AGK S1A ' . DtrtOVEU UNIFORM INT?MAlt)NAL > SundaySchoo! . T LessonT ?r BJCV. V B. HTZTVATEK. D.D.. IVnn Of thr Evanlnc Schools Moody ii "Bw? of ChJeaso.) ?Sfwapuper Union.) Lesson for March 9THE REIGN OF SAUL TEXT?1 Som: 11:11-11. OOU>EN TEXT?ijehold. to obttjr la than Bacriiioe.?I Sam. 16:*X. PJUliARY TOPIC?A Klh* Who EMapWysd God JUNIOR TOPIC?A Kin* Who Loat TP* Kingdom. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOP ADLLT* 10 I?oha Prom Saul's Relfrn. <*der to properly present this iaaaon. a survey of chapters 8 to 15 of I Samuel shoeld he made. L. The People Demand p. King <1 6ul 8:1-22). i. Their Reasons (tt. 1-6): * Cl> Samuel "was Incapacitated by sid mare. - a) ^e unfaithfulness of bla sons h* had annolnted UH: tils HHP- I I ,t rt?ftri. Samuel greatly blundered In thLft, for the office of judge was not hereditary. 4ft) .The desire to be like other noHons. Since the. surrounding notions had kings as lenders, .they wanted a klntg Who Would lltfht their bcttMft. 2. Samuels Protest '(w. 6-18). He took the matter to the Lord in j> sad the Xord Instructed hl^n to solemnly point out to the people tin- , meaning of their action. (1) The king ,would maim r'tivcs their daughters and mulmtiTicir s'mV to serve in ids anny jwid dti ?M - of hard work' on hi; f;>i ins ai.ii .In bouse. _ fi) He would t! e-lr IdTi'ln. evqii/. -those inherited from the':- nnd |rtae them to his favorite mMuviI; ;4ad t servants. K6t-"c?|iierit Wfth "jhht he would take the u-i ill part of their produce to gice to his fntforites. St. Protest I lisre^mod fvv. 19-20). .. - Having made up their minds, they deHtwretoly shut their1 eyes to -the truth and madly rushed. Into .the experiment.' It. Caul Chosen as King (I Sam. 9-11). 1. The King Pointed Out (9:1.10:16). Soul was sent to search for his father's asses that hhd grandered away. While on this errand, Samuel found .felni and unolnffed 1iim. Saul and his father w??re acting freely in this matter. yet at the same tln\e God's^urpoee was being carried rut . < 2. The King Chosen at Allzpeh <tO:I7-27).-~ Saul tvns chosen because < of his fitness. If they would huve a king, the Lord gave t hem the one best fitted fof-their needs. (1) A fine physique. He was head Shoulders above the rest of the ' people. TTTv*' ' m~ Modes* (3) Self-control. (4) Military Instinct. The method of choice was by lot. When the chnloe wits mode, part of the people enthusiastically cried. "Qod save the king." -Others mocked and refused allegiance. fIL The -l<lng Confirmed at Gilgal (1 Bern. 11). Saul took ndvantnge of the great rtetoey ?ver the Ammonites to get all the people to crown htm king. IV. Saul's Failure (I Snm. 10). This in one of the saddest niernres - in ail history. .?<" 1. The Command 10 Sanl (vv. 1-3). He was eomirtanded to utterly exterminate the Amalekltes. The reason assigned 'won their" evil treatment of laraeljifter thoy eamettp nut of (Exod. 1-7:8; Deut. 2.7::7). 2. The Disobedient .Saul (vv. 4*1. Tlu? commahdiuent . as carried *' out only in*0art. A&flg, tUe'klnc, was pored, and th'e best of the goods irp-f>rofiiiated.. - ' 8. Saul Ttejecfed by Clod fvv. 10-2")* tl) Samuel cried to God (v. it) The news of this disgraceful affair treatly disturbed Sumtiel, moving lilin to cry unto God day and night. (2> Saul's hypT#Htfn?l pre tease (Vv. Xfc-16). Tills preteiVseVarrlet n lle^ upon its face. Thnuglp^fsturbed by n guilty copsclence, Retried to ??pn?llinfte Samuel, but the very blent!n5 of the sheep ami the lowing of Vhe- herds "the blnipe upon the pernio. , (S) Samuel rehearses before sanl ajedpn denude with him (vv. 17-28). -funnel met his hypocrisy by bringing htm to squarely ctice bis sin. Goo is ;smre concerned In having His subject* render obedience Hl? command: . T 7nent Lhiin He Is for them to offer onto. Him sacrifice. 4. .The. Judgment Upon Snui* <vy." ?50-35). For the presunlpttions offering *tf the sacrifice thp. flXlin Sty paMed. I flacranr illsnbedlence., Iho klB;*<ir | ?* rem from Mm. Ho confessed Mh J do and- Ixvho'I Samuel to still honor i 'Mm- pefore Iho -eklere <4 the people. : . 2 gotiuwH forsook him nntneft l|lm ulona . ( suffer In tUqfrxre ; Holy Ufa. mie serene, silent lion Mr of a holy , ttfe hi the most powerful Influence m am h'UHU."niijit m ii.u m.eht .,i w Sifatt j>r oo<Ljt"~~ . ?*? Thft Heaviest Ear.of Com. f "The heaviest enr nf eon; u iho . r . I4x< ti-vJIw M?u?5 Us hoitil."? Chofrh I4?I>.:.. *. b ' ?:?u.,_. --U, A'f Are W? -rhj ? ' ^ .TT?ti Tw m-M'l *-, i irhqi: ; l^-'o H i, It fci. jj 1 ki? Lvuh M!LET PlMS ARE - - POUND CIVIC TIM9ER ?' In this paper-will- he foand the .announcement of Hod. J. W. BafTey. It leaves no-room fop any doubt as to what he stands for., ' Read the whole statement as well as tho following planks made of sound civic timber. . 1. Relief of land from the unjust burdeh of taxation now Imitated upon' It. ' 2. Fostering all that malum for progress and the laying of emphasis: upon the moral and spiritual values. 3. The preaching and the practice of souDd economy, getting a dollar's worth of public service for, every dollar's worth of taxes paid. 4. To put an end to spqpial favors and npoclal privileges. ? ? . 5. '-To-call the people to a renewed devotion to law. 8. To -draw the policy of the commonwealth-to the practical and pressing demands of agriculture with the estat^lBhrnent of Just rewards for common toll, the. encouragement of farm ownership, and the "making* of fann life -more attractive. 7. To establish' election and prim' arv laws thht Will end lha iluwer uf money In politics. yT 8. To sot the trend of progress In iNQrcn Carolina mwre sirwusty iu iuo selection of local self-government. 9. To renew the" Democratic parties spirit by direct contact with its constituents. "7T 10. TO ?breafc down within the Democratic party a "political machine that seeks power only to serve itself." 11. To^ evoke the unrelenting as sertion of the will of the 'people aa a way to., public economy, just freight rates, justice in taxation and agricultural leilof. . ' Here ig a specially flrio plank^num bored *8 abpve^'To set the trend of progress in North Carolina more stongly in the direction of locals self-gavcrnment."?The Catawba News-?nterp rise.** Newton. " MARY ROBERTA VERNON. Last Friday afternoon, Feb. 22r.d 1924p the death Angel viatted the home of Mr* ancf. Mrs. Bdd -Vernon and took from them their only child, Mary* Roberta, age one month. Everything that human bands.dould do was done, but could not stay the cold hand of death. Her stay'on earth was short but long enough for her loved ones to become devoted. She was nilinfli, l?;.l _??< J? 4.1 T .1 >uiu i,u i coo in iuc li^iianun cemetery at Setaora. Slie will be greatly missed in the home,, but the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. May He blesS" and comfort the berekved in their hoar ot sadness.? A Friend. o?t ? Watch the Kidneys Before J and After * Childbirth *)uring the period of pregnancy thev kidney? have douole work to do, which is apt .tc strain and weaken them so that.* they .break down und fail to keep uptheirwork of Altering the uric poisons out of the blood-Btreani. This condition, unless^ looked- after promptly, may kill th'e baby bofcre birth .and ryin the mother's health,, too. - . ? The .expectant mother, should have hor tfrino .Osafnined every two weeks. This should bo done by Ibe attending physician,-or cptid sample to Dr. Pierce".* Inverts' llotel, in Buffalo, N. YV. for analysis. For toning up weakened kidneys, Dr. Pierce's Ap-urie (aivti-ttxiCi-acid) TabletB provide effective treatment., and a bottle should *bo kept in the house and should be ured for a time after bahy has come to keep the blood free frhm pol30uous matter that might afreet the little one during the nursing period. "An*uric" can now bn had trafti all med'tine lealera, : r-0 ? ? tr NOTICE SALE OF VAf.tTAnn?, i Avn Under and by virtue of the authority conferred upon mo by i* certain rieed-of ti-untexocut/ed by-D. T. Ill's V ef and wife on the 27th day of October 1979, and duly recorded- in Re*, isters office of Person County, North Carolina, in Book No. 4 at page 30, default having been made in the payment of the note secured by said deed of trust-, I will at the request of t.he-holder- of said note", seirto the highest bidder for cash, Qn Monday March 10th, 1924, the lands mentionto wit: That certain .tract of land in AlIensvilie TWfihhip, Person County. Nortn 'Odrolina, fronting on the- toad from Roxboro to Burl, and known as the Daniel Beaver place. Bounded on North by lands of the Richard Day estate, on thb East by lands of Wayfie Toiyan, on,.'.South. liy lands of Bob MQQnay and' on the w>at ty lAnds of' "Mis. RIV1T8 ee coriTaTning fifty eight acres more or-.less.- t .ground will be reserved. . This^fT a-good.tobacco farm, only about 'five and one half miles from town.~TT\C: iis#E ll^li-??<i) barns on frlupu; wart ^alend. ? ? I. S.I S.I., lOOj ... ^ -hi. T.unaford, trustee". ~~TC -'iJ:'.:.' " Xj. " ' ' \ .i, C- THE ROXBORO COURlF S Old Folks' -Ailments. ? " "I began . taking Black- ? Draught over fifty yean ago and ray experience with it 0 stretches over a good long ? time," says Mr. Joe A. Blake- JJ9 more, a Civil War veteran 0 da and former Virginian, who is - know a prominent citizen of 3 S Floyd, Texas. "It is the best iP m laxative I know of for old Hk 3 people, .. A good many yean 3 H: ago, in Virginia, I used to BP gg' get bilions and I found that Hj| 5 Bedford's 5 BLACK-DRAUGHT fli waa the best and quickest re- 9 AB lief I could get. Since I came Hi S to Texas I nave these bilious 3 attacks every now and then? BP ?4 a man will get bilious any- ^k I = wnore, you snow?una l nnd = I that a little Black-Draught V Ssoon straightens me out. Mfe After a few doses, in little or ?. no timo Pin all right-agaiott-^p. Thedford's Block-Draught Sis a purely vegetable liver n medicine, used in America for j? over eighty years. It aots on eM fjy.. the stomach, liver and bowels gb *2 In a gentle, natural wajti asH sisting digestion and reliev- MB ggg ir.g constipatfbn. ' Sol^ every- a 25 where. a? E-102 HI : 0? ; NOTICE SALE OF VALUABLE LAND Under ihd by virtue of an order, of the Superior Court of # Person County, made in that special proceeding entitled J. C. Lunsford, ndm. of.S. A. K. Morttnt and Pink V^ilsOn Morton widow vs. Lewis C. Morton et al hoirs 'at law. The undersigned commissioner will on Monday March 10th. 1924, at 12 o'cldcK'M. s^l! to the highest bidder for leash, the following described lands, to wit: A sufficient number of acres of land, to be cut from tb<v South side of the S. A. R. Morton home as will bo sufficient to pay all debts and cost of administration of said estate, sale to be by the acre. This land has been surveyed,, and a plot fo same can be seen - at the Register of Deeds office of Person County. The first lot to- be sold, lot No. 3 by the survey contains 87 acres mors .or- less. Second lot to be sold if necessary is lot No. 2 containing 25 acres more or less. Third lot to be ' sold if necessary is lot No. 1 containing 31 acres more or less. Sale at * 12 o'clock M. Terms cash. This Feb. 4th, 1924. N. Lunsford, Commissioner NOTICE OF LAND SALE. Under and by virtue of authority; given me in'a certain deed of trustj of date December, 22nd, 1919-, and re-| corded in the office of the Register! of Deeds -for Person County, North Carolina, in Book 4, page 144, said deed of trust .being given to secure a certain note of same date by George Irvine, $r.,-and default having beer , made in the payment of principal r.m interest due thereon, and -at the- request of the holder of same, I will, on ^Tortday, the 10th day of March .1924, at one o'clock P. 'M., at 0#U(1B Store, at-Cunningham.* N. C-, sell to the highest bidder for * CASHi*rthr folIowingN4?scribed tract of land, viz: All that^ certain tract of land sit. uated in Cunningham township, Per son County, North Carolina, and known as the Bray land, and "con taming 80 acres more or less, and being the land-conveyejl hy Miss Cal. lie Brav qinL. others to M?C Win stead'and by M. C. Winstead and wife I to the said George Irvine, Sr., saidl land being bounded on ftie north by j the lands of ShciYan Gilmore, on the east by the lands of Mrs. Tonu Bray , on the south by the publil roadMead ing from Serftpra to Curmtjigftam. atfdj on the west'by the* lands "* of Loffis Montfronvrtfcy -and perhaps others, this February 7th 1924. O ' Hall's CatarrB Mediciiie,^4!Zte id your system of Catarrh ot D^tftes. sutca by Catarrh. . V.'. 'i Sold by jrmftiftt ft# t#tr 40 ytort T. GHO^TY CX5-.ToUdo.Gb ; - - ? ~?tt-.~-rrrri'r: T- - T 7 ". -v. ; . - ' MAR' A Bt'h 1934 Coughsthat ^ hang on? ^ / Break than now befate they < ' lead to OKmiecriuus trouble. Dr. King's New.Diwowrjr stops couching quickly by * stimulating the mucous membranes to throw ofl clogging socrctions. It has PR. ICING'S NEW DISCOVERY NOTICE SALE OF LAND. Under and by virtue of the author-1 ity conferred upon me by a judg-! ment of the Superior Court of Person County, North Carolina, in that special proceeding entitled, T. G. Lunsford, administrator of J. M. -Yarbrough. deceased. nnd Tinn Y j Wilson, vs Lundy Yarbrough. I will on MQNDAY, MARCH 31st, 1924, at 12 o'clock front of the court house door in Roxboro, N. <?., sell to the higheat bidder for cash the landt mentioned and described in the petition in said action; to wit: That certain tract of land in Flat' River township, Person Cpumty, N; C., bounded on 'the North by the lands I of J, Cl'Cates, on the East hy the lands of J. p. Gates, on the south by jthe lands of Charlie Pool, and on the [West by the lands formerly belonging to tho estate of J. S. Coleman, c^nSiining one hundred, acres more [or less, and knowp as the Jasper Yarbrough place. This Feb. 2'0th, 1924. N., I.unSford, Commissioner. FOR SALE!?Saw mill, 1 engine and boiler on wheels, 5 head Of horses and 1 log cart. J. R. Oakes, Timberlake, N. C. 2-13-4ts pd. DOITTWAffTni YOU'RE DOWN SICK THE minute you feql a little inder the weather, get a bottle of Gude'8 Pepto-Mangan. Don't wait till you're down sick. Take Gudo's as a preventive of illness?it will enrjeh your blood, and build up your energy. Your druggisfhas it, in both liquid and tduleta. Free Trial Tablets j^SBUSSS value of Gude'8 PeptorMane?n. write today for ceneroua Trial Package of Tableta. Send ? money ? just name and^ -address to i. lireitenbaoh Co., 68 Warren St., N. Y. Gride's t\. T. if jpepiQ-jyjangan Tonic and Blood Enricher i?fe?gg?g?? BU Every si - - several ] available ately, to ' * ~ -1 So*; ? ?? ? - === M* - -/ ?- ' CAR, .- ?-?--? l ii'i?.'% , ,.*t T , VLt....y."". t6 . * ? - WhatisaT. .>r # ,-* _ ^MBMIi'? ??io IC4LI ?3 The Sconorrry TxT H Level spoonfuls ,UI cssary when you , || makes more bakii f?Si^Sij5^y saving on bake da ' ,f2r ?ispz*.&mi< ' |^}s?ggg^^y r//^ v " ' ' ' ' - : Wl>3 Easy I The Westinghouse L demonstrated in actual d farms tlmt it ia dcrveftdat . Ana now, by making i1 . to operate, Westin^hous* tages of electric service fanndr and.his family, house-wrd* buildings, e.U ' . and Electric power where able without delay. ' The special Westinghc spreads the cost of the pis equipment, over a perio* making the first-payment the six, nmd<j merits. Or,*if he wishes, in one, two or -three payi completion of his crop lu The complete fiexibUit plicable to every-fermer*! Westinghnuse Light and \ enjoy thy comfort- and cc v and pay foi it when youx > it is so easy to own. Le ?Sold Hy? J. 1 3 ~ P Starter and Dcmnunta Hjbks. SSS cxfra YNO sring the demand for- Ford hundred thousand greater t "ayo^Jelay urddjUr NOTE: A small payment down puts /our name on the preferred delivery list : the Nearest Authorized Ford Det :-.- v> * , .- -. w^V^', .'; ' -? 1 * s J p - - aspoonful? it depends on the Bak- H. g Powder you use. You H use use a heaping., spoonful H ; many brands because thfey I m't contain as moch leav- 1 ling strength as H UMET |r AKING POWDER | are all that are necuse CALUMET?it J if^3 which means a real H \ times I as that thcr -"- "* -> REATEST wan ' """ ; _ ? ' r it is V to Own ight and Power Plant hat ay-in and day-out servic< on >le jajid easy to operate. . : easy to cvm nc well us easy V : has brought all the ad van- A within* the reach of every ; , . Electric' JtghtSTfh the farm s * rctrir household appliances, vcr needed, arc made avail* iusc deferred payment plan int itself, the wiring and the 3 of tvv.-We- months. .fyfter : the farmer may cle^t to pay r twelve equal monthly payhe mny pay for the plant xicnts to be made after the irveats. v y cf this psan makes it ap# needs. / Ycir can~fnstall a ?b~^, Power Plant ron your farm, invenlence it will bring yon, crops are sold. That's why t us tell yci more about it. ; '" - ? . sghouse w it SI LIGHT | AND 553 Jasy to Operate r. BRADSHER . oxboro, N. f f At -; ^ DgT*o?T. W! Cars is? ??*- I han the ' I immedi- II -?- ' T / * v , . j?r? t * - ts rosLS ^ *X IS? - ' - ''- ."TT-'T'

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