1 , Service | I Quality yl The Roxboro Lumber Go's service coupled I mm ... | ? with the Roxboro Lumber Co's quality ? makes an ideal building proposition. If you | i I are not a customer, ask your neighbor,?he is. | I Buy our building material of quality and?| [ || bank the cost of repair. . . II Roxboro Lumber O* | ' "Hprhe of Quglity ^ I. 1 .. . .. IA i .11 ? r: 1.1. 11.11 >111 U.M n il \:.U \M1 >T:f/ IT Jf M.T/ YIlT/' We have studied the-wants of the people in the gi'o; eery line and we know the beat grades. We know what b to order and when to order, so we cap keep a fresh "suj>| " ply cpiulng in right along. [^7?Oar store is full-of the-things "you need arttl yoa will get high quality groceries'at the lowest prices. Cartful and prompt service. - * , ' Give us your grocery "order today and you will be so . pleased with our quality goods and low prices that yon _ will uo uur cuasvmer arways. " V'V'I ; > " , Fresh Groceries?.Honest Prices. I Sergeant &c layton Sta-Klean Store PHONE 23 AND 24. ROXBORO, N/C. b the princess theatre i H . ^ ROXBORO. N. C. I HjgL Adv.ince program from Thursday March Stli to Wed.Vjdarch 12th. K ^?T???? . . i. " F'TRRURSDAY. First National Pictures presents Booth Tarking- s t ton's\ Produrtjpn J'PKNROD ANT) SAM". with Bon Alexander, eg ^^ WUdN Brockwell,- Mary Philbin, Gareth Hughes and Newton fe ^KStAOkdaption by William Bentidine. A First National Attraction. Ip Mnitton't stories -of American Boyhood are classics. The Pip B ^Mf yell of the year. ADDED A two reel Comedy '-'B.ucking [>S I Jr 'RTDAY. Goldwyn Pictures presents Clarence Badger's Pro- jg ^^HRction "RED LIGHTS" with Marie Prevoat, Johnny Walker, HpAli~c Lake, Ray Griffith. Adapted by Carey Wilson. A Cosmopoli- te i.tsn Production, Here in_ri?._Kru?r >hrill-n-mintitr t-rrtmtrsr-n?the Jg ^B^-Tinrrt phinirr if .1 Pullman I'ST down the side 01 a mountain is just W one of a hundred gaaps. ADDED Pathe Newa. Performances 7:15- jj MB SATURDAY. William Ifcx presentsWilliam Farnum with I g I Wandn Hatvloy and Clarle Adams in "BRASS COMMAND S I MFNTS". (The struKRle for life itself in the tempesttiofls. fupy ^ W ?f a blinding-dasT-rt ) AJIDEO-Matinee only, Eddie. Polo in "So Ss Four," Chanter Piny. ADDED Clyde Cook in "Wpt nfid-"? | Weary." Matinee at 2:30 - -3:45 P. M. Evening at" 7:0Q, - 8:15 - ' ; J ma Talnlndye, OtffWay Tearle. WallBaa "Berry, Winter [fall- and- ft ^Hj ma Talmndfte, Conway Tdarle, Wlnlace Berry, Winter Hall and |;! B Claire McDowell. Adaption by H. B. Somcxvllle. A Fir at National [ Attraction. Never dull uninteresting moment?situations teetn- |Sj -'ins with emotional and dramatic action follow in rapid auccea- fe dfc nation n tHrill. Tltc greatest thine Norma- Tal- jg lr mil(158 ever did. ADDED Harold-Lloyd coimWy." Matinee Monday ? .-at 3:00 P. M. Admissions 20c and 40c. Evening at 1:15 - 9:001' ,'3 H W1M>N"I'V'DAY. Benf, Ft. Hampton presents Zane Grey's Pro, vj ir dmHToit "HIDEKS^OF TTTE'DA WN"' Witt Ray Stewart, nr.! ^K-tfl!imS.-RllMei i. MeK ill - and .tosoeli PmCim;. Uinlet . the ^rn'JIi.i! I Epic of the yrvat Northwevtl. ADDED "Jomrie- Pahi^-Hro rc?b comedy. Performances* At 7:45 . 8:45, p. M. No adYance in admis- ,;;j K- At LOWEST PRICES. . T^ORMA TALMABGE IN "ASi ?' "i r ttiBOF.o cou: rriiJ^./rxvay iiwrfinr'i - - THE COURIER RoXboro," N, C. March 5th "1924 - ? ? ? ' - * Everything to build with.' Watkins & Bollock. ?-- " Miss Maude Barnet? s^Ttt yester day in Durham. _ ^ I .. -fc * I Judge and "Mrs. >D. W. Bradshe^ : v/ere Durham visitors yesterday." * . Miss Mildred Satterfteld spent ^Tuesday* evening iii, Durham. ?""** Mv. N. Ltmsfoid is attending cou Af in Snow Hill"' this week. t . . * J Mess. John Yancey, "Eugene Thomp- i tiny evening ip Durham. i * ] Mrs. W. J. Winstead, Misses Bivens Winstead and - Rosa .Thomas Bpent Tuesday-in Durham. Mr. Z. T. Featherston "of Lynch- 1 burg was a Roxboro visitor .the first < of the week. i - 4. 4. t 4. ; : : Miss Catherine Bradsher of Ox- i ford spent a few days here'the guest - ol JUisa JhJdna BradslKir. \ i/ Mrs. Nora Featherston is in Li- ] noir, visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. , -Ar-Xent, who-is very ill. * 4 i? # 4 ' Mr. Jim Day has accepted a position with the A. & P. Store, and-*wiU i manage the business here. . * ? Rev. J. A. Beam and Wh. J. F. Reams were Raleigh visitors last Sundayr r-' f" .? * ? ? Dr. E. J^ Tucker, who has been suffering with a throat trouble, is able to be at his office. - Miss Millie Jane Brooks has returned aftgr a visit to her sister, Mrs. Jt. F. Hedrick - at Lilesville,- Ni C. IMrsv Roy Catcs and Mrs. Teague Kirby were Durham visitors* yesterday. Mess. J. A. Long,'J. W. Allgoed and- Banks Cozart left Monday evening for Philadelphia on a- business trip. * * Miss Mary Franklin of Chapel Hill, who is with Misses Wagner & Carney, has arrived and cordially incites bcr friends to favor her'with, a call', ' V ** ? . Miss Orphia Atlgood of Garrtdr and Miss Baggy of Durham spent the week end here with Miss Allgood's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. W Allj?ood. v Mrs..,Stewart of Richmond, who has been visiting her son, Mr. M. A. Stewart, and Mrs. M. A. Stewart, are spending a few days in Niagara, N. C.f visiting relatives. Mr; Js H. Whitt has been confined to his room for the pa3V,several days. . but his friends will be glad to know he Is improving. . Mr. ami Mrs. E. V. Boatwright and Master Edgar, Jr., left yesterday evening for Martinsville, Va.,. where they were called on account of the serious illness of Mrs. Boatwright';mother. i Mr.* W. C.- Buttock, who has been confined to his "room for the past sevr eral days, left Sunday for Richmond where he will be treated at otic of the hospitals. He was accompanied bp Mr. Richard Bullock. j- V ' V DE^TH OF MR. A. M. STAN FIELD. On last Tuesday morning Mr. A. : ' puu tn 1 away. He, with his daughter, Miss Anna, had lived at Brooksdale for the past several year*, and no ope has ever bean heard to Say a word other than complimentary to this . good. man. He reached- a_ripe old. age, betrfg 7T years old. The funerat, services were conducted at Allensvllle church, his former home, and his old friends and neighbor* gath- - ercd in large numbers to pay their last respects. - .; Rarely has it been our pleasure to talk with any one who delighted jnore i to talk abput the Bible hnd the things pertaining to religion, and best of all, he lived as he talked. Of this worlds geods, he possessed little, but in yonder world whither we all .are traveling, he~wfl1 he?among the (I'BBllBUai, fill' he n111 mui,L sumly have manV stftin hi "lilaVroWn. Trtrtyy '.we'cr.ii exclaim" TiVTTc Psalmist; "Behold the man."" > YOVNll MAN SERIOUSLY HURT. ^ ' 'Mondaymorning Mrr Robert Lynch, her company Operating opt at Hunlto . wa:. s rm.sly Inn I- TP atieiinri J that something hnd-jtone wrong with *ES OF VENGEANCE" 1 ' ; . r - y~ ' . ' T- ' the engine of the -truck on whiclj ftp ^" we* riding, end reaching over v.-a " et*c!:".1:,14 to adjUst the c-s,rbare*.( ' when the machine struck a root onil h he plt'hed forward, .striking h(? heed | against a belt. He- we* unconscious g for some time and was. carried to the r hospital .11 Durham jat treatment. u Sjarinjury U not thought to be cr|t- Z K 4*-?*?? I DEATH OF MBS. BOWES. J, ,<j | ,Mra. Cliton Bowes, of route one, ; died at the home of her'husband on s iMnday nfght, February'. 2Sth, and B we* boried at Clements, church on H Wednesday-mornnig. Mg. Bowes had g been in bad health for the past sev- g erak-yfars and her death was no eur- M prttr; Shwkwst- posse jsed of a loving g disposition and her friends will great- e iy miss her kind and loving ways. ? " NOTICE. 1 Having sold to J. M. O'Briant an j| interest in the Farmers Hardware; H Company this is. to notify all persons swing the . Farmers Hardware Co. I i, before Jim- 1st, 1324, to came far- ftp vard end settle their accounts, as wo 2 want to close up the bUsinerfs of the 5 sld firm. > We thank you all for the past4pst-j w ronagc and hope you will continue to' | ome to sec us when in need of ?ny- It thing in this lino, I g Youre for more business, 1 t? Farmers Hai-dwnre Co., " . W. T. Daniel, Manager. , | MR..FARMER. . . ] * Do you want to borrow money from: p the Federal Land Bank this spring ? ! j If-you do, .to secure the best results j and quickest action you should see- ] me by the 20th- of this 'month. R. P. Burns, Seerelhry, "",:Fea?9n ^County National Farpg ? Loan Association; 3-5 2ts (I ?? " " DO YOB W A NT FURNITURE? I , Before buying anything in the furniture dine' you are cordially invited to come and give us a look? you know they say we "sell it for less," and we do not -deny the charge. A Dollar saved is a Dollar- made, and these times every Dollar counts almost TWO. '. E. D. Cheek" & Co. Watch Your Label. 1,. N-0 j r? - spec 'rp# m lires i . . GOODYEAR, HOOD GOODYEAR J 'i ?:? ) ? Ail are Standard T Tubes are New, Shipm Don't Fail to Look 1 / Bin . Ttztjs?i-ii 30x3 Goodyear Fabric AW1 tr 30X3 GOOayear Firestone or Goodrich, Moulded 30x3 1-2 Goodyear, Firestone Goodrich, Moulded 30x3 1-2 Goodyear Fabric A 30x3" 1-2 Go,odyear, Cord AW 31x4 Goodyear Cord AWT'? 32x4 Goodyear Cord-AWT-. 335c4 Goodyear Cord AWT:,'! ! 32x4 1-2 Goodyear Cord Rut l- .. . ? _ proof A\VrA* ?. ? 32x4 1-2 Goodyear 'Cord win 33x4 1-2 Goodyear Cord AW] I 34x4 Goodyear-Cord -AWT.. This offer will last onlj C rowel! f t~ . ' 1 . f>l ? 1 ^ ^ : PRTNCgSa THEATRE M . 2 . .. ?HEW THINGS AR^RiVIHET BAILY ~^ l ^ " "If yoti didn't find it yesterday, come in today. The W 9 .styles and shades are very pleasing and receiving high pjj a * commendnttrin.. - 'r " ?yj?: I Dont forget those dainty Handmade Shirt Waist and % I .JSport Skirts, and too, the prices .are very pleasing with- & | out. a sacrifice of quality. ???n- ft-< ^ ; I MEN and YOUNG MEN' ' | $ This is a season for traveling and you will not be a- ' $ shamed to face your friends in a Kuppcnheimer, Curlee ;<| or Griffon Suit. ' '?? | Good Clothes is not only an investment in good ap- p I peflrdnce, but is economy. Quality" merchandise .looks fe . " I better and last longer. It will pay you to trade with us. K __. ? LjVILBURN and SATTERFIELD ? THE COURIERBETTER AND BETTER SUBSCRIBE TODAY Watch your label"?if your subscriptions-has expired send-us your , ' ' ? renewal. ? . T T, r1 L I I jl i v> gm jiai SALE on -and Tubes! . . ?, GOODRICH AND FIRESTONE TIFFS , i ^ND MICHELIN TUBES ! | WIIIIBWIM k I I II I !?IMW ?I I I II fISI II ?? ->* 'b IIIIIM 111 ires with a Standard Guarantee. All Tires cpd J j lent Just Received ?rcrr the Factory. Tieae Prices Over, then ome ha end r A REAL BARGAIN! ^ "~r? . ' [ - $10.30 30x3 Goodyear Tubes-._ $1-80 r I ^30x3. ,1.9 Hnn-lvp-.r Tnhpa im 'Ml) ! 7.06 30x3 Michelin Red Tubes tl"30 * , or 30x3 1-2 'Michelin Red Tubes 2.60 8.00 :ilx4 'Micneiin t:ea luDes - a.w lWT 1" 11-90 ! ( 32x4 Michelin Red Tubes?? 3.75 13.60 I I 33x4 Michelin Red Tubes 3.95 ' m ' ?~ - 2100 ^84x4 Michelin R?c'. Tubes---------- 4.10 ZZT-.- 83l20 i- 32x4?l-3~ Michefn Red Tubesrr ^.80 243S0 33x4 1-2 Michelin Red Tubes?* *4.90~~~~~ " i r 34x4 1-2 Michelin Red Tubes-__? 6.00. * 32,45 ! .38x5 Michelin Red Tubes.?, ... 5.90 g foot 25^80 ! l 35x6MteheHn Rf.d THbes=? 6.20 {. : ' p_ 31 (10 32x3 1-2 Michelin Red Tubes 3.00 ! 2o',;o ; 1' 1 '???' -?yj?~tti ; : r a short time so come early and be sure of a REAL BARGAIN! ? . y , . . ; - j_ - - ] \ ' A.uto Co., Inr" ROXB0RO, N. C. . ONDAY AND TUESDAY l $hY 11-th. ~ . , ? . ~ " r~- ? - .?~ . j

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