felt in goveixment- circles but the state department \va? not swayed from the conviction that the only practicable means of dealing with the situation was through the Peking diplomatic council. So far as could be learned, no move was afoot to intervene from Washington in Minister Schurman's efforts, in association with his diplomatic colleagues, to bring about the release of Ihe captives unharmed. It was made plain that the Washington government was relying on its representatives on the scene to consider every angle of the admittedly delicate situation and find the most hopeful course to pursue. The position is taken here that any other course misrht I be fraught with extreme danger to Jhe captives. > a New ecoowT-t- <;weetrr CLEax-soT IT 1 -n ?vo? ?u. - -jte, i MAY' 23rd 1923 Special ' ' Ul K-?- .. .. - .I EM ' | ?????? ' i FOR A FEW DAYS, - j h 1 ]UNEEDA BISCUIT 7c 4 FOR. 20c . , : . " 1 tj CHICKENS and EGGS ' i ; WANTED. 'WILL I PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICES. PHONE US YOUR ORDER!-!. J ' BLANKS -ANDMORRIS V I Prices Beouceo | I closing out sole I [Beginning May 12th and tSj continuing for 30 days?or ^ until stock is exhausted. A Ivl great reduction . in prcie. ja Every article in our- stock 58 to go on this sale. Si | We Will SELL |.: g Canned corn at 12 M ct3. S3 per can. Laundry soap 3 cakes for 10 cts. Porto Itico,^ ai molasses 60 cts. per galJolCjg g! White House Coffee 32 ticts. !g 15 per pound. Arbuckles Coffee & B 30 cts. per pound. Self-Ris- ps tpl ing flour $6.75 per barrel. & p? A nice assortment of mens' ijgj g<j shoes at a bargain. Call ear- ^ ly?get our prices?and save tg g money, we are compelled to" M ?? reduce our stock.. kg | J. I WliiKER, Jr. i| Store next to Royal Cafe ^ Depot Street. RIGHT HERE IN OUR HOME TOWIt Our sales of Original Vino!-are growing bigger and bigger. There's a reason, too. Many people right here in our home city have been helped by Original Vino!. Every day this splendid medicine is making, new friends, who by its help are growing better and better because they had the faith to try Original Vinci. AVa guarantee it because we believe in it?and we are right here to make good on our guarantee?your money back if it doesn't help you. R. J. Moore,Noroton Heights, Conr... says: "After taking Original Vino! I regained my normal weight and never felt better in my life." Mrs. L. R. Robinson, Py^rsburg, 111., writes: "Original A'inol has restored my strength. 1 thinkitisa wonderful medicine." Mrs. G. A. Johnson, Sullivan, Ohio, savs: "My doctor recommended Original A'inol for my rundown condition 'and it tjglped me right away." ORIGINAL VINOL WILL HELP YOU' The price is still $l.op ALWAYS INSIST ON ' '| - ORIGINAL VINOL ?Sold and Guaranteed Ham brick, Austin & Thomas, 1 KOahOrO. ?~??, _ . ! _Jr . * ' -~T?." : . . i js:'" H COMPLETE TELEGRAFH INTERNATIONAL FEAi NEWS BY UNITED [ PRESS LEASED TIRES SELECTED ( WIRE. ~ STAFF WRITERS. Kl 1 m ? ??i ? 'i 1 HE DANVILLE NEWS iNEW AFTERNOON DAILY NEWSPAPER serving Southeide Virginia and Northern North Caro- j lina, will begin publication in June. i Delivered by carrier 10 cents per week By Mail $4.50' per | year, SUBSCRIBE NOW. Post Office Box 121, Publication Office I Danville, Virginia 512 Patton Street Full, Fair, Friendly - - Clean, Courteous, Cheerful. i """ i ^ ; ' & ' ^ Quality, Value 1 1. and Service. 1 WA rp wpl 1 ?* *- ^ ^ 10? "" " w w ilh a mcc assui Lincill ^ 5 IS of the famous Tyson & Jones, Hackney, Vir- I _j| ginia. Carolina and Bull Durham huggiea_| f. each of these lines are considered the best in ? IS their respective classes and these five lines fi j| very well cover the field. j| We~are confident that our prices represent | S as high a value as that offered by amy one | gj and invite your comparison of price and. jg |j quality. t | |f All the above lines are guaranteed free of 1 -?S?imperfections of either workmanship or ma- M? ^ terial, but should a defect become apparent |? 'j$ we are prepared to give prompt and efficient 5 service without charge. H I t * '* I R. A. Spencer & Son I jjjj ^ ' Roxboro, N. C. - jg HOOVER ('BEATS... a j it Sweats as it Cleans Evury Day for Sevea ^eara Nestled in the picturesque hills, of "Th? way The Hoover erec*-- the North Carolina. not far from r.ap has. enabled these rugs fo reAsheville, is Grove Park_Inn. sist wear far better than -th&v did * vh- n the iuip -was left -mnshei a A decade aero, the spacious lobby down. '* I of this famous r sort hotel was i richly cameted with en "Au- *?Also the regular and thorough busson" rugs. each twenty hv_ removal cf nap-cutting # dirt by twetny-two -fedi. the electric beating, sween and auction cleaning of The Hoover Although these rugs have been has prevented a great deal of trod by thousands of transient damage." feet, their beauty 13 as much admired today as ever. Mr. Seeley adds that he has heard .. lately, 'Ithe ridiculous statement Mr. P. L. Seeley, President of that vacuum cleaners are hard on Grove Park Inn. recentlv wrote rues." Tie continues: voluntarily, the following interest- ? ing letter: nm so jnoensed over the injus" Until we received The Hoover. tice of such remarks, after our it was impossible to keen. the?e long experience with our eighteen valuable rugs clean, although we Hoovers that you are welcome to had. an exnensive installed air- use our testimony to con'radijtf cleaning plant. s*ich an absurdity." K1".!! ? sr r "Kv' ^SAiz",r.c~''z out of one of them to show you us| Hoover, their splendid condition. "They are fully fifty per cent Phone us and we will gladly dembetter off today because of The onstrAte The Hoover in. your home Hoover. ?without obligation. PAY $6.25 down and get your Hoover today ? Small monthly payments on the balance. . T. W. Pass <fe Scfcsr HOXBORO, N. C. AiPrKUttl'/fcU hTfH~)VF.T? ilualw ' > . USE?Courier Want Ads tcxr ^Results

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