. i' " ' : galvan Pi ' * . *('A i pine i ; i ?(aii v j - . la & h i ; ; / galvani tin si III ROC iRoxboro "Home-of Q ' ; ? 3?-vi ^ a TJ i~ Everybody does not li eleryone likes our cheese huy and how to keep~che Buy our cheese and al c? - - we will , give you' prompt ' Give us your grocery will be pleased with"' our e. prices. --> - * J Fresh Groceries i SERGIs.VN'1 , 5/0*1 y PHONE 23 AND 24. | The PRINCE! ll ROXI g Advance program from Thurs ? 'l'HUKBDA*.",l'lwt Nation; ' R Noijan production. "MINNIE" 1 Josephine Crowell, Raymond ( gi Urson. A First NationaJ Attra< BSV the unloved?filled with"the' Ne \l\, il. ADDED n two reel Fox g^Thero's a Will." ^9- FRIDAY. Jesse I- Lasky pre F(Second Run) "THE AFFAJR HKl Gloria Swanson, Elliott Dexter 5^^ HaWldy, Theo. Roberts, Agnes 5^1 you Have heard of- an All-Sta ? shimmering, dashing riot of co 5* of real world mett.flnd -women. 9 in-.admissions. Opeif?:15 P. M. g<; SATURDAY. William Fox 2j horse'"Tony" ia (His first c< Sj BOH.ED". A ti?t of laughter3? every laugh all the way. He > g jazz, but he had to be "Soft Boi K Production "PEACOCK AIXE gV Edmund J.own, William Furg gi tufe that leads to the cTossros B ' MW street, and there-every hi? ADDED A two", reel Educatii PR? f*~-~" ; : --"^J. ' r~ - * ~ * ' *' . T"'.'' IZE.'R50^IG'J,."~ 11 Sizes) ~7 1 ?y.;V..v,,v; "* * n ? . . .. .? SHINGLES Grades) v v v.y.y. ' 'r i * . w ZE SHINGLES ***** : . | H1NGLES ' ^ 'XI* ~?1" )FINGS. I Y-Y-'Y'-Y'V > tT ????J: Lumber Cd-1 uality Lumber" Jg f^HFFQF ke the same kind of cheese, but"*^ because we know the kinds to ese so it has the taste you like. 1 the other groceries you need? service.-*-.: . I trade for one month and you foods and satisfied with our ind Meats?Prices Right. P &TWLAYTON v*C4*r* uiu/c '? ROXBORO, N. C. " 1 r? "J ' ? SS THEATRE I tORO. N. C, I day, Jan. nth to Wed. Jan. 23rd. Ip hi Pictures presents' a .Marshall [? ' with I.eatrice Joy^" Matt, Jloore, ,3 JrifKth. From-the story by Frank R tion. No adv. in. adm. (A drama of g ilan pep and pathos. ) Open at 7:15 Sunshine comedy entitled "Where {js sents Cecil B. DeMille's production' % S OF Anatol" with Wallace Rejd. P , Bebe Daniels, Monte Blue, Wanda fe Ayers, Julia Faye: All your life & r cast?Here you will see one?A K lor and luxury, warm with the life K ADDED: Pathe News. No advance g . presents Tom Mix with his master ]? >medy Special Production) "SOFT rc ?replete with .thrills?Action with 59 didn't believe in wine;- woman and jig led" in order to win his inheritance, p . cial Attraction, which will be run (9 Matinee at 2:30- 4.00. P. M. EvenM. ADDED Harry (Snub) Pollard p Two reels. |S olph Zukor pronontH A Sam. Wood 0 5 CHILDREN" with Bebe Daniels, B? tt, Mahlon Hamilton. Mary Eaton (a novel by Arthur Twain. A Para- n3 S. question?What about your chil- P time to tl>e almighty dollar and ?1 ren? Here's a powerful story of a P on to the third. Uplifting. and np- ra 's husband. Her home and the hap- gy sthat will burn iu your brains for- 53 M. Admissions 15c and 35c. Even- ea ures prejepts A Robert Leonard $3 Y". with Mae Murray, Monte Blue, gj sson. A Metro Production. A'pio S3 ids of the straight and narrow and |3 woman must choose her own way. SB mi! comedy entitled "Poor Boy", fa' - nmw NTS5c?r or T.';~ - _ ~^vTT _ I ' * * * ;nik jv W?*i;' ) -<-on:ier. j TH!^OpimiER[ Roxboro. N. C. Jen. ldth 1024 J Everything to build .with. .Wat* jljlna & - dullock. i ? y ' ] lib- have two or' three New Home t Sewing Machines that Wefb out just ( a few months, at excellent bargains.' The Mewells, Jewelers. . . , 1 ? . ".. < Notice?A stray..cow, yellow and f white spotted, without horns. Owner j may get her r$y-paying for her arid ^ N, C., route 8. ??_ "ltpd. ? . 1 ^ ATQ.UR ^OPPORTUl ,TTY^? buff ? high .tdp."Shoes,- men, .women an^ ^ children absolutely at factory>>r?.st."\ I III JSl. . , ; A It is a pleasure to us! to hi our bank. To encourage young peop] aceptftheir deposits, however The sooner a boy earns, s DOLLAR, the sooner he begi Success is.impossible witl every parent ip our conrtnunit their children will have' a ba day,' . . . We will Welcome .. ? \ _The Peop The.Bank Oi I . v If I 1 START ' THE 1 NEW YEAR I RIGHT BY BUYING YOUR GROCERIES FROM US AND I SAVE MONEY, AS WELL AS WORRY. f * ^ BLANKS -AXDMORRIS I PHONE 25 | 1 re<;verr years in growing tobae:o. 1 have noi-foujd any "'brand of ertilizer -whicii;'I thought could proluce a tobacco of better 'body-, and iofr texture tban Southland^ 7^1 r. r. W. McLennart, of Greensboro, N. 7. says:?."I believe that Southland >-3-4 produces" ihoro pounds of the test grade." For prieee* addiesst The iouthiand Guano Company, Greensoro, N. cC. I r ^ * " i , . ive boys and "girls come into le -to''practice" thrift we will small they may be. aves and banks his FIRST ns his life's success. lout saving. We "tnist that y will see that every one of nk account next Christmas . i your account. >Ies Bank The People v Rfl I"- Clears >3 1 -* g , ?' -7- ' I Begins 0k 19 ^ RS > ' ' a Cotton Gpods afe < If ? * ' Hi . a . cnaaea out goods at lc || make prices still lowi | Don't Fi | You v [Raiff! ??? -- - ? - ?''" ?^ t? t w? ........?. \ ; . . : jlf'Vcn w5hti,: anything, in the -M-ilj I tfet just what you want from Jh M. X PBUpott, Roxkoro, N., C.. rou$XT~*l.;.1-ltf, 3tspd. . ; j/V ' V -? f.:?? ? s< .REM KMBER the tfrad, place a nice -a stone or monument over their 'grave- T | ROXBORO UNDER! gj . Dear Friendst- We have fa Itorn down our underlak " EH abop on Depot Street S. purpose of building; us a I new undertaking shop in r I the same place. The con- I H V tractor hopes to have our 5jL new budding ready for us -MH 5? inside of four at five, 8?HSji ? months. But listen, in the Kjmflj a meantime we aro not out 3 of business. We have mov- igB W ed our stock on the same - :i street the Roxborpiaun'- J- i R<| dry is on, in an aid "fac- " B2S g tory. -But listen, we are EXiSH a prepared to put you. and |j any meipber of your family away S take home with Him. Our phione N J.' serve you day or night, ( "jj | \VT T. RAYSEL, 8&, for Roxhoro ~ 1 ' *"* ""* '"** '"y-i W-wiwpebss j 1 9 |,. We extend to all I - - and fri< I BEST WISH! I HAPPY AND PRO 1 YEA 1 W. C. Watkins | "Every thjfigTo j . W.aTkins & j ROXBOR ilFI a nee and 1 >Mj netting Higher and Will S >w prices and this CLEAK . T, rr I ^ " i \ ail to visit thi ** ? Kill save ft Ifet- 8| ' * KM fflv 1 B _ OXBORO,R< ' a? - X. . 'ju ?.. ... . - - :v" - " * ' ;.- ' ' . : -T~ ' , V'1.?'" ~ ' ?: ?c. * ^ i- / * - ' " " ' . L ? - --?rrr?- 1 ' -: Wo h.avo two or ,4hr<3o Kev I|ome. :%vinjj Machioei that' were .oui iu?l . I few at -excellent''tarfainJ.'"' lie 'SJewells,-Jtwclers.- . si??- -r J "5 AKING COMPANY^ % ' -L. -A E ? . . r -1 . i* mi' ||j ' vuav lUC gUUU J^OrU SCfJH "IJt -tO .DMi o. is the. ?ame..Njov183vWe will re! . 'oute very truly, - NQ; *'>\i - Undertaking Co., Rqxbero, N. C, M| . j' 24 I ? ? i X pg L our customers . |]| y inds ?T tS FOR A SPfeROUS NEW _ I _* " ' - - -|" V W."C. Bullock I Bmld With" I c Bullock 1, o, n. a "" " ? . j " " ^ i v \0 ^ S iVhite 'WJ ?ES |j % - '. Lasting ? ' 20 I Days |. ' ??fa tay Hight. We, purANCE SALE will s SALE J." ; lon^y C*" V-; ' '" - i ' ^