<v: | J. W. NOELL. EDITOR AN] VOL. No. IXL ^ Mr,, McLean's ance Corpoi Could be hiT(_defnt(d the resolution cutting off loans for export of farm prodncta in 1920T " EDITORIAL In December, 1923, the editor of the Roxboro Courier printed as editorial a statement of the record of the Wai Pinsinc Corporation, every.word of which was, supported by offi? i cial records cited in the editorial: This record showed that In the year 1920 the War Finance Corporation had the power to make advances for export of American farm ^products, 1 cotton, tobacco, etc.; and that instead of making these advances the War Finance Bqard suspended its "activities by a resolution adopted May 10, 1030. ic This resolution is as follows: k "Resolved, That at the request of " the Secretary of the Treasury and , pendintr fprther action by this Bqprd. 1he making by the Corporation of , further advances for export purposes, except pursuant to existing commitments. be suspended." .(See Third Annual Report of War Finance Corporation. Page; 6, as signed by Hon. A. W. McLean and his associates.) Everybody knows what happened in consequence. Senator Simmons has . declared that-the policy of defllation, of which the suspension of the War Finance Corporation's activities was an essentiaj part, resulted "in the widespread 'ruin of the farmers". The Supreme Court of North Carolina has declared that this resolution: brought about a drop in the price of cotton of 30 cents a pound. See To-! baceo Growers vs. Jones, 185 N C 265. The auestion is- a? to Hon. A. W. j McLean's share in the. responsibility for passing this resolution. Mr. Brooks says that Mr. McLean oppos-i ed this resolution. We say that he did not. This is the issue. Let us now dis-; cues it In light of the evidence. ! The War Finance Board consisted of five members at the time; Hon. A.; ' W. McLean, now a candidate for Governor In'this State, being one of the members. Erom May. 1920, until January' 1921. cotton, tobacco, et-. took a tremendous fall. We had what was known as "deflation" and there was. in the language of Senator Simmons, "w'despn-ead ruin" of the. farmers. . While this deflation was going on. and prices falling, the War Finance Corporation did frothing?loaned not n dollar for export or for any other j purpose. It was the one agency of -the Government that might have arrest- j ed or alleviated this process of de- i flation. This was what ft was for sf-! ~*T? ter the war was over?-to prevent Ju*t what it failed to prevents?the j rolJanse of prices of farm products. ? It had the nower to praise two bill ion? ' of dollars for this purpose. But it did. nothing. This is not denied. It is a matter, of history and carnal record. The Courier's editorial wa< not an-; swefed at the t:mo. Hon. A. L. Brooks' issued a so-called "reply" consisting, of numerous complimentary lettersj to Hon. A. W. McLean, from his political friends and associates. The Greensboro News declared that' Mr. Brooks' "reply" did not "fease" the, Cmrier's charges. Mr. Brooks' s?cond attempt practically admits _this. On Anril.rll. 1924?nearly fotir months later .Mr-Brooks tries again. We are printing his second attempt to ' 'ear his candidate fo*? Governor m this number of the Courier. We p*-e gladly nriiftirg it. T* proves our charge against Mr. McLean. ^ In our opinion. Mr. Brooke makes the matter worse* for Mr. McLean in hi'?T second ntt'emot: He admits: I. That Mr. McLean was a member of the War Finance Board at the time of deflation. * ?. "That the War Finance-Corporation was charged with the duty and the power of making advances for exnort of fiirj1 r,r<?asi ~ . 5% -^fVaJr it suspended activities May 10, 1920. and notwithstanding Europe was calling for Amerinan cotton, food arid tobacco, it loaned . . not a dollar for export the balance 4. That all through this period the War Finance Board had four hundred mflllions of dollars of the people's . money invested in United States Bonrl*?instead of in mtt.nn nnd to.. bacco and wheat and com, on the way to Rurope that was calling for It. K. That the farmers were ruined. ?. He does does not deny that Mr. McLean was all througn this period heavily interested in cotton mllla, of which he was director, and from which he drew large dividends. This .. ? fact. He does not deny that all through this period Mr. McLean was . drawing a salary of $12,000 from he U. S. government and another large salary from tfie Atlantic Coast Tirr yf pre.idenr of its suh^'liary., the Virginia & Carplina _ ' Srn'hcrn .R., R. This is a fact. Wli*t iww Mr. Krooks do? Ho trios to pot the whole wretched off Upon. Secretary Houston. yfiMifllwl MctrA?w$-Not Oppose . the : Resolution. v iTnhi - T>n? it re kp'nprn, Ttnd ntrrepd thftf rhn^ vf" fitr* nierfther? or jEhe War^ r- *"V'T" franco Board/3ff."Rotfctoh wffft ope. ' / /**' . >.. ,-*=M v " * 7 .Li.-." ?lL-. ^ - **?,e t ?-i* D PUBLISHER ROXBOR War Pin- |' ration Record > C h Mr. McLean was one. No one man d could control It. It required a major- j, ity?that iq, three. The question is, Did Mr. McLean oppose the resolution suspending: > loans of the Board? |n MR. BROOKS SAYS MR. MC- v LEAN WAS OPPOSED TO 'THE RESOLUTION OF MAY 10, 1920, " SUSPENDING THE ACTIVITIES OF ir THE.'HOARD, BUT- MP BROOKS' f OWN ARGUMENT?READ IT? |i SHOWS THAT THIS COULD NOT . BE TRUE! SEE SENATOR OVERMAN'S LETTER, AS PUBLISHED J BY ,UR. BROOKS. IN THIS LETTER SENATOR OVERMAN SAYS: 8 "Some?if not ail of the directors? ^ including Mr. McLean?opposed suspension. When the Secretary (Hourtori) insisted, Mr. Meyer and I think a Mr.vCutcheon resigned." & TRhs is true; Meyer and Cutchoon ' weri^ngainst the resolution, and when it passed,'resigned. They came ,c clean. THERE WERE FIVE MEMEBERS OF THE BOARD. MR. MEYER AND MR. CUTTCHEON WERE TWO. MR. BROOKS QUOTES" SENATOR OV- e ERMAN AS SAYING THAT THEY [t (Continued on page (two) o .?: 1 o I CROWDED OUT. j * ??T" ' ~ j t Wo have several very interesting j, communications which are crowded j out of thie issue. We will present, them in our next. '. All. announcements will appear in'v next issue. Don't imagine they are out of the race, they are still running,1 j with more to follow "" , ? LEWD WOMEN SENT TO JAIL. * On last Sunday two women from 0 Danville, Va., giving their- names as a Sarah and Sallie Dove, were raising q quite a commotion ".in?the country < e r.ear Ceffo. Sheriff Long was notified J and with Mr. Sam Oliver went out Jto f arrest them. However, they were s frustrated in their plans as the par- ? ties got wind of_the fact that the j. Sheriff was after- them and made a j get away, hut the officers were not to t be fooled and on Monday followed r them to Danville where they were ^ arrested by the chief of police of that. city. They were brought here on Mon- a day evening and given a hearing be- p fore Squire Newton yesterday morn- ^ ing, and bound over to court under $250 bond, each, which they were un- ? able to give and were?sent to jail. 1 v ?r?-?? Ifi SIMPLY- DID MY DUTY. Mr. Editor: 3 I understand that I have been crit-,*1 icised by a lot of people for persuing i P and arresting the bad women. These;*1 women have been coming here for y some time, causing a lot of trouble,]* and on Sunday were oub at an old. ? school house where there were sev-! ^ eral men drunk and several fights j d had occurred. I was called upon and ^ felt that something must be done,!*1 hence myHfesire to break up this, aw-18 ful business. Chief Bell of Danville! told me their character was awful j * bad, and that he had been trying to catch them for some, time, and was very glad we had a case against' * them. * I have done nothing more than my n duty. .The people elected me to en-/* force'the law and I am going to try ^ to do that as long as I am^in this of- * fice. ^? - - -4~.il Respectfully, ; ? J. M.J,ong, Sheriff. !v - ?o? EXECUTRIX NOTICE. I i Having qualified as Executrix of"* the estate of J. C. Gentry, late of Person County, NV-'C-.^this is to notify all persons having claims against ' the estate of the said deceased to ] present them to the undersigned on! or before the 15th day of April, 1925, B or this notice will be pleaded iff" bar of j their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment: . S This April 15, 1924. t<3 Mrs. Susie Gentry, ' j Executrix. t o U ANNOUNCEMENT JLheiebv announce myself a cand:t' .date for County Commissioner, subject to ^ the n?nibrratic primary. If > -wt?taror mr-Tfith-thf mnrinnnrm 1 and elect jtte f shall serve..you to the < best of ioV ability. ' ' i ... - 'John T.. Gentry.. . ..' v r .. ^ J Jy *' HOME FIRST, j O, NORTH CAROLINA ?1? . . 1 ? lOXBORO'S DEBATERSSECOND BEST. The Rokboro high school debating earns proceeded to Chapel Hill to ontest for the Aycock cup in the igh school debating contest, held uner the auspices of the University of lorth Carolina on last Thursday, and Ithongh they did not succeed in ringing, home the cup they got so ear it that had it been a snake it 'ould have bit thera, for on retuxnig to Roxboro the affirmative team epresented by Janle Burns and iharles \Voo<ls received the folloarsg letter from Dr. Rankin, secretary f the contestr-. )ear Miss Burns rfnd Mr. Woods: We wish to congratulate you on the uccess of your debate at Chapel Hill, 'ou deserve a great deal df credit or .making such progress in so short:; period of experience in debating) nd we are glad to inform you that I ou-came out next to Wilson in the! ontest. Sincerely yours, | E. K. Rankin, Sect, 'u As the Wilson debaters were chos^j n the best upholders of the aflfrma-l ive side of the question out of the; ne thousand high school debaters,! >r. Rankins letter meant that Janit-j lurns and Charles Woods are next] o the'Wilson logicians, the best! igh school affirmative debaters in' he State of. North Carolina. On arriving at the University, eaA earn drew it opponent, by lot anf . as directed to' one of the fifteen ections where the debates were held, n each of these sections ten schools .ere represented by an affirmative,or, negative team and the best team on] ach side of the question was qhosen] rom each-section to take part in an-] ther contest the next day for choice! s the best team on its side of the I uestion of all the schools representd. Although the negative team from toxboro. which had previously derated Oxford was eliminated?in its; ection, Roxboro's affirmative w.'s icked as the best affirmative f^t1] ts section and went to the semi-' nals where-it won second honor^-in j he state. The- -negative side from toxboro was upheld by Roxanah rapcey and Eugene Thompson. I The sbccess of the-debating teams t the University following their revious victories over Oxford and "hapel If ill together with Wallace! Vhite's success in the* Declamation, 'ontest at Wake Forest College the' . eek before where he went to the mals and won a college pin as a] rophy of his ability places the Rox-i oro high school on the map in thei tare wnen it comes to anairs ora-1 orical. These victories are the moro| rized when the fact is taken into onsideration that this is the first ear in a six year period of time that loxboro has contested in oratorical r debating contests of any kind, and he participants of the high school eserve a great deal of credit for the ard work that has been necessary o win honors for the town and the chool. >EATH OF MR. E. A. PHILLIPS. -o- j Mr. Phillips died at his home in1 last Roxboro on March 6th, 1924. re was born on August 19th,. 1819, | laki'ng his stay on earth 75 years and j months. He was twice married, his rst wife was a Miss Jones, and to heif union was bom 5 children. In 82$. ie was jnarried to Miss' Mary E. lagan, and to this ui..or. IP children' re re born, 5 boys and 5- girls. May !od bless his wife and children who re left ,tu mourn their lrtss. He had teen confined to his bed for 16 aonths, but wife, children and friends id everything for him that moytal lands could do, but God saw fit to ake him awa\i to live with Him.? ^ Friend. .. L-' r?I iIR. SCOTT WILL ADDRESS THE FARMERS. On Tuesday April 22nd Mr. R. W. Scott of AJamance county will adIreaa the farmers or* the freneral subect of Aifricultuee. The address will alee place at the nobh hour recess, in he court house. The public is cordiili'y invited ' to hear this address. ' AT AUCTION ? 25. residential lots?your opportiflity to purchase at market value, ju-pry-btf-V" h-'.-M noi.-t fnrf.' the Hill', .Sutuiilny AirriJ lOfh-at 1 i*. M. ar the*.premises. . . . ' v h'sa. " Js T. Walker.. "" iainrr; 'i'*"' :??-?r?"?:?~ j. " ' ro (? ABROAD NEXT ' ' r \, Wednesday Evening A DEMOCEATIC COUNTT T CONVENTION. The Democratic County Convention met here last- Saturday evening and h it was the most harmonious dozen y Jrou ever saw. In the absence of the ri County Chairman, Mr. R. P. Burns, f< the convention was called to order d; by Mr. N_ Lunsford, secretary. Mr. SI L. M. Carlton wgsmade permanent chairman and MrT j. W. Noeil, secretary. A motion that all It Democrats in good and regular stand-1 ing be recognized as delegates at the' State convention was adopted. Ad-J journed. I t~ Perfectly harmonious. DEATH OF MRS. A. A. KENT. ^ Jf Mr?. A. A. Kent, who before nrar- 3 riage was Miss Elma Featherston, died at the home of her husband. Dr. *" Kent, in Lenoir, N. C? last Friday morning. The body, accompanied ny Jj Dr. Kent and his four sons, was brought here for burial on Saturday,^ the funeral services' being held in the i Edgar Long Memorial Church, of [7 which she was for so long a consistent member, Rev. F. M. Shamburger, pastor, assisted by Rev. J. B. Hur- j ley and Rev, B. C. Thompson, con- 2 ducting the services. 3 Mrs. Kent was a native of Roxboro, having lived here until about } three years ago when she was mar- 5 ried, and was a most beautiful, lovable woman, being an active church 6 pujrjser. The floral offering was beau-' 7 tiful, beh?g a simple testimony of her s universal- popularity with her old ! home friends. I . _ . ?,??^ o? 19 - A GREAT OCCASION. Blessings on our speakers who rep-j resented Roxboro High School at 11 Chapel Hill last week. It was a great j occasion with the host of high school j speakers, their fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters and friends from the four quarters of North Carolina, S We are happy over the most excellent work of our speakers. They have^ brought honor not orjiy to this school s and town but to the whole County. ' We wish every student in Person a county could have heard the speeches of our people. They were wonderful, n But I must hot Write more as a full account of the work and the occasion has already been written for The Courier. Again I say, blessings on our speakers, their fathers and mothers. J. A. Beam. ~ ? / A GOOD RECORD. ,/ 0 I d We have had quite a number of,ro->( ^ ports from what the women of the j County were* doing towards earnirtg g "pin money" but we have seen no re- ? port which excells this one of Mra.|_ C. iF. Adcock. During the past year she has sold $39.68 worth of chickens, t eggs $81.00, meat $31.25, molasses j. $9.75 and for butter, beans and other ( vegetables she realized-$208.00, mak-. ing a grand total of $369.68. ft sure> ' ly pays to give a little time to chictT- F ens, eggs and vegetables. MEETING OF METHODIST MISSIONARY SOCIETIES. ? ?o ^ A County meeting of the Metho-! dist Missionary Societies of Person y county will be held with the church at, Oak Grove Friday, April 25th. It is expected that each organizaf'ren'in the County Will be represent- R ed at thia meeting, and we especially n?a fV.f b.,1, nnnmani,.^ ,1 ?V, [ send one or moTe representatives. . See program ift the_ rjert issue of a The Courier. j~o ?-? e . o SUPERIOR COURT THIS WEEK. A special term of Superior Court is in session this week, Judge Brown on ^ the bench. This term is for the purpose of clearing the civil docket which' ? has become congested. We will give ^ detailed report in our next issue, j Monday morning following this s * special term we will have the regular term/which will be presided over: by Judge Sinclair. 22?T.?~~ g A MOVED TO MISSISSIPPI. V ; Dr. S- D. Coleman, who .has been' ( located here for J.he past year, ha.?_ 5 jnoved to Meridian, Siiss,, and will p make (JtAt-his a splenffH "jfoung rnim-and we regret r to. saw him leave our town. __ V. i, Y - ... V"? * ' T Vfr -? I " " . * . . . Zl_ Z- . .... - . ...... lo it r i $1J5< pril 16th, 1924 ' O THE LADY VOTERS OF PERSON COUNTY. I declare myself as a candidate "to old the next re-unioti, subject to our suppprt with a good basket of itions. I promise to^do my very best >r you ana basket. We will eat, rink and be merry on a high scale, leet early on May 10th, 1924. J. H. B., Old Reb. JEPORT OF THE CONDITION OF he Peoples Bank, at Roxboro in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business, March SUt. I>24. : Resources /Loans and. DiscotjntR, $ 873,917.64 . United States Bonds and. Liberty Bonds,.. "129,650.00 . Ail other Stocks, Bonds, and Mortgages 74,850.00 . Banking Houses, $9,. 248.82; Furniture and Fixtures, $10,259.69. ' 19,508.51 . Cash in vault and net amounts due from Bank3, Bankers and Trust Cos. 157,594.21 . Cash Items held over 24 hours, a.-.-t...... 5.998.87 i Checks for clearing 6,012.96 Total, $1,267,032.19 Liabilities . Capital Stock paid in, .$100,000.00 ..Surplus .Fund, ... 100,000.00 . Undivideid Profits, less current^ expenses and ta*xes ?aid,.., 9,779.15 . Unearned Discount,.. 4,000.00 . Dividends Unpaid, and Reserves for 7348.00 . Bills Payable, . 10p,000.00 . Deposits subject to check, Individual, - 417,629.26 Deposits Due State of N. C. or any Official theredf,. 74,782.17 . Time Certificates of Deposit, Due in Less Than 30 Davs 372,878.63 0. Cashier's Cheeks outstanding C 6,436.70 1. Certified Checks^ 34.62 2. Savings Deposits,... 70,476.16 3. Accrued Interest due depositors, :9,10T.50 * ' Total $1,267,032.19 itate of North Carolina?County of Person, April 8th, 1924. I, E. G. Long, Vice-Preaident, of he above named Bank, do solemnly wear that the above statement is rue to the best of my knowledge nd belief. E. G. Long, Vice-President. Subscribed and sworn to before le, this 8th day of AnrjJ, 1924. M. \V. Satterfield, Notary Public. Mir : 1 ? J ww......?oo?v<? CAHUC3 rtjjr. I LI| 926. f ' Correct?Attest W. H. Harris Hambrick . v^jnoT C. Pass, Directors. 0 FISHING PARTIES. Last week the following party went own to Buckhorn on a fishing trip: less. C. H. Hunter, C. C. Critcher, . E. .Daniel, J. T. Wade and Tobie iatterfield. Mr. Hunter says the fishing" was good, but the water ras too high for good results. Dr. W. T. Long and Mr. J. T. Wade t>ok a I ittle trip down below Virgina and report unusual good luck in atching white perch. REE OIL?NOT TEA POT DOME. We will open the Central Service tation, located on8 Main Street ?posite Post Office, on Monday April 1st. To all who have their tanks lied on that day will furnish FREE quart of oil. Come to see us?serice with a smile. . Burch & iFeatherston, Managers. :ECITAL AT THE AUDITORIUM. The pupils of. Mrs. It. Wr Newtjft rill appear in a recital at the school uditorium Friday afternoon at 4 'clock XfiriY the 18th, 1924. Every ne is cordially invited. REVIVAL SERVICES. Revival service* will begin in the taptist church on Sunday, April 20th, onducted by Rev. Sam. J. Porter, D. of Durham. There will be singing y- the chorus- choir-and? all of the ingers of the town have been corially invited to join in these services. rou are cordially invited to all of the ervices, 3:30 and 7:30 P. M, 'J ? o " . PLAJf -AT BETH F.I. HJI.I.. There will Ire a play. "A Cabin Courtship", at Bethel ifHl High Ichpol Tuesday night April 2?nd iven by the'A'Ilensville ffigh School, 'nrtaina to rise at- 8 o'cloelt, l.tt' CV rvbody coj?o- Admission 110 ann ???.. 1 . 7!~gy"iiip-i * ' ~~ i ZL 7 1 ct ) PER YEAR IN ADVANCE _ - v '"SPRINGTIME" ft GREAT SUCCESS '120 CHARACTERS IN THE CAST ? % , Pronounced the Bent Ametenr Play ! Presented here. Miss Hemlrika A Star In Her Line. "Springtime" h*d been profusely advertised as THE. BEST and the people were expecting something out of the ordinary, and they were not disappointed. Of the 120 characters it wonld indeed be a task to pick the star, but we say unhesitatingly that each one. did; his or her part to the j entire satisfaction of the audience. This-pley was" given for the benel fit of the Legion boys, nn? they were greeted by a full house on Friday night, the second performance Saturday night was a fairly good house, and the Legion boys were delighted ' with the success of the play. It is really a play of me(1t and the director. Miss Hendriks, brought oat everything there was in it. If it should ever be the pleasure of the town to stage another one of these productions and Miss Hendriks Is the director "there is no auditorium large enough to accommodate the crowd. _ From a financial standpoint the play was equally pleasing, the boys receiving a net balance of more than ' $200. SAJNT MARK'S CHURCH. HOLY WEEK:?A week of concentration on His Passion and agony in ..the Garden. Let us, in thought and 1 spirit, follow Him throngh the shad| ows of Gethsemane and on over Cal vary to the victory. of Easter. V Wednesday:?Litany and short talk on the creeds at 5:00 P. M. Thursday:?tHoly Communion at 7:30 A. M. I Friday;?A short service of pray- 5 er and praise and an address on the words from and to the Cross, at 9:00 A. M., 12:00 noon and 3:00 P. M. We invite you to all of these services. Easter:?Morning; Prayer, sermon and Holy Communion at 11:.00. A. M. -j' Come and worship with us. J. L. Martin, Rector. ELDER HERNDREN TO BE AT W ARRENS GROVE. Elder Herndren will preach at War- . rens Grove on the 1st Sunday in May at 3:30 p. m. The public is cordially invited to come out to this service, o NEW MANAGER AT A. A P. STORE. -oMr. Charlie Wade has accepted a (position with the A. & P.. Store and ? will manage same in the future. This is a wise step on the part of the A. & P., for Charlie is one of the most popular salesmen of this section, hav-? ing had a long experience in the grocery business. "A CABIN COURTSHIP" AT HELENA. Allensville High School will pre1 sent their play. "A Cabin Courship" at Helena High School auditorium next Saturday night, April 19th, at 8 o'clock. Everybody invited. Admia- j?*~~ sion, 20 and 35 cents. , NOTICE. f ? \ . ' j If any residence, where the trash has been piled wa overlooked I [ will be- glad to have same hauled away if you will notify roe. ? J- S. Halley - ' - ' ' .c. 0 T V ' j'-i X' C W UAOVU 1 wSvn Huff i in Aoixin. v Mr. A. P. Clayton has been appointed temporary poit master here. Tew men in the County are better known than Mr. Clayton and his appointment will meet with the approval of the community. " " " o 3 Mr. C. P. Allen, oi the postoflce ? _ force, who hae been on the sick list for the past several weeks, is abTe to be at his post again. > * ? The recent campaign in Cleveland j 'County disclosed-the fact that ofithe '4,600 children turning in cards, " ? ,'l334 are .drinkiny whole nfilk, 2,043( "J" nr? drinking tea and coffee-daily arid . % I ttt ?r?; taking1 Tniik to -rhool with' r; 4thftr lunch -- : .

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