? . UimjttUMVM', iLflijLgiLjHUry' j SCREENS Complete stock screen doors, windows 1 a and screen wire. Screens made to order at a K gj ***.** | I Shingles J || All grades in stock and the prices are right. | ***** ? I Galvanize Roofing | ijj All lengths of 5V Quality Roofing in stock, a ***** || Send us your orders and note the difference. | ^ I Roxboro Lumber C?- J jP I "Home of Quality Lumber" - | : 11. per.J hepts in a hot kitchen getting ready for {* ?"ric::.':'.'Ccrao to" oar store find get the things you r ~ wan' . r.d -:.v- rrorry sr^vrork. t?\; Wr f?n fill. ?or?r basket for as many as you wish? I- then throw away the tins and things?and you will save [. money, loo. ' toil'; ri-k Vtes'-ing your pretty dishes or losing your i .'.vet.....t, lLuic^s, you will have more fun. ' . Fresh Groceries?Honest Prices. Sergeant & C layton ; . Sta-Klean Store PHONE 23 ANp 24. " ROXBORO, N. C. CENTRAL SERVICE STATION t m Opposite Post Office 5 g "Prompt service with a Smile" Burch and Featherstone, Managers ? |j f | Ti.. PRINCESS THEATRE ! F If ROXBORO,?N. C. -i S Adviuice program from Thursday June 5th to Wed. June 11th. } | If T' 11" 1:1 >.\ 5 ,m.| l*"I:II>AY. A'i-c K. Smi'h nreseata A David I H Smith Production^"THE PIONEER TRAILS" with Cullen LandU. jg i|H Alice v mi noun, vTrgrnTft woavdman and Utis Harlan. Adapted by $ IS A. Graham Baker. A Vita graph picture. The Pioneer Trails dealt- 5 |;:> & with the early days of American History?It depicts life in the far v gs west during the period from. 1849'-to 1870?If you never see airE.' S other Movie in your life, don't miss this picture. ADDED Pa the | raj News. No advance..in admissions. Performances 7:30 and 9:00 P. Mi > w| SATURDAY. William . Fox presents Charles Buck Jones in Rv gs "THE FAST MAIL". It's action all the way-WThe fastest, biggest | K ^ 9 picture Buck Jones ever made?See him wtivftts spurs in this | S -Whirlwind Production. Seven reels. ADDED Bustcv Keaton 'The > kS y H ftCC comedians) in "The Goat", two reels. Matinee at 3:30-3:80 d fe - ' 0 P* Eveniri*s at 7:30-8:45-9:75 P. M. MONDAY aild TUESDAY, Jesse L. Lasky presents A Zane r H Grer Production "THE CALL OF THE CANYON" with Richard J . ? Di*r Lois Wilson, Majorie Daw, Noah Berry and Fred' Huntley, * T ??9 Adapted bv- Edfrid Bingham. A Paramount Picture. (Here's Zanfr $ W^' SI Grey's second big Paramount Picture?another Bed-blooded drama ^ H of fhe Western Ranges, with a vein of jazz by , way of contrast, jj jg even bettar^than "ine i.a^t .nan . aui?m> iiarotd Lloyd m 'HCar | s?? {?- r ?* - ; WEDNESDAY. Distinctive Pictures present Alfred E. PnrVer'a a fe- ?^ 0?Production "SECOND YOUTH", with Alfred Lunt? "Mimi Palmeri, .I fr ' r' Walt--1* Cntlett, Herbert T^thMl? adhptixf tyy~Jnhn Luiih. A C?m?-f 1'i .hIu.mmi. a ri-turc v/ith a touch of. Sjlflhgtlliittr?rV?jj ' fc f.nugh nnelcvd voi, -dy of wonr-n who pursue .and men who dot?V. 51 ADP1?D h Pro reef--WlHo t-'onmdy -J he ?'up?radA'lL'll",' B*'?.. 1 Sf' tb IVrfri'r inames 7-:30 and 0i00 P, M.??? Iff** IH Qeiwi.ng Ju?? 1T.-1 Ttlu. ".ley McAv^y-5*?'Went of U>a- Water-" t - ? ; THE ROXBORO COURIER j THE COURIER L Roxboro, N. C. June 4th 1924 A | Everything to build with. Wat- ' 3 kins & Jullock. 3 l?ti. It ru?"u Rheumatism. Ouul, iver, Menstrual Irregularities, Stone 1 the Bladder and Diabetes. It i ijrhly beneflcral in I>1-mast's If the Bhaid ami Shin. The Water is Shinned Fresh frnn he trtriny, qnrrnlngham. N. C. FRANKLIN^*??SrRAf; SPRING- ? Seroora, NV_C. - I A . " 7 . ' _ i \ 8 % Artist Against 1 Arpateur | Counts In Any 1 ||f- Line 1 A dob of paint by an amateur will ruin a P I most beautiful picture; whereas the same |j paint placed by an artist will beautify and || perfect it. g The frills and accessories to a dress either g ruin or make it. Our salesladies will be of |j wonderful help to you in this line and we are |1 afrnnrr r?n Piata nnrl Trimminnro it;? M ivJkt vsig vrai A wvrwiW uaiu * a * > aw always a pleasure to serve you. Keep com- g r ing. It will pay you to trade with us. | Wilburn ^ j 1 Satterfrield ^ | 'SXtSuL}*:f * ? I f?? (BIRD'S ROOFS] ILiW^^Wi IP Bird's Super-Twin Shingjes are especially suited to the large, handsome residence, and have the rugged appearance of heavy slate. 1. They are laid 5" to the weather and have a large exposed area, over 9" in width. ?v. 2. They are extra thick and extra heavy, with the arched cut*out that gives a distinctive appearance. 3. They can be laid right over old wooden shingles, making a durable, double roof of splendid appearance. ? 4' They have an unusually smooth and even surface of natural red, green or blue-black crushed slate. 5. Like all Bird'* Twin Shingles, the Super-Twin is a one man, one hand shingle. Bird's Super-Twin Shingles are made by Bird & Son. inc. (Est. 1795), manufacturers of Nepon^rt Twin Shingle*.Shingle Design Roll Roofing, Paroid. Roofing, Neponset Black Building Paper and Nepoawt board. There's a Bird product for C^ery sort of buUdingI We are headquarters for Bird's roofings, ? building jtapcrs and tcall board WATK1NS & BULLOCK "Everything To Build With" Roxboro, N. C. S J* I-- - ij A PUT THEM TO WORK Your dollars will help you if you will let them. Take them to j J the right place. j , You will find here all the dain ties for the^table and parties. San 0^'^* We sell fnr rash and sell fnr 1gga^ j i_ Aubrey Long and Co. i i-1 ' " . / *. ' ' \-I~T~ " " 7"r~~~-T~Zi ~ SUBSCRIBE FCj^ : ^ ' F "THrtoURIER v; ~ ' TjB / $1.50 pe year. ' ?~*T : r~. "! '' "V : " '-V ' -?: .