administrators' notice. Having qualified as Administrator | d the estate of c. h. Painter, de-ji ceaaed. late of Person County, North , Oarelina, this is to notify all persons] i hsvinr claims against the estate of] I the said deceased to exhibit them to' the undersigned on or before the 7th day of May, 1925, or this notice -will he pleaded in bar of their recovery' AD persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment.' This May 7th. 1924. R. F. Carver, Administrator. NOTICE'-SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. Ia The Superior Court; North Carolina; IVion County; , j Henry Clayton, administrator of / Anne Day, "" vs. Betiie Ragland apd husband Clark . Ragland. Georgianna Watkins and * finalised .lim Watkins Mnlhrv Ciavton Speck Clayton, Clark Cousins, Moibry Cousins, Lessie "Cousins. Anne May Hart and husband George Hart, fU'ort'P Honflinq nnd Viririp Hnuiiins The last named George Cousins and Vtrjde Cousins minors, take notice, that a special proceedings entitld as above his been commenced in the superior court of said county, for the purpose of selling the real estate of the late Anne Day to make assets for the payment of ber debts ' and' the said defendants will further take notice that they are required to Superior Court of said county, at his1; office in Roxboro, N. C, on Monday : Jane 2nd 1924, and answer or demur 1 to the petition in said adtion, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for j the relief demanded in the petition. !; This May 3rd 1924. ' D. W. Bradsfcer, C. S. C. , " ' 4: O : ; < TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LOT. Under and by virtue of the power* > conferred up.on me by two certain deeds of trust executed on Septem ber 26, 1922, and on December 13, i 1928, by M. M. Tapp and wife and reg- ' iatered in the office of Register of Deeds of Person County, in Book 3. page 224, and in Book 4, page 553 respectively, the notes Secured by,' aid deeds of trust being due and un-| paid and the holders thereof having i requested Jthat the powers of sale < contained therein be exercised, I will : SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1924, at 12 o'clock noon on the premises 1 described below sell at public sale to 1 the highest bidder for cash the lot of land conveyed by said deeds of trusts, to-wit: That lot or parcel of land lying on the north side, of Court Street in Roxboro, Person County, j -North Carolina, on which there is lo- j rated a brick building (formerly) | known as the Daniel Building, now-' known as the Tapp Mill Buildings and; described as follows, to-wit: Begin-: ning at corner of said building, Mrs. S. P. Satterficld's corner on Court Street, thence back with the wall of said Daniel or Tapp building 70 feet to the northeast corner, thence continuing in a straight line 20 feett to an iron stake, thence in a line pasalle! with the rear wall of the Daniel ? ips?3 V'w/^V^ ; IT , ;'. V< ' ' . . V- f ' A . 9 , THE KOXBORQ COURIKi S'OTIGB TRVSTEES SALE OF LAND. * q h Under and by virtue of the author- ~ ity conferred upon me by a deed of iruat executed by W. A. James and wife Lucy James on the ISth day of April 1923, and duly recorded in Registers Offtce of Person County * in Book S at page 101, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust, at the request of the holder of sfftd note, I,will on Monday, June 18th 1924, -at 12 M. in front of the court house door in Roxboro, N. C. sell to 1 the highest bidder for cash the lands I mentioned and described in the peti- i lion in said action to wit; one undivided one third interest, in that cer- ? tain lot of land at Helena, N. C, formerly the old Church lot, fronting on Main Street, and bounded on the East by 12 foot Alley and on South by lots of Alec Gray and West by Thomas Clay, containing % acres jnore or less. * This May 14th 1924. W. T. James, trustee.. I N. Lunsford, Atty. 5-21 4ts "I 0 1 t MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF t _ PERSONAL PROPERTY 1 Under and by virtue of the powers granted by two certain chattel mortgages executed by M. M. Tapp. (a) On January 8, 1923, to The Firs National Bank, of Roxboro, and reg istered in Chattel Mortgage Book 27 page 93, office of Register of Deeds of Person County, (b) On Januray 6 1923rto Carolina Machinery Company and assigned to The First Nations Bank of Roxboro, and registered in Book 32, page 363, office of Register of Deeds of Person County, the un dersigned Will sell at public sale to the highest bidder or bidders for cash t . '.i on SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1921, at* 12 o'clock noon, en the mill prem laen of the late M. M. Tapp on Court Street in Roxboro North Carolina and described as follows, to wit: One flour mill and all machinery, equipment, attachments and appliances appertaining thereto and used or designed for use in connection therewith, and including also engines and other connections. One 40 H. P. Giant Crude Oil Engine Complete with Clutch, Pulley and all fixtures, one Kerosene Engine for Starting with Air Compressor and Received,- . Ex iiuu?i> rut ana r-tpe-wiui aw present and any added equipment. Thio May 10, 1924. The Firft National Bank of Roxboro. 5-14 3ts. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. NORTH CAROLINA, PERSON COUNTY. Having this day qualified as Exe cutor of the last will and testament of D. M. Andrews- deceased, late of Person County, this is to notify all! persons having claims against said | estate to present them to the undersigned Executor on or before the 6th day of May, 1925, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This'May 6th, 1921. C. G. Royster, Executor. L. M. Carlton, Atty. 5-14-6ts. \ MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of a power of sale con- j t-vned in a Chattel Mortgage execut-' ed to C. H. Turner by O. L. Carter I and R. T. Brooks ar.d recorded in I Book 28. page 433, in rcord of Per-j son County, N. C- I will sell to the j highest bidder-for each at Picks Siding cn June 14, -1924. between the hours of 12 M. and 2 P. M? the following personal property, to-wit: L No. 129?20 X 8 Fay Egan Double Supfaeor Planer and Matcher, conjplete with knives 1 pair Shimer; Heads, 1 pair Square Head", also i complete set of belts. 5-14-5ts j. .SSUM*. ON A MORN\N >> Tn\S A MAN COULD BE X fUL T HIS MOTHER-tN-LAW- \ 5 A VEUlR Fltl GRATEEOL \ \A\AN Trt' WlEE HE HAS. N" J ,,IN GENERAL, LOOK. AS / <<, A HOME RON T' A / >IN' BALL CLUB* R, May 21at 1924 Don't forgot Birds Twin shingle* f> hen von need a good roof, WAT- " ' INS & BULLOCK. KZEItti Monty back without question A if HUNT'S GUARANTEED AflM SKIN DISEASE REMEDIES (Hunt's Stive tad Soap), fallin f* I ihetfftment of Itch, Bctemt, J j\ Rin*worm,Ttttacoro?h*r?tcb- fT# / /I Inc tkin ditto tee. Try thie * oV" ? 1 I : trntaac&t at oar risk. DAVIS DRUG COMPANY Roxboro, N. C. 1 ppai Schedule Effective March 9, 1924 m. p. m. p. m. p. m. 7:06 *6:15 lv. Durham ar. *1:35 *8:30 j u m. p. m. a. m. p. m. 8:18 8:26 lv. Roxboro ar. 12:19 7:20 8:46 8:62 lv. Denniston ar. ll:50 6:52 ft.l/V t- o vs. < -- -- - ? j.iv i.ioiv. o. Dosion ar. n:au B:au 9:24|7:29 lv. Halifax ar. 11:18 0:15 1:45|9:45 ar. Lynchg. lv. 9:05 4:00 j * Above trams daily. Connections at Lynchburg for Wash- j ngrton, Baltimore, Philadelphia and 4ew York. T Parlor and sleeping cars dining :ars. The best route to the west and torthwest. Rates and information ipon apnlicstion to agent, or W. C. SAUNDERS, | General Pass. Agent ' v Roanoke, Va. . V- - . TODATf Find ou ' " . $u? STUDEBAKER offc Six, a car embodj know, at a price, thi deny yourself a fine car. Here is the thrill of a der L-head motor; the c of a big, roomy body ? < restful; beauty that chai costly cars. _ ' * * Now in justice to your! Compare it with competi ?then with cars selling dollars more. LIGHT-S J-ftia / ll-ln. IV. a Touring < Koac!?tcr(3-P*?*.> . . Cotsr?-Roadrter (2-Paj Coupe (5-Pui,) . , 1 Sedea- ...... I = S'l'UDfcBA f ye*h? -H" \ UKt A S ""\ f RfcW4 "T* I /-o'o nORN(M' M BE VONG I / f\R GU>f\fc-NV? \ ^T VV. BE ? F\ORWN' TRtS /T*' Wl'lA A). V BAORN(M'! /( SOXUM' \v w HEfi \ r ' ' ' 1 Shenandoah Life Insurance Co., 1 ESTABLISHED 1?14. | CONTROLLED BY SOUTHERN MEN?FOR SOUTHERN-MEN. | ' None Better, None Safer, or More Suited for YOU. K For fall information see one of our Agentr. !l A. P. DANIEL, Diatrict Agent, HURDLE MILLS, N. C. Moore's Market We sell the Best HOME KILLED AND WESTERN BEEF. fl&" * Fish and oysters, Tuesdays, Fridays and ? : ; ? - ? Saturdays. Phone us your orders. Prompt delivery. We Buy Hides. Phone 175 | J ? -jua?. "JZ?7 *" * ' ?*Mr'"~~ .- I k aW^" 'Pi f\j wiTnHA SaemtificmBy be. la nerd, holds ,*"""" rtke roadatallspmds. All-steel *?*9- On+piec* tomdihM * * ? \^X-r mm Gemono Ualher cushions, ten inches deep. Cowl lights. Standard nan-skid card tins. Lt what comfort, power, beauty . [-5 will buy in a Studebaker its a world-famous Compare it for beauty, comfort, roominess, ring the best men upholstery, for obvious refinements, it makes it folly to Compare it, too, for ease of handling, flexibility. power, quietness, lack of vibration, powerful six-cylin- See for yourself what you. can buy with lit:omfort and luxury tie money in a fine car today, ieep cushioned and * * * racterizes the most Ride in this car, ride in competitive cars. Comparison is the surest way to judge an * automobile. Studebaker will place a Lightself, look at this car. Six at your disposal for this purpose any tive cars at its price time you name. for several hundred Buy no car at $500 or more without making this test. Don't buy blindfolded. !1X SPECIAL-SIX BIO-SIX 40 H P. SPm. 1194m. IV. B. SON. P. !264m. W. B. 6OH. P. . S1045 Touring $1425 Touring $1750 JB \ > Rnaduur (IPutl. . . .,1400 Spocdrior (5-Pao.) . . . 1S35 , JJ95 Coupe (5-Paaa.) .... 1895 Coupe (5-Paaa.) .... 2495 . . 1485 Sedan * 1985 Sedan 2685 All (mcc /. o. fc. / JOory. Tcrmstomcri your coaueaioun: JACKSON MOTOR COMPANY - ; Roxboro, N. C. :%v\; ... -ll r ' l?ER LIGHT-SIX - ' '-"'i - ; . V ' , . / ' * . ' > .