>AGltf FOUR ' ? * V THE COURIER ** J. W. NOELL. pdjto' -, h .rshflahi.nl- Every-.-Wednesday. Evening ..aUBSCIUPTlON TERMS gf *f a year; 75 cents for It has been known of all men that no one could serve as governor of North Cerolina VnH ----- at -the end of his term?Hiot to count the 'expense oT the"pripiary for th? nomination,' but few realised that we were paying oar present governor more taan twenty five thousand dollar? per year. Of course, his salary is only six thousand five hundred dollars, bat-, the extra* were eighteen; ? k thoo?and-flvp ' hundred and Sixty three dollars and ((ixty eight cents; 0 making hit total salary just $25,0*13.68. So, yoo see we arc not acting so nig-| gardly with our governor after ajl. We want to be present when the ""first man on the stump attempts to' justify this expenditure T>y the governor who boasts of being just one of "the plain people." j ' , . p, I ?Voor Ricjiard; like all of uf who try to bring to pass any kind of a reform, is being bombarded these, days by some of our correspondents. "Wo admire Poor Richard, and while it is true, he sometiihes calls a spade a spade with some Jbluntneas, he isi honest, and has undoubtedly been of jgreat value to his community. Weill -can we remember when his^township was too well known from the quality and quantity of booze made on the spring branches, and we gladly join m winiB ?mii mm in trying to con-i vince the good people in that: section that, their community was . too rich in fertile lands to blacken it with audi a reputation._ And, as Richard says, today it is reckoned as one of file *ery best sections of this good Comity. Mr. Glenn in a commufftntfion on another page takes the Highway Commission toe task for not doing more work in Mt. Tirzah township. We bold no brief for the Highway Commission, they are well able to take care of 'themselves, but in justice.to them we wapt to say we must not overlook the fact that by large odds the greater paft ot the money paid into the road fund goes for interest on bonds trte proceeds of * -which went into building our present good roads. * We see it stated id the Durham Herald that Mr. W. L. Foushee will ha a candidate for the Senate from thai district. W?-hepn -Mr Smishy wilt bd successful, bnt we want to -say if his adopted home does not appreciate him and' his Arvices well enough to g"ive him tljls honor, just came back to the County of his natjjrity and we wilt guarantee to send Jihn as our representative ** D * ' i ~ B yoo are not reading the articles which we are printing _from- week to .wdek from Mr. C. W. Hunt you are - mbmmg seme racy matter. Mr. Hunt thi? rhm of news warn, printed you anaild soon nee a change in the af ftahe uf the flute. ? L"-:. ??1 o r?? TAVBTOt; SOMETHINC. TOSBt.l,?. Jti35 _aiL evtra pig, cow, come rh V%Venc, ygsra. Uuitftr ? anjrthin* ? ' _ Make us* prove, (hat we can ?aave f^^^ssmieBfftwrywr'Biiniiiiiit malciiai *ir-' end Wllliicrs hardware?ROXBORO l.lTMiRPlt -CO. : .. ~ " ir .iyij 1 ? - ~y ~ " V" ~ - - . *r - - MR. BAILEY REPLIES. Raleigh. N. C*.. February 18 J924. To the Editor,? The Courier, ~ Roxboro, N. C. i'ear ir: . I. see in your paper of February l'3th, an article entitled "Mr. Bailey's Tax Controversy"?being an editori-' al from the WILMINGTON STAR. I take it that you will .permit me to say in your" columns that this editorial does not represent my views ?now, or at any time in the past. My views on taxation were presented in the first article of. ihy announcement, which reads as follows: i . "The demand of Justice a ad . the common welfare, that land, shall be relieved Of the unjust share of the burden of taxation no4f imposed upon it. This may be done, and must be done. Land ought to'bear its fair aharO of taxation, and no more. The burden now upon our farms and .amall homes is greater than can. be boqie." - It is -fl hope) well-known, throughout the -ktate, that I have for years consistently fought against the' overvaluation and over-taxation of farming lands. In this fight J was associated with Mr. R. W. H. Stone, President of the FA?MERS UftlON; his address is Greensboro, N. C.; and anyone doubtfjul on the subject : may write, to him. 1 ' -I protected with all- the power I anBlnal til? Dmralnotinn A ?? A . was about the only public man in the : State that did, when it was on its ' passage in 1920. i I have never been in favor of the i State. valuing property for taxation. ' One of the .chief pbjects of my i candidacy is te-re'ftiove from farms 1 "and: small homes, the, unjust burden < of taxation that they are' now bear- i ing. The State has taken oyer, all j the- sources of taxation,; except prop- i "erty; and has put upon property the i bbrden of maintaining the schools, 1 county-roaf the couMy. .But now they are denanding Wd have the right'to know what .is ' becoming of, or-why they _ an't receive some benefit , from the fl axes they pay. O. T. Glenn. VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. On March 3rd at 11 A. M. on the premises I will sell at public auotion the house and lot?- belonging to the 1 ate Mrs. Harriet A. Ibuhlett. This property will be subdivided and sold, and then sold as a whole. Terms, one fourth cash, balance in 5, 12 and 18 months. B. fi. Love, Commissioner WHYSUFF^ With a nervous rundown condition i jf the system when SPEARGOLAX I will build you up. It disolves all thjt I aid foul, poisonous matter that has been-4 clinging to the sides of the bowels for months, that other tonics and pills have failed to get. It cleans I' the system tfiorpughly, it putifles tije nprvpo crivpo VArt o- ert\t\A annAtifr* i it puts vim, vigor and vitality in the veins of man and , womanhood, it overhauls the entire system, gives you the sleep of childhood, purifies the blood and makes you feel lik{ a new person. ? . " Ask your nearest drug store for ! SPEARGOLAX, and accept no substitute. tf I ^ . Be stingy with the seed planted and have a smaller Irish potato yield, is the 'result secured by recent tests at th?f-_ North Carolina Experiment Station. j ' . " - . . ' Iwc I We Have SAWED.PER LOA SAWED PER COR NOT SAWED PER HEAVY AND FAr I OUR MOTTO: . Phone 1 36 A. S. H/ ???? ii i . _ ? Trinity College , Unit term, Jiljie 10 tj?ore ol Mess. Aubrey Kong & Co, Mr. C^eo. W.' Kani has the. contract, i ' . " .?_?L? ___. ! I ' ' " ' | ' / I FOR THAT SUNDAY r * >r ..j, j DINNER Phone us your or- j | der. Everything* for j the table. ?- i N 1 I We deliver and save 1 you both Worry and Money. BLANKS I j -ASH)- '' MORRIS I V i PHONE 25 : If - ill I . ft; . ' V ". MONUMENTS AND TOMBSTONES ' T , _ Anything in the j nf MfttmifiMa,! L:1 IjTombstones or grave m a vItavo ~ ' ???*-?* ivv-i o. UCOI II1USL durable stone, at lowest prices. Everything guaranteed. Write or see J. M. PHILPOTT, FJoxboro, N. C., tf. Route 1. . . * . SEr^j. it Here? | D - - - $2.75 1 D - - $8.00 I gORD - $6,00 | 30? ^CY GROCERIES ^ | Sudden Service Depot Street . | Summer School Ocond tenn, July 22 "to Aug. 30. eaehera at Oriental, Jft"C? Aune ^ ^ ~ ^ 4g' M,arrh t.~>?Ulilrrrfa i cm, % Director- ^ - ' - , -'1-s ' ' c ' .* ?j 1 It's Winter I RUBBtR BOOTS AN1 COATS ARE WH/ I We have them for y< | winter garments which 1 that you can buy belov S winter apparel is what y a there are'many who wa v^NEW SPRING M 1 r AND St We also have these r? i stock of Spring hats and H play. Misa.-Chilcote has ness for your call on h 1 will be glad to show yoi 1 yery newest M-illinery < I venience. ' i Many of th.e new Coal || have arrived and. mbre Is day. Splendid line of Sp< % ertralready here. They ; |f "Suit's The Thing!" de< ?tpBon: We want you to s< I They can't be beat eith i... or price. j,"/ ItOXBORO'S B MONEYis Constructiv Money in the bank makes a and enables him, when he has into a BUSINESS. _ the man who attends to b money of his own earnings, i owners of large enterprises art their business. "4 .r No man can afford NOT to what he makes. ' .We welcome yoi ThePeop The Bank Of n - - r ? f. Greens Nurse ~ > :r . . . ?t v, FOR FRUIT; SHA MENTAL TREES, VIN Stock Rep PURE BRED HER1 BLACICJMAMMOTH SHETLAND PONIES ; 1. _ADDRESS; GREENSB John A - Ynung ScSonav , =z>r | - ~?~?-?'; ... ?- , ^ . j? Aij ' * .. --? vw-J- *331 .**' -1 X. .id-' ' - - - -v . r : - v Weather |_ D HEAVY OVER- | \T YOU NEED. | . . >u and many other g are now in season | / their value. V/hile I ou need for comfort | ,nt to come out in: I ATS, COATS J JITS. 1 iady for you. A full |j accessories is on dis- fj everything in reacii a ? er department and n . i her offerings^>f th^ l? it your earliest con-, p ho Qlllfo Hvaonan to, k/uuo anu lyicoocs ra are coming every p A >rt Skirts apd Sweat- P ffl are swell, ?00. -"The ? :rees Paris this sea- j>| te our line of suits. er in style, tailoring ij? t Burns I EST STORE 1 : ujlJ? ? . ________ V > * ~ _ ! ?? a great e farce ~ man feel INDEPENDENT savecTenough of it, to buy usiness and saves some s the kind of. a man that A > looking for to interest in " I bank and save a part of * > ir account. les Bank The People sboro ;ries * de And ornaES AND PLANTS. artment EQRD CATTE& ? HOGS, GENUINE QRO NURSERIESGreensboro, N. C. " " " ~ ^ . 'V - .. > " i 5'