1 ^fcnha Plan of Wipingr . .Out Cattle piaeasfc v . Bekeme Is- Proving, popular in Many Parts of Gountr^. C^eeperSO 'by the 1'Blted puts* OepsrlmMO ?- .- . or Asrlnjlt'are.V "rfrTT" Testing-catHr-'-for tobercn'-eew -me trr'?;?.Sloe the mm I'dir.?ili?i .... 1...1 liae'CgttU-at imcaJn a county or other . sins -gyrPTtOB very pot Hilar Inuwoi _ parts/of tlte cbnrtry. -Ot? reason In " ^ _,71h*t * county, freed of this disease IS e ,.>dfcr -to wl/.Ji -catt'.e bchrrs rre. ttraetitl; another Is that large nutulirra of 0*1 lie can be lasted at a lower. I (M than when only a ffew herds or a ' --single herd are tested. I''.'"- Daring the past yeat; nearly UOQi' itsKt cattle teste.tested -tinder this plan,, aad'thlk vtaanore than 5(1 per cent - -Of ah the cuttle tested in the'united Off - " Slates A. suttupf ry of 72 Aunties.'re fteyriod ?s-haviojt finished testing ?U of the cattle wlthjjt .tlutlr bortlonr shawa I mm work was done at a cost yjt I in !11111111I II 3d cents a head, which \ M inatod - I 00. ji*1 - |S|i| ? 1--.-; ' - " Myw| u ,?H cstiUN*r CTI ix?- ] ' ' BOfrr 81*connttea" have finished] ~ ' twing dlT (T tile WWe tun ' . nu lu-! i.? m?i of-CO counties over the precedj 3mm J***- Sffretfteen "counties?one ln^ - Indiana, tiro in "Tennessee. four txH MlrhU.*n and ten In North Curn1lnfc4a have'-been approved" a? mbdlltep. accmtdited ureap and cattle UNO" now b* ; . ?j?wd from withtn tlielr .bdtdejfs when . properly Identified without a . iuher-cat In'test for n period of three year* to" audi states us \rlU accept this class . ?d cattle. "' Indiana Roads Arg Not * Intended for Speeding Indiana Stat*' roads "are conatru tecl .^Ml spaln tnlned to expedite overland garec^^wNtFmonthirtn the yent; I. it-; their smoothness of surface doer ndt neeeaaarlly mean they should" he con. verted Into speedways despite the Invitation they present, declares .John J O: Williams. director of the state h'l^h, way commission. Indiana state roads will ito ipto the winter |h'excc(lent condition to wlths stand the ytgnm of thaws anil freesea,Official* say. During the sumart and fall many of the secondary roads were " "regrnveled" and. "restoned." Traffic In the past few ._ , months caused them to bind hard and - ffrio."?ntelmtCTr-tris beem nn lmponCant'"item In maintenance work alsp, and experience" has shown that noh... rt?W type roads preperly-Tinfi-tjuitlOy-'' drvinrd better withstand/the severe. tiwMe demand of the times. Get Maximum Number of k t- M . Eggs- in Winter Months . thy of eggg ' ?r- .f? I. ?" -?? ? ,"v*v * seefig' eral important things to be considered. Osawaally apeaklng, these resolve BBM8W ibio roar unnt'inai pomta. They art good liens, comfortable lions4qg. proper feed in plenty, and conatahreare. The. quantity of eggs dm pea da to a considerable extent upon the gtnd of fowls kept. Begin right by isWtnn pallets from pnre brpd, healthy, ?fig-layln* stock, 'for it does not cost aay more to rnlss and keep pare !___iiiliB?ig..than Jjist arty old kind. Of i?iss theycoet a little more m the e beginning, hat the Increase in future . yreflts will more than balance thin Jt la Usually Sard to* Determin#Sex of Ge&e Stars la usually some difficulty In f?st?t mire of the Mb of ganders and gaeat, The gander haa a shorter and . ISktrt neck than the goose. The bag tatmsari his legs.Is single, while that of the goose Is doable The gander's _ ilee if olear^thln. silvery; the goose haa a deep base. The beak of a ganfir la thicker; the under mandible Is r||. ftfller. The hnder mandible of. the go oat la shrunken .) round the nostrils. M-la belter to get-new ganders in '' the fall. Some gnndors and geese will tWfce bat one in*tor other ganders ylll.r mate with two dt more. Not ovrf three geese to ia gander shoald be uand In' making n mating. Sc.- Scours in Young Calves Caused by Indigestion j Ordinary scoots in young cr.lres f yr rauaed ITS Indigestion. Ether ^yyur (falf bag been netting | Mlk or the milk I* too etch In. fat. I* i ' Xfco Best treatment for aoonfe In young nlna tsfo redo?* the lent- nov not* Jet tlM;r*tf have nil tho milk It will ip - . drink,hnd Iff It drink several times a " o41 it without enter!#* the poultry house rfud dleturbtngVthe rats. A yank. at the string let vthe T?yer 'drop ana trapped the-rdtti inside." Then. liy. beating on the cover d1th_? stick, the rata -were rinde tn_ run through the hole,' down the pipe, and Into the bag. where n few blows killed thetn. As .long as tbe^hens ate from the feeder the rets never seemed susplclouAr-I^ Harris Hlscock, Skanenteles, S? Y., in Popular Mechanics Mbhthly. * . Pay More Attention to . Feeding Poultry' Flock With the comlnjj of cold weathernnd highjuices for eggs, careful poultry men i>ay more attention than erer to the feeding of their flocksf sp egg production may start early and be maintained . as long as possible. To hoip moot tho demand far InfofnmUon ' on retains, the college of agriculture at Ithaca has published u bulletin containing the rations it has fonnd by experiment to be the most efJic"rJt. Dltat the u*?-of these feeds unrt fimtiie management of Socks are also discussed, two things-which, in the words of the bulletin, nro "as important Aethe mixtures themselves." . ' The amount - of feed depends upon the appetites of the birds, and no definite rule for feeding will apply to all 'conditions. Scant feeding in the morning and at noon, followed by a heavy feeding of grain in the litter of the hen house early enough - so the birds will and it before dark, has given best resulta. Green feed, oyster shell, and clean, freqh, pure water are also essential. Equal parts by weight of mash and grain are fed; the former Is made as follows for laying hens: 100 pounds each of wheat bran, wheat middlings, eofnmeal, grobnd oats or ground barley, and meat scrap, and three pounds of salt. The graI ( mixture consists ot 500 pounds of cracked corn, 200 pounds each of barley and wheat,- and 100 pounds of heavy oats. A copy of the bulIEtiirTrtti lie sent to those tvko write "tot"the college at Ithaca for E 45. Important to Note- Size and Shape of All Eggs , For those who are shipping eggs to special markets. It' is Important to wt^L-h the sire and shape of the eggs, asfweli sis to see hbw manj? the hens are' laying and wtjat color theylare. Too long un egg crushes frOm the top In Shipping, and cuts down the',receipts over a period of months; top wide an egg crushes from the side. Customers demand jt-fatr- -aiiiouiu of uniformity In Ripe and shape, fieotuse it makes more attractive selilng. They dne willing to puy more for such-quality. . ' . "The qew breeder of- today can make more money by breeding for egg quality than for more eggs," says an eastern authority. "Many who go fii ror producing more eggs overlook ?6 nmny things. I recently -eaw n poultrvmon who hnd n number of hens set h.-records up - to 300 eggs per year ach, and he hnd a flock of SOO^vers-. lint <>f nearly 100-eggs I ut, front is many different hens, not over lO would pass for fancy eggs op the nanrket irad bring jop price. Some konld slnipiy have gtMe as mtacelaneoua eggs; tl\ey were too.small and ln>Vf< " ' .iiiity. . Dayof DflPflU MetKodi. The day f orrhppbarai d lueiliods In 1 .reeding poultry has passed Into the inflnlfn arijimts Im ilifrila. The mnL-i-1 ms yxmUryiuan .bust knew .isOniteiv he ulre sad dam of rbe birds he . raises if . be is l? base tlisio asset, >edtgre? ? , Pullets Lay in WthUr. ] he fatT o^tje year ^a^'mmatty^rny _ AyyKbotfr-itUa winter, the " j.a.ud ( * . a ' ' ^ - _ ' " ' - J t :. r.T. - in 7 . . V p y"-":''"5 I J . ) J R^BOHO'COTntTT^ JA .fafsypejn; aSy^vKY c^finAm B?rtNF$ " I a 1 - I m? ? . ?y?f - CMBIifilftS TREE ? L *Of VcotirA .': sMif;1 thQ?ChriHaias . Ttv* to.JBlt!* Ilnovhle. "trees nyo-. Ing. tiiut. for some ?uj "They all went "l tnelr best frocks Y\ Bf?3 "l In 'her honor and . si took truly lovely. th '-til0 Ite.1 Mil- \v pin Tr?# -rears: ( J$jfJ t ' hi hefMiest red par- , bi Ty frock and iookk < ^ JpJIY- tLr "too lovely for jtfMWtBJP,' to jvorda. as she and p, Mr family, -sjund.' - 111 here nnil there I??^??3? ,? among the other The Birds Alt gi green trees: ' ' Crest Mis* ta The flotyeripg Springtime, sfcnitw are all. out " ?? ., : "in In tlie springtime and /their tvoyg are " ta interesting. They have blossoms ci trnd huds and leaves end they all tvnl- C] cojue.Springtime wttlt the most beau- d tlfUl and graceful of , - 4," The anfcnMS. -too. wake-up from their winter sleep'ond tell MIrs Spring- bi lime how much thejr care for,her. at "A crent pinny of the animals aren't P' so fond of Old Man Winter anil the* el wait until .M.Ikr Springtime has hold b< af tiring#'before they" get about. ' cl "The birds all greet Miss Spring- P1 ^Isnn^^d Idiey'mnk'^t* e> he?tk and" ? ting and cal);So that their friends- trill w reeopmlbe" tMiii by tbese calls and kl tongs. " " hi -"They- chat abont their family lives T and tell abour the; feather makers " they go to?some making a specialty pl of -blue - feathers, some of red waist-' Wj coats srtch as Mr. Rdbln nltraye gets. * . "Mr. Bobln fhtls how he* can- listen hear the ground "and tell Just where BI there is It. worm. Yes; he says, whed K he cbdks his head on one sjde lie can P1 hear'the-worms stirring under.the. ground. n* "The harnyard animals enjoy the spring nnd the mud. Gajlant Sir. w Booster Is very, apt then to gracefully ? hand the hens flne worms upon fne- w went occasions?which' menns tbe " tame-as very oftcp. ?* "The Reese, who'rq always off by J" themselves. shrieking lu their high :n rolces and being very cross, do more " miking in the spring, too?or rathe* * seems as If they did more as they. ** loo, are wandering by themselves c riiobt rite-barnyard.. i-iie irucks are quacking and eager lb' get Into the ponds, the pigs are digging their snouts In the ground pl tnd age enjoying themselves ira- . "r Bkienaeiy. JJJ "But I nm hnpp*- because. I belong to the Christmas Tree family. I do aot card If I am not sb much noticed In the spring as tire all these other . creatures I've Just- mentioned. . "And It-Is true! M.v family do hot (a get the attention these other trees ~j, and tinlmats and spring-loving crea- ^ tures dor _ "But It makes no difference. Tor w we feel that our family has bad the mj greatest'honor of all. We are used ^ as Christmas trees. 4,, "Yes, oor family of trees Is the m kind they say'-make the best . Christ- ^ mas trees of all, and so we ure happy and we nre-lust prond. sj "Judge Just Praise says that we hare every'right to be proud. ? -Li ''I' 'don't thlftk Sweeping Willow ia\ fiimTCx,' giving lai shade and cool', mi nesa and beauty' 7 think the Poplar gjt trees should, be an called _^common' ho when they lite" dit willing to grow up" where'fotcat Area "You?.Have "the hnvp raged. ' im Highest. Honor." "I like the good ? ?s- old ram and thy 40 Beech trees, ^ind I think trees ^lave (llle"_9ld stories to tell. 1 HD-i mill. *? - - * , IIUl 11III1U liiuiviliy. UlS.best of-all,, po la the one outstanding fact-about out ' J 'nmlly. " rl '.We're need n* Christmas trees b> Tib. Blllle Brownie, iBn't that.enough- f o-make any tree-happy?Mr Christ- , nine duy. la tint gfeSTest dsy in aft the ct "Yon bave'the highest Minor ontdyon of all thetrees.".mills Brownie iW said. ' . ' ,?'> ? ! - -TO., ... What ord^FWesraf bri "So yon have taiispt toi^MiTy Ins ine shiimU i uuilAt.T*-fc la ^ijXn?_Tiro -jas ?1_,? ? 1 *W?l. ytm. nevWTgttJlw-*?* * 1 oe," was his ambiguous^ retaiL to\ A htatUii el .Cater. - - -ftr Man (helping tie dear young flnni^ find a book lri the public -library)- i ( Here yjitn r-M Vrey'j^as i . I ani 1 etai '1 i..t.?: ? " )Q .ii. hroaaij t&_ *** - ~ uc J ' W> : ' ?rT" \ R Y 2 V.rjl . ivestiga*!e So-Called ! ^ a New Breeds of Poultry ; Mp?r?tl' by "the United Stntfln-Depnrtment " 4 Of *A*rJouUure.> During the put few months" the -I nltcd Sfsrtee Department of Xgrlcttlire baa received many requests from 1 parts of the.country for informa >ri concerning two .so-called new ireeds" of poultry, Ore "Turken" and e "Kiwi". The department has been vara of advertisements copceroln^ tdse new and, novel '"breeds", for blch some rut her remarkable ojaims tve been made. The advertlseiShtirf id Literature describing the. origin td qualities of these "breeds" seem i have aroused muat Interest on the trt of the public, since tlle'-departent hds, recently received scvefal gent w\si'-;ts fur nn evplnnrtitliin ra. ird'.ng the reliability of the claims ado. . The statements In thy advertisednta and literature claim- that the rurketr"was originally produced by ' osslng a male turkey with a female' 1 ilcken, und that-the "Kiwi" was pro , iced by crossing a male ustrlcJiwUh female chicken. Successful crqssea have been made Btween tbeupiiensaat and the chicken, iu in practically every ease the ogeny -hjis been of the male sea nncf brfle. Also, successful" crosses have fen nude between the guinea dnd the sicken end .here, uguin, thencx-of the rogeny lias njiiioat Invariably been fftli of these "crosses have-been made itli great difficulty and, 'So far off town, do cross giving . any progeny u ever been* reported'' between the irkey and the chicken. Furthermore. la. highly Improbable that the ogeny, If any have ever been secured, ould. breed at all, and certainly not nitty. * In aych wide br violent osses the progeny* Is always sterile, td the, claim that the "Turken", t htcb Is reportW to j>e "the hybrid ogeny of a crbsl between the turkey id, the -chicken, Is In all probability >t fohnded on fact.- ' ' I One other point must be made-conanting the so-called "Turken", suya e department. The Illustrations nc- ' impnnytng the'advertisements and lltuture are In all, prbbablllty photospof lit Ult Ttuasi ISanta united- " >ck. chicken*: " According to tha best form a r Inn obtainable this odd-lookg breed originated In West India and y.characteristic naked-neck has bred ue for'matjy years. It is a distinct laracter of the breed. The departent believes that the so-called "Tur nV In nothing folso thnn the 'rrnnafcyhh ,, inln naked-neck chicken, whigb ?Pirently possesses p7> qualities superl io me more important standard eeds and varieties and has ndt been own to be particularly well adapted. conditions In many parts of our untry. As far as the reported cross giving se to the "KIwJ" Is concerned, there ranch, less evidence In support of ch a cross than In the case of the urken". This Is too violent a cross produce any results whatever. The harden of proof that such oases as those giving rise : to the "nrttsn" and.the "Kiwi" most remain th the sponsors of such novel proictlons. In the meantime,' tbejnterts of the public should be safe- a arded. tuch Depends Upon Care When fulfets Will Lay At what age should pullets begin ring? it la commonly acknowledged at Eeghdfn pallets on the average II begin laying at the age of 5 to 5V? rnths. iv.vandottas lind Rhode I??d Reds' usonlly start .at 0 to 814 iliai}. an'dT^Plymoutli^Recks around months. " ' !$?.; Of cou'rse there are exceptions where tier-records ate made.".-4Iu^h deads Topon the care^and attention ten during tli? months of growth, d development. If properly fed and used; they should be In a laying conton at the age mentioned above. _ Timely Poultry Hints > p-rT-v;-7!r HM Pplpi ... -1 I KqjH-liatched tehlcken? - a to la good ? mand froin .Tjirmmy 1 to April 1. - -m m ' ~ - ' tf Count, on a Shrinkage of. a half-nnd for each bird shipped. ?*: * l* Ship 'adult fowls |p a box 20 by 18 12 inches, iq hold 24 birds. ' III animal heat must bh out of the rcass before packing for shipment. * . t sung fnwln In the saibe_package fc old stock, will command the pre Ulng prices for the latter. - V " Che regulation box, for'a-dozen llbrs measures IT by 16 by 4 Inches, W# raeannrament. It ia made of "q rSr elSTpiilrig nn* _2-' ' a - . A (tent, ' *Tfl'KDLE^nUJ& ^ iSBS :Crril gmaMVg is. -2 SCTgBE H^iwalufiWinapaMflHMaDettaaMBaaManMMM Moore's IS ,* * - >" I r * . : r J-. t ;.'V| -???- -r ' | | ^ We sellthe J HOME K1LLEP AND W PKorie us your orders. P We Buy Hides. f I . ' 'T' "" ' 'I' . Why it Easy to ( The Westinghbase Light aa ; demonstrated in pctnAl dav-ina: farms that it is dependable end t And ncny, by making it easy tt to aerate, Westingfcousi has- br ta?es of electric service within? > farmer and his. Family, Electri house and buildings, electric h and electric pewrr whAfevef nee able without dairy. The special Westinghouse del spreads the cost of the plant itseh equipment, over a period of tw making the tlrst payment the far ; the balance in nice or t.velv. meats. Or, if he wishes, hi bur in one, two or three payments ti . / completion of ins crop naxvests. The complete flexibility of thi pliable ^ every farmer's needs. Wcstinghouse Light red Power] r V e&!oy the comfort and convenia and pay fpr it whea your.crops t -it is so easy to own. Let us tell J. T. BR^ ?Sold By? Roxboto, 3 . - || * i Lower Priced Than ' 1 'HE many desirable quali! X EordcJr Sedan commend this rinn oi every discriminating man 111 When, ip connection with the I|| p?ce of 'th? car is considered,~th< fl Sedan becomes unique. In it you possible-cast a oat oi snug comft I and high utility. ItacOnVenient operation, depends ?"II long life are well Vnnivnr Thew M (he sHrective comfort oi its int Jy hne -viih the present-day demsni . .\jrjy. , ' - I ~B - 5?Sfi cell bwy this cor thfough tkt For ~^.-v f? -e -i - - ? gp ifn sgggjg; 5 -J_ anceCo.,^ " M jf our Agents. '.iS: SJ 1 *L ' i ' ~m?- j larket ... - , test T EST^RN -BEEF. w' . ?, , ;.. . . r - . -r. i * rompt I d Power Plant haa II r'jj rrsy'to ojwxate. II > own a* w ell as eaay II ought ell the advan- II the reach of c eery II c lighia In the farm. II ousehold appliance*. It ded, are made avail- II , ' erred paytneot ptam II r, the wiring and the ? N dy- month*. After || " <. ov.r may elect to pay l| > e",ua'- monthly pay- II v ... f pay for the plant ' II t . > " o be made after the II 3 plan makes it ap* . II _ V?u can install a. II } Plant oh your farm, II ice it will bring yon* ]| ire eold. Tttat's why II you more about it. |1 - A house .1 " . LIGHT -M AND POWER. pLANT $p Operate DSHER ' N. t ; jl si A E"''i h - rvtULX I } equipped i , _ liver Before ? :ies inherent in the B - < . y. . or to tHe considersj . Ill w qualities, the Iqw D Value of the Fordor |j| .-obtain, at tlje lowest 13 j >rt, good appearance. III . -iJ. jble pericrmarfor, and H erior, ar<^ exactly in H i ftjrc^ns tiam ^ J L -/ - ' W