."'T. . . .. r -?. ' ? - ? ' " IMPROVED LWORJH INTERNATIONAL Sunday School ^ T LessonT <?? H*v. P. B FITZWATKH, D-Dl. T*ach#f V of Rncllab Bible In th. bloody BlbU Inatltuio of Chlcttfo.) m r ?&. 19f4. Wwtern Newp*p?r Union.) Lesson for April 13 LIJAH AND THE STRUGGLE WITH BAAL LES80N TEXT?I Kins* QOU)?N TEXT?"No man can serr* two masters Ye cannot serve God and mammon."?Matt. 6:S4. PRIMARY TOPIC?God Hears Elijah's Prayer. JUNIOR TOPIC?Elijah on ML Cartnel. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC?The Conflict between Jesebel and Elijah. TOUNO PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC?How Elijah Won the Victory. I. Elijah's Mesas9# to Ahab (tt. 17-18). : When .leu-lid lirrnmo the wife nf King Ahnb, she waged a savage warfare against (Jod's prophets, killing nil she could And. thus seeking to abolish the true religion and set up Idolatry Instead. KUJah suddenly appcared,"an cornicing the suspension of moisture II Kings 17>H lie n t.1.1 ft..or.? Jiun. the "people for their Idolatry. HeK' . J2Sn<l vl lhree striking notes -in his Hh "message:" T" ~f. U) "As the Lord God of Israel llveth"?'He knew that he represented the living God, therefore did not fear. (2) "Before whom I stand"?Because Elijah stood before God, he gould stand before Ahab. (3) "There shal^ hot be-dew nor rain these years, but according to my word." ?Drought was the punishment (or idolatry (Deut. 11:18, 17). II. A Challenge to Baal Worship (1 Kings 18.17-46). As soon as Elijah hod delivered his. message concerning the drought, he retired from the king's sight,' while Jhe penalty of the kind's aina should be visited npSn The Tand. ' -ar*?- _ 1. Elijah Shows Himself-to Ahab (TT. 17, 18^ I, (1) Ahnb's question (v. 17). Ills aim In this question was no donbt to Intimidate Elijah', to awe him into submission. The devil goes about as a roaring Hon (1 1'et. 0:8). (2) Elijah's answer (v. 18). He denied the charge aftd boldly declared that tbh~ calamity which had befallen the nation wan caused by the Idolatry of Ahab anjl his family. 2. The Bold Challenge (vv. 18-24). (1) The neoole jw??embl? In lft. *8)). At the urgennequeit of Elijah the king convened the people.""" fat The rlqgfog rnll to dcclBlon (TV. . 21-24). s. e. The question aeked (v. 21). Many \ of the people bad not wholly forsaken Ood. They attempted to worship both Ood and Baal. b. The silence of the people (v. 21). This may have been because of fear of the king , or Ignorance, for many were of the opinion that.to be religious was the only thing necessary, Irrespective of ithe' being worshiped. c. The method of decision (vv. 2224). Two - sacrifices were to be provided, one to be offered to Baal, the other to Ood. 0 The one who answered by fire, was to be the God. 8. The Test Applied (vv. 25-30). (1) Offering by the prbpheta of Banl (vr. 25-29). Elijah gave the prophets of Baal the first opportunity tOL.prove to the people as to whether ? Baal was a real god. . (2)? TTiTj offering- by Elijah (vv. DORS). a. People Invited near (v. 30). ; There arc no secrets In God's worship. b. The ultur repaired (vv. 30-32). ^ Elijah took tweive stones representing the united nation. ^ o. The-offering on tho altar (vv. 33-36). After the bullock was In place K , he. hod four barrels of water three w" " times emptied upon the sucrltlce and 0 the wood so ns to fill thp trench ubout R the altar. .. _ B, d. Elijah's prayer (vv.' 30. 37) f. This was .a "model prayer. (a) It vipt based .upon covenants 1 (v. 30). All real prayer rests upon ? covenant-relationships. " (h) Its ebjSot Was ttod's evaltntloa (v. Dili. Elijah was Jealous fof God's / ' ' (;lory, but tho only thing'that lie asked > " . f.tel.iinself wfs to-be known as tlijd's .D ; servimt. 1 ^ " .. (c) It.was for the salvation of the ? .'.I*' pooftfu -(vD 37)._ Ills Penal' yearned v. _ .' nCt.o- tSKi'.l C ll. .....niAS .1 ? t. ......... - to knm\^<>^ cl , : frj.." ' - e. .T ho .result (Vv. 3S, 30). %* (a) ThcMlre of ther Lord /-U and * Azonnuijied, not only th??' sn"r'!iro. but V. * . ^ tb? wood, &toti ? nod- dtt?tf fueu lick".< toy op rtie water-far the trtmiUe*. / (fi) 'Fbe people fell on I heir facrs - gpg confessed that the Loft was the r ? 'J w 1. The Exefutton xq1 Ban]'& rrophel* (V. 40): IacmeV* UpvefAmeitt wee n * THvfl^eslTolt- Nine. I<I?VIgjR. 8t#y; wn? tre??on ?<frthiKt tha Kfiiij. Loyalty to Christ "i'J";. ' No Christian onglit to la! Ofroht? ? . toifs 'lilH .fOllKlon 'lit whore there It ; Volte. All the sAnje. It Is easier to be loyal. to Jesus when wo keep wit) [ Jejua' other .friends.?Christian Cyno :- -jprv -. ; ?- - - A WUs Selection V '.' . Lite U a. tilrco ot material put lata. _ fa"?ttlnif TT out bVeure'to use the only reliable pat tern, ? -Chrlstlai ' Cjrnfiwre. , , 1 - , uK' ; GEORGIA FARMERS BUSY SE TING OUT TOBACCO PLANTS. The etfcldgg of the plant ia ge era! in the tobacco section oT Geo gia, according to a report made he yesterday by Tom' Pleasant, of Sou Hill, Who has just returned from trip through the southern tobao section. . . . Around Nashville, Georgia, whe a splendid "setting season" was ( the farmers were very busy makit their first transplanting. He sa; that plants are.,in abundance and e ery indication points to an- ear crop, It is understood that the acr age will be very largely increased o" 'CONTRACT AWARDED FOR TRINITY CHURC1 Contract for the' new Trinity churc to be erected on the old site at tl Funeral Mer ttjUl tasteful and a all important f [fffl memorial servi Our experien hm knowledge, is r * tfjt| choice of mere in our modern i afl Here are show [if] metal, hardwo< LhJ ? finished and ?5 - with fine texti! cost is so wide "" of a funeral is ll ined by the de ? lecting. Hi Our display ? |U vestment for and satisfactio M R. A. Spt ? ? ? FUNERAL m .... Roxbfl A ? V oS tl \ You can % food value eating are made plain floui ablebakin] be employ not get the value of tl will your ba atable and The same r had if you Flours, whic - f packed in ] bags, thus ; tion of moist Qood autho cians agree *1 do not raise p health. Sue! 5^ rlicrvacf onrl in ?UWU 1UI -v. ach trouble. Mothers wno . the proper gro tbeir children - are) should ne but a .good, bf . ' - and a time-tes as Calumfit?th ?Powdbr. I ^ary leavening ? -i ; n-?Avtr >- ?<->l/infi1 *ri . . .. * ~ trvt^ry 7>ci'viiii^ lu ? . tious value. it able?do not Ibc there is none: . Itse (Vdumot and somexutritiotls a ? THE ROXBORO COURI r- corner of . ' Cleveland and .Libert; streets, was awarded last night whei recommendation of special commit n- tee, headed by R. L, Baldwin, wai r- made to the board of. stewards ji re special session. Consideration of bidi th for the work had, been under way foi a'some time. , co Announcement of the name of th< | successful judder will be made at th< re regular hour dl service this morning >n The cost of the church will be an 'K nounced when the contract is announc W ed. The church is expected to cost ii *",the neighborhood of $300,000.?Dur ly, ham Sun. - e ?o One county agent exchanged 2' tons of cotton seed for Nitrate of So da, Acid Phosphate and Kainit ob tainirig for the seed a price of tei b, cents per bushel above that offerer farmers locally. chandise that is ppropriate is an M actor in a fitting ce. ce and mature eflected in the hrxjl :handise offered lUil ?ew display room. ! ' Raj ^ 'n caskets of all ids handsomely [iflj caskets covered LeJdl les. The range in that the expense entirely determ- .1. ftt|| sires of those se- Dljl room is an in- KM the convenience U*J n of our clients. ;ncer & Son | ] DIRECTORS iro, N. C > | Co. fcud i ?? ?'on A ~ get the most : out of wheat bakings that : from good r. A dependg powder must ed or you do ! full nutritious . lie wheat?nor ? 1 kings be as paleasily digested. esults cannot be use Self Rising ' A h are improperly pasfeus. sacks or allowing absorpure from the air. rities and physithat bakings that roperlyarebad for i foods'are hard to time cause. stomare" interested in. wth and health of /anr\ nil !veu*use 'Anything . pd (Sf plain flour : ; ted leavener such e economy Baking ? ----- - .. . --- JK* oro than the ordi- ?? trength.. It raises its height uf liulrtfc??: is pure and depend- # >k for a substitute? be positfoe of whofend economical foods. - ? ???'?i SX&engxbl p?" mil nil .1 II,?r : ?? ; ??? ? __ A " ' . -1 ER April 9th 192< , Hall'* Catarrh ; Medicine;, tocal and internal "and has been success 1 nil in the treatment ot Catarrh for over I forty yean. Sold by all druggists, r % ). CHENEY Gl CO, Toledo, Ohio "HiSsftii ; PLASTERS A E'anAmrd - >H External ??tUfc C ^ Pais In Sic!?, Rheumatism, ?- ? J Backache, Jr V*^ "Any Local f y' Pain. wC , I 1-ziu Ai i.coes'S? fll a , [ JlfeOL < x ~ . " " ~?; The ARed Stee f the baft l< I (uaranti VBgheatPi ^^OnaMl E The value of a banl * - -; - resources and r The same thins For over fifty year making each is back of ever antee of qualifj Swift & Company knowledge nee ^ of your soil am Come in and we w crop. | Buy Swift's Red Si I V Deal II 11 An Em I It requi*es'r - 'i ciate the ou Not onl y ia market, hut . R to keep in a J after years s 1 Ail ~v*" f * - ? i. ir-T . g)|P| : "=- - ; ' i '1 /-fe '.*- --;'it.^>'V ~- ' A - "*'''. ; ' ' . ^ ; *.. ' . :* ' Moore's j , ? We sell th< HOME KILLED AND Fish and oysters, Tues ^ Saturda | L' Phone us your orders. We Buy Hides. ' /; ' ^ FWIFra ./^ f FERTILIZERS f <? ** '^<rVtflKBM *( On an l^y V^pnau Trr'fAYs Tovss mcur*^ JACK OF IT! c note or a promissory note is del eputation of whatever or whoet t is true of fertilizer. s Swift & Company has maintainec vift product the best of its kind, y bag of Swift's Red Steer fertilize! K /. has resources, equipment, raw m :essary to make the fertilizer that U trop. ill help you select the analysis besi teer Fertilizers?"IT PAYS TO Swift & Company (FERTILIZER WORKS) New Orleans, Louisiana. )T. T. PASf ler Representat RoxlboroT^.-CK v";.' & llWralMiiiMiiiiw ig "2 tsr>, ^<*1^3 iflt. .siLra. ^5 5 J >.o technical knowledgefof automobiles Itstanding value of the Forcl Touring ( iff the lowest priced five^ passenger ca it is k!;x> ? ear that costs little toc-per. indiricn cr.d has an unusually high res )l service. ' . : Ford Cert n?2 foW oh cOfpNimHit defcrrtd terrm, or he gurchss^d 1'crd Weekly Purchase Plan. "XS/L >m/l?lA CROW ELL AUTO CO. ". -ftoxboro, N.i-Gi f i^lV^C - - - T wUVO ?sj-ymr~*cz . 1PAGE THftEE Market J | e Best WESTERN BEEF. days, Fridays and ys. Prompt delivery. 1 H Phone 175 -^n.*?. ?J- . --i 1? ^oHs^ rermined by the r'er is behind it, I a reputation for ?. This reputation r. It's your guaraterials, and the meets the needs E suited for your 5E THEM." V',. \.i r? I ive [ I . ' _.* - : - ... '."-a -V ' . ?Q 5^955 1 ralue! f to appre-"' u j * " "7 ' ' . ' * pari: /' 'I pf on the | rj. ate, liule ?l . alevafaj }f.? -v" ' " ^

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