7" "7.'WWWffi r*r-r. six DacLdxj s BRJHj ^ Fairu^uS^^ Of nAEB'-GRAHAM-BOMNBR j ' \ / - ? >- II now. They should call us some other tinnw nilrt thov shnnlH bunt nfnnnil for a bird or a beast that had somethin* which looked like a typewriter rtrirlng oat from' Its head and then 2*11 It a secretary bird. "FV?r secretaries and stenographer* and writers and all sorts of people use k iters?the head keeper down at the end of this path has one in his of- lice. It clicks along. Tea, they should go hunting for a Mid with feathers or wings or some part to It that looked like a typewriter." "That wonld be Impossible.*' said BfTlle Brownie, 4*for I don't believe t/ ~ . there Is such a creuture. I've never ' beard of a bird with any feather or parts which could, possibly be supposed to look like a typewriter. "So you'll have to keep the name, and then. too. it isn't the way to change cantos nil the time. You can't change names with the fashions." "Of course I have another name, too," said the Secretary Bitot, "and that is Archer. You see I have such, long .legs and they used to say that when we started to move we looked j like long-legged gentlemen about to : go forth with hows and arrows for the sport, known an archery. p "When 1 mil angry my feathers rise | - up Just as a person's eyes will blaze i| w-heti they look mad and as a cat will l rch Its Mek. p -My home used to be in Africa and 11| when I was il baby I stayed for quite | * long, long time in the. home nest E before 1 started walking on ray long P I "I'm. famous as a fighter and I fight with tny feet. I can run fast but I p dD not run awnv from nnvthlrir? he- P emu so of fear. !Co, I'm brave enough t and I dare attack snakes and I. kill Ifcani. too! There's young Croxvned Crane, a. jj besot if nl creature with handsome E plumage. I TVowned Crane is fond of frogs t last as I am, and he has long stilts p bar legs! "Sandhill Crane dances about and fc makes quite a show of .himself at jj times but Crowned Crane is the most p beautiful of all. |j "Yesf, he has such a tine tnft of t feathers spread out on top of his head ? ?that Is hlB crown. He Is *s fine as I king. ou .wj'. us he has a crown, i jj whereas I only have feathers because t n? like an old-fashioned secretary. "Bat maybe a secretary Is happier P than a king. There's no telling. Sure- f iy m secretary- doesn't have to dress ^ and bow and think of others as much aa a king ha* to do. TNot that Crowned Crane thinks T. BRADS HER I gj I . FtaO Q' - ; NIADii BJf FlNH &l LEVY, INCX, 702 BROADWAY, MEW YORK CTTY jjl SOLD AT -GOOD STORES Look /or Them in the Window . .