E". " - --- ; *7 . , ' - i 5" _ ' I s ? DR. H. E. 3ATTERKIE1.L) Dental Surgean, Roxboro, N. C.' I Office over G. W. Thomas Store. ? O. & CROWELL' Attorney at Law, Next Door to Dr. BrarMhec's Office, , Roxboro, N. C. | ! , . -t? . ; DR. G. C. VICKERS ?1. - -DENTIST OtWe in Newell Building on North Main Street,. ner', door to Roxboro Grocery Co. ?_ ' ' DR. O. G? DAVIS . Veterinarian, * Offers his service to RoXboro and surrounding community '' J? Phone 87. 8-15 6tpd* 1? BANKRUPT NO. 1062. I. Nfitice in hereby/-given, that the undersigned trustee, being thereto directed by on order iiKthe above-entitled cause will on Wednesday, Feb' ruary 27, 1924, at Kaplon's Store on Mnin Street'in Roaboro,' N P , sail i to the highest bidder for cash all that stock'iof goods, wares and' ^lerchan due including store furniture and fixtures, belonging to said Bankrupt estate, that are contained in the Roxboro, N. C? Site re. \ SALE AT 12:00 O'CLOCK M. I The said trustee will on Thursday, Feb. 28, 1924, in the town 'of Oxford, , N. C., at the store knswn as Kaplon's ' store, sell to the highest, bidder for l eash, all that stock of goods wares ' and merchandise, belonging to said Bankrupt" estate and contained in the store at Oxford, N. C. THIS SALE AT 10:50 A. ,M. The said Trustee will on Thursday, February 28, 1924, at Kaplon's Store in Warrenton, N. C-, sell to the highest bidder- for cash, all that stock of goods, wares and merchandise, belonging to the bankrupt estate, and contained in the store at WacrehtOn, N. C. . .1 THIS SALE AT 2:30 P. M. The successful bidder or bidders will be required to deposit a corti-fied check for ten per cent of their bid. -N All sales subject to - confirmation by the referee, five days after sale without notice. , This' Feb. 7, 1924.. N. LUNSFORD, Trustee. NOTICE SALE OF VALUABLE LAND Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of? Person County, made in that special pro- < 1 ' L t n T ? * ? ITX'a.r.' M ort on^a n d^Pi nk "wflson I Morton widow vs. Lewis "C. Morton et al heirs at law. The undersigned commissioner will 6n Monday March 10th 1924, at 12 o'clock M. sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described lands, to wit-e A sufficient ^number of acres of land, to be cut from the South side pf the S?A. R. Morton home as will be sufficient to. pay all debt? and cqst of administration of said estate, sale to be by the acre. * This land has been surveyed, and a plot fo same can be seen at the Register of Deeds office of Person County. The first lot to be sold, lot No. 3 by the survey contains 87 acres more or less. Second lot to be sold if necessary is lot No. 2 containing- 25. acres more or less. Third lot to be sold if necessary is lot No. 1 containing 31 acres more or less. Sale at 12 o'clock M. Terms Cash. This Feb. 4th, 1924. N.~t,unsford, Commissioner SALE OF TOWN LOTS! . Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior CouiS of Person County made in that certain specie proceeding therein pending entitled "B: E.' Love and others", I as com missioner therein appointed and di rocted, will on'" MARCH 3. 1924. ? beginning at ll o'clock A. M., sell at" public sale to the highest bidder or bidders, on the premises de*rrlKed ? W /'- I Herein, ftjpirUftii -lot or parcel of land I situated in Rditboro, N. C., and '4e- I scribed as follows, to-wit: Lying in I RennistOwn, on tlje south aide of Mor. I gab Street, at^the intersection of I Morgan Street with Chub Lake StrdotT and adjoining lots of J/ W Featherfiton and S. C. Barnett, being the residence lot of the late Mrs. Har'rict A. ilamlett. Said lot Jias. located 'on it n ped?with lights and water. The ua- 1 occupied -portion of--said.'1ot~ trill he subdivided into, two or more lotar of suitabie*-nnd convenient - sisen for ' building- lotai ] ft--TERMS OF &A I,F.: One-fourth \ cash,?one-murth rnr- rrronTKi muit>-dato of gate, .onff-fonrth twelve -^months after date of scfle- and orie fourth eighteen months after date of. - s^l^JJeferred payjnenl^ beajTng"In-~ i This February 2,*t92t. ' ' ;;Bi E. ^LOy^-^omoiistLioiiaj'; ; , ' . .. - jg?. *--r . - 7 --r-jr^'l- 77.. . ?. *7? \ v v" ^^^THj^KOXf^R^^^OURIE^JFebJ | Gained \l I Ten Pounds [ Mrs. George S. Hunter, of1 ' ;. i I-. . Columbus, .Ga., says she suf- < fered severely "with female c ] ! troubles . "I had to. go'to bed and . j stay sometimes two weeks at | , a time," says Mrs. Hunter. i "I could not work. My '. . . a 1 were irregular and I got very ; a thin. I went from 12c pounds 11, -i i ?down to less than 100. My ' | mother had been a user of \ [! ! CABDUH ] The Woman's Tonic ^ i i and she knet# what a good i ' Imedicinh It was for,this troub- [ v le, so she told me to get i ' , some and take it. I sent to > the store after it and before 1 1 "1 had taken tne lirst bottle rro up I began to improve. My a side hurt less and I began to '" | mend in health. I took four < i bottles in ajl during the last 1 ' P U a fine tonic... I am well now.' r g I have gained ten pounds and J' am still gaining. My sides | , O dp not trouble me at ail and < > fi my ? . . are'.quite regular. I " t 5 know that-Cardui will help O others suffering from" the ' 8 same trouble." ? ' ! [ 5 'Take CarduL. 5 E-ioi e ' ' _ ' ? IB I ' " _ 'r1 ofvonicn B . H U-sero iffl b n i I with & CALUMET? B Vh. eiUHNB POWDER gj I Being uniform, j~ 1 and dependable 1 I it never spoil* 1 I. any of the in- I 1 ^redients used I I on b ake day I J I Vd (J -J*07 **0f BY A TBUJt c BEST fiPfPJSaPl ' Sates 2% times as-much as I ^ that of any otherfmnd '1 MPS CSZBREN' mim smm ' r.inthin j M^a . m?.. . ..!... 1.1,. ji-.'v uijoii. oouny cr.'frgy, xiad , j '-iA- Hosl). At 1 ,v4 t. -ucn uvei-y cfc'.ll v.i.1 benefit * :s it. At yov.r dro^jjiav's, , in liquid and tablai i orm. > free Trid Tablets SSSg v.-.Iuo of Gti'de'a Papto-Mnngan, writo today 1 ice crenofbu* Trial f'/ickcfcj of Tablet*. Send J 1*5 lmo*oy?jart nam- ontl uddres* -to id.-J. Lftite?.),'ac.h' o., 63 Warren -fiti, W. Y. Glide's BTood ihricher * . WHOOPING COUGH . Hmil mi lillfl Im-wt ?>U Control drnolfnl whot>r4rifl ami " - I'UURUIim. help t&qoiitaicfp with -n CHAMBERLAIN'S tbUGK REMEDYCycy Utcr is M friend : _j! IN THE- SUPERIOR COURT. - BEFORE THE CLERK. ?orth Carolina. Person County. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION NOTICE. W. Luther Cates, - Administrator f the Estate.of Fannie McCain, de, eased . ^ r' ,T . Annie Wagst^fT, Eugenia ?ayfor, lllen WilAhin*, James McCain and nd Weldoh McCain, above ' named nd Ellen Williams, James McCain Veldon McCain. The defendants, Eugenia Taylor rill take notice- that an action entiled 'as above has bo^n. commenced a the Superior Court of Person Couny, Nui Lli1 Carolina, to Obtain an or-' er of sale of certain lands descrikd In the petition of this cause for he pdrpose to make assets for the ayment of debts and cost of adminstration: and the said defendants rill further take notice that they are oquircd to . appear at the" office of he undersigned in RoXboro, N. C.y in llic HLll dUV OP March, 1524, and nswer or demur to the petition; in ajd action, or the plaintiff will apdy to the court for the relief denanded in said complaint. This 5 day of February, 1024. B. W. Brad?her, Clerk Superior Court Person Counts ~ ?iQT!CE OF LASD SALE. * Under and by virtue of authority ;iven me in a -certain deed' of trust f date December, 22nd, 1919, and rborded in the office of the Register if Deeds fdr Person County, North Carolina, in Book. 4, pa^e 144, said leed of trust being given to secure i certain note of same date by George Wine, Sr., and default having been nade in the payment of principal ani nterest due thereon, and at the re[uest of the holder of same, I "will in Monday, the 10th day of- March 924, at one o'clock P. M? at Owens Store, at Cunningham-, N. C., sell to he highest bidder foj CASH, the 'ollowing described tract of land, vit: All that certain tract , of land ait lated in Cunningham township, Per ion County, North Carolina, and cnown as the Bray land, and conaining 80 aeses more or less, and leing the land conveyed by Miss Calie firay and others to M, C. Win rtead and by M. C. Winstead and wife o the said George Iryire, Sr? said end being bounded on the north by he lands of Sherran Gilmore, on the last by\{ie lands of Mrs. Tonh Bray in the sourti by the publil road lead ng from Selnora to* unningham, attd m the west by the lands of Louis' Montgomery and perhaps others. This February 7th 1924. I M. C. Winstead, Trustee. S'OTICE SAI.te 6F VALUABLE LAND Under sold by virtue of the apthorty conferred upon me by a certain leed of. trust executed by D. T. Beav sr and wife "on .the 27th day of October 1919, and duly recorded in Reg sters office of Person County, North Darolina, in Book No. * at. page 30, lefault having been made in the paynent of the note secured .by said" leed of trust, I will at the request >f the holder of said note, sell to the lighest bidder for "cash, on Monday March 10th, 1924, the lands mentionid and described in said deed, of trust :o wit: That certain tract, of land in Alensville Township, Person County, Siorth Carolina, fronting pn .the road from Roxboro to Surl, and known as :he Daniel Beaver place. _ ' "^Bounded on North by lands of the Richard Day estate, on die East by lands of Wayne Toriau, on South by lands of Bob Mooney and on the West by lands of Mrs. Elvira te containing fifty eight acres more or less. One half acre the famliy burying uronad?ivill be reserved, , -o. tu:? <= ? ?..i 4-v x ?i? ?*-.??>?io?u~500U?twacca 101111, uiu> about five and one half miles from town. Dwelling house and barns on This Seb. 6th, 1924. ' . N. Lunsford, trustee. FOB- RAI.E. On March lsb? 1 P. M., jn front of the court house door, I. will sell at public auction the household -arid kitchen furniture belonging to the late Mrs. Harriet A, Hamlett. Also-at same time and place I will sell a few articles belonging: to the late Flem II. Hamlett. . J -?.. B. E. love, Administrator. ; J . Tarn Tarhenl says hf. linr.snltLta&g what "h'F Would do without itIS newspaper and Ills mtriculturwl paper. 0?4 brings the world before hfs~ oJW,~Th? other hdlpp him to Take .his part in ILL ' ~ V .. ; , 3? ~ - V / ; ' :y*H ' ; - J?r?"?7 Rw. John ^.. Ravcji iT ' W ?rHere is Information of Vidua to Folks with Kidnsy ' Trouble : ^ -SpartoiiBilra, S C.?"I do not know of a medicine I feel bo gon^"' Qdent In recommending LP. my friend* as Dr. Pierce's?AC uric (nntt-urlc-acld) TabletB for relief from backaches and kidney and bladder weakness. Last summer I was feeling yulte miserable with , continuous backache.* I could scarcely straighten up if I sat down or muuyed over, and.'.iny bihdder became so irritated that I was disturbed frequently through the night, thereby losing much necessary rest. A neighbor kindly suggested to me to 'try Dr. Pierce's' Anurlc Tablets and from the very day I started taking theru I felt rollejL * kuuuuuvu uuut my iciuneys ann r bladder were In good working order and I have had no trouble with my back since."?(Rev.) John A. Raven, 169 Reynolds St. ' Don't waft for serious kidney ailment to set In. Help your weakened kidneys with Dr. Rierce's AnurlcT At all medicine.dealers. Send ,10c to Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y-. (or trial package. A DIAMOND ' BRAND ^Wf ^ i.Acras t "~^iLr~r la*T Ribbon. Taks no OTDKtk. TJuy ?r yomr V/ bfwkw rnmA mk tor chi-ch?s-t?r>* v ' DUUON6 niuio pills, /or twcr'T-fleO years te&arded as Bcst.Safent, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS -riiiUr EVERYWHERE INDIGESTION -causes bloating?gnosy pAlnn that crowd the hrfart?constipation. Alwayt And relitf and comifort in CHAMBERLAIN'S TABLETS Hall's Catarrh Medicine Treatment, both local and internal and has been successful in the treatment ot Catarrh for ovet forty years. Sold by all druggists. F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, Ohio \ Perhaps your neighbor has just what you want?tell your wants iri our "Want column." Best way to find it. . J How C _ is More Iri Ho When to FER 2 INS' "AA Ql > fe^tii . Make crops brgi i- ' them cost less them under th under afly ,~btll * SQciated with th ZELL'S .PATH HAMPTON FISH : ~?LAZARETTO?TOM ? _ ~ Tiff AWFRtRlg AHfti I ML ATnLIIIUNR HCHII -?-?- -i? Mr nr!nr<-An 4 ... w m W r rTSFTT?* ~ - .. -?= r?.. y vcT : I ' : X' ;y. ' ^ ' "PACK .ggTBK Neglected coughs? A cold often leave* bdund m cough that hangs on and oi> wearing >^>u qut with iU H'nas . terfl. hacking. Dr. King's New Discovery will stop it quickly by >~T" stimulating the mucous' mem- # branes to throw off the rtoggmfT secfetions. It has an agreeabfir ' taste. All druggists. \ ' ' Advertisers are teaching li aw which nations might take to heart. If they Wfeuldjadvertise to each other \ve would have fio" more war^-Loid Leverhume. NOTICE SALE OF VALUABLE HOUSE AND LOT IN ROXBORO, N. C. Under and by virtue, of the authority Conferred upon me by a judgment of the' Superior Court of Person County, in that special proceeding entitled Green" Williams; S. P.^WBllams, P. H. Williams 'and others Ex parte, I will on MONDAY MARCH 17th, -1924, , at 12 o'clock M. in front of the court house door in Roxboro, N. C-, self to the,,highest bidder for eaah, the lands mentioned and described in the petition In said proceeding to witr That lot ofjjand "lying and being on the South Bide of Court Street in Roxboro, N. C., fronting 68 % feet on said street and being 214 feet deep, known as" the Nora Jones or Laura Pointer place. On this lot is situate a nice five room cottage house. Terms of sale casji. This Feb. 11, 1924. ^ Green Williams, Commissioner. " j ^ LAND SALE." , ' By virtue of .a trust executed to J me as trustee, ffcr J. T. Walker byGeorge CPBriant and wife, recorded ; in Person County, book 4, page M. II wilTbn SATURDAY the 2Xad dag of MARCH 1924, sell for cash, by public auction, at the court house door in Roxboro, the house and. lob therein described, lying within the > corporate limits of the town of >sr. bore' s^iuth of alley east of Fmaohee street.. fronting on said 75 ft., and running along said F