r . MRS: b'bhtan* I hanks ?f thk vtaeCis. Will you ajtow nu opace in. yor,. good paper to thank the peojtle for their kindnesses shown me. I have keen a citizen of Person county and I love,the name and the people. My husband, J. T. O'Briant, died leaving me'with 8 small children on Feb. '26, 1923, and I moved to Berea, Granville rpjUJty, to live with Mr. and Mrs Frank Burch; both' well known in Boxboro. They treat me and, the children as a mother and father, also the good neighbors of Berea. I want to thank- them for their kindnesses toward me while I have been sick. They brought me nice things to eat - and offered' all assistances in thelT the most, sympathetic people 1 have ever met. They seem to have the "old time religion" around Mi. Zion church, and I do. so love to hear good old brother Harris preach. I want to thank my good friend, Mr. T. K. Jones -for sending me CThe ' Courier. He was my hext door neigh bor - when?L-vas a child, and a good neighbor. Many times I rejoiced to . see _him coming with a basket full of apples and peaches. Miy he enjoy a long and happy life.?Mrs. Roxie M. O'Briant. EfcTDEATH OF KLMJAR B SIMMONS ALLISON. ^/The death Angel visited the home Pv of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Allison of Orange county last Wednesday aftcrr -. noon and claimed as its own their j?': beloved son, Edghr Simmons Allison. Edgar \Vas about twenty three years c . of age and had been lb poor health Don't . ' f ~tor a < m , JMV . tWE made a canvass who bought rivals bakers. We said, Syhy you liked your car tlj jj? The. majority said, "Wi f* even look at the Studebakc I . of them' bought new modi car they owned before. ^ "*~i ~ Vet Studebaker is a leac " ? fine-car field today, S( builds more quality cars other plant in the world. Stndebaker is the sensatic em Motordom. Its amaz.* 'ing growth ^signifies a new situation in this field. 1 ''Last year, 14$,167 finecar buyers paid $201,000,000 tor Studebaker cars. Nearly three times as many as in 1920; * Is it fair rt?kyourself? or fair to us?not to learn the reasons for this trend? Facts to consider Studebaker assets are v $90,000,000 ? all staked t . on satisfying, better than r L- - others,' buyers of high?8^y grade cars. B \ Over 23,000 men ba've J their future at stake on ' m / 8*v'n2 you maximum KJf values. 5bE- $50.000,000 in modern plants and equipment, of which $32,000,000 has been added during the years. $10,000,000 inbpdy plan you superlativelJeaaty. Tc final touch for which St nave oeen i3moua>..tor dec; $ 125 experts who devote tl time-to studying bclteriwe make 500,bOO tests per yea ' tain our supremacy. ? ' Consider Studehaker hif 72 years this concern has . high principles and pollcie For two generations, a ?-- the world, it held first plac. mi'-'. Crawn vehicles. ' "" r K -.- . ' , i1 i t i . 2. ?*L l.G H T - S 5-Piss. 112" W. B. 40 ?1 Roa"8"? (iJPtit.) * r Coepe- Rotdnter (2-Pms.) Coupe {S.Piu.) ~nr~ - TJ j)?to - ... BPfc-^ ??.: " , . ~ TKe World's ' > " ' " ' ::X r.aPa cfioci; to the entire cO:nit)an ty . His body was laid to rest io the cemeierya^ Cedar Grove Mr, Whitley conducted the funeral. Edgar has Keen attending school at Chapel Bill for the past -two- years. Hia health prevented his returning this year. He leaves a father, mother and brother, besides a host of friends to tnourrr1 their loss, but we trust that our loss, is his gain. A precious one from them is (tdJle, s voice they loved is still, a place is vacant in. their hyme which never can be filled. May the bereaved one-" find comfort in the all-wise God who doeth all things well.?A Friend. ? MAY PROVE FATAL When Will Roxboro People Learn the Importance of It. / <y ? Backache*is only a simple thing at first; ^ ' But if yofc i&d 'tis from th6 kM-NV That serious kidney trouble^ mav follow; ?" You will be glad to know ^he following experience. ' V Tis the s&tement of a Roxboro citizen. y ! Mrs. J. M. Johnson, Fair St., sftys: "Doan's Pills have proved beneficial in my family. Mjf kidneys did not act properly and I had annoying dull aches .through back which tired me out. HoweVer, this trouble 'is of the past as Doan's* Pills cured me and I have had no trouble since." Price 60c, at-all dealers. Don't sim-| ply ask for a kidney remedy?get Doan's Pills?the same that Afrs. Johnson had. Foster-Milbum' to. Mfrs. Buffalo, N. Y. ! _ J , V T i Pay $!,< car, without know offers in the fii of many Now for years its r of Stude- have been committed "Tell us ments in fine motor c e better." , s 'did not If you only ir." Most There is no room 1 ds of the and comparisons, yoi all in Studebaker Shi let US Cite cignif ier in the That lack of vibratic tudebaker ous in Studebakers, cc than any yearly in extra mach -? shafts, inofmod- That matchless sti > *' See the Stua Studebaker builds mor< other plant in the world. Lust year 145,1*57 wis. paid $201,000,000 for Stuc The demand has almos three years. Studebuks!^ place in .the high-grade f Our modern plants a* cost $50,000,000. Ail to mum value at. the mmirr.i It is folly to buy a car i _knowing what we give. past fivp partstomc.r. from the For some we add 15?' ts. to give price to get exactr.es: .give that That Chase Mohai ud-bakers closed cars, is made a<^e3- fleece of Angora goi heir whole . ordinary wool, or a nts. Who -both, could, reduce ot r to main- ~ 50 per car, but it Studebakcr quality. ' > ' Note the bumpers^ itory. Fqr the extra cord tiies, stood for .: the courtesy light 01 3 -Figure what they we '&tr?! tfa8' : The in/in, ' We use 35 formula 1 X S P E\C iTl H. P. !t:pss*. 119" \y. 1 * TwMtsy v- -'I Imeo Roadster (2-P?s.> ^ 1395.00 Coupe. (5-P?a.) 1485.00 Sedan ( Jill ferfrV* f r> /i. T#rmt Largest Prmhrci ' l.ANJ) .SAI.K: / ' <> By -virtue of a Trust oxetyted to me as trusts for G. \V*. BrooKs by *M. e. 4 urn bets and wife, recorded in Parson County, Book 3 page 8-1.1 will on- SATURDAY the 29th day of March next, sell for casj; at', the Court house door -in Roxboro the tract of land as described in said truat. Lying aj^Flat. River tovrnsliip N. C., beginning at, painters in Flat River, T. T. Clayton, thence his line S. 22775 ch. to store, said Clayton's corner; thence W. with Clayton's line 26.17 ch. to stone heap pointers in AiUlLQayton's 'line,fc Cameron's corner; thence K. 23.35 ch. to .stone heap and pointers, said Cameron's corner, thence ?. 8.43 ch to, stake, said Cameron's corner; thence E. 15 ch to an old Ford in River; thence down,said river as it mcandero to?the- first station; Containing by estimate 75.44 acres' more or less known as part of the Cameron land. Se?. deed from C. G. Reade aftd wife to W. E. Chambers book 27 page 443. This 27th of February 1924. T. C. BROQKS, Trustee. , ,p " NOTICE?LAND SALE. By virtue of an order of the Superior Court made in the Special Proceeding entitled Nancy Ella Qaytion, A. D. Turner and others, Ex parte, I will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash jjf the Court House dJvor'm Roxboro, n: C? on ,. ' \fifivn 4 v ir 4 nrir oia 10 .uu.wini, .?mn,vn oxsi, x_ o'clock M., the folowing described tract of land in Roxboro Township, Person County^ North Carolina, bounded on the North, West and South by the lands [)00 or 1! ring what the lead le-car field .? - = iame and fame worked out to ej to like attain- service in its pla ars. We employ i make 36,000 insf knew rial and workma tere for details ? baker car ? tx i will find them factory, iwoooms. But Consider , how icant facta. ways led in tin >n, so conspicu- grade cars. We >sts us $600,000 tires as standa ining of crank were the first qui to build bodies ( ength gn vital If you want be ricn 1 men Stud lebakers ,W> mot( 2 fine cars than any qM) T i motor car buyers wW< , . . mlc lebakers. the i trebled in the nast corn -> - , , , ? old t aw uolds a leading ce,.. .eld. # aiiib : J their equipment .. th-^ give you. the tnaxl-' dc-ta >.m of cost. Par; v.'isl n. this class without advj that . T - = -'J_.75trer indi costliest steels. year to choose ! o to the quoted Some sell at 5 in them. with every reqi ir. used in our Powe,r, a"?. 1" from the soft are aI1 ahke- ^ its. Cotton or steels the same combination of out- Every in TTmtce SUIO/to part represents would sacrifice . * People have 1 the steel trunk,.'' ^ndreds of tfco STi^tfmSrer f<^ v some models. trebled m tnree iuld cost as ex- ?v"whelmmg . Investigate tl t care find them by i ? ? ? you choose a ri' 8 for steel, each nothing more t< L-.S I X B I G 3. 50 H. P. ' 7-Part. 12t < - 1400.00 Speedster <5-Pa?i - \i2SAQ- Coupe (S-P.n,) to meet your convenience) ww : ::i^z /. 3 7t of .-^wUU-y-* A ~ ~"o -I. ; V - ' * ' . 7-, ... _ 4. T_ In? the /-iTbfcc o? J. A- Long, dec-sred, and iin the East by the old road" fdrmi-rl* leading from PL'xbpfo t? Providence church, containing 4.W acres, more or less-, and being known as the Den'-! Turner 8lac?. - __ Ibis February 29th, 1924. W. 'D. Merritt, . ; ' CcmmisaipnetV NOTICE sale; of land. . Under and by virtpe of the author, ity conferred upon by a judgment of the superior court of Person County made in that special proceedings entitled,- W. S. Day et al Exparte, 1 will on MONDAY, MARCH 31, 1924, at the court house door .in Roxbors, N. C., sell to the highest bidder for cash, the lands mentioned and described in the petition tn sold proceeding to wit: : That certain tract of land in Allensrille township Person County. North Carolina, bounded on the North by lands of R. .McCam?et al. on the-East by lands of W. T. Yancey, on the South by the lands of L. E. Day and on the West by the lands of J. A. Lee and A. Z. Day, contain ng one nunored and sixty eight and 27-100 acres more or less, and known as the John Day place. This land has - been divided into three tracts, containing 56.99 acres, home house tract. 75.01 acres.Eastern tract and 36.27 acres Northern. tract. Plot of same can be seen at, the office of N. Lapsj ford, Roxboro, N. C., and will be of|fereii each ' tract., separately cTid then as a whole, and the court will be aafc|ed to confirm the sale bringing the greater price. This March 1st, 1924. J. P. Day, Commissioner. N. Lunsford, Atty. r ylore er . i :actness for suprerr.e ice. 1,200 inspectors to lections of the matenship in each Stude- ? efore it leaves the Studebaker has ale building of high- ~ were first to use cord rd equipment. We intity manufacturers the hioheat auty.fine upholstery, finish and equipit, consider that ' cbaker has had more . :rience in fine coach ilr.g than any other ir car maker. place no accident '~ ? , he pedestal place :h Studebaker hSlds le fine-car field is not result of accident. It es from principles as . ?s this business?the v. class and determined itien, to excel, :arn the result-of. e efforts. Compare il by detail, part by , with. any car youi. V/hen you foot the mtagss, you will find they number scores. * * * hose are facts you ltd k?OW. They AT6 ~?T ncing 150,000 per Studebaker cars. $l,045,r"Some meet lirement in Size and iry. But the chassis - . re in size. The same s standards throughlportant Studebaker tbe best- we know. learned these facts? usands of them. The tdebakers has almost years. It has become ?ven for our facilities. io reasons: You will ihe scores. Then,, if /al car, we shall have 1 say- - si Xs ' >* W. B. 60 H. P. u) - - - 1835.00 : . - ' ?2493.0O- ~ . . _ ' ' ^ _ . " " 4UOAW " L __j ] __ - i ' - ?_ _ vi t oiii obi lea* $L ? ^ A. Moore's - .; We sell HOME KILLED AM | r _ - v . Fish and oysters, T t Satu Phorle iisvyour ord< 4We Buy Hides. K Shenandoah Life ESTABL1 H CONTROLLED BY SOUTHERN ^ * None Better, None Safer, For full Information s A. P. D District Bl HTTRni.F*. M r t LuJI . j | quaut k - and i . r/ -Providing ir |H quality and c |H as nearly pen yet entirely i use, k one of ing the work in ment. \Measui II physical valu< fft we seek to' gi um H . R. A* Sp m rrxl 1 TF nil I Copyright 1922, Clachuati CoB ' ' " " ' ! ?? Drift u "Any Old" that H ^ Fai DEJ - I "AA Q i FERTI ZELL'S PAT HAMPIQN F1SI ^ .... LAZARETTO CO? tT ~ " Thare to a If you cannojt ~ THE AMERICAN AG! I,WHE?0! 5? .i - " ^x~ ~' ~~ " i Market the Best * ID WESTERN BEEF. ' uesdays, Fridays and rdays. 11 ;ri. jPrompt delivery. ' * Phone 175 . * p . Insurance Co., \'i [SHED 1914. P MEN?FOR SOUTHERN"MEN. P or More Suited for Yf'U. ? ? ee one of our Agents" " ANIEL, 1 Agent, , . i'3 : [ILLS, N.-C. BjjgwggiangiBia&tgarafiitoia^gg^^ gW i;.j Y, SERVICE ? GOOD ^StE. U - lerchandise of such sg haracter as to be T. h! nanent as possible, [njj ippropriate for its raj.l the rules govern- . gum' i. of this establish- Kjjl red. in ' terms of Nfjlj s or of good.taste, [IH| ve you the maxim;ems we handle. tencer & Son L DIRECTORS |H| >oro, N. CIhy | SING .; Fer^i^erp in i^-or-StSSiss Ehion? . . VIAND. *vI s. i* . ' , UALITY" ' LIZERS APSCO P0C0M0KE 1 BRAND IMPERIAL - - 3?3 -MORTIMER LISTERS dealer' near you locate him, write us mm. ennui %; Sates end Works KWSONrN. c.

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