BUSINESS LOCALS HOUSE AND LOT in Durham for sale?3 room cottage and 1 vacant lot. For sale at a bargain. Price for both $2000 on easy terms. For cash price see me. T, W. Whitfield, Roxboro, N. C., route 57' 9-26, 4tspd. 'FOR SALE, One vulcanizing outfit. 1 Burroughs adding machine, 1 typewriter, stock of auto accessories, tires and tubes. Reason for selling: ?Farming interests at my home demand my attention.-This is a splendid opportunity^ for some one who wants a nice business. Address, Lawson Auto^.Cq., Roxboro, N. C. Cures Malaria, Chiles and Fever, Dengue or Bilious Ftver. It desf roys the germs. NOTICE. All coal has advanced from 50 to 65 cents in prices. This applies to all grades. Buy while you can get it. shipments are getting slow. R. H. Gates. GOOD FREE burning coal for cur' ing tobacco. This coal is in lump form and is the cheapest fuel for this purpose. Come and get your supply and be ready when your first cutting is placed in barn. R. H. __ ^jates,. Roxboro, N. C. * f S Cures Malaria. Chills and Fever, Denerue 0r VW/ Bilious Fever. I WILL SELL privately all of my farm, or a part. Good land, good buildings, desirable home. Come and look over this farm. E. R. Whitfield, Hurdle Mills, N. C.. route 3, close to Bushy Fork' High School. 9-26, 2tpd. BBB ~~ fifi quickly relieves Constipation, Biliousness, Headaches, Colds and LaGrippe. FAMOUS SOUTHSIDE VIRGINIA ESTATE AT AUCTION: "Roanoke Plantation", the historic homo of (John Randolph, on Staunton River, at Randolph, Charlotte Oounty, Va. s 1239 acres subdivided, at auction, on the premises, Tuesday,.Oct. 23 - 10:30 A. M. 340 acres rich river bottoms, fertile upland and woodland, large mansion house, two modern bungalows, splendid dairy barn, numeronr tenant settlements and tobacco barns. Also machinery and farming implements. Fine corn, grain, alfalfa and grass land. Also quantity of vevv fine bright tobacco land. WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED FOLDER giving full details and attractive views of this splendid estate. VENABLE & FORD. LYNCHBURG, VA. 9-19-5as COLONIAL BRICK HOME: 10 rooms, 30 minutes from Danville, in Milton. N. r. Wide T-Tnlta Ciiwilnr Stairway, 4 room Brick Kitchen, Brick Dairy and Smoke House. Garage and Stables. At Public Auction, Milton, October 20th, Saturday, 2:30 p. m. 10-3 3ts. JOHN M. FLEMING. WANTED?