F * :: _ ' ">T - 'v i , y'+m' . 1 1 1 . ???-?? ?tv"L.;'?:?* - . . . .1 . ? ???? I Do It Now ... tmti . _ S # *4-' ^ 1 If you are planning to do any building'this | spring it . will pay you to place .your order for building material NOW. Prices are ad- j Vanc+Rg; and every indication points to a ! much higher marketi * ^ | We have the most complete stock in this 1 section bought on the1 low market and our g prices of today will look like^"eal bargains | thirty days from now. SEND US YOUR ORDERS AND NOTE I ? TI IE DIFFERENCE. ? I Roxboro Lumber C?-j1 "Home of Quality Lumber" . GoodGrocei^'^ll^l ' ~ ^~ Cooking is an art Lut to git the best results .you must use high quality ingredients. Besides it is cheaper in the ?? i end, for you use less than-you dd~3t*The other, kind. tt We hnve a bin line of flavnrini* extracts and everv thing you need for cooking and baking and at our lojv^ prices e ne oh the Hpi\r! Evening at 7:16.- 9:00 p. nu. ta FRIDAY* ' Uhlted Artfota pieaentn D. W. Griffith's " Supreme iS j sterpiece "DREAM SUREST" with Carol Dempster, William i rguson, Ralph Ciravds,?The stfiry Tell?' of struggling Huntan_ !>Sj I&?of a voice.of good against,a voice of evil?between these" ATURDA\. William Jft9)x present*. Chan. Buck* Jones- hi "BIG if lK" (The story cf a Klistic Horcules who was hafe until Chpid |M uonned.the Gloves??-Bi? Dan A? -Tone*' biggest vet. ADDED Eptf-lfl laHgj flHtC' 996. 2. "ffrfrtUr- Pnhr fn ^RW? Wfotc Thin SeHaP !>? P IBS v'ill I K5 n iW'Sigfr Kvoninit at Pf 6- SI 1X)0 - ><:!"> - 1'. m.-,, . ; . . , ' "i-3 tin. MONDAY a ltd TUESDAY. L. t.mky presents A Joseph fe tSH."-Hpni'li''V.di. tan'. "Stephen Step- Out".with DiPitfla- 'in 'IEIiS*?t|?r. '' . .Theodora ' Roberts., Nneh Rerryt Harry Myers ..on* . H HE t -i r: Adnotcd-from tho story by Richard I|arditiy Davis. Bg| E jr, - -wimt picture. Soreenlantf* Jtttr Sttr?Youn* Fhirtattk*. (dS. L. p* , ijit is $ti cvt-.ut you don'; want to rpissr-He's a TdnT?tgr;" HI -i v/inFinw actijis jfa Iinri.-J.H l.l .y.: licim -dy- Matinee'Monday at 8:00 p. n>-_ ; . - " I Mvatiiiw* nt..7:lS ? iti45 p. m. ' . . . ' . nO'i v'Fii .. v rte r.' - " t' -1 i iw" ; | > 119' -j ' . t v-'tjM.'K". No. acii-.,ii;u"in idnn?J.inn-.. f. Hp:>' Cvtir.h: " : v;>olitrm'?- pm In I .... ' . - .. - . .. _ .... ' I.- . J-VH-'i. mull W?a.(' -r- ' [r V v L v /':f- ; ' I - :. ^LQWEST:FRIGES. . ' , V " r.cnSfcio cors THE COURIER Roxboro. N. C. Keh. 20tb 1924 . iiHi' ?; r - i -i?tit " Everl'LHIPIg to build with. Wat klti? & iutlock. Smilin' CkarKe SajrS The superstitious bachelor might do ~v well t' remember that the extra day J ^ comes on Friday * this T.enpYpnr? ' _ ? .' ~ . J r Mr. Ned Leper spfcnt the weak end 1;%, Dnlxi- U .? ' I Ui ivaiciKlI. . " ' * * * Dr. B. R^yonit of Greensboro was a Roxboro visitor Monday. ' - * * M Mrs. A. W.- Clayton is visiting; relatives and friends in Salisbury. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Y. Blanks spent Fciilay in Durham. / / Misses Louise Stalvey and Era Harris of Raleigh spent the week end here. . . * U * ' ' . ' Dr. R. H. Noell of Rocky Mount spent the week end_b?re with his parent*. fir .. .. ... ^ Mr.. Robert Featherston, Who hap bemi'aTrettding A. & E. College in Raleigh is. at home this week. | / Misses Minnie Gentry and Helen ; Turner of the country spent the week end with Mrs. W. T. Kirby, . - . v. * * *<'* I . - ' *, ; ' Hon. J. .E. Tucker of Milton spent ! last Wednesday night* here visiting his brother, Dr. E. J. Tucker. r . *' * **-? Mrs. A. B. Scoggins left Saturday ior Geensboro fv visit her sister. Mrs. B. H. Brooks, who is seriously ill. * ? Misses Bell Poofr and Delia Derison spent th? w^ek end in tireensboro. V # * f Miss Helen Poindexter of__ South Boston spent the week -end with her sister, Mrs. W. L.' Guthrie. Mr. Bell was called to his holnc in Norfolk Monday on account' of the illness of .his -sister. Mr. Hugh Woods 'returned home Saturday after a visit to friends in Winston-Salem. V- . ' * * *? ; ' Revs* J. A.'Beam and R. E. Whitattended the funeral of Dr. Hobgooci in. Oxford Monday. * . .;'Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Lloyd of Tar River, visited Mr and Mrs. J. &HPE&ham, last "Friday. p -Mife8 Eva Harris, a, teacher.in the iWakelon Fai m Life school- spent the ; week end here with her parent*, Mr and Mrs. *A. J. Harris. Mr. and -MrS, John A. Snipes of Durham spent Thursday There as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Y. Blanks. Mr. Snipes was on fiis way to New Yor^, . ^tor. E. E. Marshall of .'Bedford, Va. spent last Friday 'here visiting his son-in-law, Mr. W. G. Mi 111;r. Dr Marshall was on his way frr F1 iridu Uvhec-he will spent} several jvgeks. i Mrs. \V. G. Miller, Martor Bill, 'and little Miss Mnry^Miller^are visiting Mrs. Miller's- parents' in Bee}; ford. Vs. |. \ Mr? lit.If MsneSi 'V. Bndtweiqht nifl Master Jidsrar.Boatw right returned from Danville Sunday,-where iliei [ had ' been , to. attend the weeing oJ j Mr.- i'.oatWrit^Wa sister'., . ~ Ot"' .- ... jsi**. L -IWv"spent lni *wec? Fa5rctna attt aanitq btuyfify '.' lit 'tits, tf6rpitnjr.%tn ! ty-'fqrc [Ii iJW; SrrcJv . kiiii IVror^'^rA' ?<-_ . ; ; *, ; ?' ."* * ". fz, '.. -'?~?~"^*~ ' V-.M jV-h4.*<=i --ffir'tV. ?jt$. -ft. ?;?Vfttta:ulgi! . .Vr ,u f ^~Tt?n vyK'/h f ii - vvT ' : \ . ~ / X . . \ "S - . '-r ' .. . 1 + ren. FERRIMBV ;,,4 ; ' I . r~~" - ? " . I ' 'r-" ^ i? Mr." M. W. Sattertield and "Miss. Annie Lou'^Thoinns ,left Monday for Now York where they will make the Spring purchases for Mess. Wilbarn & Satterfieid. - 4 *?4-4 . Miss Nellie Bird Woods of Greens! boro. College spent several days here laBt week with her parents, Mr. mid Mrs. -H. Woods. ( ? * * * ! , -Mrs, Thoihsa Jones, Miss Eliza-' beth fvic and Jos. Chandler of Leaks- j "Mr. R. H, 'ivie. . ' 4.4 4 J BUSINESS LOCALS NOTICE. Archie Johnson having left my .employ without niy consent alt parties are hereby notified not to hire or har, bor said Jbhnson, he having broken contract with mo. All parties disobeying this notice will be prosecotedr 2*-13 3ts. R. M. Jackson. *^*FOR SALE?Household and kitchen furniture, 1 wagon, 2 horses,' 1 mule. I gasoline engine, farijiing , tools, -plows, hay etc., at auction at I my home piacefbn Route -t,' Rcpcbp'ro, on Saturday March th'e 1st. Sale will begin at- 10 o'clock, A. M. Mrs. J. T. Davis. "2-20, ltpd. ' ,? T : ? NOTICE. 1 > ' Just unloaded a fine load of Ten t nessee mules, all mape mules. If ; you want'something good comp and , look them over. At my stable on La* marr Street. TJ.- Hatchett, Rosboro, N. C. ltpd. ~0 i , .FOR SALEr a liic'e lot of an pit; and . peach trees. Also grape vines, inn splendid .condition. Appljt. to ' J. F.l Whitfield, Hurdle, Mills," N\. C. 2-G, tf.S WANT SOMETHING1? " Perhaps your neighbor has Just What you .Want?$81! your waptft in , our "Want column." Best way to ; find it, cV-.. "A Modern SeWlng SoCiety" at the 1 graded school auditorium on . noxi Friday.* night. 8 , o'clock! Slaughter's String .hand Will furrrisb the. nlusic and. yoirwlU furnish the laughter., Don't mi's* it.' . . sr^jrTOTACrtf^SJvfWLLSae * before you* K. V. Bos^wri^kt,. j \ S .) <>. v. . 1! wiwrr jkiMETHixi:? ' ,. PerhapsS? ' ni-;?i?^t>T. just 1 what you w'ar-t?-toll yaMr.^Wjrnts in our'. ' Want tolunm." Best s'-ay to fUA?E TOC R?MFpU-StC, TO SF.M/7 lV' - > yi-j i . . / .. ' '-^Yinr witt,r* ' T' \C\T!T<].1' 4,',\ :sU*p'firtt S^Hy" r: ' ?4wol. ?U(l;w-inni : on' r.6>:~ i->F*?i ;-rr.,tvv Staafkfcv',. ' - ' m [. ,<$! : * ; 'f'i? - > - itwtt I:on^Singe fanr.ly. tliuprovetl g#X-k&t VYt -, 1 inn.io l.mil?Ri.i' ?n tii 1^.1 V' .tin i. I, 11?T'Y.,, .m. .1V.;...l*.l:iV. SC. _ . - ' ' 7- ' ... 4 : - . ? 1 . . - ??' -' - *? 1 i' T * tr-r - * ' ^'-f? jS?-'" ,'S^"'" ,* ' *- V i?* -'; ". - >-?. -"-: '.' - * - '+*>' -i . . # . _- -t -'* .~ - " V " TII? JEFFERSON ^STANDARD LIFE INS. CO. Higgest in the South, the f>est. in the world. Over ttvo hundred and fifteen million in forcer Its your loss, if you fail tm see Satte*-f "field before buying. "DO I-T NOW" S. P. Satterfield, Dist. Agent. "A Modern Sewing Society" at the graded tschool auditorium on next (Friday1 night, S o'clock. Slaughter'.1 string band will furnish the mush and you will furnish the laughter Don't -*nhs it- * SEED COTTON FOR SALE. 500"' bushels, pedigreed Cleveland and Mexican Big Boll. Private)y gin ned arid recleaned. World -record. St OHIC5 FO1U .ILL ITS. Chas.. Holeman & Co. T. E. Austin. ? 1-9, tf L. C. SMITH Typewriter for sale In good condition. A* bargain foi some one in need, of a good typewriter. R. N. Featherston, Roxboro IAVE YOU SOMETHING TO SEJ.L? Perhaps an extra pig, cow, *om< Chickens, eggs or butter?any thlfiR whatsoever, tefl about it in our "\Yant Column," one cent a . word. SCRAP TOBACCO WANTED?Sec me^ 'r'oro you sell. E. V. Boatwright Roxboro, N. C. ' . . "~~"*TA-^,?fodfcrn Sewing Society" at th; graded, school auditorium. on nevl Friday night, 8 o'clock. Slaughter's string band v ill furnish' the- music and you will ^furnish the laughter Don't nii*s it7 . EARLY COTTON. SEED FOR RALE The, kind for this climate. Raised at Jdragtown, near Durham: 1 bale tithe a etc. Price -..$1.50 per bushel Rates oi> qoantiites. See or write F B. PW1U.P*, :*at Bi^oks & Tstore, Rpxboro,' N- C., box 51. 2-13tf SCRAP"TOBACCO WANTED?Sac me before v-ou -sell, E. V. Boatwright Roxboro, X. C. . NOTICE?Ooorf lot of Y hoats foj ??le at T.yD". Winstoad'a .stable' to T. W. Pass Son. Come ancb loob them ever.- . * -? 2-29, tpc T > 4 ... ; ;?Vi i*. -Notice.' For S?wlhV MaiMtie.,, nev end, 2nd h&n^, all,.'prices;- I' .repaiall/kinds of machines, any make. Sd F, -B. Phillips, Hoxhoro, N. C.'. Pfc'nr* or yMXtt' cake of" tjy 3.' Army' fttori uosjrprn;. .v. .it !r ? EXPK^ESrE C&uwtrv. .Oyer 2t ;,-o?Tf pxbfrienre ;>n . I.if IftRUivrAc busings. Yott ^ir.1 at Kb ' jrtv t'b-u?<' it absolutely fi'eo. SEJ SAWEHFIRIjD". .""00'. It NOW" SatUfSeld .Insi Ajfonsy, rfOl.D- AWt |T):#tED".. ' *fC<>tXCfit?-I wiUjcrlnd c j'm ' 'k rIta&uror X. fi. H \ri\ I> ^;XFAN*>* X~>JaVifty r.cid.ivi. iiV rW&aiit it i? "lie -.jry -for rfto io .'fci Tny Arllf indebted. t< tto >;if>lha?d com fT'iuid i: > ' ': ' ' " ? ' - ' * ' ' I " ?;. . ' :n f T. njntMjps be- -nr? bnce ?. ft. Cbe?%. , ; J I *. W-j : tr . a id ' ' f i?ropp-?'-ty.? x\ ^rt.h miliiv\r?, each, ymr ft jy pfvpy^ '>r iv/o> ' ( 1 > ! "T>^. . ~ - r TRIED". Send your orders for PAINTS? VARNISHES? STAIN'S. to ROXr BORO LUMBER CO. "Homo of Qual ity Paint". t . . F] RR-'i without Insurance no prop; crty is safe against this danger that _ never sleeps. Don't close., your eyes k ' uAtiV you ado .Satterfield. "DO IT MOW".- SATTERFIELD INSUR ANCE AGENCY. " OLD and TRIED''. ' S.'C. RED PULLETS AND coekerels.far -sale. Hatching eggs from A r ise "*rains: sw -n~t ';** males. 1 13 rl .es. - I.e. Jchii..fterr, 'u-. ham, . N. "C. 2-20 2t?pd. ! ^ Rlf>F. WITH safety arid comfort 1 'between Durham : and ROxboro. with an old xnerieivnl driver on a 7-i'i.r - ,. "rencer Buick Sedan. SchedqJe: T-tav Roxbrio. Jones Hotel, 10:T3 A. M. i 3:15"P. M. Leave Durham, Malbourne 1 Hotel, 9:0"Q A. M: 1:00 -P. M. W. M. Foundy, owner and driver, Durham. ; Nv C. , 2-6, ltpd . FOR SALE. ' ?o? 1 On March 1st, I P.' M., in front of ' the court house, door. I will sell at public-'auction the household and r kitchen furniture, belonging ' to the ' late Mrs. Harriet A. HamlCtt. | Also at same time and place I .will . -sell a few articles belonging to the late Flem H. Unmlctt. * , r . B? E. Love, t T Admirtis'rator.' 1 ?!. ' LANfi SA1.IY , . " ".] fiy virtue-of a trust executed to me a*-trhrtoc-" foh J. T. Wail^i.ly ' efrecrgO GeBriaut nod wife," recorded.' iu-JBerson County, iiooV 1, ,]W 302, _1 i wiif on- Saturday the 22nd dav Vo't^fARCH 10U, wU ibr cas' bore lolih of . all#? cast of FbU-? *. 1. shcc -Ktroet, franthitf. ' ~vr?y 7^ ft:r--juid? ninninfc /?lonjf.??id Fo\i-", Hfce street ?5fl '.fv., -it ijJff hat \'o. 7?> v. - in a- atui* . avvey- ftidrie *by-; Jt, T. .. j,*\VqlL ? nc| talnft ^ wi of. r'^v . . ] j^-lnnds.: sotd ...OT-m < " * V '' ~ .' t- \Mk?t by * \ : , r?k t .' ? oven "dot?' fvbfc tf, T. s \Vb!$cev* .. tii * <: ^ "j .. , ? -T. Cr Kt'iioicif, .' ' ? i' ' , * ' - ' " ? * -. , Arte. . cr < aVc i Jy-v-i}/~>hicE nstTT-m-.. rnlrljt- , ? "'. tt' th< y tfnaTa .adjVi IW liy H.nj'h *>IA> v '"? -,' ^ : --r-r-mmiiJ ' '" ' " !'" ' " * f-t-?- rV " ' r?~ ?