r If.. ' {i..?. ,rn, IUU? m to m MaBownma^rg GET IT AT Roxboro Lumber C?? AND Bank The Cost of Repair A Serve our tea and coffee and you will be sure to please I your family and your guests. h~?~?We have all the standard brands besides many other s&i^cted blends that are delicious and fragrant. Our good p tea and coffee costs less per cup. For the groceries you need every day come to our _j niuic nucic mc 1J5 BlWttys nigll clFlQ IflG priCO , Fresh* groceries?Honest Prices. I Serge ajxt & Clayton Sta-Klean Store PHONE 23 .AND 24. ' ROXBORO, N. C. CENTRAL SERVICE STATION . Opposite Post Office "Prompt service with a Smile" \ fiurch and Featherstonc, Managers . . i | th. princess theatre i B' ' 1 * " ' " ROXBORO, N. C. gg. N Advance program from Thursday May 8th to Wednesday May 14th. EH THURSDAY and FRIDAY. Albert E. Smith presents A David | Smith Production "THE- MAN FROM HROnNF.vs" wt.u i?u ?Warren Kerrigan off the "Covered Wagon" fame?Wanda Hawloy, Alice Calhoun, Pat O'Malley, {Catherine Key. Adapted from the novel by Geo. McCutcheon. A Vitagraph .Special Production. A Rich warm romance of the India Sea8?The most hand to hand battle against overwhelming odda ever screened. ADDED Pathe News. Matinee Thursday at 3:00 P. M. Admissions 15c and" 35c. Evenings at 7:30-9:00 P. M. SATURDAY. Carl L. Laemmle presents Eddie Hoot Gibson i.1 I "THE THRILL CHASER" (A whirlwind of Action, Sparkling Comedy and gripping melodrama.) A Universal Gibson Production. In seven Breath-Taking parts. ADDED Matinee only, Eddie Polo in "Secret Four." ADDED Al St. John- (The King of come dians) in "Be Yourself". Matinee 2:30-3:45 P. M. Evening at 7:30 I j -8:45 and 9; 15 P. M. MONDAY" and TUESDAY. Pathc picture presents Hal Roach's Production "SAFETY' l.AST" with Harold Lloyd and Mildred Davis. His latest eight reel Feature length Comedy?and the picr tura V"" the Year?A Riot of Smiles?A Panic of Laughs. For | (ff'your heslth. For your .happiness?See the comedy that is rocking' ] I the world from the North Pole to the South "Safety Last". Matinee Monday at 3:00 P. M. Admissions 15c and 35c. Evenings at 7:30I. 9:00 1'. M. "NOTE. If you can't laugh don't como to see it''. WEDNESDAY. William Bennett presents A Charles Giblyn I J Production "LOYAL LIVES" with Mary Can- Brandon Tynan?. I' Fa ire Blnney William Collier. Presented by Albert K. KniITh. A | Vitagraph Special Production. See the hold-up-and the-Railway I - MffRTrain -Robbed?And the daring T>ap for Honor. A Drama of I .(he Postal Mail-Service. ADDED j two'reel Patha Comedy "Help j One Another*?.'. No advance in admissions, Open at 7-PrfiL? | .Coming FrMay. May 1 'Ith. . Gloria. Hwanson in "Why Change _ |fos-Aasfc?m~ v ."'.jA#;--- - - ; '?7 5 ' " V ' THE ROXBORO COURIER. I THE COURIER Roxboro, N. C- May 7th 1924 Everything to build with. Watkins & iiullock. Miss Frankie Wrenn spent Sunday in Durham. * Miss Lucile Pierce spent a few days in Durham last week. * I Mrs. Z. V. Gwynn of Richmond is visiting her sister Mrs. J. A. Long. * * Mrs. W. L. Guthrie is visiting in South Boston this week. "'??? Mrs. W. R. Cates is visiting her parents in the county this week. * * * Mr. Robert Long of Trinity college spent the week end at his home. ?.? Mrs. W. L. Thomas of Milton is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sergeant. * ? We enjoyed a pleasant call from Walter O'BHAttt lafet week. * **' Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Clayton and S family spent Sunday in Durham gues | of Mrs. Clayton's mother. < I . . . c ^ S. A. Jones and George Bullock ,C attended the Virginia-Carolina gamo g in Greensboro last Saturday. >a 21 Tom Street .and Winfred Clayton of University spent the week end witt their parents. * * * * Miss Katie Harris ~~has returner from Zebulon where she has beei teaching for the past session. * * * * Mrs. I. O. Wilkerson and Hastes Jimmie Wilkerson are Visiting ii Durham (hi- v.e.-k. * * \ Misses. Hel6n Gue and May Willsor of Smithfield spent Sunday here wit! friends. * Mr. Willis Austin and Bill Joe Austin spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs T. E. Austin. * N Rev. and Mrs. C. L. Greaves "anr family of Raleigh spent the week enc with Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Bums. * '* Mrs. Frank Brinn of Sanford is visiting her*mother Mrs. Fannie New ell. , - ' ? lf_ T-. T-v > * ? - oiF. cj. u. v_.neeK leit Tuesday roi Richland where he will visit for a few days. * Mrs. D. W. Ledbetter returned home Friday, after a visit to her Sistei Mrs. H. P. Bryant at Belmont. * * Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Moore and two sons of Gold Hill. N. C. spent the week end with Mrs. Hoyle Moose. v # ? ? Rev. J. A: Beam and Mr. A. C Gentry spent last Thursday in Ral eigh attending an educational meetS ing. ? ? * + g Miss Francis Thompson of Trinity g college spent the week end at home jp with her parents Rev. and Mrs. B. g C. Thompson, y * * * * fii Mrs. P. T. Thaxton and daughter - returned to their home in Greensboro n[ after a visit to relatives here for th? S past month. %3 * p John Morris, C. O. Crowell, C. C g Cole, C. A. Harris, \V. H. Woods and W- .T Mcvwmiin P1noon?. S Time in Danville Thursday. !n * * g Misses Libbie and Reba Satterfield, jj who have been teaching near Smi^V I field during the past winter, have rct turned , home. ? + * * I Friends of Mr. and w Mrs. C. 0. | Buchanan will regret to learn that JC their son had to be taken to Watt? P Hospital for an operation last Fri? day. The little fellow seems to be jp getting on nicely. ft Mr. O. B. Crowell has moved his ^ law office from the Sergeant . and Clayton building to {he offices formE erly occupied by Dr. Coleman in the ? old post office building. vl | Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Long left this morning for Florida where they will h spend a few weeks, making the trip H by automobile. ' II returned to their home iir~ "Durham. ? after spending the winter here, Mr S Man gum was working with the Cofcj "Ops.* * * | - -MUSICAL RFFfTA 1. AT AL? ? " LEN?VILLE HIGH SCHOOL jg - - r-? ' 7 h"?"c PupihC of MIhS "Gladys (10th. at 8:00 p.jn. ?fhe public iit .cArS* [dirUl-y inviUMl. VK ''?? / -_i~ , .... ^ ? r- .. / - -r~-r; . I* May 7th 1924. . * - - - - Want sly If it is a Kunpenheimer, Griffon or j Curie* suit it is 0. K. Wilburn & Satterf.eld. j Ark to so* that embroidered linen f at Wilburn & Satterfield. COTTON SEED. " ~ I We will have another shipment ( Cleveland Big Boll in today. $2.00 ; bushel, $1.75 in 25 bushel lots. * Charlie Holemah & Co. DON'T forget us for cleaning and | pressing . See us about,The Royal, g Tailors Proposition. Brooks & Lnttn. | "OLD AND TRIED". A household word in P rson and g adjoining counties. Over 2t years of insurance experience. Yours for asking. SEE SATTERFIELD INS AGENCY. "OLD AND TRIED". AT STUD?Full bred Shetland pony. Fee $10.00. J. C. Cates' stable. Hurdle Mills, N. C. ltpd IFOR SALE or rent. Two dwelling I houses, on hardi surface road, just ? outside corporate limits of the town. 9 A bargain for cash. Apply to H: L. 3 Garrett, Roxboro, N. C. Our customers say we sell 'Good g Shoes and we believe it. Wilburn & B Satterfield. | 6 0 6 I is a Prescription for Colds, Grippe. Dengue Fever, g Constipation. Bilious Headaches 1 and Malarial Fever. ?- ? Take a look in the Piece Goods De- B partment at Wilburn & Satterfield. | DON'T forget us for cleaning and B pressing. See us about The Royal ? Tailors Proposition. Brooks & Lattar ? . ' t Jobnie on the spot. You don't-have ' to send to New York, Baltimore or i any where. Satterfield will complete i your bond in twenty minutes. "DO IT NOW". S. P. SATTERFIELD. "OLD AND TRIED". If it is a Coat or Coat Suit we have . slashed the prices to the lowest, Wil1mrn & Satterfield. ( AUTO PROTECTION. Did you hear ? Jim Pou's speech, in Davis vs Long. I Didn't you hear him say he had insurance and was going to increase it. That's what the best lawyer in NorJJk Carolina says. What say you ? 5 SeeSatterfield. "DO IT NOW". we nave some genuine oargains ir. Ladies Pumps, good styles and good quality, just odd sizes. Try us. Wilburn & Satterfield. ? i : . - DON'T forget us for cleaning and " pressing . See us about The Royal Tailors Proposition. Brooks & L'atta. It will pay you to \>uy your Shoes from Wilburn & Satterfield. , NOTICE OF SEIZURE AND SALE OF AUTOMOBILES Notice is hereby given, that Saturday April 12th 1924, on Reams Avenue, in the Town of Roxboro, N. C. about the hour 2 A. M. the following described Automobiles were seized by J. W. Moore policeman of the town * of Roxboro, said cars at the time of ? seizure were being used for the un- |r lawful transportation of intoxicating je liquor. g 1st. . One Ford Touring Car, motor g number-04527764. Virginia State li- t cense No." 22,155?1924. 2nd. One Ford Touring Car, motor ; number 9213531, N. C. State license ' number 123642 expiring June 30th | 1924. a Unless the owner of said cars establish the title to same, same will ? be sold at public auction in front of g the court house door in Roxboro, N j v: mi Saturday May 17th 1924, at 1 | . P. M., any person claiming said cars or either of them, are required-to 3 file and prove claim of ownership be- | fore the hour of sale. This April 25th 1924. S. A. Oliver^ Chief of Police 2 *Roxboro, N. C. 2ts j ?: o j FRANK UN SPRING I " ( MAGNESIA-LITHIA WATER. p TONIC ? ALTERATIVE ? APERIENT ? DIURETIC. f I A Natural Remedy that Cure* I ? Dyspepsia, Indigesti&n, Constipation, j| And all Diseases arising from' Dis | ordered Stomach or Bowles^ | It cares KhetfftiftTUm, Gout, TftnTM-1 Liver, Menstrual -luresularities, Stone j in the Bladder nnd lMabete*, It iV j Wjtfily Venefiekl in ? Uleeasan of Ihe BJSO!L"7m?t~fftrn. "The '.fawn- ia Shipped Hresh frotnll 1 The" Spring. rnnnmphnni, \' V. J FRAXKUJi mXUHAX SPRING ' 1 , ? . Somora, N. C. ' - *.% * ' \ . * . :? _ page n;z l / DIFFERENCE j There is a difference in Knox Hats and I other Hats." There is a difference" in the ? looks. A difference in the comfort and a dif- | ference in the service. v I See the new Knox Str&w in the "Comfit" . ! style. Flexible brim. 1f you wdnt Comfort, { :~~r r> i i . i -** /? i Service and Looks without sacrificing quali- " |j ty; you have in mind-a Knox. | It WILL PAY YOU To Trade | With Us. " 4 ? TRY IT! | WILBURN P