mwt PAGE SIX v GRIFFIN ANSWERS S PRESENTS SOME TA THE RECORD OF MR. FINANCE CORPORA' Dear Senator: I'have before me ha The News and Observer May 29th letter to you May 26th published in 1 You make some additional charg 1. "If you and Mr. Bailey had ? pert of the Constitutional Amendi in 1920) taxes would be Ave or six 1 In 1920 and prior thereto." ' \ "That the income tax fight you majority of one hundred and Seven ... That "Mr. Bailey opposed' the coupled with the poll tax or fifteen i Mr. Bailey as having made a "Hog i tee of the legislature. That is all I gather out of your your additional charges specifically: 1. Taxes in many of the larger aideration increased valuations of | ^ FIVE HUNDRED PER CENT HIGI " You admittedly promised the Fi crty owner that if they would supp coupled together in one Constitutio county tax rate that could be levied hundred dollars value. THE A VERA CAROLINA SINCE THE ADOPTH DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS ON VALUE. SO THE RECORD SHOT YOUR PROMISE TO THE PEO THOUSAND PER CENT. LOOKS LIKE YOU GOT YOU FIVE THOUSAND MAJORITY UNI delivered with that camouflage in 1 end Hominy" camouflage in 1924, altt CAN FOOL $OME OF THE PEOP CANT FOOL ALL THE PEOPLE A THANK GOD FOR BAILEY. % Then, Senator, you corije along it TAX DISCRIMINATION AGAINST ATIONS, LAND OWNERS AND F wirviaiiinui Hum kaAiS.llUIl. .>1! . ,>H't The North Carolina corporation stock at high county tax rates in t North Carolina corporations paid in report pages '280 to 404) taxes in Ih at which their real and personal p $79,375,810.00, and every dollar of t shares of stock in the hands of the tions doing business and owning pro tien excess and exempted too its sha of the holder. BY YOUR EXEMPTION OP ST OF $116,000,000.00 you added to the porations, the farmer and the land DRED AND FORTY THOUSAND 1 NOT HAVE OTHERWISE HAD Tt That's "IJog and Hominy," Sent BAII-EY BECAME A FRIEND BODY ELSE WHOSE BACK IS B NATE TAXATION SYSTEM, WHE THAT CAMOUFLAGED CONSTITt WHEN HE, AFTER A DEMANI LY BECAME A CANDIDATE FOI PURPOSE OF CALLING A HALT ENUMERATED HEREIN. ** Let's bring an illustration of t home. Senator: Your Vance County cotton mills taxes on their shares of capital stocl extent of a valuation of FOUR HUN AND DOLLARS, (See Commissioner tion to paying taxes in Vance Count by said mills of One Million Six Hun The foreign corporation, with all of only upon the property it actually capital stock, shares of stock is ex< IF YOU HAD MADE A FAIR I OF WHAT THE EFFECT OF T1 TITTTCtM A I l UrvnePVT , _ ? 1 UU'bl IAN BALLOT HAD BEEN A LAW, THAT ONE HUNDRED AND SEV1 Senator. Bailey OPPOSED THE ADOP AMENDMENT IN THE INTEREST then. . HE WANTS TO ADJUST 0U1 NATE DISCRIMINATIONS AND you know it, AND THE FOLKS A HI 1924,' Senator. 2. Wood row Wilson was a sick i lie would not have, let the Farmers-si lion of the War Finance Corporation cd). Bailey didn't attack Woodrow > THE NEWSPAPER RECITED ' W, McLEAN, Candidate for Goverr member of. the War Finance Corpo Farmer in 1920 and didn't do it. MR. McLEAN HAS NEVER SAII ED WAS UNTRUE, b<tTl can add a a tor: In conversation with a prominer of 1923, on the bus riding from Rale in 1920 a client of his had a large 1 that he was unable to deliver on the era on that side could not make fir firm was in sore straights but did r.c market because it would greatly d< work injury to all concerned, the t? else. Senator. t The banker went to Washington Corporation, to obtain relief tkrcugl It was a large Int. He, the banker, tl was not a chance to get the loan thl That there was no use to try. But in I He went to Mr. Meyer of the War c] raved the situation, both with reEpce tent. ^ MY BANKER FRIEND TOLD TOR HR. McLEAN FOR .GOVERN Now don't tret exetted, Senator, Cobb, Vice-President of the First N BAILEY GROWS STRONGER^ pnunCTAK^ huT rnur rn I 'V'ours P. 8.: I atill hold to my origins '' ' '? tatsTin any county in North Caroline _ dollars of value, and 111 vote for Mi farmers, owners of corporations, an, -Senator," that, "ifott ahd Homir school stuff. We- ara. discussing real T-r- '-> - -T-s?, Lu; " afi.. ~ ' ' ' " ENATOR McCOIN AND X FACTS AND ALSO McLEAN ON THE WAR HON. your political advertisement appearing which purports to be an answer to my "he News and Observer of that date. ;es against Mr. Bailey as set out below: lefeated the income tax (which was only nent submitted to a vote of the people ".undred per cent higher than they were and M,r. Bailey made was defeated by a ty-five thousand." income tax amendment before it was tent limitation tax" and then you quote ind Hominy" speech before the commitpurported reply, and I answer each of counties of the State, taking intp, conproperty and increased rates, are now IER THAN WERE TAXES IN 1920. VRMER, the corporation, and the proport and vote for the three proposals nal Amendment you would limit the In the future to Afteen cents on the one lGE TAX RAfE LEVIED IN NORTH IN OF THIS AMENDMENT IS ONE THE ONE H!UNDERD DOLLARS OF PS, SENATOR, THAT YOU MISSED >PLE BY APPROXIMATELY ONE R ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY>ER FALSE PRETENSE. Senator. You 920?you can't deliver with your "Hog lough you have promised to do so. YOU LE SOME OF THE TIME BUT YOU iLL OF THE TIME. 1 1923 and enacted into law that BANK OUR NORTH'CAROLINA CORPCVR'ARMERS. exemntinflr stock in fonoin*, ean has never said this was wrong. pays taxes oh its shares of capital! he form of "corporation . excess." The 1922 (see Commissioner of Revenue's e counties, in addition to the valuation I roperty was listed,' on a valuation of axes so paid was a charge against its | holder. You exempted foreign corporaperty in North Carolina from corpora res of stock from taxation in the hands | rock in Foreign corporations tax burden of the North Carolina cor-1 owner ONE MILLION SEVEN HUN-1 30LLARS IN TAXES THEY WOULD 3 PAY. ; itor, with a vengencev OF THE FARMER AND* EVERY EING BROKEN BY THIS ILLEGITI-I V HE OPPOSED THE ADOPTION OFl 1TIONAL AMENDMENT IN 1920, and 3 FROM THE PEOPLE. RELUCTANTt GOVERNOR FOR THE AVOWED ON THE SORT OF MANIPULATION hat exemption of foreign stocks near . the HenHorsnn nn/1 Hnwn* , __ ?- vay k in Vance County at high rates to the DRED AND SEVENTY ONE THOUSof Revenue's report for 1922) in addi:y on real and personal property listed dred and Thirty-Nine Thousand Dollars.1 its property in this State, pays taxes lists with thp local list taker, and his vmpt from taxation. REPRESENTATION TO THE PEOPLE HE ADOPTION OF THE CONSTI) HAVE BEEN, and THE AUSTRALWIIAT WOULD HAVE BECOME OF ENTY-FIVE THOUSAND MAJORITY, TION OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL OF ALL THE PEOPLE. He was right 1 TAX SYSTEM SO AS TO EL1MIIN EQUALITIES. lie's right now, and 2 GOING TO CONFIRM IT JUNE 7TH, man in 1920, Senator, if he had not'been, uffer as they did suffer under.the opera(which I submit again is properly namVilson's administration, Senator. ? HIE OFFICIAL RECORD OF HON. A. lor of North Carolina, when he was a ration and-was in position to help the ) THAT THE RECORD THUS RECIT^ little to that for your information, Senit banker of North Carolina in the Fall igh to Durham, the banker told me that lot of tobacco on hand cured for export other side of the ocertn because custominncial arrangements; that the tobacco t want to turn the tobacco loose on the press the already depressed price and sbacco man, the farmer and everybody to see Mr. McLean, of the War Financo 1 the means of a loan on the tobaccoold me that Mr. McLean told him there rough; that he could not recommend it. y banker friend was a persistent fellow, orporation and* got his loan through and t to the farmer and others; to that ex-: ME HE WAS -NOT GOING TO VOTE OR. ' """ I I'll tell yon his narr.e?it is Mr; J. O. ational Bank, of Thrrhnm. SENATOR, IT LOOKS LIKE THE LTDCMENT. very truly, (Signed) J. S. GRIFFIN, il proposition, Senator?show me' a tax i as low as fifteen cents on the hundred McLean. And. Senator, a whole lot of ljust ordinary fellows will also. Ijr" and Old Man Friday stuff t* high iasuesr in this campaign J. S. G. ' . - / * THE ROXBORO COURT TO THE PEOPLE 'OF - . PERSON COUNTY r ANNOUNCEMENT I wish to take this means of announcing myself a candidate for the ofHce of Treasurer of Person County subject to the action of the approaching Democratic Primary. If you shall see fit to nominate and elect me to this ofRce I promise you a service the very best of which I am capable. Frank J. Hester. ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce myself a candidate for the House of Representatives for Person County, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. I'Bhall greatly appreciate the sup port of the people of Person County Very respectfully, W. R. Wilkerson. ANNOUNCEMENT. I herewith announce myself a can didate for Sheriff of Person county subject to the action of the Democratic primary. If you support me I pledge myself to do my best and as you all know I have had the experience. - 1 . ' _ , . Yours truly, Nat V. Brooks. ?o NOTICE! I hereby announce myself a candidate for the House of Representatives for Person County, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. I respectfully solicit the support of the people of^this County. W. Roy Cates. VT-?V, oe mot ?>a>vu * "? ANNOUNCEM EXT. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the House?of Represents tives, subject to the action of th Democratic primary. 1 have rcpre sented you before and if you cai favor me again with your support i Will be much appreciated. Yours .truly, W. A. Warren. ANNOUNCEMENT. 1 hereby respectfully announce my self a candidate for Sheriff. If you' can favor me with a re-election will greatly appreciate it. I have tried to do my duty by all, showing no favors or partiality to any one and uy record is my platform. I mos respectfi ,ly solocit your support, J. Melvin Long. ANNOUNCEMENT. I respectfully announce myself candidate for Sheriff of Person county, subject to the Democratic primary. Most of you know me, and if you can favor me with your support it will be greatly appreciated. Yours truly, C. T. Willson . t \'vr?rn\-m I respectfully announce myself a candidate for the nomination of Sheriff of Person county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. I will appreciate your support end anything you may do for me.. Yours truly, D. R. Rhew. ANNOUNCE*! ENT I hereby announce myself ns a I candidate fGr Sheriff of Person counj ty subject to the action of the Demojcratic primary. If you can favor me with your support I will greatly appreciate it. Yours truly, J. L. Cothrar.. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby respectfully announce my' self a candidate for Sheriff ^f PerI son county, subject to the Democrat! ic primary. Your support is respectfully solicited. Yours truly, N. S. Thompson. ANNOUNCEMENT. I respectfully announce myself 'candilate for re-election for the of i fice of Treasurer of, Person county jl have tried to administer* the funds j of the County as duly required and without partiality. I will appreciate your continued support. B. G. Clayton. DR. S. RAPPORT of Durham will be in Roxboro at DAVIS DRUG a i urea every nrst weimesnny in eacn month to.examine eyes and fit glasses. When he fits you with glasses-yen have the satisfaction of knowing they are correct. 4?\ My next visit will be Wednesday. Jane 4th. . ..... ... .. . ER .'tru- 4ih 1324 Special for Saturday until further notice: Octagon aoap, large aize 6 cents,, Fletchers Castoria, genuine, 25 cents at Chambers & Co's 5 and 10 cents Store. MORTGAGE' SALE. By virtue of a power of sale contained in a Chattel Mortgage executed to C. H. Turner by O. L. Carter after every meal W Cleanses month and I teeth and aids digestion. I Relieves that over- I eaten feeling and aeld Its 1-a-s-t-l-n-g flavor I satisfies the craving for I sweets. Wrlgley's Is doable I value In the .benefit and I SmaUJ in its Parity JH O?________ rTtn EZ :-Tgir ^.'gy !r.T*\\rna$ Change of % 1 Me j "When change of life began '4 5 on me," says Mrs. Lewis ;4 5 Lisher, of Lamar, Mo., "I / 2 suffered so with womanly a 2 weakness. I suffered a great S I 0 deal of pain in my back and V. H sides. My limbs would cramp. V. n I didn't feel like doing my ?1 r work, and there are so many f steps for a woman to take on d I a farm. I was very anxious a 1 to get better. A friend rec- J J ommended u CARDUli T1i8 Woman's Tonic I to me and I began using it. | I certainly Improved. 1 went ' j through change of life with, out any trouble. I can highly . recommend CarduL" I J At the age of about 40 to I J 50 every woman has to pass I through a critical time, which | I is called the Change of Life. | I At this time, great changes I take place in her system. I causing various painful and disagreeable symptoms. 4 If you are approaching this ? . Ins from any of its troubles ; or symptoms, tjike Cardui. It ' should help you, as it has | helped others. I j Sold by all druggists. ^ ^ a s a vwf * r U^CMCVV * su-aTtag I |uj TiiE UM! Li ' I Sii t The Touring Car ^: '295 F. O. B. Detroit Demountable Rime ?nd Starter IK tttta ' ~ Ymt .can yvy wwrfj* Tfl . orJdu I nuriHi - TwtJlgS - * ' r v ' . * "" _ . * ' and R. T. Brooks and recorded ii Book 28, page 433, in record of Per son County, N. C? I will sell to th highest bidder for cash at Picks Sid tug on June 14, 1924, between th hours of 12 M. and 2 P. M., the fol lowing personal property, to-wit: 1. No. 129?20 x 8 Fay & Egai Double Surfacer Planer and Matcher complete with knives 1 pair Shime Heads, 1 pair Square Heads, als complete set of belts. 5-14-5' T. H. TURNER | ^uveruDWBS j I ^lasilomrsavewotine 'Tnafie ridiigeasier ! ~ Goodrich Silvemwto CORD TIRES Fox & Co. ?inrscTOn?iMBa> i; 11 mm nitwrihi Jr*c6 VEHOAl CAa Baefe 4o This Sv The enjoyment -you'll get car this summer, is anotl you should no longer post; X ou, your family and friend ant trips at minimum cost? end excursions or a long ti Buy a Fcird, if you want reliable, simple to handle, and carries you at lowest ( (v> Detroit, & RumibOHt $26$ Coufxe $525 Tut?or S? AU prices 1. o. b, CROWELL AUTC fcrfa riUTIn* L^Jd^UlgIZdi?%?Et**? * . \' ? ' *.. ' .' '.' *' ' . ? .?7 _ u. f- '' - ^ t [ ALARMING 9n //jt :*$:< , J^iy? |l a The kidneys S should filter the btood, :SMBBBSt5>MFse and when jaH^H they are out T?HMKn|MH^BSJ of fix, the ^KHKpv' blood stream is just filled with poisonous uric add. Carried to all parts of the body, thu poison causes backaches, headaches rheumatic pains, heaviness, drowsiness dizziness, irritability or depression ant distressing bladder troubles. But that isn't the worst of if. lit chronic neglected cases, the excess urit I acid is apt to form into gravel or kidney stones, and to cause gout, sciatica dropsy and even Brieht's disease. T .t lb. ? a ' at I :i_ t l mi luc iiiai pain in tuc uaui uc you: warning. Get a bottle of Dr. Pierce'i new An-uric tablets (anti-uric-acid). Your druggist can tell you about thi.t new discovery for bad kidneys. Or. send 10c for a trial package to Dr. Pierce, Pres., Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, W. Y. i_p . MONUMENTS ^ -AND TOMBSTONES j -j t Anything in the way of Monuments, Tombstones or grave markers. Best most durable stone, at low- j est prices. Everything j guaranteed. I 1 0 per cent discount 11 1 on an worK. Write or see J. M. PHILPOTT, Roxboro, N. C., tf. Route 1. ! I I i??ggas Nature 4 immer out of a Ford touring ler good reason why x>ne buying. Is can benefit by pleas evening drives, weekour on your vacation. a car that is always needs almost no care, x>st. ~ (DOm/iciwif 11 Uchlsan ^ rdan $ S9** F or dor Sedan $635 . Detroit > co, , Sr' " fr .-. - .--v i . . . ' * --7?^-A-,j.

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