V? f PROFESSIONAL I CARDS DR. H.' E. SATTEKFIELD , Dental Surgean, ltoxboru, N. C. B . Office over GT"W. Thomas Store. I.. 11 " ? ' O. B. CROWELL Attorney at Law, Next Door to [ Dr. Bradsher's Office, Roxboro, N. C. ? | DR*G. G. VICKERS DENTIST Office in Newell Building on North Main Street, next door to Roxboro Grocery Co. !__ N. LUNSFORD , Attorney - at - Law Office over Garrett's Store Roxboro, N. C. J DR. O. G. DAVIS . Veterinarian, Offers his .ervice to Roxboro * and surrounding community " Phone E7. 8-15 6tpd* - --~.j ? o? " W. T. BUCHANAN Surveyor PnThnrn M C Pwwfn A I W r DR. E; JTUCKEK I DENTIST [ | Office in Hotel Jones. I I ; 0 Z ROBERT P. BURNS Attoraey-at- La w Office orer Darls Drag Store : " .' i DR. J. H. HUGHES I Dentist I Office in Hotel Jonev next J door Jto Dr. Tucker's office. DR. S. RAPPORT AT DAVIS* DRUG STORE. BEGINNING DECENBER 5th, Dr. 8. RAPPORT of Durham will be at DAVIS DRUG STORT Instead of the Hotel, erery first Wednesday in each month, to examine eyes and fit glasses. My next risit will be Wednesday APRIL 2ND 1924 TO SEE BETTER, SEE ME. MY DURHAM OFFICE IS MAIN ST OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. _ i.ivn qui? Under and by virtue of two certain deeds in trust, executed to me by Robt- Rogers and wife Bettie, registered in book 2, page 529 and 581, default having been made, I will on the FIRST MONDAY in* MAY (oth Inst.), sell for cash by public auction at the court house door in Roxboro, that certain tract of land, lying in Allensville township. Person county, N. Cl, and bounded on the North by the lands of C. R. Russell, East by Victor Kaplon and Joe Tingen; south by Jim Pullinm; and on the west by Mrs. Fannie Clayton, containing 160 acres more or less, see deed Dr. rk <hdsp to Robt. Rogers, Person County Register's Office. This 31st of March 1924. T. C. Brooks, Trustee. ADMINISTRATOR'S" NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator "Of the estate of Giles Duncan, late of Person county ,N. C., thi^js to notify all persons having claims against the I estate of the said deceased to exhibit J them to the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of March, 1925, or this notice will be pleaded irii bar of their recovery. All persons .indebted to said estate"rWill please make imntfedinte payment. This March 22, 1924. Jefferson O'Briant. Administrator I 3-26 ttpd. v , ???o? ? . I FOR SXI.R " o?Farm, 167 acres, 6 miles south ot I Roxbcrro, on highway No. 13, on# I mile from standard high school at I Helena. This farm, lies on highway 18 ~ fOf one half mile on each side, I# I interested, write, 4-26-4tpd. Box 542, Chapel Hill, N. C. A CHILD IN PAIN runa to Mother " for relief. So dp the gTovm-upa. For sud Jem and severe pain in stomach and barrels, cramps. diarrhoea* CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC end DIARRHOEA I >>EMEDY ^ pjr?fr h?n known tn ?W1 - ? r? : / """ ~? msshhuumT " The home of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Dixon was made sad on March 24th when death claimed for its own their little daughter, Lois.- She contracted measles which was followed by pneumonth. She: was laid away in the Leasburg cemetery; the floral offerings were many, Lois was a lovely child of unnsual charming personality vand was a general favorite in school with teachers and pnpils. being possessed of a rare unselfish spirit. She numbered -her friends by the score, yet she was only seven years' old. She leaves to mourn for her, mother, father, one little sister Virginia, 4 years of age, besides other relatives and friends..?A Friend. CARD OOF THANKS. We wish to express our sincere thanks to all our friends who were so kind to us during the sickness and death of our little girl. We assure you your kindness wfll'not be forgotten. Very respectfuUy, Mr. and Mrs. WrP. Dixon. ' ~u STATEMENT Pennsylvania Lumbermans Mutual Fire Insurance Company Philadelphia. Pa. Condition December 31, 1923. as shown by statement filed. Amount of Ledger Assets December 31st of previous year, 1,849,189.22; total, 1,849,189.22 Income?Froitj Policyholders, $97,726.90; Miscellaneous, $138,452.62; total 1,113,179.42 Disbursements?To Policy- . holders, $464,791.06: Mis- ) cellsneous, $587,812.52; J total - *1,052.403.58 Fire Risks?Written or rfnewed during year, $59,010,983 In force 52,648,094.00 ASSETS Value of Real Estate. 103,702.50 Mortgage Loans on Real Estate 282,000.00 Value of Bonds and Stocks 1,368,087.13 Cash in Company's Office 216.10 Deposited in Trust Companies hnd Banks on interest....... 114,858.02 Agents' balances, representing business written subsequent to-October 1, 1928 "? 41,222.25 Agents' balances, representing business written prior to October 1, 1923. 381.01 Interest and Rents due and accrued., 30,269,46 AU other Assets, as detailed in statement 104,914.14 Total : $2,045,148.66 Less Assets not admitted 96,544.05 Total admitted Assets * $1,948,604.61 LIABILITIES Net amount of unpaid losses and claims 33,355.68 Unearned premiums 474,462.13 Salaries, rents, expenses, Fills, accounts; fees, etc., due or accrued 2,500.00 Estimated amount payable for Federal. State, county and municipal taxes due or accrued 10,426.45 All other liabilities, as detailed in statement. 5.275.91 Total amount of all Liabilities except Capital-- $526,020.17 Surplus over all liabilities. $1,422,584.44 Surplus as regards Policyholders 1,422,584.44 r . . "* Total Liabilities? 4,948,604.61 Business In North Carolina During 1923 Fire Risks written. _ $1,654,835; Premiums received $48,265.15 Losses incurred?Fire . -35,347.89; Paid, 4 39.053.00 President, Edward F. Hanson; secretary, Harrv Humphreys; Treasurer. Jcs. S. Young. Home Off#**. Philadelphia. Pal Attorney for service; Stacey W. Wade. Insurance Commissioner, Raleigh, N. C. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, Raleigh,. Feb. 2. 1924 T. STvrEY W. WADE, Insurance '"r.p-y! ^icnAr. do. hereby certify that she above ia a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Penn~ sylvania Lumbermans Mutual Fife Insurance Company, of Philadelphia, Pa., filed, with this Department, show- " hTg fhe condition of said Company, on the 31st dnv of December. 1923. Witness my hand apd official seal, the day and year above written. STAjCEY W. WADE, Insurance Commissioner. LAND SALE. I will sell at auction at the court house door in Roxboro ai 12 o'clock if ? ' , .. . MONDAY MAY Sth, 1921 the following tract of land: 359 acres, more" or leas, according to an old surrey, situated in Cunningham township, adjoining the lands of 3. H. HeCTff Wl T. T. Adamo and others, known as the oTd Feathsrston Home Place, There la a?big. 9 room dwelling, 8 tenant houses and 8 er 8 tobacco barns on the' plac^. The land Is spdfclally adapted to tobacco and grain. .One half an acre will be reserved for a burying ground: _ Tame of sale, Cash. ' Thin April-*^1924. ? ' ). Vf. PeatheTston, a*4JMgBljf-^.^jjBW!-. ''SEj^f-PS^F8 ^^^^llg^ROXBOR^COURreR^Jipri^Stb^m^^^^^^^ ???????|a???? Why it k Easy to Own The Westinghouse Light and Pender Plant has demonstrated in actual day-in and day-out service on farms that it b dependable and easy to operate. And now, by making it easy to own as well as easy to operate, Westinghouse has brought all the advantages of electric service within the reach of every farmer and his fmnily. Electric lights in the farm house and buildings, electric household appliances, ' and electric power wherever needed, are made araifable without delay. The special Westinghouse deferred payment plan spreads the cost of die plant itself, the wiring and the equipment,'over a period of twelve months. After making the first payment the farmer may elect to pay the balance in six, nine or twelve equal monthly payments. Or, if he wishes, he may pay for the plant In one, two or three payments to be made after the completion of his crop harvests. The complete flexibility of this plan makes it applicable to every farmer's needs. You can Install a Westinghouae Light and Power Plant on your farm, enjoy the comfort and convenience it will bring you, and pay foi it when your crops are sold. That's why J - it is so easy to own. Let us tell y<ri more about it. Operate ?Sold By? J- T. BRADSHER Roxboro, N. I * $200 to: *- On This I mil WM * ! ?!! By our matchless facilit HERE is a car priced at $1,045. V^e pay 15?/ Built by ordinary methods it) to get them would cost you from $200 to genuine leatl $400 more. use curled hi It is in scores of ways the leader We U8e m of its class. No rival car compares .u- T v,. ?, in the value that it offers. Let us tell you how we give that value, then urge you to see this car. _ ?ur bodies . , Thefimshat A sensation final touch. Studebaker is today the world's $10,000,000 b largest builder of quality cars. Stude- and pay for baker success is the sensation of Motordom. Sales have almost trebled in three years. Last year, 145,167 people J paid $201,000,000 for Studebaker cars. There are tremendous reasons for this rush to Studebaker cars. And every man who buys a car should, know them. H. / 72-year traditions TVio QturloKnTrnr ?nmn ..? wvuuwvan?i iwuiu HiWVVC has for 72 years stood for TmwSni quality and class. To lOurm, build an ordinary car un- Same steels as w der that name is unthink- - build. More Timke able. petitive'car within ! Our assets are $90,000,- Genuine leather 000?all at stake on serv- Curled hair filling, ing you better than all One-piece, rain-i others. cowl lights. Standa We have $50,000,000 . Transmission and in model plants, equipped balance. Curtains t: with 12,500 up-to-date By far the greate machines. We have 23,- ., t)00 workers,under profit- ?u coapi sharing plans which lead (them to stay and develop. * , We spend on engineering $500,000 We machi yearly. \Ve employ 1,200 men to give 'crankshafts a 32,000 inspections to each Studebaker was done in car in the making. motors. No We are lavish We are lavish in things that count. vibration and j i LIGHT-SIX SPE . 5-Paasengcr 112-in.W. B. 40 H. P. . 5-Passenger * i |3&skF^> ::; II ' S-SS*?. yrrmmm., . . > < J<. > ?? * ! Se<Un ^ . 1481 Sedan . . . 1 ' ? ' I AM prio? f, a. b. faetwry. T ?? " * " ^?Jaefcsoa Mot< - ? T? : ? THE WORLD'S .LARGEST PRODUCER Of QUA1 r \ ,-r ' . ^ ' ' ' " i v l i . ^ w. " , ' ' * ,r 1 Q ^ B^M^ H ^H , 5 Passenger Sedan I I Wow$1695 I 3, " j. o.b.Toledo W Now you can afford to rosV.e that K dream a reality! To own and drive M tkia luvitri/Mio carlon nrtWD r<v? V?v 1 Iihe same type pf engine used in I Europe's finest cars. Silently gliding sleeve valves instead of ham- B . mering cams and clicking poppet B valves. An engine that improves B with ussl An all-season car you'll B want to drive season after season. * For no IVillys-Knighl engine hof eoer ' B _ ^ been known to Wear out LILLYS- | S.NIGHT I S.J.JACKSON i if i i i i"i . 'i .1.1.? .. . v : - - ^ ; : . 7 " ^400 Saved f n? a vui lllg vat ies?our enormous production " i . ' .1 1 * ' . ' ' ' **--? ; .* " V " * . . ' .- i bonus on some steels Where we save exactly right. We use ... . . - ter in our cushions. We '8"Ve ** enornlous Productl.0? . ?150,000 cars per year. Our major " . . costs are all divided by that enore Timk en bearings in ormous output. It is utterly impossiix than any competitive ble for smaller makers to compete. 1,500 of lts price- We save by modern plants, mostly I are beautiful creations. built in the past five years. We save id coach work show the by up-to-date machines. By building But we build them in our own parts and bodies, lody plants of our own, these extras in savings. See what this car offers ????????, Cotne see what this ?i? Light-Six offers. How it excels scores of ways ' jC. I any rival car. ___ I Built with the same steels, the same care and Hn skill, as the costliest of our cars. We have only E one 8rade chassis. See its beauty, its com; fort, its luxury. See how ?^we nave studied your ^every desire. .Lp. | irrkf.Qiv ?o that and you will IKtr J-JgUL-OlA choose this car. if you g .Car?$1,045 have in mind a price any' where near this, e use in the costliest cars we in bearings than in any com- Send for the booh $1,500 of this price, cushions, tenyinches deep. Mail us the coupon beAU-steel body. low. We will send you >roof*windshield. Attractive free cur new book that rd non-skid cord tires. will inform you on five 1 ignition locks. Perfect motor simple things which rehat open with the doors, , veal the value of a car. st value in this class. ~ ' for instance? "i*-- - j; . whether it's been cheap. ' - ened to meet a price or ne all surfaces of our offers true quality. ind connecting rods, as It will tell you why some cars rat- j the Liberty Airplane tie at 20,000 miles and others don'f. _ other maker of cars at It shows one single point in a closed >es this. The result is car which measures whether you're motor balance, lack of getting top or medium^ quality. The long life. book is free. Clip the coupon below. CI AL-S1X BIG-SIX . ; 9 1 19-in. W, B. 50 H. P. 7-Passenger 126-m. W. B; 60 H. P. , . . ;; . ,, . 11425 Touring ?1750 ta.) .. ? rn <r- 1400 Speedster (5-Pats.) , . ... ? 1835 f . . . . ? . IMS Coupe <5-Pass.) .7m | * - 1985 Sedan . , . 2685 -M x.? l-l 1--!- T-? ' , ' . ?. 11 1"te iV Mtvf I %wWi?8Fli8*lv6 . rMAiT' FOR BOoiTi i-2 ^ ' J Studebakar, South Bead, Indiana _ I IF j Pleaaemafline your, book, *WhyYo?C?^f j not Judge Value by Price." j ' ! ?? j ? l \ - * IrjT^ AUTOMOBILES giw^iwfc

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