* * I!*?!??"?"-*"???M MMMM TOMS-CARVER WEDDING J J:-|| 1 SOLEMNIZED SATURDAY ' , Memorial Methodist church was a * scene of unusual beauty, on Saturday evening,.at eight o'clock, when a large throng gathered to witness the marriage of Miss Julia Carver and Edgar Shelton Toms. The decoration of white and green was extremely artistic, and redolent of Spring. An avenue cf lilies extended down the aisles, great clusters of the fragrant flowers being attached to the pews with tulle streamIn the chancel, against a baclfH ? .ground of white, a cascade of southern smilax and asparagus fern was unusually effective. Groups of palms, large canndelabra gleaming with the light of many white candles, and tall baskets of lilies and bride roses completed the charming scene. The wedding ceremony was pre; Ceded by an elaborate musical program. Following the rendition of "Liebestraum," by Mrs. Venable, as " organist?Snmnpl Rn.-irk of Trinity . college, played a violin solo, "The Waters of Minnetonka." Gordon-Carver, a cousin of - thebride, sang "My Heart at Thy Sweet Voice," and "I love^you," with Mrs. Cimnmorhum HO nrs/iryyhr?or> ief fV.? , Mendellsohn wedding march was used as the processional with the Tannhauser march as the recessional. William W. Flowers, of New York, William D. Carmichael, John A. Buchanan, Slallory Hackney, and John C. Michic, Jr., were ushers. The groomsmen were: Henry Cole, of New York; William Branson, of Concord; William Carver, Arthur Carver, brothers "of the bride; and Zaok Toms, a brother of the groom. , Miss Carver's attractive bridesmaids werei Miss Ruth Early, of Louisburg; Miss Laura Underwood, of Fayetteville; Miss Iva Jeannette, of Manteo; Miss Hunter Holloway, of Smithfield, Va? Miss Mabel Wescott?'-of Lake Junaluska, and Miss Helen Lyon a cousin of the bride. They" wore chic frocks" of peach georgette, made with a tight bodice and full, flared s'dirt, elaborately embroidered in gold, and edged with a band of marabou. Gold slippers and stockings completed these charming costumes. The bride entered the church with her father, Hosa Lee Carver. She was radiant in an exquisite creation of "white Dutchess satin, elaborately embroidered in crystal beads and Princesse lace medallions. Her train, which fell from the shoulders, was beaded in crystal with inserts of Princesse lace .medallions, in th -same pattern aa her gown. The Reverend Mr. Peele of Trin ity Methodist church, and the Rever end Mr. Starns of the Rougemon Methodist church, were the officiat ing clergymen. ^ 'After the ceremony Mr? and Mrs Carver entertained the members of the bridal party, their families, and the out-of-town guests, at the Forest Hills country club. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hosa Lea Carver of , Rougemont. She is a graduate of Trinity college, and a member of th Alpha Delta ft sorority. Her unusua attractiveness and charming person ality have made her a very popular member of the younger set in Dur , ham, and throughout the state. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs Clinton White Toms, of New York . and Durham. After graduating with ] high honors at the famous Bell Buc~~kle school in Tennessee, he attended ( Trinity college for three years, where , he was a member of the Kappa Sig- , ma fraternity. He is a young man of marked ability', and delightful personality. He lives in Philadelphia where he is superintendent of the Ellis Branch < of the Liggett and Myers Tobacco . company, of which his father is vicepresident. , Mr. and Mrs. Toms left at midnight, the bride wearing a smart model from Maybelle Manning, of the new rose-tan poiret twill, made with a one-piece sleeveless froek, and long ooat edg^d with tiger. Hei chic hat matched the suit. After a fortnight's stay in Canada, Mr. and Mrs. Toms will be at home at 327 Wellesley Road, Philadelphia. UK ; ADMINISTRAOR'8 NOTICE. flaring qualified as administrator of the estate of W. Q. -Oakley, late, of Persmrfcountv. N. C.. this is to notify all -persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to present them to the undersigned un or .b:fore the 6th .day of April, 192S, ? or this not,ioe will be pleaded in bar of their reoogeryV All "pirsdiis tfUtebt Id to the saia estate will pleaae make . TwfE?''*t?<P*Tn,entTM?~Apr>l 5. 1S24 - 6ts-pdi" " 'm- B, E. Bowles. ?.?1? ? ' Administrator. TRUSTEE'S SALE QF LAND! Under and by virtue of the powers conferred upon me by a certain deed of trust executed on. June 24, 1918, by Graham Jones and wife and duly registered in the office of Reg. later of Deeds of "person County?in Deed <tt Trust Book "2, page 467, the condition's of safl~deed of trust not having been complied with and the parties interested having requested that the powers contained therein be exercised, I will on MONDAY, MAY 5. 1924, at 12 o'clock noon, at the co\irt house door in Roxboro N. C, sell at pdblie sale to the highest bidder .for cash the lot of land .conveyed by said deed of trust and described as follows, (owit: Lying and being near the town of Roxboro, N. C? and beginning at a rock on the Roxboro.Leasburg public road, Mrs. S. B. Winstead's corner, theyce with the road- eastward 220 feet to a rock, thence southward 130 feet to a rock in Mrs. S. B. WinStead's line, thence with her line 190 feet to the beginning, being n parj ?i- Mmt w hy F J. Tucker _ to Mary E. Jones by deed of recnrd in'Book 21, patj^ iSO, - office of Register of DeSds, tfnH being that lot con-; teyod by Mary E, Jones and husband o Graham Jones, by deed dated June 3, .1018.. ;_This April 5, 1924. F. O. Carver, Trustoe. NOTICE RESALE OF LAND. By .virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Person County, N. C., made in- that Special proceeding entitled T. G. Lunsford, Adm. of -J. M. , Yarbrough and Tina W. Yarbrough v* J. Lundy Y'arbrough, an increase bid having been placed on the lands heretofore offered for sa^Tthb undersigned Commissioner will on Monday, April '28th, 1924, at 12 o'clock Mi at the Court house door in Roxboro, N. C., sell-to the highest bidder for cash, the lands mentioned and described in the-petition 4n said-action to wit. That certain tract of land in " Flat River; Township, Person County, N. C., bounded on the fs'orth and East by lends of J. C. Catea. South by Charley. Pool and West by the lands formerly belonging to the estate of J. S. Coleman, deceased, containing * one hundred acres more or less and known as the Jasper Yarbrough place. An increase bid - having- been placed on former sale, the bidding will begin at $1690.50. This April 9th 1924. N. Lunsford, Commissioner. ? I 1 J. ARTHUR ADAIR DRILLER- AND CONTRACTOR RoxboYo, N. C. - ' - 1 fit^Npk&y/estaii. Schedule Effective March 9, 1924 i. m. p. m. - p, tu. p. m. 7:05 *5:15 lv. Durham ar. *1:351*8:30 i. m. p. m. .a.m. p. m. 8:18 6:25 lv. Roxboro ar. 12:19 7:20 8:45 6:52 lv. Denniston ar. li:50 6:52 9:10 7:15 lv. S. Boston ar. 11:30 6:30 9:24 7:29 lv. Halifax ar. 11:18 6:15 11:45 9:45 ar. Lynchg. lv. 9:05 4:00 . * Above trains daily. Connections at Lynchburg for Wushngton, Baltimore, Philadelphia and tfew York. Parlor and sleeping cars dining :an. The beat ronte to the -west and. northwest. Rates and information |; ipon application to agent, or W. C. SAUNDERS, , !' General Pass. Ageni j Roanoke, Va Hall9s Catarrh MaitSiifiiA i# a Combinei Cm%lUC Treatment,bot!i local and internal and has been successful in the treatment ot Catarrh for over forty years. Sold by oil druggists. F. J. CHENEY Sl CO., Toledo, Ohio TWO TO-NIGHT E for loss of appetite; bad breath, !1 ? coated tongue, biliousness, Wilhowt fripmf or mcwa CHAMBERLAIN'S TABLETS Set your liver right?only 26e 17ran AWn ZOO YEARS haarlem oil has "teen a world wide remedy for kidney, liver and Madder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago anduricacicl conditions. . J rorreet Internal troubles, stimulate vital f?|.n. InMrt on the original genuine Qpu? Msdal. ^ PEPPSSP . THE ROXBORO COURt I, A Good Thing - UOXT MISS IX. ?ex?d your name and ithirr^ plainlyvrittcn .together rrjth 6c^ntf f^and thii. v, to Choubejriain iWicinc Co , Iaj ^ Moihe^lowa, a-. ! meiV? in return a trial package CA.nuii.ing ('j jobber lain'a Googh TUmedy. fv.r covycii ^cldy qroup, bronchia), ''flu" and whooping coughs, and tickling throat; Chamberlain's &wmach "and 12 ?er Tablets fApvetomach troubles, iudigor? ion, g*>*y p.- ins that crowd lh? heart, biliousness and constSpption; Chamberlain's Salve, needed in fsrery family for burns, scalds, wounds, piles, and rkin a flections; these valued family cadicines for oulj 0 cents. Don't miss it Keep Well E? Avoid Sickness S W - TAKE >i IHAN9IMETH> 9 E.U7M PILLS i Q OR Q Q at Bed Time U ill cleanse thb system, purify |g e blood and keep, you well. Ifl For Constipation idigestion. Biliousness, "- IS Entirely Vmgatablm. 0 ja r v - v I Scop the"Sr-^ ; children's coughs . at orrce!.. DON'T Dc them Tun cn i ntil danserous compljcatit i . sec in. Nothing so cuickLy it Op* . coaching rs Dr. Pill's fmc-Tar Honey. I: c> trrnni< ju t Th<T ncdicinrs your t.v/c>> \ reiirribc* v;ith the ckhiim5 r r"7\!y r.nctar Hon f* H **d t a.k'io pi Imv % 1 x>?er?s >:nl * 1-.m?s t.h .>v'?the :rfl a mm at .on is rctuueu - r.< rmal i pteathiv'j h cwo-cJ. f>celler.t f h yyiifd brut olJ, r.ftke! It tastes coo J, too. Keen Dr. Bell's on hand for all the family. Ad utu%n$ts. Be sure \o ?it Dw genuine. DR. BELL'S Pine-Tar Honey , 1 ? r~~.A L ARM IN G | The kidneys jJa should filter' B the blood, when they are out Kh the wEBE' blood stream is just filled with poisonous uric acid. Carried to all parts of the body, thS poison causes backaches, headache? rheumatir riainc dizziness, irritability or depression anT distressing bladder troubles. But that isn't the worst of it II ichronic neglected casc3, the excess urii acid is apt to form into gravel or kid' ney stopes, and to cause gout, sciatica dropsy and even Bright's disease. Let the first pain in the back be you I warning. Get a bottle of Dr. Pierce''new An-uric tablets (anti-uric-acid)Your druggist can tell you about thii new discovery for bad kidneys. Or send 10c for a trial package to Dr Pierce, Pres., Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N; Y. MONUMENTS AND TOMBSTONES Anything in the! j way of Monuments, ; ' Tombstones or grave ; j markers. Best most i durable stone, at low est prices. Everything , 'guaranteed. 10 per cent discount! j | on all work. | Write or see j J. MH^HLPOTT, j ?- ruaIk?u, Ni C,,=H tf. , Route 1. ... fc. * . [ ' * . ' j ) . * ' Jl,.'*' ? -?-? 4 .:uu}? ittfc SAME AS { THIRTY YEARS AGO FOR 30 years physicians hare prescribed Glide's i'epto-Mangan because it contains a form of iron which is readily absorbed, ' does not upset the stomach or affect the teeth, and is a splendid tonic and blood enricher. At your druggist's, in both liquid and tablets. i Free Trial Talileta To " '? rree i rial. l aDiets ,h? hwiih-tmikuna value of Gude'c Pepto-Mangan, write today for trcneroua Trial Package of Tableft. Sand no money?juet name and adrtrvaa to M. J. Hrcit?nbach Co., 5S Warrm St. N. T. < Gude's pepto-J^angan Tonic and Blood Enricher o????? . Subscribe to The Courier. 1 : 15 n - a 1 'S " f J" B. Th, & h Ik i Ac< Si - B g| la mai I tell IP it rec( g| acti t'<; mai 3Fo1 111 thir jjlMBHE thbfIRSI ; /Tied St* I the bag I guaran \HlghestF j N^QMI I The value of a ban resources and The same thin . For over fifty yeai making each S is back of evei antee of qualit 3Witt fit Ctompaiiy knowledge ne of your soil at Come in and we \ crop. Buy Swift's Red S * J / I \ - Dea 9 . i ?. . . . ,.r . . - - - PAgE THREE Moore's Market * . ' - .' We sell the Best HOME KILLED AND WESTERN BEEF, j | "* , . , Fish and oysters, Tuesdays, Fridays and y Saturdays. Phone us your orders. Prompt delivery. We Buy Hides. Phone 175 ' I . t ' 1? I >se who have a-Checking | :ount in this Bank what its 3 f~. ay advantages are. They'll | you?"It does away with | carrying of ready cash. >3 || ? ves as both a record and || p iipt of anyv financial trans- f 1 on. And'/ it's- handy in | ay other ways." | g ' low their example and start I checking Account here to- | . At least, come in and talk ^ ?gs over. I j 1 NATION AL BANK. 1 OF ROXBORO, N. C. THE FRIENDLY BANK. " - *- . j SI ~t~~ fr-onX Fertilizers / *>.? * t:,^r ) bwWWB* *{ OnanCrops 1 ^NOnaUSote^/ SACK OF IT! O ik note or a promissory note is determined by the reputation of whatever or whoever is behind it. g is true of fertilizer. rs Swift & Company has maintained a reputation for >wift product the best of its kind. This reputation ry bag of Swift's Red Steer fertilizer. It's your guary. II has resources, equipment, raw materials, and" the cessary to make the fertilizer that meets the needs kd crop. vill help you select the analysis best suited for your ^ teer Fertilizers?"IT PAYS Tp USE THEM." ^ Swift & Company (FERTILIZER. WORKS) ... New Orleans, Louisiana. V. T. PASS" ? ler .^Representative Rujkburo* N. C. ~ " ? ? ^ - ^ ? ?- J.Jci r T ? ' ' '' ~ r/~ : "" " , . 1 '

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