L PROFESSIONAL k- CAKUS I ^ BR. H. E. SATTERF1ELD | i Dental Snrgean, Koxooro, a. C. 1 j officii over ,G. tV. Thomas Store. , ; f>- ' i " O. B. CROWELL f,: Attorney- at Law, i Next Door to t"' Dr. Bradsher's Office, j Hoxboro, N. C. j DR. G. C. VlCKtkS i } DENTIST Office in Newell Building on | North Main Street, next door to | Roxboro Grocery Co. 1 W. T. BUCHAjiAtf ""' Surveyor Roxboro, N. C., Route 6. ' o fl N. LUNSFORD ! Attorney - at - Law Office over Garrett's Store I Roxboro. N. C. I m ' i 11 DR. E. T TUCKER DENTIST i| Office in Hotel Joneg. B j DR. J. H. HUGHES I Dentist I J Office in Hotel Jones, next J I floor to Dr. Tucker's office. DR. S. D. COLEMAN' CHIROPRACTOR P. O. BLDC. ROXBORO, N. C. r - W ? - . 9 * ,* 9 0 *.?.? * * * * DR. O. G. DAVIS Veterinarian, * Offers hi* service to Roxboro * # and sarrounaine community 4 _ _ Phone 87._ 8-15 6tpd* 0 9 9 9 9 9 " 0 9 9 0 9 -0 I .. 1 ROBERT P. BURNS Attorney-at-LfiW 1, Office over Davis Dni^ tftore ' : * } | _ ^ j* 1 . t " ' b - FARM FOR SALE ' 1 will sell my farm containing 117 Vi . acres. Plenty of 'wood on it to pay 'hAlf >otf price. Two dwellings, outbuilding sufficient to taVe care of any crop. 8 or .TO acres in good bottom land. About 100 yards of railroadd. 10 acres of sropd pine timber in 300 or I ' 400- yards of siding. | * Good land as you can find in the County. Also good rested land for 2 horse crop, rested for 5 years. 5 .WILL SELL AT AUCTION on Dec. 5th, 1923, at 12 o'clock on the premises. Any. one wishing to purchase before day of sale will see me. Price Reasonable. <C. C. HITE, Virgilina, Va. Route 1. I schedule Effacfive April 30 1922 pc m. a. m. a. m. p. m. x5:80 *7:00 lv. Durham ar. 115019:15 x7:09 *f}:13 lv. .Roxboro ar, 9:23[7:54 x7:53 *8:45 lv. Denntston ar. 8:4517:19 x8:2oi*fi:06 lv. S. Boston ar. 8:18|6:56 'X8^6f*9a8 lv. Halifax ar 8:02UBtU xll:15t*ll:40 ar. Uynchg. lv. 5:30)4:15 Daily and x Daily Ex. Snn. Connections at LyncMburg with trains east and westbound. Parlor and sleeping cars dining bars. The best route to the west and hdrthwest. Rates and information y uyuu upyuuiuuu co^ W. C. SAUNDERS, General Pass. Aprent , Roanoke, Va I" Dr. S. Rapport \ Ml DAVIS' DRUG STORE. I B BBGltfWlNff DECEMBER 5th, Dr. t S. RAPPORT o< Dnrharm srfll be at M D^VI8 DRUG STORE [ Instead of! the' Hotel, every first fi Wednesday ill'' each month, to oxamH ine eyes and fit glasses. My next vlblt will bu Weilnesday DECEMBER 5th. TO SEE BETTER, SEE ME. I ,MY DURHAM OFFICE IS MAIN ST OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. How about that next job of printJnprT For satisfaction send your or The Courior, Roxhoro, V ? pW^amnBwHMatati 1 Queer i 1 Feelings 1 1 i gi Rome, ol Rikeville, Ky. "1 Eg g) suffered a great deal, and knew ? g I must do something lor this S3 gf condition. I suffered mostly /7, g with my back and a weakness in Sj g) my limbs. I would have dread- !9 gj ful headaches. I had hot flashes ?! ^ and very^queer^feelinjp, and oh, I pTSan's Tonfc I |j and ^To$efi,''r'who i?med to g2 77 have the same troubles 1 had, kg benefited, so 1 began to fg g "?{? ' *<>""<1 it most Dene- kg 9 J took several bottles 22 i i and was made so much r/i 7i better I didn't have any more Igi 77 trouble of this kind. It reg- 02 g me.?> -"?net KS 9 Cardui has'been found very'gg ^ helpful In the correction of many 65] g! casia pf painful female dis- fg g orders, such gs Mrs. Robie % g mentions above.'.Ifyou sutler 655 g as she did, take Cardui?a SjS g purely vegetable, medicinal 5g g tonic, in use for more than 40 '%> g years. It should belp you. fgj ^ Sold Everywhere. ti. ' #i_ Eti. " Ik - I I ofWOW?*1 I i^M 1 &; H BAitme paumat g 1 str-s f 1 ' it never spoUa * 1 anv of the m- I I cfredienta used 1 I Sn bake day BEST TOT |P>o/ Sates 2% times asmucti as that of any otherJbtand. Don't let it run ?that cough P" may grow fnto a chronic ail Went* Stop it now with Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar Honey. Just the medicines that your doctor pre? scribes for loosening heavy phlegm, easing inflamed throat and chest tissue, and stopping coughing ? coAbfocd with the time?tested remedy, pine*tar honey. Everybody likes the taste. Keep Dr. Bell's ow hand fdr the whole family^ AHdmggbu. Ec sureioga ? ?"? ? 1DR. pine.T^ ;; )nc> ?- ' v -- ? ? lMii8lMSMttlifcSMiflifliai???i i r !< r THti ROXBORO COURIER N ac n i iwniwiii ? w n w?wl( "Air Tight? , StalsJ'B -1 EVERY joint in this remarkable heater is double teamed?no putty joints to ^crack and leak air ^ COLES Original Air-Tight Wood Heate? is guaranteed to stay Air Tight us tetffg as used Holds tire 36 hotff? Only the best and most durable materials are used in the construction of this /%a yW wonderful heater [wB&tSmSi Select vour si?s=l.iJ ii wa W? I LONG, BKADSHER & | COMPANY Roxboro, N. C. 1 SHIGHESTEBS PILLS MAMOJJO BRAND j&? It?. JB ""ik&xs i r.* t row Dr.KtM fcf ai^Tttt9 TER 8 /V diamond is rand pills ia rso ad/a Sold metallic boxes, sealed with Blue<0/ Ribbon. Taki no ?mm. tJnyofTowV/ Jru -tIi* bd<! Kk for CIII.CHES.TLR * V DIAMOND IIIl A N D PILLS, for twen*T-fivO ream icjjarded as Best. Safest, Always Reliable, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE JgS. Here's Proof Thai Famous Wrigley Building in I The part of the Wrigley Building erected two yean ego has filled auch a want that the north seciion, nearly double the floor area of the south section, is being added. This north section, nearly completed, occupies the entire block, immediately across North Water Street, fronting on Michigan Avenue and reaching to the height of the main part of the first^strucalKady* ne^ly'r'u^taken by high* class nritt in advatrce-of the completion ot the buudsug.- .. ~ - _ , . . ovetobcr 14th 1923 . - 1 IJ? Rev. John A. Ravaa J t k, . ? } Here is Information of Value to Folks with Kidney ^ ? Spar.uuburg, s C.?"1 do not (toiv of a medicine 1 feel so eoniident in recommending to mjr Wgnds as J)r.- Pierce's Anurlc ' i ituI-Hrld-acid) Tablets for relief from backaches and kidney and bladder weukners, Urat summer I ;._,i feeling quite miserable with continuous backache. ,1 could ttTw'r Hi 't i ,aA or stooped over, and my bladdef became to Irritated tbat 1 was disturbed frequently through the ii'iat, thereby lostn^ touch necearary rest. A nolgltowr Jtlfj^ly suggested to me to try Dr. PleroeY Allarlc Tablets and from the very day i ftattgd taking tn?in 1 felt rollef. i contiukfij until my kldneyf and Ds'-'oef were tn iood iv of king orJdr ana T &|tyj u!* ^rouble .*??.?? u./ "otn aiyue/ JT?V^;v'7 ] A,. Rafiif, 169.Reynolds Bt; ? Don't waif for serious kidney ailment to set in. help your weakened kidneys with Dr. Pierce's Anuric. At all medicine dealers. Send 10c to Dr. Pierce. Buffalo. N. Y? for trial package. A Good Thing - DONT MISS IT, o?ud ycur name and address plainly together >rlth o cents (end this dip) to Chamber!*la Medicine Co., D?s .aoines, Jowa, and iccefoe in return a ^rial package containing Chamberlain's vOCgn Remedy for cougn?, voids, croup, c-renrhiah "flu" and whooping coughs, and tickling throat; Chamberlain's thorn* ach and Liver Tablets for stomach troubles, indigestion, gassy pains that crowd the heart, biliousness and constipation; Chamberlain's Salve, needed in every family for bums, scalds, wounds, piles, and skin affections: these valued family medicines for only 6 cents. Don't mi? a, . ?,;# rf,.- - - ; $ .? "If you can't wtff, make the one ahead of -you fcrealos the record" is a guiod aidgCff for Tarheel farm club members. jp^' Advertising Pays Chicago Being Doubled in Siza Here is a concrete (as well as 0 steel and glass) proof of the^saying that advertising pays." In. these magnificent buildings Mr. Wrigley haf erected an impressive testimonial to this great troth. They loom large and beautiful They typify the achievements of the man who built them. They stand as a monitor over the activity of the Nation's second city ? inspiring?dominating' massive = bearing unanswerable testimony to the BOVVER, OF ADVERti";;g. . . , *??? ! . page SKvr.tr 1 WILLYS Coupe-Sedan Standard De LuXe ^1450 ^1550 The Difference is Finish "THE famous Willys-Knight Coupe-Sedan is now "* available in two finishes: De Luxe, in rich blue. nickel trimmed, with black superstructure and running gear, at newly reduced price; and Standard, by request, entirely in black, with washable Spanish long grain upholstery, at a still greater price saving. Doors front and rear?no seat climbing! A demonstration will reveal the reason lot fine car's great popularity. ft ROXBORO, N. C. , 5. J. JACKSON, KNIGHT . . " f' Around the Back Door! Make your place more modern and more livable, and add to the vatus I of your property, by using Concrete around, your house. For a few dollars you can have a new walk or driveway, build a new cellar entrance or replace the rotted back porch steps. When you use Concrete, M never need replacing again. Clothesline posts and flower beds I are useful conveniences every housewife appreciates. Your local contractor can make them all for you-, and you might even help him and thus further reduce the cost. - There are many such improvements you can make without \ great expense- Any Security Cement dealer will give you Free j^^gg^i*?w>^yBluc Prints and full information on how you can make need^Sj \ ?ed improvements quickly and for the least monev. m&mmrY *jj ^ ^ Four-Doer ^edan Interior Features || A cozy, attractive interior has been 111 achieved in theFord Four-Door Sedrrji*?;?|J? ? Broadcloth upholstery, solt brown with a slightly darker stripe, harmonizes with the lighter shade in the $685 ,inin8F. o. u. Dvnew Ornamental interior fittings are III II TtaoirMBfe finished in nickel. I I Doors arc made of one solid sheet of r>fcM? Hn. heavy aluminum,very light and strong Crowell Auto Co., Roxboro, N. C. t I

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