HIGHER i DEMANDS FAIR PLAY FOR BAILEY _ , j > i tikes the "Big Four" Newspa- I pers to Task For Employing a j "Subsidized Republican" Correspondent. Whose Chief'Duty J ^ According to Highlander, is to . . * Defame Mr. llatley, IRHnocrat- ~ 5e Candidates, and Praise Mr. ? Morrison and Mr. McLean. i ? - ' , i - . i SAYS. CHARLOTTE .OBSERVER, \ ^ ~ WINSTON JOURNAL, ASVlEVILLE j, CITIZEN. AND__ WILMINGTON 1 , STAR, IF THEY WANT THE PEO- ! PLE XO BELIEVE WHAT THEY PRINT ABOUT MR. " BAILEY, J "WILL HAVE TO GET SOMEONE ( BESIDES A SUBSIDIZED REPUB 1 LICAN TO DO THE WRITING." , The Abpve Pa'pcrs, Says the Highlander, "Must Have Let Their Hat- | red For ti|r. Bailey Blind- Them-to Every Sense of Fairness and Propriety, To Do-Such a Thing." (Shelby 'Highlander.) The Highlander in this issue espouses the cause of Hon. J. W. Bailey for the Democratic nomination for the Governorship "of North Carolina, believing that It can in addition to supporting one of the most brilliant men in public life in. the State, assist hi a small way in helping to smash one of the most powerful political "rings" that haft ever been known in the'history of the State. At present Mr. Bailey is the only avowed cana?date in the field, though it Is generally nderstood that Hon. A. W. McLean Will in a short time make his announcement. If Mr? Bailey receives the nomina?h t(on It will be by the- vote of the rank and file, the present state organization and practically all of its ; henchmen already being lined up to whoop it up for the machine candidate, who as yet*has failed to chirp. Practically all of the daily papers - < including a large percentage of the Raleigh correspondents, are busy * iAMlBg in gmn to' inmr* nmmrii mir. - orable to MeLeln, and Jt appears that Mr. Brock Barkley, Raleigh correto- c pondent for the Charlotte Observer Aahfeville Cltizop, Wilmington Star, * and Winston-Salem Journal, is on the State's payroll as Secretary to Gov erhor. Morrison's Shipping Comrais ? sion. for which he received, until re- s cerrly, a salary of $1,500.00 per year I It also appears that Mr. Barkley does a j nr.t render any service to the State n to amount to anything, in considers .I tiorf .of?-hIs salary. We do not say \ that- the onjoyment of this sinecure influenced''or directs his pen, but It is well known that he reports all things j relating to Mx. Morrison's admintstra - tiori and. to Mr. McLean's candidacy. 1 favorably, and all things relating to 8 Mr. Bailey's candidacy., unfavorably. The fact that Mr. Barkley was receiving this subsidy from the admin Ifltration has been known to the public * for several weeks. Just how long the newspapers represented by Mr. Bark ? ' * ley have-known of his connection we are unable *0 say, but since the puh lie announcement of the fact, there * ?, has bee.n no report of Mr. BarlGey't resigning from either of these paper? or of their having asked him to resign || ??TV* ,\tlS Ifafcrrti.vl that thta Ib IhfJ^ an me Mr. Barkley who edited "The" ~ " Review" lii e nWort tjme Egff~ " nd waked a very hitter campaign agatoat "Mr. Clyde Hoey. democrat. 1e favor of Mr.^John M. Morehead, r? publican, when theae two gentlemen _. ., mn for the seat th Congress vacated bjr Hon. Br Jf, Webb. It la understood that Mr. Barkley was horn of republl . ?an stock .and thoreforo_ may have , came by hie republican Inclination# #iu!te nijtiirally W? have no fltfarrff _ . with him 'on that acore. We are at a Ions to understand, however, liow #tr eat for four such papers ns Asheviflf ' Cltix^p, Charlotte Observer, Wllnrlnif tz-ian Star and \y'j?istnn-Salem Journal . ?papers that boast o( thelT demo erotic record and regularity. Of courser Mr! Wade H. Karris editor of the Charlotte .Observer and Mr. Barkley. have been drlntclns ad the same_founlaln:-both" h old inn Jobt . ' ander Mr. Morrison's" administrative x - .from which nearly all, If nob all. th# work has b-cn eliiuiaated. This, fact . may have, blinded the Charlotte Ob zf-' - t server -to tha Impropriety ofgnchLf. mentioned. there le bonnd to be som# ~ " ?troh*riInvisible influence operatinf bellfld the Tgmres-to cause such - r-?rl_ srftmchfJUdemocretlc- newspapers t< . ; _ . employ a rcpubttcwiThmrrespendent tf " represent tfliifi m Raleigh as ofTTcla" purveyor of nollttcal naws. the dhtel duty of which reporter, ajkPpreJtlJjTF " ?? te altaafc another.democrat in his cam "" ::.cr - palca for namiaatlon for Ooveraor thee" pepara. must have let their bat ^ ? ~r \ - - * >?'"i , ed for .Mr. Bailed blind them to even* lenss of- fqfpoess aud propriety, to'do inch a (fiing. ~ Surely, it cannet be said that the 2hario;te Observer knfiiw nothing of rtr.r Berkley's record Xhe Review rats published* in Charlotte. It sup>ortcd Mr Morehead, republican, also >? Charlotte, against MT" Clyde Hoey leipocrat. of Shelby. It was very gen; rally circulated In -Charlotte anil iu he 9th Congressional .District. Js it lOBsible that the Charlotte Observer vi.s not cognizant of the forces opeyatng.-to defeat the democratic eandiin that memorable struggle? Suppose yfe follow Mr. Berkley's tareeV a little -further. What da we led? Alter Mr. Iloey. the democratic canM ate had defeated Mr. "Morehead. he r i :va p l i?aH -1'^ r. /1 i c a r e dupyunotl dr Barkley, the Charlotte Observer y.it Mr Barkley on its staff and sent i:m ovw the State to report the ipecclVe; of Iffr Morrison who was ben a candidate for nomination. fcTr fovernor again Mr. Max Gardner .and LJr. R. N. Page. A -little later*he Is lent to Raleigh rtnd becomes the >oliti6al reporter of.the Observer and rrfier democratic?jnnrers niemiaued lereln. AftetS-brrlving in,-Raleigh.'Mr. Moris cm'a administration ' appointed Mr. hartley Secretary to the Shipping VmmUsion. -His duties, so we are nformed. cotfslst largely of drawing lis breath and his salary of. $1,500.00 >er year, the while he puts in lull ime for his newspapers, filling them rlth praise of Mr, Morrison's admin stratlon. predictions of victory |0r Mr dcLean and defeat for' Mr. Bailey l"o cap the climax, in December, 1923. ust as the present campaign was ipening. without any Increase so far Mknown, in his duties as Clerk of the Wiping .Commission. Mr. Berkley's alary was raised by the administer ion 3300.00. nfSking his salary at iresent 31.800.00 per year. What does it meanf The Charlotte Observer, Ashevllle Cltlsen., Winston ialem Journal, Wilmington Star, Mr Morrison's administration and Mr. Berkley, are all strong in their opposition to Mr. Bailey. Can it he hat this . Is the explanation! Surely io other influence could induce these lemocrats to make common cause rlth a republican against a fellow lemocrat. We still hare faith that the rank ind file of the democratic party want ;o see fair play, and we doubt II nany will approve of silffl" i thing is this. Certain it Is. if the papers eferred to want the reading public o believe what they print about Mr Bailey, they will have to get some one beside a subsised republican to do thy art ting. :an a democrat conventiok in open endorse all morrison has done? (Continued from page one) ins, apparently to further strengthen ring rule. That was bad enough. 2. But was aggravated a thousanc imes,. when Watts was caught in a lirty.act, and the papers said Morrion was among the first la * lim, offer, sympathy, and somebodj uggested that Watts deny it all ant lake a fight which was more than le could do, having some conscience eft. 3. The numerous and sundry mouth xplosions, In which men better thar ie can ever hope to be were callec ill sorts of fools and such for dis. igreement in matter of state. I Get a Power A .big, virile en sweeping uphill to ease you d<j Triplex Springs 1 away? One hot I8 minutes more th openyoureyes tod I . power, sturdier i ^ greater comfort. Sodain $795, i o. *""" " "7" ~ \ ^ dt- ryf __ ' * *. , ? s. _ _ r % : '! ?* ~ 4. What was said and done. abouV -fj the Maxwell letter that broke up leg- " i latiun for the time, and the spend"!:>? ol $45,000 for an audit of the bocks that the public could not see until the committee had wiyrktd it over, aryi if any body whomsoever,. j, knows .thy more aijOut what treasury s conditions are now than they did be-' "?ofe the money was spent, let him c speak. Lots "of men would pay good ' money for a statement from honest i Brn Lacy-as to_jhow much cash, he' 0 has and how much the ^gemrrnl fund owes, right now,' 5. The McBraver graft could have been called theft, in a pinch, All thej. -white wash investigation; holding on. a man sucker, who .was supposed t o \ "lit vc been placed where, he u?i . let' i political purpose or reward. Investigators found him guilty of law violation; but asked his retention. All this the Governor kept quiet about, agreed (3, until-.Judge Sinclair had McBrayer indicted; -then'it was the Governor claimed ignorance of the law and I forced the trustees to push McB f the iwt'V.bct put-his somhwhrw?in - j his place,' leaving fit. ro McB. eould * * better sell peaches to the Sanitoriuin. These and others are the highjipots, and if the democrat party in convention assembled can swallow all%that and say it endorses all that^and more then it is> highly probable more* men will vote for Ike Meekins, for that reason, than for the taxes Bailey is trying to reform. Right here comes in a long chapter that would be appropriate, namely the discussion of the financial, ability, prior to his election, of the man whq has essayed to and has taken finances entirely .lout of the hands of thohe who have ' ordinarily handled them; Of course the-aim is to keep the finances muddled, io the real deficit between revenue and appropriations, in general' fund will not be known until after the convention and primary, or after the primary and contion.v which fever comes off first, It is a fact that & ringof politicians cannot afford to confess they bit off the wrong man, and Mormon and all he has done will go through with a whoop, if the opposition can be kept, in the main, off the convention floor. i ; . -,T ' ^ v ?? p ? Coughs become , dangerous t. if allowed to run on. Check them . ' at once with Dr. Bell's Pine-Tor Honey: Dr. Bell's contains just die HUfiiiLlMgs the best doctors r. prescribe combined with the old- . 1 time remedv ? pine tar honey. Di\ BelP$ . loosens hard-packed phlegm, stops coughing and ' so^hes raw-tissues in throat and .. chest. Keep it on hand for all the ( family. It.Va favorite with V.oung j and old. i I * druggists. Be, sjtre to get the genuine. DR. BELL'S Pinr-Tar Honey This I Thrill I gine to send you -big, sure brakes wnhill?patented :o melt the bumps ir's drhtp ys fifty fl an are needed to p iiebiggerOverland . T - construction and Champion $695t I _ b. Toledo. trmgty*95 I ^ v kCKSQN-1-^- S oxboro, N. C. W tA-RCH Sth . tflPLIN COUNTY TO .. 68 M MR., BAILEY Mr. Bailey was speaker at Clinton ast Monday. Thcwe who heard him aw he made a wonderfully good poech. When Mr. Bailey starta hta ampalRn In real earnest down this ray. there la ROing to he an outpourng of the voters to give thla exponent good government and economical :dmlnUtrntlbn a wytcome that will how him Dup'Jn Connty la going to aat its vote fat him and his priaiplea.?Duplin Benord. ~f One of the Discove: Feed Cured Fertilizer - -7? I Haven't you heard abc {ceding for plants?has crops that bring higher . talking'about theorem Royster's Cured Fcrtili; Why Cured Ferl Kir. Royster discovered four to six months he cc He found that this curi action which prepared I made food elements avi Why Mr. Royst Naturally it requires vi anticipate a season's su (This half year represent strong financial resour Royster's can offer this Look for tl Don't guess about ferril and know that your cr greater earnings. ROV Tie/d 7e F. S. ROYSNorfoijc. Coll \ 19S5MS g| ac 1 m | nii; Em** | , ... ? i i; nrr . - -t ' / ' * ' * >. ? ?~. - 1 ' 1 AYqOCK MONUMENT UNVEIHNG NEXT WEEK. All North Carolinians "affe interested in the announcement that the' beautiful monument to Charles Krarjt-' ley Aycock in Capitol Square, Eat' eigh, will be unveiled there Thursday. March 13 at noon. Three lifelong friends of Governor Aycock will participate in the program, Dr., Edwin A. Aldennqn presiding and making the introductory remarks, while lion. Jusephus Daniels will make the > historical address, and Governor Cameron Morrison will accept the monument on behalf of Things Mri Roystei red About the ing of Crops Has Increased Farmers Earnings nit the more thorough and scientific tening maturity and. helping to grovi prices? Everywhere you find farmer: arkable results through the use oj cer. * ^ :ilizer Grows Better Crops that hy aging or curing fertilizer foi tuld increase its value as a {Aant-food ing brought about a certain chemica the fertilizer for the use of crops anc ulable at the very time they are needed er can Cure, his Fertilizes 1st quantities of material in order t( pply, half a year before it is needed ting the aging period). 11 also require ces. Thus; ? only a company liki improved type of fertilizer. te Name on the Bag. lizer. Look for the name "RoysterV ops will be well fed?for the sake o STEfi sfedTertHrzers rEK LiUANO COMPANY imbi a. Atlanta. Montgomery TsF hose who have a Checki ccount in this Bank what any advantages are. Thes 11 you?"It does away w e carrying of ready cau ;rves as both a record a ceipt of any financial trai tion. And it's handy any other ways."_ , >llo\v their example and sti Checking Account here I Ly. At least, come in and ta ings oyer. I v ' * V " I ttl hptrvf^f a A 1/^nrTE'Jl 1 v,/i^l / OF ROXBORO, N. C. THE FRIENDLY HANKT . ? a ". .... , " .V ?i * ... the State. - * All friends and admirer* of Governor Aycoek are invited, do special invitations being issued, and a great ; . ; assemblage is expected. As the unveiling will occur at. the tifne. theNorth Carolina Education Associai. tion is in session reduced rates oil all railroa^p vill fce in fori#. Tlyi statue and the accompanying historical panel?* illustrating. North Carolina's progress are the work of Gutzon Borglum of Stone Mountain fame, one of the wofld's greatest , sculptors. - - - V \4&? I *7 have used other "W | r guano, but Royaler'3 is _ Ute best for me." ^ ^ -jr~qi7-7L? tucdf no other 11: ? ' '.brand of fertilizer for three years." r | r ?' ' | Roystcr's Fertilisers distribute better and retain their fertilizing pouter Ipnger." " used your fertilizer for the past two 1 years and have had the best crops I'oe had for # many a year." . 5 ** 1 shall continue to use Royster's as long qs I farm." ..." * jfi." * ** better results f than I haoe ever gotten before from use of ferU[.; liter" r~ * ' [I ? 21 ^ I I vr,RAJSK^|- . 12. ??- - >"i*r,< " *11'.j ; * - *

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