? fe ' ."5 > -. j? . . * - ' V ; *%.' * ,"'T' *. -i ''. .. "/.jc H . inauhlniT p- Ijj?;JhottriAft'an or?:a>uz4t*?ii. 'Sttjeth-! ?''''? orl;h (JaroHns? / <1 1 in vtxSmall po- l in i h)H". Fonner I governors.. had 0 private secretary. ? ralljM. mti well KjmwiT .ml able U1 'attend to ordinary |jjfa v.'.)rc5tlnt, but there-rare liarilly one in n this state who know nr'u'ir - . tsnw- of the mini wi?h .. tit .. . i' o vSte !cr?tary to Camflfre' was stipposetfdUr have grown *' F: but tiaa found, in I "Charlotte, reporting for the Charlotte . Hoir many "ispLporfimt appointee':/ ments has the present. KUjjirnor had to make" ' rf "t_, ' court, two' soperior.jeciurt judges, two v tax..commissioners, a secretary o? ' t.' Kmii) nf IS.'-. li ? n'unv ?-?5 ' "' . .nYajB T supporter?, eanipttigh mfiuwm* and! " each! ,~ s~ -J .._ A. All nt-ihera bpt one, md-e cmnc near being, a ring-man also.j The la?f soficltor appointed -was doneJ before the .dead man war harried. . This was J. W. Plea in place of J. it, I h . Carson deceased. such' haste, to appoint a ' ' . ntn:' : ~r-V' jfc I A- The tings ten in that section I to.ik .thevflrst train td-Raleigh, when I - \-.x> ; ?d, nnd came-back with I . . i onjm,ls,-:on of Pies id their-pock- I -4 - .. ..iCotniaaui . oja.^sagc: _t?o) I . -k, . 4 o TO OHR FRIBNDS.A,\I> PATRONS: V ; 'rtOh the T-ith day of Mdjeh our'tnaj*^S^H'Tlaae for the" 1923 - 24 season 5-: '^4;?fi4.i?j;afaron(rty advise yon to marks er-the remainder of"yonr crop of to-, ' i a rco n* rapidly as possible while y all the. buyers are on the market.tor all grades- and tobacoo seljjng good. Ar.! vt.u can do no betwt than to sell |jkk Boston Market especKI tally -if pflU sell: at tile,-. .old ISDEH. OUSfe The hone* ' ' ~ ,i brings mart money. . >/C.ome to see *? "anij we will do you good. ' . Your, /tlends, r? ' \EENT WAREHOUSE, So. Boston, Ya. - ? 0?? ' ?->Vl s BOND OF $160. ant- school teaeher, I^^Stefc^t'.irecdsed-- of whipping a ti Heat - was . given prelimhearing on'last Friday. At Oj.e. . ... emipidon of the evidence 'Snrnr: "Winsteai bound > pver. to court ' - ? fW tt; hotuk^hti Sl'Qfi. .? VCfTfi .. j" ^tted thare iocs not sp-1 > mneh to it.thc. boy havjnk'l H / of the WMp-I p&ec. with no rT?'~ (tWsn' and"Junes went hia I M*S?Nir SW1MON'.. ..-t^of'the IyO<)?o~Rev. ft. ".'K. WJ-J'm will preach ? special ser; * ?Kio to'the- Maaoiis of Rwttero onj . int F.bVonry 24th, fli'the Sfej i'' llSiilfcfeBhUrefa. AU nuirai In tiwj . y7!i* Wt'H Ha'all vTsitiaS rut? ^.borti 'VS r?>potTIuny^'irivk44^to th?* .-VT;. . j ho m**on" wfll Meet in he' 'pdjje' i M.mi . we are Aware that both the present board of county commissioners and Me one in office before one have been studying and planning the erection of a new courthouse an .i nail I'll in afayrnl " ,'..... . *"#.?* !.. f. r-i', jTh'nirman". . ' r A. V, O'Brjant, ro. rotary. .' ' ' 2 ' ' Vv V- * j| 3. 3 -Ik ^ % -%*. ,;Jli jfv n? ' . : *'? ?,..jo. jli, Wednesday Evening' ~P i" T,t " ' Ti. { CUM ing AlTKAcnO."' s t?- ? EL AT THg PRIN' fevatch Out lor Th?e Productions) r They Arc Worth Your Attention. p "We Give below n list with dales Xsf the Coming Prod potions, of which We can say is tlva greatest line tip of ..pictures ever ofloiod (s the people of TgUHSDAV^Feb.il 1 A. {Rex Beach's ERic of' Lawless Alaak:. .tolE SPOILERS with Milton Si?s, ^kna Q. N'ilsson, Xoah Berry. A CosWBpolitan Picture. % :, FRIDAY .f>ln%2n i'oil and stuff. | She was conflned to her 'ho'pie for more man a year safTerinp several I strokes of'-paralysis. _ Rarely his there ever passed into I higher - life' 'a gentler.,, more jjationt I cr .hraver'soul nor one whom I - - u;f.?m.- ..-m . J \ ? I'?w?v vuuuun,? mivir auu nope. She fias left- an iaO&cnce ?-higj? witf live on in'those-llyes whirl: came in contact tvifh hem. She left only one brother, besides many relatives and a host of friends. * _3 /The fuhebal services were- hold from" the home by her pastor after which she was lajj^to rest in th? ; family burying ground beneath banks of "beautiful floral offerings. She is gone but not fprgotten By the ones who-.Jdved her best, And we hope, to meet in . Heaven Where our souls will .be at rest. . o MINSTREI. AT LONGHURST. There will be a minstrel at Longhurst Saturday night", JFeb.' 18th, at i 7:30 o'clock, for the berfifit of the school. Admission 20 and. 33 -cents, " ?A*- APPftEetAWHE LETTERS Sftnora, N. O. Roxboro. N. C. . Dear Str: Please-accept my sincere riSinks for the various checks sent- me a' mounting eleven thousand four i hundred and ninety-tano dollars : ($11,492.00) in full payment for my store building and stock of goods i destroyed by. Are qn December. 27th: , Iftfta Yrni and yonr adjusters hays ,. been uniformly nice and ' courteous all through the settlement, I am re. placing ray store with a brick buildy when I begin business I will i advise you and Wiii "g!": e^tu* business* to you. 1 take pleasure in i recommending your agency to all who wish insurance. Again thinking you, I am Yours very truly. Signed, 'E: E. Talley A Co. MR. AND MRS. WOODY U ENTERTAIN STAG PARTY. Laat Thursday -night Mr." an?j Mrs. W.R. Woody entertaiHed a stag party froifi 8- to 11 o'clock. There were i four tablet, two for bridge and two : for rook, and after playing several i rounds a turkey dinnet^wae served. ? - os : PARENT TE AC ITERS ASSOCIATION. Come to our ijext Parent Teachers Association! There'* a reason! This invitation is" 'cordicily extended to every father, and^ mother in Bbxboro. Is the father a parent? This Question Is -sometimes asked at our moetings. But judging from the great number of mothers who do not attend it is just as pertinent to ask "Are ALL mo tilers parents?" Finally, "Are nl! - a'wchie Johnson having left my win; pi of without liiy consent all partial are Horqby notified not to hire-or har* ' - ' " , '"-'n Vrtw Hit? '* 3$ ?' - - n a nr. n - K| -;p ?- ~ p c ' 0" ' ' " MOM * - ' ^ -*J > PIR YEAR i ADVANCE pssr TV Bq^igt Club had their regula " meeting on last Thursday mornbig '* with .Mr-. W. It. Woody afher beau- ? tiful View bomb on Sfnjji Street*. Jitidge .c Witt i?Iay> 'l IV thiae" table and mSBy interesting games were enjoyed A W6?t delightful menu *?. served by p? I the hostess assisted by. her sister Miss Maude Barnett. consisting" of Grape fifuft, turkey, cranberry s?uev, gr. -on peaa in paUKy. stuffed celerv, ' he l ull..) -Qolf.Ir- irith 'whipne-v jtlfrtg'1 I Those present were Mcxiames E. M'. I "Davis. St A Jones, W- C.; Watkfas,. * . I G. W. Kane, jr J. \W.tiitead. M. R. . ?>.. I Long, L. M.' ^arlto- "A.>S.'di'Vl.ihv 1 inp, T\_,b: Woody, and Misse Mary ' Harris, Franklin Grave* of Mt. Airy, ' ' N. C? and' Elizabeth'Noell. < Qd Tuesday evening Mr*. Frank . a Wilson- dulgibtfnllv entertained in e. h?>nor of Mrs. Frank Howard, a bpl*_ of Docetnfcer. Boston Rook was the game of the evening. Five tables eta arranged in the living room, fbr file game. The -house -was very cosy * .with pqtted plants and white hya lints. .-V delirious salad-coarse, coffee - ". . . with whipped -cream and candy, was . ,y-l served-.by Mrs Wilson and assisted by Misses Mattie and Catherine Hatchett. Those enjoying "this were " Mesdames frank Howard, Joe Blanks, . / E. E. Thomas, E. O. Carver, B. B. ?' and H. W, Newell, L. C. Bradsher; W. R. Woody, I. 0. Witkeraon and ' ST Mfases Ethel Newton, HUlabeth Noell. Ruth Nlewton, Edna Bradsher, Eva Newton, Bertha Clayton, Wiima .. -j?:*::jS Thomas, Annie Clayton, Esther Thompson, Eyie Long a/id Mary Har- *' [ ? ' . xt. -. ' '^ii Mi*. T. E. Austin, delightfully enCldb'on' h'ridnV^^t*-rnoon.r'^lk" tiSw : were arranged for tfte game of Boston Rook. Beautiful pink' carnatuiha I were used aa a decoration. The' hos- , I teas assisted by .Mrs. Breston Setter- . field served a delightful salad course, coffee with . whipped cream. Attractive, favors of red roses-filled-wittfcnuts -wbre given to the following; Mesdames Frank Howard, A. S. de- ~\,; M Vlamihg; L. M. CarHon, B. E. Love, E. R. Dunlap, T. W.. Hondepon, J. A. long', W. .R. Woody,- M. R. Lung, I . j rrr kr.-n nz r2 ? ' - m " 1 n. .TTTeil. ?Y. r. LJJng, YV.. IvriH) R. J. Teague, W. C. Wstki/is, n.- W. ^ a*d J?> Ji?Wjtjjtsjid; Connor Merritt. - \j G. W. Thomas, E. 5f."~0*VT?i- -E, G. Long, Emery Winitead and Misses Erie. Long, Edna'Bradsher and Mary Franklin Gravei of Mt. -Airy, N. C. _ ;j -Mi*a Millie Jane Brooks entertain, 4o ? feV friends last Friday evening in honor of her house guests, Misses M' "Sadie Brooks and Lonlse Dowdy of Durham and Mrs. Tyler Shankle of Albemarle. Games were enjoyed ind delightful music by Mrs. Shahkk The hoatess served a delirious ice course with cake._ - The regular Monthly meeting of Brookadale Methodist church" their meeting-With Mrs. Earnest- WilJkerson on last FridayEvening. After the-business the ladies talked for ; more'than an hour. The hostess'served delightful' fcjit and candy to the following: Mesdamea P. T. Clay. IP A. E. Jackson. Geo. Fox, J- T. Standfield/Maxie .FWx, Buck Garrett, F.xey ?arver anid Misses Irma- and Saltie wllk-rson. A pretty affair of thi* week- was thd dinner. giye;i on Monday evening:;'! ' by-Mrs.'GeJ. Cuahw?,"-far_MifciJLohy Halk whose marriage likes plai r on rThttr- tTry. Covi i were -pbrcrd' for six guests.. The table waa pretty with * . U? y - - '-Vsy, \t: ? mi? i WW ..eUUHUUlli UL. pill*. 1IIU nijnwi "bjBny shaded with jink, .-.with pink Mreumfrs ostendinif from the .ehan delier to the corners ?f the table. Th? e nter piece -was pf pink sweet pnae and ferjif.At each place iyss pink 4 baskets (illrd with ' ?lteri nutS, the. bride1* chair jparketl with' white bow ot ribbon. Aeiefiir.ua' live emirae dinn*r was served f? MkedamP*. Ot Is jt i A ffaiH, htAj -ibini.k T. jC. KradaW.r-i.i. M Mis?e* Ruby HaH, Mary Willie. Hail. - ^ ' and ' fttry ' hceb The uu.yt of "hnria irrf$r wae -presented wi?t??V pwtty "treser. ??-4 The,IWview 0?I&met on, Thuraday */ten>(">e with. Mia. tt. .'II. Oakley,..': Mr E/ E.' Thorn** idAthC'siy>ct tM ill " *vvrir ' I v. ' ' nani-;~V