r . j Xi. . ?PAGE FOUR . THE QpPIMBR?1 'r? ' X J. W^NOELJU Editot'i flilrtlil Every Wednesday Evenini SUBSCRIPTION TERMS' |IM a year, 75 cents for 6 month H osu for S months?Cash in Ad . - - " - ~ - lh? Editor is in no way resppjiaibl -* far views expressed by coireapon <n^ " skits ' Entered at the Post Office at Box _ has, N. C., as second-class mattei I ' foH^n "A'WerttsJng Representative ? A MF!RICAN PRF..S5 ASSOCIATION " S . . ' . ' ? -1-?=? Roxhoro, N. C. Feb. 2qth~1924 THE ^CHILDREN-WILL ALL HAVI A "SQUARE DEAL."' -*J I . The children will ALL have "square deal." j ' \ When T* Not until every (child in the Conn ^ ^ . ty has the privilege of attending si wight ?>r ten months term at som school where a diploma will meai something, and said diploma wOl b *"? " V paaaoprt " to any rollege in N'or't: Carolina. On another page we are printlhi a j letter from. Dr. Trabue, Professo of . Educational Administation. Dr Trabue has bees working over thi matter .of County-wide r-eprganiza t ion. for the past several weeks in thj County. and makes'some suggestion: . which we hope, every father wil ^ think seriously about. Your dhild i: just as smart" and .just as much en titled to the BEST"-ns any. ethei child, and if we allow the ehUd oi today to enter life ill prepared \v< can not hope to keep up our present high stabdard of citizenship! It is _ - more nicessary today "that our children be prepared than it was in'iuy or yoor day, because ?omjV-ti. , tioo in life's affairs is becopilng more ieen each year, and while we may have been fairly successful with n limited education, the chances are very much against our children being so successful unless we fit them - to compete with the child who fifth ' bad these advantages. Dr. Tfabue says, "''Person County -abould in five years have no schools of'fewer cthan six rooms and.an auM""" ditorium. It should 6e possible for every child- in the County tp attend a standard high school at public ex, pense.-' We will agree with him, but . to accomplish this it will be necessary to raise the money to pay for such a - program. ' H Some of the things which he mentions arc an eight room school for 1ft. Tirzah township, a similar build in* lor the Hurdle Mill* section, and a six room building for Cuninghani township, and a sixteen room build, in* "Tor a County high, school. . Of course, he says, Roxboro is the logi :?al place for this building. The time t waa when there was more Jr less ptajUdicAigalnst anything which was wanted or needed in Roxboro by "imie of the people from the country but we are glad to say, that <jay has t passed, for every one today realizes j _ that. what t.rnpfitV Koxboro benefits ^ the entire County,, arid that Roxboro I. is always willing to come in for her I share of" any "expense necessary for f, the upbuilding of the County;. 1" . wftwo the people of the County S have made it possible for the outside world fo see us?by building Ik good roads, they have discovered thbt HL the little County of Person is easily one of the best counties in the Stato \. and they are talking about the won derful strides we are making, filian orally and joducafinnaHS'. We musi "Tteep up this reputation. Of, course f?* ? - -C i- we" know and you knbw, taxes ark F hijfh and nrc boeomirtjo *urden.f ome .funic few of oar politicians.-to.-ftii i contrary notwithstanding, "hut whci fib' ' * % * | it comes to educating our J|iUlrei L w? can not a (Ton I to be ' T ivever, the ir:th \<J I. "o '"pk; - ,1-MTf i;"ed ' hy lir. Tralmg^it h? " 'i'iwI ootv not.. If . o%o year .or'.-.jiri .-yoawh-hat, within the^pttJan.Mtiii r' without -tii.uch' additional, "'rest Uox .'hex? i"-1 ltlri i.n'. K"" '' iul tin for their tygfi Sthoolo will luV I ?hjtOB til' Ineiviatii iheir tiitn tad car; '.little, if a?iy? while lhc other to wo B-.i' ?&,;.= tf/ocVi otuy bj. nn.y.irg r.-hnt vv -" ' HP' *vr;i!if"rsc: K ' ;. ' tSc fccWffl cfmhie thtih ytn sfel;?g* E. V inff."'^0,,-fjio?ewi-tf- yiflL^a -easa ? A ' . ->?v. X-W < - to adopt thb; "iplfiiuiit em. 1 1 1 .. . < . ' i * - system. r ' ' ? expect" to have jfiaeh to say aljout thisv reorganlzkitox plan dup? trig tKe next few week* and will give figures from time to-Slme to prove a oyr assertions. Let's adopt the suggestioo of Dr. Trabue and make oar slogan, * ' . * "The children will ALL have/ a " "square 'doai.'* ; ' ' ' ,Qi - . r. We have received a copy of^fhe announcement of Mr. CKj^les Ross' candidacy for Attorney General. The announcement is rather, lengthy,' and he states the.,things He will stand fo& B " , h * the most striking bqing that he will, i_ give his entire time to the duties of the office. That' is commendable in a Mr. Ross, but unless the office pays ; more than we had thought he must ,haye more"money than the average . candidate. n ?1 ' ?1 e Tbcy are getting so mahy fellows ? mussed up in that Teapot Dome e 'scandal we ore getting a little unh Tasy for any man who owns a flivver ?for he has to deal .in the comraodi1ty r : 10,1 . = Mr. Denby, Secretary "of the Navy, ; has tendered his resignation, to take _ effect March 10th. w?u w? ^ pr?~ , dieting there will be at leact one ( more before many moonsf h ~: j When you. educate" your children you are not simply preparing them . to make money?you are making it f ptlssibie for tWni to enjoy life to thc| , fullest. . IT ? Good roads are flndT good schools^ are better, hut .when you give that" . boy an education you have given Tym the RKST.of all. ) "The children will "all have - -n' souaro deal"?and why not. ' AI.LENSV1LLE NEWS.' . Well, did "the readers cf The Courier notice.a let,ter last week from Justice. He seems, to think because he, is doing his trading with .josh that Richard has lost much business, when the facts are that while Justice is sittihg around Josh's pi nee of business and trying to advertise it to TnchardTTiurt, . Richard's "Business has more than doubled, as.we can easily show Justice. And so far, as hia .Tiiaticp Ifopninff -nnot* wtf>i wAiirii' Richard he should have known when he failed tft produce but three children in three years that Richard was going to beat, him; if he did have to report to twins,, * . Justice , seeirr? "^fo tHnfk thaf qiv Governor wanted right much of the ftate's money last year. If this istrue he certainly ought to have him prosecuted, but he better know for certain what he is talking about or the 'Qovornor ".might indict him fo-slander and employ Mr. Bailey to .prosecute* and if he doers Justice-will be sorry that hd ever m%dc ? dis-? pj/iy of wisdom. v Richard is fjlways. glad to hear from either friend or enemy through The Courier, for I do *not expect everybody to agree"with me about any cne.thing, but when. I came to Alleneville sOTrtfc fifteen years ago and found it one cf .the most backward and poorest townships in the County I resolved 'with the help of God and The Courier to'make conditions betto, and so doing I have made-enemies as I knew I would, but have at? same time called the attention of the whole County "to the fact that we : had just as good men and women in , j Allensville township as .< anywhere [else in the County, and today Allons' j ville jnwnship ha* one of the best ' i-s hbols in the County, and in a puh-j ' lie debate there lost Friday youneI I Mi's a Richard- was pronounced ' tfc.-' - best speaker 'of the whol? - school | which, number a ^ jomr. three' 1 hundred. So) much for The .Courier-.' ijBrp. Bejkfp indiP$or pi< hhr ! - w+}-. V the- ujfnle ^owhshin to sav r.me.i. i ar?_fprtninly gre*?' * thihjg* j-ffKfad.-iAjr Atlfcnsrvllli-' riowp-t-.', ><ir eye* , h *. been : opened. Wit K c<!rt?mitfct!mon end a corps of good 1, twetiMW ' ,-t must succeed. ' Arid. t*Va - -&t our- taaoherj r.vri ^oino fjrr h*y , Than ' hie. they 4i? fln.iintirjr us" in . riar "Samthy ' Xil&wWe "?" 'r - ' --3 Sfi,"-t(Th.l -"f.Vit rTridihpM?n br-Withd-u" tJpitb- V ; > ;;-u V.mgu? thnt.-bjis he-'i r:rr> ^ariivjn?^. s-aeicade.. . r " " >i~ *it','' ;'i;L' Jjt-tt w;tiil .ft. fbej'.-.Pooy .S.I4.H1,!, Mo. Rirjjard or tiv J the lit tie Richard'* wo ot-o 'ottt ,-it'Thi of -.o.;i'L\ . ru.-hot coujik' it, Pand '|aat ??!?> yon-ho-wot tbinl^ 3.hrd sdjnald not nghg^fnrt^3ua^tfF7ng' j I'toraliy hptlt?r -AJJeo.vitio hj: ;,p fgf I urn .juiiAnir lte.lmn. in'll;, . . : ' 'because I differ wifB~yj?u*or you~ciif. fer with mc is' no sign I dislike you lor I would not hurt" i/limr on youi bead if I, had the poker to- do so.? Poor Richard. PERSON CQUNTY TEACHERS ASSOCIATION The Person County Teachers' As soeis^tion held its last meeting foi Ais school ydar on' Saturday, Feb 9, at Roxboro. The attendance, whl1< good, was not so fulbas usual, oWinj to the fact ihat several schools, wen closed on account of contagious,-d? seases. Teaehers were "urged, agair and again, to report to Dr. BradsheJ each' case,of contagious disease, ever . if it is only 'suspected. Only "in thij way may epidemics be avoided. < Much general business tendipg G the rounding up of the year's -wori was disposed''of Saturday. Only of the eleven delegates due to represent the local Association at the As semhly in March were reproted a> having been elected. Mrs, J,A- Beam .Mr. A. C.^Gentry, B. I. Satterflclu Miss Gladys Warren and Mrs?San Barnette; with Miss Sallie Wilkerson Miss Mabel Montague and D. H Crumpton as Alternates. It was. re quested that the other names, be sen to' Mrs. Be'am or to Miss Ella Thomp son, Roxboro, Route. 3, without" delay Teachers who attend the assembly nfed not furnish substitutes for thai time, but may close the school for th< two day*, provided they attend tht Assembly. .?Tn regard to -aubstitntr* tnaVhirs ir general,- it has been "decided thai hereafter every substitute employer, "in the public school* must be npprov ed by the County. Board. A just'arr uniform- rate of paying substitutes -was also discussed/ but decided upo? only iff patt. One of the biggest matters before i the Association Ibis- year has bca? [the County-wide: Plan. The teacher^ realize that this gpldtfiflS pl?n pc.l into effect- will-.mean tremendous' advancement dor the people of Person County along all educotional lines and they express not only willingness. Jipt eagerness, to help hi any pons: ble way toward its accomplishment Clear-cut information is' the first thing. This the teachers will be-able fo find in Mr. Beam's series of articles for The Courier, and this ihey can gjve out to their communities with conviction and faith. All teachers'.were asked to send in at once a complete list of the children in their-districts under fourteen who were .legally excused from attending school this year,?that is, children excused to work; also'a list rrf-tiiuse under 'fuurtwru?wlru were out, of school without legal right; and those over fourteen not in school because. engaged in work.. . Teachers are expected to have, in their final reports and their copies of the Elementary cojirse of study along with their vouchers for the last month of school. "There will be no corijity summer sehool in- Person .this year, because the number of propective student* is not sufficient 5ostify the expense. Before the meeting close.!, there was a unanimous- vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Beam fpr their faithful and loving service for the people of Pei^on. County. * 1 Ella. Graves Thompson, "Secretary A NOTED SCSGER! MRS. FRANCESKA RASPER I.AWkONV NOTED SOPRANO, will sinfc on Tue?hay night!'February 26th, at Bethel Hill High School uditorium. The music loving public is to' have an exceptional opportunity in hearing this splendid singer. Don't miss it. Prices for admission will be - 50 cents.' .MARY HAM BRICK MISSIONARY SOCIETY^ Mrs. Lee Johnson of Weldon VlsiU the Society. East- Tuesday afternoon the Mary Hambrick Missionary Society met in the. main auditorium of "the church and . held Tan unusually interesting jmeeting. Thpxe. w^re many ^mefn-be?3 j iry Htnt a rid a ranr.be- v.' of; invito fronT the ."Methodist A axillar irs in the surrounding. coritmnnHy. j The Bthlo lesion was reac} by Mrs. [w. T? Pass, ami Mrs. B. C. ThrvmpisoYr. -from, the -Concord Society. i<*d j >n 'pTayer..A duet by Miss Carney sfid j'mrs. trenton fiatterfjfiiy zrfid |l soil t?y. tha -latter wove rniUch. cnjoyW 1 MrsC W- . FV Ivortg was ac ompritiisi [Sfr Mtrr&ws. "Afft* the-irejjujsi '" urnim ^lr-:.' ULJuIjirionTcrlit) l *7iiiiV a'T i Sir., i VitpU.nf ih:?rr ' C'?Coirfeaddivraort lha society ion. soc^aTSetviciPW>ik. She an at j i mill ?*>..? i very interest.) n(r And - helpful.' , _ I.: -iv-tt?jc^uw4si' cf.-thc pros:~j.~ Kr<, il. IV. WinaUiad .fmm to J.1M: ... . r.. f ... trial lynir. It- lu.ir.g mute -5P... \ ?U ithw's 1 Tfflentwie -htra. (Pr?f)"-. t-n.w , red carnations and'tfier; \vere red fl ' ?: T. [EH. FEBRUARY 20th 1924 hearts everywhere.BJock cream and ' , c.ake *'?i first .served and "then-cnW?<. . - with whipped cream. Red baskets filled with heartehaped mints were - riven as favors. Much ' of the success of the meetiny is tjne to the social committee?tMe^dames H. W. . Wlnstead, Mf It; Long, O. B. McBroom and Ra{ph Cple.?E. V . j A NOTED SINGER > . Mrs. Franceskn Kasper Lawsoril a noted soprano, will sing at Bethel i Hilt High-School Auditorium-on next Tuesday night, February -26^)). If you , appreciate good i/iujic don't - miss this' opportifnity. Prices for admission - ylll be 50 -cents. Get your ticket i now. . - > *f. - ) A RARE MUSICAL* EVENING! Come to Bethel Hill High" School next Tuesday evening, at 7:30' o'clock _ ahd 'enjoy a most delightful ~ tfhiilistening to Mrs. Franceaka Kasper Lawson, a noted soprano,- sing. You will not regret it, but will be sorry if vnn iwiaa -? i ? ? _Tt-t ... ,?? unoo ?v? Lmu-v imaa 11. mcei ' for admission .will be 50 cents. Get) your ticket now. r. WHY SUFFER, With a nervous rundown condition ' of the system when SPEARGOLAX will build ou up, It disolves all that " old foul, poisonous matter that has been clinging to the sides of the bowels for months, that othepltonics and pills have failed to-get:-It cleans " the system thoroughly, it purifies the blood, prompts digestion, soothgs the ' nerves; gives you a good appetite; it 'puts vim, vigor and vitality in the veins of rpan and womanhood, it overhauls the entire syStem, gives you the sleep of childhood,, .purifies the blood and makes you feel like n new person, __ Ask ybur nearest drug store' for, SPEARGOLAX, ar.d accept "no substi\tuto. t?" ' .A , : zn ' .! " ' I STTCr^XIJ ATr tii A M. A AJTA. A SUNDAY 'dinner Phone us Ydur. or| der. Everything for i P the table. . .. : ' t j We deliver and save you both WotT and Money. i L - , . j ' - - j ; BLANKS 1 -ANDMORRIS PHONE 25 . , i j t~ ' I .Pn g" 1 MONUMENTS AND ' TOMBSTONES j '.it ? ~~ i'' 'tli ; amMMMV.mr, fli ' vv ili l " Anything in* 'tl>e ; fl [: .way ql Monuments,. . i ombstones bt gmvn | markers.-. Best mont ' ? | .* ft. goarsnteed. v T- f "I Tr) : ' * j I . Write .or sec.- ;i y m Jv M, PHILPQTT, ] . FWbqrq, tr.. * Rtwute.lv - , . $ " '' S ; ? ? . . ' . . - " . ' ; - ' " ^ >' - ^ ' 1 M * __ ^ ..L I New Spring " Coming .{ Our buyers are back frpm ra Baltimore where they purch US stock of Wearing Appatel, P c< Novelties. These new thing: 1. dail^ They are stylish, pr? The prices are reasonable a 7 pleased with them in every you to come early and often Spring Things. Our Millii 1 Miss Louise Chilcote, I ft* *11 r?* i _J i iwui arrive Saturday and b( Monday, 25th. Miss Chilpot< lady who haa. ha?M5t^s>^x millinery business Nand com< - recommended as a high clasj splendid lady. Many of hei already here. A good shipm* for your inspection. The bal on sale as fast as it can be < Chilcqte's arrival. We will opening this season.but will sale as fast, as they arrive. C show-you. We expect to sell plete outfit for the season. I Harris & ROXBORO*S BEST ? . tefONE?i$a_A Constructive P Money in the bank makes a man fi and enables him, when he has saved into a BUSINESS. .. ? ' The man who attends to busines money of his own earnings, is the owners of large enterprises are looki their business, >' ' v ' . .. tj 0 No man can-afford NOT to bank what he makes. We welcome your accc The Peoples v -The Bquk -Of The . . ? ' ' ' -[ - Nurser: FCR FRUIT/SHADE ' MENTAL TREES, VINES# v . ' :t , 7:fff.eltvjpepari 4-*^PURE BRED HEREFOf ;! BLAC T5. MAMMOTH HOC SHETLAND PONIES : { ^DR%S; GREE^SUORG Jcfon A-Youuy &. lioru^ Gr< : ? . .. " ' . * ' -?? ^ sssubT" ' aj i Things jf In' 1 ' 1 New Yorkrand ,P ased a splendid g 'iece Goods and 4 i are"coming in.|| ;tty and tasty. ? nd you will be |j j; V way. We urge J| to see the New 11 is tler, i' Qy <3*=!." ;gin her work ??;''v > 5-is a Baltimore- g perience in the P ^ to . us highly | s milliner and a |g r purchases are Is . ;nt is now open jS ance will be put |j Jone after Miss M not have an Ij A _put all hats on a -? 'ome and let us || you your com- || Burns! 1 STORE I ~ a . ' , j ' , , ' * ^ " g^rSK- . * reat *' ?? f brce eel INDEPENDENT ' enough of it, to buy s and save?M? some kind of a fnan that' . 1 ng for to intore t in A and save a part of >unt, > Bank People " : . . ? ' ' ,* )dre 1 les %i: ' ' f AND^^NA- i. ^RSl^te4;:kr-T k senabovo,- N^fr. v , ^ ^ ^... . .... " -1 - ^ _

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