By * " Pabllshed Every Wednesday Evening SUBSCRIPTION TERMS #L6U a year, 75 cents for 6 months M carta for 8 months?Cash in" AdThe Editor Is in no way responsible far views expressed by carrel ponEntered at the Post Office at Roxtan, N. C., as second-class matter. CForrlyn RrpraMmtatlv* Tjsp AMF.RICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION Koxboro, N. C. June 25th 1924 / RESPONSIBILITY RESTS ON V < / THEIR ELDERS. "Still a third class of persons seeking a remedy for the unhappiness of family life and hoping to end forever the war in the homes of America turns on the young of this generation, condemning them as idle, frivolous, devoid of purpose, inconsiderate, selfish, pleasure seeking ahd vain. Such talk annoys me, not that it may not be true, but because it nevertheless is unjust. If there is^anything WTong in the mannersymorals and outlook . of the young people of today, responsibility rests not on them, but on their elders. The fathers and mothers of , the land are the real offenders. We umvc nvt iiniLfn xne irena 01 xno umes. 1 We here not uprooted the evils which ' ?re imperiling our children. When we ! rear end train our children properly, j instill In their hearts and minds rev- ? erence for home and parenthood, aehool them thoroughly in the fight 1 conception of government, religion J and society, we shall need no longer , any court of domestic relations and , will not have to bother ourselves further about uniform lnws of mar riage and divorce and public boards 1 to examine applicants for marriage ' licenses." ( Thus spokei Mr. Thomas R. Marshal, < and truer words we have seen from any one. We do not believe the young ' girls are all going to the devil simply .because they persist in their right to j dress comfortable, use all of the paint ] and powder they please and vote the 1 Democratic ticket?as most of them do in this State. Like a caged animal ?nut meaning they are aninlals, when given its freedom it does not know , what to do, and so it is with these i sweet girls, they have come into their own so suddenly that they just don't know how to act. We must admit they do some things we do not approve of, they seem to think because they are recognized as man's equal in all things tticy are perfectly able to take care of themselves and consequently do not want an old maiden aunt or some ether sour somebody parading around with them as chaperones. But don't woTk yourself up to a ' frenxv. for these sweet creatures will get back to normal and we will wonder bow nicely they managed it. ^-^ADVERTISING AN FXPENSE I.IKE RENT. Montgomery Ward, the' great mail order house, finds its selling cost to be approximately eight per cent. Local merchants who complain of the invasion of the mail order man and I want the country publisher to fight I their battles should bear these figures [ in mind. If the local stores would ( spend five per cent of their income on advertising in their local newspa-' pers the mail order man would soon be putjto rout, but we have too many shopkeepers and too few merchants 'im the small towns. Even today many j of the local storekeepers have not realised that advertising is a* recog- [ nixed part of overhead, like rent, light' and help. The patience of the local ( _ publisher with shopkecoers ?uch a? .' | these, and there are many of them, ia profound.?American Press. All eyes are on New Yorf this week, but from reports at this, writinn it; will be'some timo before you* .*;._ ' will get mnrh sat-sfsMi-n as to who? ! to head"the be.moeratic ticket.' ? MrAaan win lana an the drat ballot,! Sj . which wiJI probably he Friday mom-' bag, with Smith a .clp-.c second. How-! ever, it seemjr almost certain a "dark sr: 7 Horse" will win, arid" eor nre** to-' jp* ^ .t ?" diy ?i Jpbn \V. Da1.**, Wcm . gfoi?. j , . In a recent speech Governor Mor-l F rison said the North Carolina tax. t system was almost perfect. Well, may _ be, but we advise the Gov. when he comes this way this summer or. fall on his speech-making tour in behalf of his shipping bill not to talk that 0 way to the farmers up here, or there ? may be some one leaving town astride a rail. 9 0 Blessed is he that hath a southwest :orner apartment these nights; but most blessed is he that hath his habitation m the country. It was said by them that were of old, God made the country and man made the town. But when the mercury gets to fooling in the high nineties, it is more as if the devil had made the town?Green; boro News. NOTICE OF SPECIAL SCHOOL ELECTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF PERSON COUNTY ON MONDAY JUNE 16th 1924, it being an adjourned meeting from June 2nd, an election was orderod held in the section of Person County hereirtBfter designated, as to whether a special tax of not exceeding thirty cents on the hundred dollars valuation of real and personal property in said section, ihould be levied and collected for the Owners and mortzairee take notice , that the hind listed and described be-] low was sold for taxes and must be 1 redeemed by Aueust 2?th. 1321, indeed will be applied for sartte. j M. Jf. Gentry 68 acres in Holloway , township. IjuIh Bailey 28 acres in Roxboro, < townshln. ' - .John W. Hester 60 acres in Mt. ' Tii-rah township ? Haywood Davis 1 acre in Woods- ~ dale township. Mack Burton 100 acres in Mt ' Tirzah township. dale township. . ~ i ^ ' t>. W- Ledbeffer '?:?T W, G. -Bradsber. . . S purpose of erecting a suitable building for, and the operating of a high school in said section. Said election will be held on Sat- ? arday August 2nd 192*4, - at - the store >f D. L. Whitfield and Brother, at Hurdle Mills, N. C., under the rules ind regulation prescribed for regular 'lections. D. L. Whitfield was duly appointed Registrar of said election, and C. Monk and W. T. Hawkins judge" ;f election. The Registration books will be :pened Saturday June 21st 1924, and dosed on Saturday July 19th 1924. Those favoring the increase in tax's for the purpose of maintaining a ligh school will vote a ballot on which ?hall be written or printed. *'FOR HIGH SCHOOL TAX"; those on- posing same will vote a ballot on I kvhich shall be written or print"!. J AGAINST HIGH SCHOOL TAX." That the section of Person County included in the application a9 filed a and in which Said taxes will be levied 1 and collected, if a majority of the qualified voters in said section approve same is as follows: Beginning at the point in the Per- ^ son and Caswell county. line, that is now the South West corner of District No. 5 (Bushy Fork) thence with the line of District No. 5 in an East- . erly direction to the corner of the I lands of Daniel Long and N. P. Hurdle, thence following Hurdles South line to his South East corner, thence Vii p ITnst lino in o MnrtliorHr /i iPiM WEAR AND PIECE GOODS j| [t Will Pay You to Read ' These Prices. !i 1 2(i yds. wide, un- < bleached sheeting. 50c j 2H yds. wide, white, 1 *ood quality sheeting 58c i Aluminum ware. . 69c|C SI 3.00 and $15.00 dresses $9.95 Dresses up to $18.00 $14.95 ' $35.00 coats. . . $17.50 2 $25.00 coats. . . $12.50 ( Dresses up to i. A ? ?v r $z/.:>u $iy./b Voile dresses, nice 1 quality $3.95 I 57.50 linen dresses $5.48 " Voile up to 45c. . . 35c ! Voiles up to 65c. . . 50c 36 inch E\^rfast ' suiting 39c 40 inch dotted t swisses......... 50c, X ' 36 inch dotted SWISS 29c t 36 inch strips satin- I itte, dandy for qn- s ierwear, sale price 48c t M.PO and $U5 silks . . 85c $ x' ^i - ... ?f - . >1E 25t^ 1924 " FRANKLIN SPRING MAGNESIA-LITHIA WATER. ? TONIC ? ALTERATIVE ? APERIENT ? DIURETIC. IP B >g A Natural Remedy that Cures yspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation p nd all Diseases arising from Dis g rdered Stomach or Bowles. It cures Rheumatism, Gout, Torpid g iver, Menstrual Irregularities, Stona e 1 the Bladder and Diabetes,' It 1 | ighly beneficial in Diseasea of the Blood and Skin. | The Water is Shipped Fresh from g he Spring, Cunningham, N. C. FRANKLIN MINERAL SPRING C Semora, N. C. STEWART, COOK & CO. Undertakers. I We will open on June 1st our Un- t ertaking establishment and will be | re pared to care for your wants in g his line. Our manager, James S. Stewart, Jj as had a long experience in this g ork and we cordially invite our col- ? red friends to give us their busi- E ess. _ C All kinds ox repair work. We espec- t illy want to do any repair work | eeded on your furniture and bot- | iming* chairs. Stewart, Cook & Co. Reams' Avenue, Roxboro, N. C-. Frs LE ^ AT A luction tO inch silk Rashlahaia crepe $3.50 1:L.. 1 _ to en ]ucuny, sciie pritc . rlat Canton crepe, slack and white, |>3.50 quality, sale srice $2.69 silk shirting 95c Bungalow aprons . . 75c Dress linen ^pong;d and shrunk, $1.00 quality, sale price. . 89c Vlillinery at a great -eduction. 3oys Kaki pants. . 75c 2 yds. wide floor sil cloth ~ . $1.19 Crass rugs. - . . . . . 89c 59 inch white doth 12?c 36 inch bleaching. . 18c 27rinch tissue voile 12ic 1 lot of Chambray ind apron goods. . 10c . Curtain goods.... 10c fj rurkish towels. . . 10c , rurkish towels. . . 25c | hospital counterDanes .7 $1.98 2 J lb. quilt goods. . 69c VIeqp work shirts. . 85c \Vork pants. . . $1.48 Sunday pants. . . $1.48 EXTRA sample straw hats lp t&-$570Q quality,iate price. 98c arid $1.48 "1 English Broadclothihirts, $3.50 qualiy, safe price. Vfany of other things are1 ,j jreatly reduced. ET ' , . .. . _. -r--. ' - -I I New Shoesjj By Yesterday's Express Hie last word in ladies Pumps and San- M i dais has just reached us from Shelby Shoe "3 | Co. These are high class shoes moderately fj | priced with all the style you could wish for, |j 3 widths A to C. Low Heel, Low Cut Patent Sandals. Medium Heel, Stylish Cut Out, Black jf I Suede Pumps. 3 i Medium Heel, Stylish Cut Out, Patent |j Medium Heel, Neat Cut Out, Black Kid ta We shall be glad to show you these shoes. | Harris & Burns! 3 ROXBORO'S BEST STORE ^ | ______ , a M ui; ^nnnr.u ma i'M/uc/; He became a Partner. Kg business men are always on the lookout for young men who have the qualifications for big positions. The main thing they want to- know is: "has he MONEY SENSE?" That question can only be answered in one way: by a Pass Book showing REGULAR deposits. The routirle of the business a man can be taught, but the value of money he must learn for himself with his own money. If you haven't yet started TO T&gUlarlv deposit softv of your money, come in and open an acoount and start. You will be on the road to prosperity when you do. We will welcome you. THE Peoples Bank The Bank of The People" HINT TO PRICE SEEKERS We are still doing Business at the same old stand, ^ And carry a big line for beast or man. When you want what you want, when you want it stop at FOX'S CASH STORE AT THE CROSSING. i ?yBMB?????????? ; I PAINTING I I ?and? || I Paper Hanging I I have a complete line of the very best | . FAINTS, 3 VARNISHES^ ? I ENAMEL AND |_ " . WALL PAPERS:-?| Let me ngure with you on your -nee'ch. "' .\ |.... / - : . 1 r