PROVED unirciUi wierkiVCHAK Sunday School Lesson1 mm REV. p. B. fitzwater. d. tx. frnrhtr of Engllth Bible la Uu Moody Ma Inatltuto of Chlcaao.) < . nil. WMttri Mevepeper Colon.) -ar*"" ' ' ""1 " " * LESSON FOR NOVEMBER 18 OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST A MIS. fcj ' SIONARY LESSON TEXT?Malt 1:15-31: Luka John J:1?-1T. I GOLDEN TEXT?"Ood ?o loved the | world, that He grave His only begotten { Son. that whosoever ftelleveth In Him . should not perish, but have everlasllif llfo."?John 3:18. PRIMARY TOPIC?Jesus Preaching in City and Country, 1 JUNIOR TOPIC?Jesus a Missionary. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOP- j IO?The MiBsionafy Activity of Jesus. TOUNO PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC ?-Christ's Missionary ZeaL I. The Missionary Motive (Matt. 35-3SAn Jesus saw the multitude Ilia aempassion was aroused. Their pitiful , candidon moved Him to take steps to provide missionaries. The result of j this was the sending forth of tha i Twelve. Jesus saw the multitude as: i L. Shepherd less Sheep (v. 30). The people were in need of a protector, provider and guide, Just as sheep are ; of a shepherd. They were faint and i scattered?distressed, cast down and j hopeless. What a picture of the needy world today I The world is hungry but knows ndt how to have this hun- j per satisfied. They know not which way to turn in their confusion and Tini'iilortttf T-fc ? " ?" ? ' m, .w * l,x-J a?C Ul WCVU ill uiai ; which alone the Good Shepherd can Btipply. | 2. Grain Ready for Harvest (v. 37). . He told the disciples that the grain wu ripe, ready for the harvest, and that unless laborers were secured the harvest would he lost. This is still a picture of the world. The laborers are till few. It is the Lord'* harvest that la ready to be gathered. No wonder He was moved with compassion J \ Those who have eyes to see and hearts 1 to feel are still moved with eompas- ! Ion ns they see the world ready to be j leathered into Christ's fold but no one j to perform the labor. The means for securing laborers for the harvest is j prayer. He urged the disciples to pray that the Lord would send forth laborers. II. Classes of Missionaries (LuUa , m-8). r Three classes are here enumerated: ; jfe 1. Jesus HimsAf (v. 1). Lie is the ! grand and supreme missionary. Allre- I L- ceive their example and power from j Hiw. He left all .and gave all in this I j great enterprise. . 2. The Twelve (v. 1). Christ called ! KLl| thexn and >ent th They were J I His representatives an I were clothed j ij ?iHl Hm ni.u-^r I B' iii diown and c Lord himself. In the evangelization of the world there v. ill always be need of j ft the group of and women devoted : exclusively \/that wnrk.: L Certain Wwut-n (w -. S). I tinn women can most effectively do j E9 * their parr minister in.; to the workers. Ail' who | E". have experienced the saving grace ?>f God desire to have a part in sending jp^- '-.the gospel to "thcrs thai They too ; -might he eatiy j! indebted to die work of consecrated women. III. The Missionary Message (John Ide, 17). The salvation which is offered to the last rid was accomplished through i Ef^thS sacrificial death n the North and Bast, containing 44 acres, more or less, and being mown as the hormfplace of the late i F. R- Hayes. This Oct. 27th, 1923. E. D JONES, Trustee Wm. IX Merritt, Atty. ? Q? i Hall9s Catarrh; If ajUaIma will do what wt raeoicine f? u? . id your syatem of Catarrh or Deafncw aucd by Catarrh. UU *T I miller mm Www. P. J. CHENEY & CO. Toledo. Ohlc ' NOTICE OF SALE I OF REAL ESTATE. < Under and by virtue of ah order J if the Snpf rior Court nf ''? -J xiantyjn the rpecial proceeding en. i November 14th IMS ^p?ir ^ Rhoads " Jo o 1 find sue] ng our sal came to us -one day-fairly bubl iasm. It was her first visit to lefore received such splendid tre she said. "Your salespeople vi and so anxious to please. They I wanted, and were willing to "M 11 3 1 . . nuy rcituy luuuc Illy snoppmg a )f our salespeople. They fully c s through just such willing servi fidence and good-will of our cus t you will judge our store by reason we have built up a sales f on Miller & Rhoads Store. Yo m you pleasant, agreeable and son, whether experienced or no jh course of training. Were vol Jginners' class, you would be am ig salespeople are taught. customer is the keynote of thei that willing, courteous and int< itomer is the best sendee they irs. This store is for the custoi customers' good-will and patron it years Miller & Rhoads Store small shop of ten employees. i : employing" nearly a thousan ?ased: and loyal customers thro: arolinas have made this treme imond should certainly include 5 Store. You will he cordial! e to shop or just laok around, de anxious to make you feel gla of our free checking service to rc 1 grips while you shop. There aj rooms, too. and you are wele< vait for a friend. At lunch tin >d at reasonahle prices in one o > on the fifth floor. You can spe >fitahl*- in Miller Ac Rhoads Sto: t'fcW IMOND titled W. Luther Cates, Adminirtra- j tor of the Estate of Fannie McCain, S deceased, vs. Annie Wag staff et al, t the same being No...... upon the e special Proceeding Docket of said :oort, the undersigned Commissioner will, on MONDAY, THE 10th DAY OF DECEMBER. 1928, AT 12:00 NOON ? it the courthouse door ;n Roxboro, N. C., offei?for sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land lying and being in Roxboro Township, Person County, North Car- ? jlinn. adjoining the lands of Main .. irly described at follows, to*vit: ^ BEeiNNINO at a stake or Main Street In the Town of Roxboro, N. 5 3.; thence wttfi Main Street South 15 tl iegrees West 44 feet to a stone, a C rorner of lot No 2; thence with lo^ t1 He. a, Ninth TT degtees West 130 tl feet to a stake; thence North 15 de ' ? " " . . ????1^????? h a splem Lespeople i, bling over ? Miller & . atment on ?| rerf so at- ' -?I"?<1I " " '*"V '-jj seemed to go to any 5 ^|jl^ leserve the i'Ji &&f?i ce that we c='': tomers. our sales- ^ orce which vwi o?r u will find kstSi.* filing to '^i'lf',0.1 of it yourself, rials, and lake , , o?r arr ?#*< t, ITlUSt gO There is n j to attend azed at the < . ;,V r training, dligent atn perform ner. It is age that it has grown . to a great ^ ; ' A arsons'. g ighout the j?2. :ndous exa visit to L 1 | y welcome JI 9 *: | i Vou will il: .d that you '~~i\ Z ? T ___ neve vvur- S 8 , re pleasant, J )ine to use _ if v?? -arh at Broad Stre llC yOll can u moment to f three de- ' IJcn itfpa'iu nd a whole 'at ? marble. Millt Ce, ii ttuly ten n from there. ?, VA. V- rm - ? ' I rnees East 44 feet to a stake; thence South 77 '/4 decrees West 150' feet o the beginning, it being lot No. 2, if the Frank Terry Place. This 15th day of October, 1923. THOS. D. COOPER; Commissioner . ? o iOTICE SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. Under and by virtue of the authorty conferred'upon me by a judgment f the Superior Count of Person | xmnty, made in that special proceedng entitled , Ella A. Clayton and Valines Clayton vs. Willie t- Clayton t el. UvritU tn Monday December) rd, 1923 at 12 o'clock If. in front of he court house do?r in Roxboro, N. :. sell to- the highest bidder for cash, he lands mentioned and described in, he Pklilloh in said actum to wit; 1st. Thst tract of lsnd in Pnshnso^ did * i?Tl " embroidery deour heart will elight over the and-made fancycrant to do some , buy the matec /Ow lessons in ilework school, o charge for ' ft l||3l | ve in Richmond * ?! Station, pause ft; toy the beauty ;.i. i>:.:ture. It \ i tiHU tnontiu:en>1 limestone oud r ?? Rkoads Store tir.utes' car ride * township PeTson County, N. C. bounded on the North by George Mitchell, on East by George Mitchell on South by lands of W. W. Clayton, and on West by J. B. Barnette, containing 25 H acres more or less, known as the Will Clayton place. 2nd. That tract of land in Bbx-' boro Township Person County, N. C. bounded on North by lands above described, on East by J. B. Walker, J. B. Barnette, containing 51 acres more or leas, known as the W. W. Clayton place. - ? Dwellings and necessary barn ' on This November 1st 1928. . ^ t-N. Lunsford, Coramisstmter. SPECIAL for 81jOO; Box containing?16?ussuiled engisved Christina* ~ cards with envelopes, postpaid. P. O. [fen HM?, IMehmsad, Va. ltpd * '-r :