IAGE EiGHT AN ORDINANCE ' REGULATING THE USE OF MOTOR VEHICLES ANb REQUIRING THEIR REGISTRATION. Be it ordained by the Board of Commisioners of Roxboro: Section 1. That on or before August I, 1923, and on or before Jutyrtr of each succeeding year 'all owners of automobiles or other motor vehicles within said town shall report the said automobile or other motor vehicle to the town clerk for reglstra tion in a book to be kept by the clerk showing the name of the owner, the name of the manufacturer, the manufacturers number, the character of the vehicle and the state license number for the current year. ISettion 2. That upon such automobile cr other motor Vehicle being registered as herein provided, the owner thereof shall be furnished a metal number plate to be attached thereto as hereinafter provided; and the clerk shall keep a record of same. Sec. 3. That it shall be the duty of the mayor and clerk to cause to be prepared a sufficient number of plates, numbered consecutively and showing the name of the town and the expiration of the' current fiscal year, such year being from July 1st to June 30th. Sec. 4, That all owners of automobiles, and other motor vehicles, at the time of registration, as herein, provided, shall annually pay to the clerk the sum of one dollar, which sum shall be paid- into the general expense fund, and shall be used so far as may be necessary to defray tiw^-#xnen?e of carrying into effect the. provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 3. Every mote,- vehicle driven or operated o:l the streets of the town must display - on - its rear the State number plate i-sued to the owner df.said motor vehicle by the! State, and display cn. the front oF said j irtotoi'i vehicle the nurnhc-v plate issued j to .the owner ?;f >ald motor vehicle by tKe town, -aid plate? to he kept, clean-and." in.;,good repair' during' the vrjrent year for \vhi;h they are issued, and. displayed in such; marmbr as.to be visible at '-all..times'. Provided.* however. that th? provisions concerhingr number- plates iasued by the town shall apply, only to persons : residing ir. the town. . -Sec. 6. That if any person, firm at corporation *hall Violate any of the previsions rf this ordinance; such person* firm or corporation shall be fined the sum of $JO.Ot). Ordinance adopted at regular m-eet_ing of the Board ..of Commissioners July .V l?2T \V. I, Newton; Mayor" H;iti :f- ft. Bui'ch, Qerk. -? ?. . ?o-= r? l.ia-\SK A VP PRIVILEGE TAX I t?VIED BY BOARD OF COMMISSION F.KS OF ROXBORO OR riSCJft YEAR ENDING JPNF .lOih 1321. A Ivi i.siiig: iiy use of brass hands or by public announcements in city, except county fair: . r Per day .... .... $5.00 Per week".. 25.00 Agencies: t or the exclusive handlinc < f ?pw. inp machines, typewriters, cash ree ' istersr, adding machines, vacuum clean: rs, not paving retail merchant's tax. __ 25.00 All other agents or agencies not specifically "taxed herein 25.00 Auction: Sale of real estate ^ each sale by non-resjdcnt -> 10.00 Automobiles: Agencies or dealers with or without parage T. 50,00 Dealers in used or second hand cars fn'ot rated as dealer Or agencies in new automobiles) 50.00 -Service station?each tank or station... i ? 5.00 Rattery station or vulcanizing plant (not taxed as dealer or agent) . 15.00 rtvpahr shop (not taxed as dealer! < r agent or garage)-- 25.001 Bakeries: --- -- 5.00 Ba'nks or Trust Companies:* $100,000 capital and up .. 50.00 $50,000 to $100,000 1 25.00 Under J$30,000 ' 12.501 Barber Shops: First chair,., whether used or notl ; - ; i ~??-oo Each* additional jhair, \V^ether used or not- .. ?5.00 .... Bjcycles: Each dealer or agent selling:, rent. . mg or repairing - 10,00 . Bill Poster..1 j .j. 20.00 Boot Blacks, when' chaining more than 5c ?2.50 Blacksmiths ? iO.OO Bottling Work* 30.00 '. Building Contractors 25.00 .r?Itinerant or non-resit rf*nt. ?- - 603?. Cttfos, restaurants, lunch xoojns. 'lunch counters, publie_^pating places ... 25.00 1'andv HHWIU. IllAliuPut::u"iillR Jinl selling, candy, ice cream, etc... ISJW T : Circuses, menageries, Wild westj, .it ??-?" ~' log and pcay shows and every shoV. not specifically licensed herein, per dny or past of day: Transported by wagon or motor vehicles -- 6.00 Comprised of 15 car trains or less, per day ? 12.60 Comprised of 16 to 25 car trains, per day ?? 37.50 Comprised of 26 to 40 car trains, per' day 50.00 Comprised of 41 to 50 car trains, per day : 75.00 Comprised of more 'than 50 car trains, per day. J 100.00 ; If more than 50c general admisI 51 inn ic ' oVa?- -J less of size, per day- 150.00 -Side Bhow with* circuses or shows equiring le3 than 30 cars for transportation, each ? 10.00 Requiring over 30 cars transporta, tion 25.00 Traveling circuses, carnivals ^br like shows, giving performances in open air or tents during die time when an agricultural fair if held in the county or .one week prior to opening dtftfc of such fair, each day or part of day___i_>, 100.00 Concrete contractor, except those paying builder's license 10.00 Cotton Mills? 50.00 Commission merchant, broker or dealer buying. or selling goods and I merchandise on commission 5.00 Contracting painters and decorators, employing labor 15.Q0 Hauling for hire: One horse vehicles- : 10.00 More than one horse vehicles 15.00 This shall apply to all horse drawn vehicles employed in hauling for compensation, except where employed in excavating for buildings. Motor trucks ." 15.00 [pry Cleaning and pressing club^: Those employing two persons or if&i - 5.00 Those employing more than two persons.. _ 10.0C Electric light or power companies . Ishkig elfStrfc lights or power I in.. ".he city 50.00 Electrical contractors.. 10.00 itinerant electrical contractors 20.00 . Express companies. 20.00 | .-Emigrant agents V- 500.00 Floiar Mills . 1.0.00-j 'Fertilize!* dealers.tO.OO. Feather renovators 10.00 i Fresh fish and- oyster dealers, not aying meat licence 5.00 . Fortune tellers.. 200.00, Furniture cr oriental goods, itinerant dealer -l. 25.00 j Garages-^repairing or storing au- j fomobiles (not taxed' as automobile;. dealer). 25.00 j Gasoline or oil dealers ot both?j' wholesale. _ - - _ 10.00 j Hide and skin dealers 5.00 i Hide and skin dealers?itiner-; ant.... ... 25.00 1 Hotels: ' " ' Ten rooms *. 10.00, Fifteen rooms. 30.00. Twenty-five' rooms or more 50.00 j Hduse mover (each house "where! public prcpertv is used) 10.00 j i An efficient r e frigerator kee food from spo ing, ? Saves Ice ?Saves Mone^ GET (jff ONE J'' : , I ? l;!' * ^ , -The L it The J I I We are i a shipmi t tors? T 11 I " ?T-rr'?" the r.nxBonoJ Itinerants, each house *1 25.00 I Installment dealers ip furniture, I |-lothing or notions, jewelry, or any] intinerant .. 40.00 ePS j il i i ? "^mp ' atest Styles o'west 'Prices offering at a special bargain j' nf of brand-new refrigera. ' 7. Pass & Son . URKITURE DEALERS COITIEK 'MLY 4th. 1928 | Soft drink dealers 5.00 Soda fountains : 10.00 una repairers, by machinery 10.00 Steain ' fitters 10.00 Steam fitters, itinerant 25.00 Telegraph Companies ? 10.000 Tobacco drying plants steam 25.00 Drying plants not using steam 10.00 Dealers in leaf, not taxed as dryers 10.00 Undertaker and embalmer.. To.OO Wood working establishmerds not taxed as dealer or blacksmith 10.00 Wood, coal, coke or wood and boal dealers ? 10.00 Water: Itinerant dealers selling or de livering tfl retailers bottled , soft drinks or water per day 50.00 Every person, firm or corporation selling pistols, in addition to Merchants' tax (pawn brokers exempt) 2S.00 Manufacture of ice 26.00 Ice dealers, other than" manufacturers 25.00 .Section 13. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. I Ordinance adopted at regular meeting of the Boar?rrv.m!i:ur: The biggest bargain . Every pair new arrd tf position on our part bi .going to move them Our lo Everybody can afford Come in and get a j This SALE starts Frida | and continues through make any exchange's i i ;m ;ui;; n mi mi ni\ ;i n ;ui mi n i\;; n ji i Roxbc Every th - 4T<' ' ' ... . . ' V 7: ' - ^ , - * '"T) V ' v. ";'<' ''J !55 il .",v" .. .... v-f;V] - . ' ' -. ; ,-, ' J . endorse Chiropractic and they will tell yon it-is because Chiropractic corrects the cause of faulty nerve action, bringing about a normal distribution of N'erve Energy to all parts of the body, enabling them to meet the efficiency tests they mutt face daily. AL. y t HBI^BuOO?|oMan? ' To be 100 oer cent in efficiency, every ounce of your strength, your health, vitality and mentality is essen- 2| tial. To be an efficient worker, you must be healthy and keep healthy. If you are not efficient, it will be worth your while to consult your Chiropractor. CONSULTATION COSTS NOTHINd If you want to be a better man?if you want to be more and make more, investigate Chiropractic. Find out for yourself how you can . be made healthier, happier and more successful. Telephone 220 for an Appointment. S. D. COLEMAN, D. C. CHIROPRACTOR EL EPHONE 220 - OFFICE HOURS: - POST OFFICE BUILDING PALMER GRADUATE ROXBORO, N. C. ^ , J ^4T1? T/ \1 > \ AT/ T7 ih> n vmiv ()> short NtmcE AT Prickh | m ! mm , t WANTED Chickens and Eggs. Highest Market Price. . Plenty Sugar $ 10.50 i 100 lbs. ym ' f Longhurst Mercantile Co. J ALONG, N. C. |L t'oi? oir^ i nc. 010 :>e SALE! in shoes you have ever seen in Roxboro before, le latest styles. We realize this is a loosing prort we have a large stock of shoes and we are ^ >ss is your gain to buy I or 2 pair at these prices. >air before your size is gone. j y June 29 [ JULY. We will not send shoes on approval or durihg this sale. J A 4 ' ' - k^ Yours truly, v > . rTnrTnnnnnrnixTnnnrrpr nnrn a n ;i it ;ui n n. ;nwin jh\ n lunuuv .unjuuiw, irn Shnp Stnra r jl W l V/ 1 inj^m-shoes but Feet