pT H'- " ^ , " . 1 SERVICE BV PUBLICATION. .Jmticc of the Peace COur^, North Carolina,-Person" County. , ' ; Notice / R. E. Fulliam, Plaintiff f . VB. Robert Smith, defendant. The defendant above papied will take notice that an action entitled aa above haa been commenced in, the .. Court at the undersigned Justice of . the Pekce in Person County, North t_ Carolina, to obtain judgment, for S1SO.OO with interest for eight months '-sine plaintiff by the defendant for-advanres and supplies for tnak}7?g' crop - , and said. defendant wHl further take notice that a warrant of attachment has beflf levied on all of the goods " and chattels* of said defendant < to satisfy said claim, and said defendant will further take notice that, he is r-iquired to appear before the under, signed Justice of the Peace on the l.'uh day of March, 1924, at"2 o'tlock, P. M-, in his office in. Cunningham Township, Person County, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint in said actio* or plaintiff will apply to the Court for relief aemanded. This lllh dajf of Pehruiyy, 1924: N. H. Montgomery, , Justice ofThe Peacff Person County. 2-1L 4ts. IK THE SUPERIOR COURT. BEFORE THE CLERK, - North Carolina, Person County. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION NOTICE. W. Luther Cates, Administrator ?oaadd vs., Annie Wagstaff, Eugenia Paylor, Ellen Williams, James McCain uijd Weldon McCain. The defendants, Eugenia Paylor mat Ellen Williams, James McCain ?n& Weldon McCain, ab</ve named - fi 4?of Your 1 Sour ha3 a large U of food value but it H combined with ecx fl powder in order To I Vaiufe. | Most self rising l I successful fcecau I raise the bakirip: lightness. This tain loss of nui they rte heav I "> digest. . " Every time-j "- does-not pit I " do not get ! Value ? yoi -I your storm I perfect ba I health de I ' wav is\ 8 good bale \ If you wai sands of learned?n with self-ri M make some flour and Cat ? der?notice th -? Onetftarwin health demanc the experiment Those who kno' housewives, dori teachers,big hotel I bakeries and railr I U9e anything but ( I "V . Economy Baking P Elay safe?tise C* plain, flour. It is th( nomical and satis I where light, wholes I. . pure foods are desirec I PACKED IN r'?KEEPS SI ?v Hi b;'- : Shenandoah Life F ~j I ~ . - ESTABL: ^ 11. CONTROLLED BY SOyTH&Ul | ^ ^ None Better. None -Safety . f ? S ? - ' ' """For Aiiil - iiifurTiftliun A.P.E __ ? ' . District -13- rtVRDLBJi .j y., - > *? . ' " . ?'r?j j=r.-r gt^-^?,^^,.'.V .. ... ---w. .*1.| -,'v" :'. " ' : .?.*?? ' , ,' ."" : ~ r~r? - * **X w! I if take notice that , an action" entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Person Cou'n- o ty,- North Carolina, to obtain an-ior- ^ J der of sale of i certain -lands describ- J ed in the pehltioiu of this cause" for 7 irfhe purpose to iifcte-assets for the ^ payment of dcbt^iidld cost of adm+o | idtration; and the said defendants ' will further take notice that they are ^ required to appear at the office of the undersigned in RoxJjoro, N. C., " on the 1Kb day of March, 1924, and 1 answer or -demur to the petition in n I said action, or the plaintiff will apI ply to the ..court for the relief d$' manded in said complaint. J -This 5 day of Febrjjarry, _ 1924. ,:-U; W. Brffdshei .m- ' , Clerk Superior Court PdTsbif Coun n ' ' A TALK WITH A ROXBORO MAN ( > - * " s Mr. J. A. Paylor, -Farmer of Raams t Avenue Telia ' His Experience. t " ~ ' f There is nothing; like a talk with t one of our owi) citizens for giving t hnpe and encouragement to thn anx- -t ious sufferer from the dread kidney z diseagg. We therefore,' give here an interview with a Roxbord fhan; *7 "When I farmed steadily I got spells with my kidneys which put iqe out of fix," says Mr. Paylor. "My baol^ was sore and lame and morn ings 1 felt stiff across the small of my back. It was hard for me to get c up after sitting as sharp pains stab- e bed through -my kidneys. Mjf kid- 1 neys acted too freely and I had to s get up several times during the night c to pass the secretions which burned t in passage. "Dtiaa's Pills cured this "t weaknes and put me in good coadi- I tion again. I procured Doan's Kid- c ney Pills at Hambr\ck & Austin ? Drug Store and^ whenever-"! feel a I symptom of kidney weaknessV Doan's I relieve me." s 60c, at all dealers. Foster-Milburn a Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. ? cioUt \ C< a he Food Value 5 u takings' -t rAmount 'I o. must be ' ft )d bakitii; retain this .. Rours are not e se they do not I o s to the proper 1 ; mrfm. o ' u * 0 tntion because | r 7 and hard to- . I d ou eait-fobd that . I' !i sperly digest you S - u he full" nutritional a >' l are over taxing ? K a <ch. Nourishing and 5 ? kings are what good U t mands. The one sure B s -use pure flour and I tl :ing powder. u t, nt to And what thou- u housewives have lake some biscuits sing flour ? then with good plain ?? ? umet Baking Pow- . icgreatdiiference. satisfy you. Your * is that you make ? } i> " i 'ti iv?millions of ' e lestjc science o, s,restaurants, . ii oads will not o "alumatr-the j 'owder.N ilumet and ; rnosteco(factory, . ome and " i 1, TIN: rRENGTH IN ' - Insurance Co., tali! ISHEl) 1914. ' ~ |ff" MBN?FOR SOUTHERN MEN. fiji _0T More Suited-Tor YOlJ. ,',3, . Ivr ~6fi$ of axkt ? I^TT:. iigr " rANfiEL, % l ; - - - r ? ' - * - * -L' i-* ??- ^ r^?-y ^ ^ ' ' 't-' - - - - -V- p TfrTK *OXBORO COURIBB TUWhuBiiiiuW^OViC? Having qualified- as (Administrator 1 f the estate of J. W. Renn, deceased. ' ite of Person County, North Caro- ' na, this ill to notify all persons hav- ' ig claims against the estate of.the aid deceased .to exhibit them, "to thf udersigned oh or -before the 26th ay of January, 1925, or this noticj rill be pleaded in bar-of their recov gy. All pariqgs indebted to said east* wjll please make' immediate pay lent. This Jan. 26, 1924. S. Y. Wrenn, tspd. Administrator. <n ; ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Having qualified as Administrator f- the estate of F. H. Hamlet, deeased, late of. Person County, North ;arolina, this is to notify all perOns having claims against the- esate of the said deceased, to exhibit hem to the undersigned oh or beorfe the 36th day of Jan., 1925, or his notice vvill be pleaded in bar of heir "recovery. All persons indebted " said estate will plaese make imnediate payment. This Jan. 30, 1924. Dr. B. E. Love, -'r Administrator. 1-3 % 0 ' LAND SALE. By virtue ?f a deed m trust exeuted to me by J. J. Bowling, recordid in book B, page 4<8. X wilLjai the first Monday 'In March (3rd Inst), ell for cash by public auction- at the :ourt house door in Roxboro, ' the ract of land as described in said Tostv lying in Mt. Tirzah township ferson County, N; C.f and bounded ir^ the East by J. L. Bowling; on the ieuth by Jim Lawson; West by Jim .awson, -T. B. Reade and the Nick lamcron place; the North by aid J. L. Bowling, containing 133 icres more or less and known as the iim Bumpase place. This. Jan. 3Otln>0S4. T. ~C7 Brooks; Trustee. LAND SALE. By virtue of-a trust executed to ic by R. L. Psylor and his wife inna, recorded in Person County in look 3, page 122, I will on Jhe First londayvln Msrch^(3rtl inst.) sell for ash-4o the highest bidder at the surt house door in Roxboro (3) three cres rhory or less to be cut frorti the " :act therein described, being the ome plnce of said Pp. y lor, a descripon of which will be furnished on H1 day of sale." This the 28$h. 4ay of Jan. 1924. Tj C. Brooks, Trustee. f ANT SOMETHING? Perhaps your neighbor has just hat vou want?tell your wdnts in ir "Want column." Best way to nd it. NOTICE OF- LAND SALE. Under and by virtue "pf _ authority iven me in a certain deed "*of trust f date December, 22nd, 1919, and re>rded in the office of the Register f Deeds for Person County, North arolina, in Book 4, page 144, said eed'of trust being. given, to secure cdrtaikj note of same date* by George fvine, Sr., and default having -been lade in the payment-of.priwiipakaad- - merest due tnereon, and at the reuest of the holder of same, I will n Monday, the 10th day r of March 924, at-one-o'clock P. M., at Qwens tore, at. Cunningham, N, C . sell to he highest bidder for CASH, the allowing described tract of land, viz: All that certain tract of land sitated in Cunningham township, Per. on County. .North Carolina^ and n?wn as the Bray land, and confining 80 acres more or less, and eing the land conveyed by Miss Cale Bray and others to M. C. Win toad an'd byM. C.JVinstead and wife 3 the said George Irvine, Sr., said tnd being, bounded oi)' the horth by he lands of -Sherran Gilmore, on the ast by the lands of Mrs. Tona Bray n the south by the publil road leadig from Semora to Cunningham, and n the west by the lands of Louis lontgomery and perhaps others. This February 7th 1924. M. C. Wsnstead, Trustee. S ' 0 Exasperating M COUGHSrm^r hat* <*H <honi> 1 o^i'-r - r ^ "l^h f-*' to thwwoff tile clqggw^arcrt"tifiiis. Has a pleasant taste. At all. . I druCTWt". i. FEBRUARY gQUi 1984 ' > Hall's Catarrh Medicine Treatment,bod: local and Internal and haa been Bucceaa ful,%> the treatment ot Catarrh" for ovet forty year*, ^old by alt dniggjatt. F. J. CJHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio Stop Coughing ' The mmy leyt and beat way to atoe Oousha. <">hK croup, bronchia^ flu" md iagrtopocoughslatotnie' CliAMIitRLtASN'S COUGH REMEDY Every 'J?er U a friend o, ?,?^ v a children's coughs ?T?at once! t _.. *CT\ONT let them run on until **? h-J dangerous complication* set,?:* in. Nothing ?o quickly tfops ir coughing as Dr. Bell's Pine-Tor Honey. It combines just the medicines your dcsrtorprcfcribc^ ^ with the old-time remedy, cinc^" tar hpney. Hard pocked phlegm loosens and clears ttwnv?the inflammation 13 reduced?normal breathing is tcstpred. Excellent * ?; *for young and old, alikel It tastes good, too," Keep Dr. Bell's on t\ar.d for all the family. All druggists. Be sure fo get the. genuine. DR. BELL'S Pine'Tar Honey i 1 o Let Me Send" You An-uric Treatment Free _ By V. M. Pierce, M. D. iU-ant Southern folk, who ha<r? been disappointed In tlndfng relief for backache, weak kidney, or urlo add trouble to- try out the lateet remedy for such troubles, my Anurlc (antl-urlc-acld) Tablets. Juat write 'V> your name "1 and addreea on a scrap of _?g-". * *.? ,-iOS paper, pin this wMsifSzf Gal advertlBeme n t IT to and mail j It ta me. 1 will bond enough * hfe-'iiii Jr An-urlc free to show what "An-uric" Is the result of the experience and xeeoarcli work of the .M11J.J on. iiiou stan oi pnyslcians and scientists of the 'famous. Invalids' Jkftel, at .Buffal^v-N... Y., where, during -fifty years past^housfinda upon?thonsanag or?mqngy cagge have been diagnosed, analyzed and treated. I am setting aside $25,000.00 with which to provide a free treatment of "An-uric" Tablets to every Solftlaem family in which there ia, a case of ftidney trouble. Let me send you: one. Dr. V. M. Pierce, Pres., Invalids- Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. p~ i i ??? T; J ' >' " ' ' S ' ' ? x . ? i > Buy 'WS . and TrOcl Sales new Advance i i Purchase Cars and ?> ? The pros] ing mere fore, the ! t you 4re p r ?i . .... " " 'i ... _ ^ ^**1 1 I ' > . V T^??"7 , _ * Moore's' - We sell- tli ' -HOME KILLED AND ... Fish and oysters, Tue / - r Saturd Phone us yoyr order! - We Buy Hides. 1 - 1.9 * The QuDOES IT PAY FERTILIZER B Irish : r-^AA- Q - FERTII .. ZELL'S PATAPS HAMPTON FISH RH LAZARETTO COE-MC IF YOUR DEALER CANN "' " v.- ?'< ,v. - THE MERICH iBRIC HENDERSON SA , > r HENDERSON, *N / ' 1 TH/I Your Ford spring almost here thousands of faml g the demand that is certain to exist for cs are placing their orders for immediat t are far ahead of sales_ at this time orders calling for delivery under the Fo Plan have already reached a total < Trucks. pect of securing prompt delivery is da uncertain, We cannot urge too stror necessity for placing your order imm I - 1 - * ? i ^ i aiming to anve arora Uar this sprip I. - ' v.. : ? '' * ... ","11 !ee the nearest Authorized Ford Deal* ' h is not MMnpn poy h* your wt M fciU to prdet III mm lisiii iwy. Ywi m g?l,m'rtw pieisntd list {or rarIf-xiMiwry fey makqi* & payment do*/n. Or, il you *i?b. ycH*<Sw (or delivery tinder jrtie toipf"<xi the Ford Weekly Etarcfcaae rkfc? :?; " j v - r r ?-~ ^ ?? ? - ^ / ' ' * *" 9 _ - _" 1 .. . ' L ' Market te Best . J? WESTERN BEEF. r J?~ 7 sdays, Fridays and ays. . Prompt delivery. Phone 175 j estion? TO USE ANY UT THE BEST? M it on hiality" JZERS ?T CO P0C0M0KE AND IMPERIAL RTIMER LISTERS rv~V ipr'Tj IOT SUPPLY YOU, WRITE ULTURIL GHEiCJlTciF* ~~ LES' AND WORKS ORTH CAROLINA - r ' ' 1 ' s . - j. ' jfi.V- '; ^ r f - A Now lies, antidFord Cart ^ :e delivery. ' last year, rd Weekly >f 255,758 . I I ily becom- - . - t I igly, there- ' ediately, if _ e. . :. : r . . Kg 4 1 :|p^| j * r?:~ i " V ' ?

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