PACE TWO Baptist Campaign R Into Care of Soutl Benevolent Phase* ot Forward M Statement From Hea^qnai terial Relief Or -BH B MB 13HH9 ? JBr ' 1 ' rjh * ; I A Group of Happy Ho for In a Baptl Of the $48,600 000 that has been , rnllerieif In rash' on the Unnlfat 7K 1 Million Campaign to January 1. 1024. the sum ot $7,732,831.63 has gone to such benevolent work as caring for orphan children, healing the sick and ministering to aged, worn-out preachers, it Is announced by the headquarters ?f the Campaign. 34 000,000 Went to Orphanages. More than half of the benevolent fund, or $3,999,192.63, has gone to the 21 Ilaptlnt orphanages of the South, two of which have been established a result or mis movement and all or which have been greatly helped by this forward program. Nearly 4,000 orphan boys and girls are being housed, fed, clothed, educated and trained for Christian citizenship in these orphanages and tho Campaign has put between $800,000 and $900,000 into the maintenance of these institutions each year. The orphanages are now caring for more children than their normal capacities ?*-r- ^ permit, hut despite thtB~ extra effort fhe Institutions have been compelled -to- turn down the applications of 2;000 other orphan boys and girls, Bimply because there was no room-for them. *- Sick and SufferlnQ Aided. Large advance has been made in the ministry of Southern Baptists to 1 the sick and suffering during the X. four years of the Campaign. At the time this movement was inaugurated Southern Baptists were operating ' twelve Jioopltals. The .number now J in operation has grown to 22, tlx 1 others are practically completed and i ready for service, while two more ) have been projected. At the time < the Campaign began the value of < Southern Baptist hospitar property ft STATE 1'OUI.TRY PRODUCERS ' fr f~ NEED MAEK'teriNG HELP. J ?f* Raleigh, N. C. March 3L Poultry1 production in North Carolina has now | Teached the point wl|CT^~ there is a j need for local and state-wide organization to properly market the eggs and poultry products, says V. W. Lewis, livestock marketing igcpert for the State College and Department of Agriculture, Mr. Lewis states that 1 r the great demand now being made h on his division for assistance in mar- v ^ poultry and eggs is only indi- fc cative of the results coming about in tl the campaign being made for a di- ti Versified farming system to meet the b boll weevil situation. He is now do- f ing systematic* work * in marketing. 0 hogs and lambs, is planning a series a of wool pools that will mean much u to the sheep producer; but now comes s the demand from all over the State [, for work in organizing egg market- \ ing associations and aid in the co- L Operative shipments of.., ca riots of], poultry. * j ? Several county Agents have recent- , , ly written Mr. Lewis that poultry pro- t duCtioi> in their counties has reached the stage where the producers, must { have help of progress is to be con- j tinucd In the poultry industry.. "We 4 need"& the letters say, "assistance in ^ grading, candling, packing and selU , K*: ing eggs. Help is also needed in the , F t fastening, dressing and marketing of * broilers and old hens". The letters * indicate further that farmers of North Carolina, are now growing standard breeds of fowls, have pur T- . ~ cha?d incubtilflW and. biudcra and ?-- .are ready.lo tuilarg^Ul^farnyflQrkiL There is a peed for the organization v' of egg circles, for cooperative effort - - -1 r?r.Ae nn,i in parcnwuiK Bujifmca for aid in properly selling all poultry [ products. In some instances the letters state that interest in poultry has increased GOO percent in the' last three years. The division of markets is Voi?!erin such service as it can in thiV respect "and has already aided in the orghpigation of a few county poul-i.! try aaapciat'.-ms. In one * case the :'growers .ve |t their eggs over what has. hern nfTert. .locally. The commission, men and buyers of poultry products at the' -? 1 e.' 1 are aVj F'?'/* ,'j ready Interested in -North Gasoline. it.U u?? p^.1l,;y :m.l -r'n:hnr inrv wj'i he p. . ' glad"fco ussist.jip the work, rendering - ~ iruph' itirr-r-1' """i-" =? heat prlrni fnr ifhriHry |ir'.hirl.s. "It L looks'da if <>ur next big step , in as Put $4,000,000 h's Orphan Children iovemtent Are Set Out In Qenernl ters?Hospitals and Miniseatly Extended. _J nf wm * b I mo leu Bo/i Provided st OrphahaQe. was $2<227,600, while today It has IRiWft - to -approximately?fl^OOO.OQO among the institutions already in operation. The number of hospital beds has Increased from 1,623 to 3,000. During the four years of the Campaign a total of 170,000 patients have been treated in-these hospitals. Approximately $1,000,000 worth of charity . service has been performed there for needy but deserving persons. . ^ 925 Old Preachers Helped. Into the work of ministerial re lief the Campaign has pat the sum of $1,440,133.31. More than 4500,000 obs ueen put luto supplying tbe needs of aged and dependent ministers and thetf families. Thin, representing the efforts of four years, is far more than Southern Baptists had ever done for old preachers in all their history prior to the launching of this forward movement. At -the same time the Relief and Annuity Board has gathered, an interest-bearing endowment and sinking fund for ] relfef alone of more than 1450,000, and , has gathered for its annuity wQrk nn interest-bearing endowment and sinking fund of more than $1,100,000. Today 925 beneficiaries are . carried on the rolls of the Relief, and Annuity Board. An effort Is being mdde to bring the 75 -Million Campaign to a successful completion during 1924, It Is announced by the headquarters of :ico, and forces are at work In ever} state In the territory of the Southern Baplst Gonvention with a view to enlisting the churches in the inlineHate discharge task they as umed in this five-year movement larketing in North Carolina," says fr. Lewis, "will be in handling the gga and poultry now being producd in the State." _ u IS N LOVING MEMORY OF ARHURl1 ? -- g GRAVITTE SLAUGHTER. t v ? On Monday March 10th, 1924, at ( o'clock, P. M., God saw fit to send is Angel to earth and claim for its ictim little Arthur Gravitte Slaugher, age 2 years and 17 days. He was x he son of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Slaugh- i er of Dunn, N. C. None saw him ut to love him; he was a great coraort .to mama and papa and" the light f the home. This is the third little ngel they have been called to give p in less than three years. Home is ad without their presence but heaven 5 sweeter when we think of them >eing there. They can. not come to is again but what a blfcssed thought, ve can go to them if we are faithful, and oh, how haj>py we will- be ,vhen we meet- our loved ones never o part again. The funeral was conducted f?oVn ho home on Wednesday evening' by Rev. T. N. Johnson in the presence )f mipiy sorrowing relatives and friends ami* the remains were taken tp.. Person county where the funeral ienvices were conducted Thursday evening by Rev? Mr. Todd, and his little body laid to rest in the Providence cemetery with his little brother and sister. Several of the Dunn people accompanied the remains to its last resting-plac'e1^ ThC *fWfal de&igmi were very beautiful, He loaves. to mourn his deParture a broken hearted father and mother, on^sister andy^woi brothers, "besides a host of i w..*t i cmnvrn HIIU incnuBi uuk ?t muui n not as those who have no hope for we know that our Heavenly Father never makes a mistake?His will not ours must be done. AW that loved ones,doctor?, nurses and friends could do was done but their little darling was too pure for this sinful world. We thank the dear _Lord_fbr lending this little angels life fSr a Tfbftn white on earrtl. We took t<> Thee for conifort. We. have the sweet assurance that THfhi art the only one .to look to for comfort mgBt' JUlULbf irlai ann trouble, and that' you-Wit nntptrt any'fnore on u* than ' >r s??. >>1.11 in hoar if nwi_ nut aueJ Jfrust in Thee. The-Loi*t-hath given! lUlll the Lord hash taken nwav. htevntel Iw IhgHtama ofl'ihiM'ildr.d. ' ' ~ ' ' ;V * - - - i"r~ -? ? THE ROXBORO FOURIER A| FAMOUS ARGENTINE-RACE TO STUDEBAKER FOR-1TH1RD TIME t-t>? Special-Six wins Annual tSouth American Classic against big field of American and European racers. ' V Buenos Aires, March? Pushing ahead of a field of twenty-five American and European contestants, a j Studebaker Special-Six won, Tor the | third consecutive year, the spectacular Gran Projnio of Argentine, Sooth America's foremost racing event. Sr. Mariano de la Fnente drove the Studebaker to victory over a course- twice .the distance of former years, and along roads in so hazard- i ous condition that-only thirteen of 1 the twenty-five entries finishes the i complete distance. Distance was Doubled. Do la Fuente has driven in a number of previous Gran Premios, but this \v{ts his first year behind the ] wheel of a Studebaker. In the 1922 race he was bentep out for first place by a Special-Six and la'st year again I finished unsuccessful. So he conelud- ] ed that thig-year he wontdcast- his lot with Studebaker. < Third and fourth prizes went to I Gianinni and Fcrreyra respectively, i both of whom also drove Studebaker Special-Sixes, making a total of three places won by Studebaker in this year's race. Studebaker's winning time was 24 hours and 45 miiiutes over a treach- j erous course of 1,620 kilometers (about 950 miles). ThtTrace last year was 650 kilometers (465 miles). The rhcers started- from here and made their way to Rosario; thence to Cordoba, and returned by the same route ; to , Buenos Aires. ? The Gran Premio is held annually i under the auspices of. the Argentine | Automobile Club. The hard service to which cars are subjected in this grind is greate# than many months of ordinary driving. So gruelling was the race this year that nearly half the entries were com- ! pelled to drop out, due to mechanical | lifftculties brought about by the road ! :onditioris over which the race was j rqn. The famous Gran Premio is more ban a test for speed. South Anjtri:an motorists consider it a final eon, est for gauging motor car endurance. Wins For Third Time The fact that a Studebaker, for he third time, won this spee<bflight igainst somei of the most expensive European and American mal^gs^^fc ommented on by the judges. In 1922 the race was won Anonio Ovides in a Studebaker. Wiliam-T. Burke's Speciawsix was the " irst car over the-line last year. The itudebaker's victory here comes on j he heels of similar achievements in j South Africa, the Syrian Desert, Aus- \ raiia ana Jtvianaa. RIPPLED BOY BEGINS POULTRY CLUB WORK. Newton, N. C. March 31. "Several veeks ago Thomas Sipe, Conov^r, |, loute 3, wrote asking me how he night become a poultry club mem>er, and stated *that he would like to alk with me sometime in passing," fays j. Wt* Hendricks County Agent for Catawba County. "I was impressid with his letter and made a point ;o see the boy just as soon* as I could. When I went to his home, I found a i>oy 13 years old, and a cripple since birth. He had spent several months in the hospital and wasthen able to move about on crutches. He said he had been keeping up with club work hrr the county, and especially with the members in his community. He hod decided to try and carry on some poultry club work. . "After talking'with, him for sometime and explaining how*club work is conducted, I found that he was very much interested in chickens and knew n grefiVdeal about them. I was glad to enrortl Mm* as a c*ub member even though he was badly handicapped for the work. He decided to take Brown Leghorns, and bought a small pen of 20 birds. Just recently'I visited his farm, and found him getting along nicely with his project. He was keeping a splendid record and could show exactly the number of eggs secured from his hens and the number he has sold. He now has about 75. young chicks hatched off. He is in-! terested in his work and I am ex- j pecting him to he "an outstanding club member-Jpi a fiw years, even though he is compeiied to do all hia walking on crutches." 0- 1? - "fte?FeaWklintoa Mews-ia-offarinW $10 in cash prizes for the best essays , "by school children on the advantage! " of living in the couptry. The town children hove had their^say and now the News expects to~jS^wnts thb 6th-," er side, ~ 1~*- T" .? . A diati ,?f vcgetahTna ia BtilUAha TiprinB luiiie, saypIiijiiio ileMiulP |tl lalioiriyrl.ui <>t His tll.ttc Colleger of Agriculture. - ' j_ -?? *" ..T#y -7?. ^ _ ^ ?' ?- -i ' sr 1 Pssn . - . jHI ; 9th 1924 ? NO TIME TO HUNT for a d'octo. or drug store when suddenly 2 wired with agoniziag intestinal cramp*, deadly nauate end prostrating diarrhoea. CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC and DIARRHOEA REMEDY give* instant warmth, comfprt and ease I from pain. Never fail*. J *??? ?j| J. ARTHUR ADAIR DRILLER AND CONTRACTOR ; Roxbo?o, N. C. Schedule Effective March 9, 1924 t. m. p. m. p. m. p. m. 7:06 *6:15 lv. Durham ar. *1:35 *8:30 i. m. p. m. a. m. p. m. 8:18 6:25 lv. Roxboro ar. 12:19 7:20 8:45 6:52 lv. Denniston ar. 11:J0 6:62 9:10 7:15 lv. S. Boston ar. 11:30 6:30 9:24 7:29 lv. Halifax ar. 11:18 6:15 Ll:45|9:45 ar. .Lynchg. lv. 0:05 4:1X) * Above trains daily. _ ..Connections at Lynchburg for Wash mgiuii, uuiiiiuuiC) rniiuut'ipnia and Mew York. '? j Parlor and?elooping tore?dtninp-i :ars. The beat route to the west and i lorthwest. Rates and information ! ipon application to agent, or W. a SAUNDERS, 1 General Pass. Ageu. Roanoke, Va MONUMENTS AND TOMBSTONES I Anything in the ' | way of Monuments, Tombstones or grave markers. Best most ! durStble stone, at low- j est prices. Everything guaranteed. 10 per cent discount 1| " on all work. Write or see J. M. PHILPOTT, Roxboro, N. C., tf. Route I. H t I "? ? Acc ^ H mar | tell S the ^ Ser I rec< I; ' ' 8- acti a ^ H mar | Fol! 7 w n ill d^v B thin _ . |^13 FIRS! ? - ..... i .' ? - ? . .END US YOUR ORDER FOR PRINTING. ? a e & . ^ - ; Greensboro 7 Nurseries FOfl FRUIT, SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, VINES AND PLANTS. Stock Department -r PURE BRED HEREFORD CATTLE. BLACK MAMMOTH HOGS, GENUINE SHETLAND PONIES ADDRESS; GREENSBORO NURSERIES John A. Young & Sons, Greensboro, N. C. Why it is Easy to Own The Westinghouae Light and Power Plant has demonstrated in actual day-in and day-out service on *J forms that it is dependable and easy to operate. I And now, by making it easy to own as well as easy . : to operate, VVestinghouse has brought all the advan^ elcr.tftc service v/ithin the reach of every * * farmer and his family. Electric lights in the farm house and buildings, electric household appliances, . and electric power wherever needed, are made available without delay. The special VVestinghouse deferred payment plan spreads thecost of the plant itself, the wiring and the equipment, over a period, of twdVe months. After making the first payment the farmer may elect; to pay the balance in six, nine or twelve equal monthly payments. Or, if he wishes, he may pay for the plant. in one, two or three payments to be made after the / completion of hia crop harvests. . _ The complete flexibility of this plan makes It applicable to every farmer's needs. You can install a VVestinghouse Light and Power Pliant oh your farm, ,> enioy the comfort and convenience it.will bring yon, and pay fat it when your crops are sold. That's why it is so easy to own. Let us tell ytM more about it. V^nghouse 'Easy to Operate Sold By? J- T. BRADSHER Roxboro, S. C ? * - ,'y tsk 1 i >se who have a Checking | :ount in this Bank what its ly advantages are. They'll ? * jg fin you?"It does away with | carrying of ready cash. ! ires as both- a record and | i| ;ipt of any financial trans- Pi - on. And it'* handy in >! ly other ways." low their example and start | . ? kecking Account here to- - M\ . At least, comednand talk | I ! A'igs over. g - - ' fc \ _ _ Ji ~ 1 \ > j P NATIt)NAfem??yk OF ROXBORO. N. C." . -THE FRIENBLY BANK. ' ~ j

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