r? i NOTICE. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for State Senator from this the 17th Senatorial District, subject^ to the action of the Democratic primary. I will appreciate the support of the people of my County. J. A. Long. March 18th 1924. NOTICE! I hereby annoifhce myself a candidate for the House of Representatives for Person County, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. 1 respectfully solicit the support of the people of this County. W. Roy Cates. March 25, 1924. . v'.\ . ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the House of Represents i P*Mfc.aubtect to the action- of'th" Democratic primary. I have . repre sented you before and if you cat favor me again with your support i will be much appreciated. , } C Yourg truly, W. A. Warren. | 'ANNOUNCES! EXT. Be- I hereby respectfully announce my p eelf a candidate for Sheriff. If you l can favor me with a re-election r will greatly appreciate it. I have r tried to do my duty by all, showing no favors or partiality to any one and my record is my platform. I mos re spec tf' ,!y solocit your support. J. Melvin Long. ANNOUNCEMENT. I respectfully announce1- myself candidate for Sheriff of Person county, subject to the Democratic primary. Most of yop know me, andj , if you can favor me with your support it will be greatly appreciated. Yours truly, C. T. Willson . ANNOUNCEMENT. I respectfully announce myself a candidate for the nomination ot Sheriff of Person county,. subject to the action of the Democratic primary.; F Will""appreciate your suppdrt and! anything you may do for me. Yours truly, D. R. Rhew. o- | i ANNOUNCEMENT I I hereby announce myself .as a| candidate for Sheriff of Person coun-| Sty subject to the action of the Democratic primary. If you can. favor me with your support I will preatly ap. preciate it. ; ' 5 " Yours truly, J. L. Cothran. ' . I EV ? K?r' The Touring Car L *?95 - F. O. B. Detroit 1 " DainuuiuiMa ftima and Starter ?85 ?W? Bfc*. 1^-. ! ixiv". I L-?; ? ; - ^ jW ; L ' ' . W* i "* . ANNOUNCEM ENT. I hereby respectfully announce myself a candidate for Sheriff of Person county, subject to the Democratic primary. Your support is respectfully solicited. Yours truly, N. S. Thompson. "ANNOUNCEMENT" / I hereby announce myself a enndi date for the office of Register of Deeds of Person County, subject to the action of the Democratic pri mary, I respeetfuly solicit the sup ' port of the people of my county, and if nominated and re-elected to said I office, will endeavor to render the1 same service in the future that j have in the past. Respectfully, W. T. Kirby. AXNOl NCEMTNT. I respectfully announce myself a candilate for re-election for the of lice of Treasurer of Person county I hnve tried' to administer?tluy.funds. of the County as duly required and without partiality. I will appreciate your continued support. B. G. Clayton. A writ"xrrvr.vr I hereby announce myself a candi- j date for the House of Represents. | tives for Person County, subject to ] the action of. the Democratic, primary. I shall greatly appreciate the sup port, of the people of Person County Very respectfully, W. R. Wilkerson. ANNOUNCEMENT. I herewith announce myself a can didate for Sheriff of Person county subject to the action of the Democratic primary. If you support me I pledge myself to do my best and as. you all know I have had the experience. Yours truly, Nat Vi Brooks. o? ? NOTICE. I I hereby announce myself a candi- , date for re-election as county commissioner, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. ' This April 23 1921. D. M. Cash. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Commissioner subject to the Democra^c primary, June 7th. I will appreciate your support. J. R. Franklin. ,r.I.a, , "It's not a question of being in: style that should concern one about bobbing: her hair," say's Miss Maude Wallace, Assistant Honje Demonstration Agent for the State College of .A KU..1 -1 ~U J J C A. .1. I rvKii^uuuic, uue cue 3IIUU1U, ursi uueide whether or not it is suitable for her particular' type of beauty, Every Motorl At Lowest The Ford Touring Cat motoring requirement a possible cost. It is stu able, long lived; easy tc venient to park ? an< the highest resale valu tion to list price, of ai rV} Detroit. Michisa Runabout 9265 Coups 9S25 Fordoor Sedan 9689 AU pric CROWE LL AUTO C( ^ ~ J Jj '* I TBS UNI VERS A'l " ' ' r . ~ ~~ : ! THE ROXBORO COURIER. h PROFESSIONAL ' DR. H. E., SATTERf IELD Dental Surgean, Roxboro, N. C. Office over G. W. Thomas Sure. O. B. CKOWELL Attorney at Law, Next Door to I Dr. Bradsher's .Office, Roxboro, N. C. . I 1 DR. G. C. VICKERS I ' DENTIST Office 'in Newell Building on | North Main Street, next door to Roxboro Grocery Co. . I N. LUNSFORD I Attorney - at - Law Office over Garrett's._ Store 1 I .Roxboro, N. ,C. 1 DR. O. G. DAVIS * * Veterinarian, ' Offers his service to Roxboro * * and surrounding community v * . Phone 17. - fi-15 6tpd* ?'r 1?1? ??? ?.?.? ?*. W. T. BUCHANAN Survayor | Roxboro, N. C., Route 6. ' DR. E. T TUCKER DENTIST Office in Hotel Jones. 1 * ROBERT P. BURKS Attorney-at-Law Office over Davis Drug Store DR. J. H. HUGHES ' Dentist Office in Hotel Jopea. next door to Dr. Tucker's office. ?'? ' o ! DR. S. RAPPORT AT DAVIS' DRUG STORE. ; BEGINNING DECEMBER 5th, Dr. S. RAPPORT of Durham will be at DAVIS DRUG STORE instead of the Hotel, every first Wednesday in each month, . to examine pyes and fit glasses. My next visit will be Wednesday JUNE 4th 1924 TO SEE BETTER, SEE ME MY DURHAM OFFICE IS MAIN SI OPPOSITE POST OFFICE ,_R. A. Wilder, a farmer of Wake Couh9y, has found his recleaning machine a valuable investment. Since he bought it early in the spring he has not only recleaned his own cotton seed but also several thousand bushels for his neighbors. Some men brought their seed twelve miles to have them cleaned. It has resulted in better stands of cotton in that vicinity," reports County Agent J. C. Anderson. W ^ I I sag Mesd : !?st meets every ' t the lowest rdy. dependi drive, coni possesses e id propor- >1 ly car built, J jn/ianp^ D Tudnr Sedan S590 ra f. o. b. Detroit >MPAJiY cl 1 i CAR -?-????.... ' . ' ; O^HHI Uy 21it 1924 SEND US YOUR ORDER FOR ALL KINDS OF PRINTING. Hall's Catarrb Medicine rid your system of Catarrh or Dmfnm caused by Catarrh. Sold Of dmggitti for ovtr 40 ym F. J. CHENEY 6l CO., Toledo, Ohk IVprtiyM after every meal W Cleanses mouth and . B teeth and aids digestion, 8 Believes that over. H eaten feeling and ackd HB month. . in Its I-a-s-t-I-n-g flavor JB satis ties the craving lor W sweets. Wrigley's Is donble ?value i I the benefit and? pleasure It provides. B Scaled tn itr Parity i^f Packagv. i ,|,| jTvTl \ \d She too r- ARRI\ thrilled 1 ear steps to the great n was not he: loved its he its shops. With imp a taxi rathi directly in 1 - the driver,: i go in Richn In a mon South's gre . rectly, l>ut \i to "window , windows in with their di Ihside th< bag. Then to meet her \ That don centrally loc and courteo Getting c the midst of eyes on rI anywhere o' York and ] crepes, . crej trimmed in gayest sum whether she satin or the knew they w learned by Fashion I?ic dresses, one With a f Ilelen lookc -~vhad promise * (Helen is them from i Miller & Rh R I * - ,'~y - ... . " ; . s 1 J Nurse Tells 8 Z Mil N. E. Snow, of Rgute * V 1. near Paris, Term., telle the ffi ? story of her experience as i?, X follows: 9 "I am 62 years old and I Gs have been a practical none ,fn , JL for more than 20 years, talc- XT IIP lug mostly maternity cases. O One of my daughters suffered (Os Jl from cramping at . . . She 2k Jr would just bend double and Cv KB have to go to bed. ff) CARDUI j The Woman's Tonie ? i was recommended to her and dps ; she only had to take about ! ^ two bottles, when she. hardly Qj lj? knew that it was . . the <-% Jgj suffered so littlo pain. ?1 "M y?youngest?daughter ^ I-"?a iuu-WHn, ?*?? Mill (Ml | nervous, and looked like she x? 1 didnt have a bit of blood left?just a walking skeleton, :T\ no appetite and tired all the 3 time. I gave her two bottles S3 of Cardai. It built her up tfS) and she began eating end 2s; soon gained in weight and has been so well since." (3?) Cardui, the Woman's Tonic, /s. haa helped suffering women for over forty years. Try it (Si At all druggists'. j^joo A siSSiSWSr V iRhonds/ >k the morn to Richmon 'ED promptly at 9:43. Richmc ilclen to the heart. She almos the. station platform anil up t'h< larble concourse of Broad St re r first visit, but Helen loved 1 autv, its historical traditions ai iulsive disregard for her conscler ;r than the convenient street c. ?f iiXrili o UL LUC SlilllUIl. Jollier C5C l\ ,vith the air of one who knows e tond. lent Helen found herself at the atest department store. She di raikcd completely around the sto shop." It .wuw the first time s the new store, and they were pes splays of- fashion's newest creath 2 store, her first step was to ehe to a comfortable rest-room to ti on the fifth floor for luncheon, c, Helen sought the elevators, a ated. sijc in a row, each with its n us attendant. -? >ff at the second floor, she found 1 the loveliest dispiay of dresses J 'hese dresses were the kind she utside of Richmond, except, of places like that. There were ! >e de chines and novelty silk laces in the newest ways, and mer colors too. Helen could liked the Peggy Paige frock of lovely girdled frock of green rere all the-very latest word in s experience that Miller &: Rhoa //it, hut Fashion First. She fin; for afternoon- and one for spor eeling of perfect satisfaction is ;d at her watch. It was twelve a to meet juouisc at, twelve lor just one of the thousands of \ ,'our own community, who do tl when in Richmond.) : . x " ' r PAGE SEVEN RO FEAR OF EVIL re.ulting from change of diet, water or tlimalt, concerns those -who take pn the short trip, summer vacation or long journey, CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC and DIARRHOEA REMEDY for emergency - night or kg Mrs. Josephine Arthur & d-t'A Do You Need a Tonic? Durham, N. Car,?-"About fifteen years ago two of my children bad whooping cough so badly that aftesw ward their lungs and bronchial tubes were affected from the strenorvn? -OrtnrrViincr TLmr bont ^.14. wpaltprr.rrl 1 lirlipyp would have luul serious pulmonary affection had it hot been for Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. I gave several bottles until they were entirely ont of danger and well aa& strong. I would never hesitate ia recommending Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery as a tonic after any prostrating illness, because it brings permanent strength."?**T| Josephine Arthur, 409 Toby St. Obtain Dr. Pierce's "Discovery** now from your druggist, in liquid am tablets. It can safely be given tS little folks as it contains nonarmfnt ingredient. Write Dr. Pierce, Prea* ident Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N, Y? for free medical advice. ing train d >nd! The name t ran down the i easy incline to 'et Station! It iiebmond. She nr she. held els arc not only illy selected two t wear, a her purchase, ^-thirty, and she lunch 1 roinen, many of , leir shopping at VA. . > . .< . . . : \ ~? / '??* ? .?