rt ; THE COURIER J. W. NOELL, Editor. MUad Every Wed need ay Evening SUBSCRIPTION TERMS " Hit a year, 75 eanta for 6 months _ M oenta far 8 months?Cssb in AdTha Editor is in no way responaibla 1m vtewa expressed by. corrnaponEatarod at tha Post Office at RaxIw*. N. C, aa aaeond-claaa matter. CftpaaatNoata twwwataihi ' THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION Baxboro, N. C. July 2nd 1924 POLITICS AND RELIGION. War the past week we have seen an ?*ort to mix politics and religion. The Democratic convention in New York wraatled with it for several days, and it came near causing a riot. The Catholics and Jews made an effort to iutm into the platform a plank condemning the Ku Klux Klan, an organization with its principal idea.as we inidi i stsnd, and being a fight on theae faiths Of course, this was all occa? sinned by one or more candidates who felt that such a plank would be helpM to said candidate or candidates. The convention verv rWiHo^ ?! lam oat such a plank, and it did well, for such things have no place in any party platform. Oar constitution gives the right to every one to worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience, and if any organization attempts to interfere with this right then the courts is the place for relief, and not in party politics; bot in national poiias in state, there is slways some one who is willing to do anything which will result in advantage to him- ' L- . HURDLE MILLS AND SCHOOL BONDS. ] The citizens of the Hurdle Mills ' saitiuu will soon vote on the question j j of issuing bonds for the purpose of erecting a school building and estab- , lishing a high school. We know that the farmers, and all of the rest of I us. are loathe to increase taxes, but if there is any one thing we can not < afford to economize on it is the , schools. There is no better or more ] prosperous section of the County than 1 the Hurdle Mills section, yet it is very 1 deficient in schools?the old building! Sifn - * II- *1 ' ' wwei iHuuijr mure man a Dam, Wllfl only a six months term. We have lots of good friends in this section, and see prise them highly, and will not f, attempt to tell them how they should vote on this question, but we will say, if sre lived in that fine section wej would vote for bonds, and trust to Providence to get the money to pay our taxes. We have heard nothing -so far to the effect that the boil weevil has changed his boarding house, which indicates to our mind that North Carolina, being relatively free of this Ipest, will again as last year profit by the misfortune of our more southerly neighbors, where the Weevil is ap the sands of the sea. The crop is looking good in this County, all things considered, and we are expecting great things from this agricultural innovation. Person County folks have been accustomed to leading the state in the production of desirable types of tobacco, and should not be discouraged if a lack of experience should prevent them this fall from receiving the top price for their cotton. A smaller crop of tobacco, better tendqd, will' net about as much as a larger crop J II, all 1 - the eititittenel ieeeme l?n? ^ a fair acreage of cotton should cause the resources of Person County to' take a decided jump. f Jj.. . Wi* have, no censure -for Senator ? ? ! Biasaions for wanting to Tie a mom" r > . ; . .. . ber of the Democratic N'ationn! Comarittee, but we do censure in the t . . strangest terms the manner in which D Ma leaders went about to defeat Mr. lams Lang for this position. They;atur . tacked hi* Democracy, and used all [. kinds of underhand methods in bringE* ng about his defeat Through it all i; the hand of "machine?' was evident, with Hb'sa. Watts on hand working i' his usual underhand methods. ? 4 - ?-?7 . ~ ~ ~ '* J* " . w i m -: -' - ??r i . t The Platform Committee' of the Democratic'Convention in New York has presented a report that has received the approval of both the grapejutcers and the Smith-damps. That must have been a superb example of difficult fence-riding. However, the majority of the members of the Committee were evidently not pledged to Smith. We note that the "Covered Wagon" is coming to Roxboro. What with all the flivvers and such, a covered wagon will be a real rare sight. The prohibition officers have lately been looking on all covered wagons with suspicion. If this Covered Wagon, being a moving picture, carries any booze, it will have to be spirit-aous liquor. <?New York invited some guests to take dinner with them, then tried to sell' them a gold-brick. Their invitation will probably be "declined with thanks" four y^ars from now. It is now too late for any more June brides this year, bnt a July or Spntpmlipp knnt i<t itist ar tiirht. AnH. there are still six more months of leap year. It won't do any good to complain about the kind of weather we are having; we still got a Republican president. "Our" own Josephus Daniels did not vote with the majority to omit the Klan name, and that nearbout makes the minority the majority. A FEW WORDS FROM WOODSDA LE" To the good voters of Person County: Saturday July the 5th, you will have the pleasure of voting for. the nan you think best qualified for the nomination of Sheriff. I have nothing 10 say against the other candidate, hut I do want to ask you can we afEord to say to Sheriff Long, that his service has not been appreciated, and we do not want kim for our Sheriff my longer, after he and his faithful Deputy Melvin Clayton, has worked so hard night and day and in all kinds jf weather doing everything in their power to give us a ciean County to live in. I say Sheriff J. Melvin Long has made us the best Sheriff Person County has ever had, and Melvin T. Clayton has made the best .Deputy that has ever served as Deputy in this county. I want to ask you to con-1 sider well. before you cast your vote nn Julv the 5th. and then abide by the dictates of your own mind and| conscience. Now in conclusion I wishj to say that for the Rood of out be-1 loved county just vote for J. Melvinj Long, and lets keep the two Melvin's i in office. A. J. Mitchell. j "CELEBRATION OF i SEVENTIETH BIRTHDAY." j At the home of Mr. E. Y. Jones of Bethel Hill on last Wednesday evening, many friends and relatives gathered to celebrate the (70) Seventieth birthday of Mrs. Woody, mother of! Mrs. E. Y. Jones, Mr. C. E. Woody, i Mr. G. G. Woody, Mrs. N. C. Woody, Mrs. N. N. Woody and Mrs. W. T. Woody. | Those of other relatives and friends present were Mr. F. L. Woody, Mr. Nat Brooks and family, Mr. A." J. Crutchfield and family, and mother Woody's' Pastoi- N. J. Todd and family. Also a host of young people and children. The evening was greatly enjoyed by all. I Few mothers have lived to the good old age of "Mother Woody" and made a greater contribution to her community and church. She has lived and still lives close to her I>ord and Mastee Hie enirit has been the Spirit of her home. This accounts for the (treat and honorable family of good men and women she has sent out into the world to live her good life over again. "Mother Woody's" neighbors say, "to know her is to love her." i The supper was a grand display, the kind that only a prosperous fanim eaa prednna. i As her humble pastor I can assure "Milther Woody," her family, relatives and friends, that to me, I count it a priviiege-to have known them and to have had the joy pf joining them in celebrating her seventieth birthday*" May our dear Lord continue her with many yean yet. I " "K. *. Todd. . j Farmers of Edgecombe County pooled .1,580 pounds of wofll for sale >n the recent poor, reports Coonty Agent Zeno "Moore. ". - THE ROXBORQ COURT SI >1 MARY OF PLATFORM ADOPTED BY"DEMOCRATS Refer the league of nations question to a referndum election to be held under act of Congress. Freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press. ' No mention of the Ko Klux Klan. Tax reduction and revision of the tariff. Legislation "to restore the farmer again to economic equality with other indnstrialista." Readjustment of freight rates and revision of the transportation act, abolishing the railroad labor board and restoring to states control over intra-state rates. Operation of Muscle Shoals for production of fertilizers. Public control and conservation of the nation's resources, recovery of oil reserves "fraudulently" leased, and prosecution of any guilty of wrongdoing in leaaing. ____ Governmental control at the anthracite industry and "all other corporations controlling the necessities of life where public welfare has been subordinated to private interests." Operation of a government-owned merchant marine "so long as it may be necessary without obstructing the development of a privately owned American flag shipping." Compliance with the spirit of civil service and its extension to internal revenue officers. "Adequate" salaries for postal employes. Adoption of the so-called "lame duck" constitutional amendment which would prevent members of congress from participation in a session after" their defeat for re-election. Revision of the corrupt practices act to prevent excessive campaign contributions. Enforcement of the constitution and all laws, with an assertion that 'the republican administration has "failed to enforce the prohibition laws." Maintenance of Asiatic immigration fiv-ln jinn by legislation. ' Immediate independence for the Phillippines. Establishment of territorial form, of government for Alaska. Protection of American rights in1 Turkey and the "fulfillment of President Wilson's arbitral award respecting' Armenia." Drafting of all resources in time of war. Sweeping reduction of sea and land armaments. rruniuiiuil Ul uccp woicmnja 11UIII the Great Lakes to the gulf and the Atlantic ocean and improvement of inland waterways generally. Enactment of legislation dealing with fraudulent stock sales. Vigorous enforcement of laws against monopolies and illegal combinations and enactment of additional measures if necessafyl The platform denounces the Mellon tax plan, declares that under the Republican administration the economic condition of the American farmers "has changed from comfort to bankruptcy," charges that "never before in our history has the government been so tainted by corruption," and pledges the Democratic party to drive all wrongdoers from public office and mete out proper punishment. DEMOCRATS PAY TRIBUTE TO HARDING AND EXPRESS PARTY GRIEF AT HIS DEATH ?o? New York, June 28.?The resolutions committee of the Democratic national convention adopted the following separate resolution relative to the death Of President Harding. "In political campaigns the American people are divided into* opposing parties; after the election they are as one man in allegiance to the goverameqj and in loyalty to the nation'* chief executive. As Democrats w# stand uncovered beside the grave of Warren G. Harding, late President of the United States, vie with his devoted friends in exression of regret at his untimely death and share the sorrow that it has brought into hie home." o INDEPENDENTS DETERMINED TO SUPPORT I.AFOLLETTE Cleveland, Ohio, June 28.?Sen* ator Robert M. La Follette, of Wisconsin, will be named as an "independent" candidate for the presidency by the conference for progressive political action, when it meets in PI-.I.I.-J n.e whether William Gibbs McActapei) nominated by the Democrat^?! Mew York or not leaders of three of the "big fonr" railread brotherhoods indicated here today, in repudiating a statement made by labor cKieftains in New York yesterday. Six hundred house's -and barns have bepainted in Cleveland County sinc^the pain t-campaign was begun in that TOun?j?report*--K, E. Lawrence, farm agent for the' State Collega .- V ' . V \ ER, July 2nd 1924 Sat- | terfield for a hail policy. The old g Hartford baa paid esery hail loss sat- E isfactory for years. "DO XT TODAY". I SATTERFIELD INS. AGENCY, f "OLD AND TRIED". SEND YOUR ORDERS FOR BARN | SHINGLES TO ROXBORO LUMBER CO. AND NOTE THE DIFFERENCE. GOOD FARM for sale or rent. Near Bnshy Fork High SehoiL A. W. O'Briant, Thnberlake, N.. C. 2tspd Airedale poppies, sired by Mt. W. Roy Gates dog, eight weeks old, fine and in good condition. Mrs. W. C. Warren, Hurdle Mills, N. C. 7-2,-2tpd. Get your Lime, Cement and Plaster [from WATKINS & BULLOCK. FOR SALE, fine tobacco fartn, one mile from Helena, on improved road, six room dwelling. T. T. Day, Timberlake, N. C. 7 2, 2tspd SETTLEMENT AFTER THE FIRE. Satterfield Insurance Agency has paid for thousands of losses by fire for the past twenty-five years. NOT |ONE KICK. Yours may be next. Let us pay for it. ] SATTERFIELD INS. AGENCY. "OLD AND TRIED". | Best Flooring, Ceiling and Siding (at WATKINS & BULLOCK. I FROM FOUNDATION TO FINISH YOU CAN GET IT AT ROXBORO LUMBER CO. | FOR RENT or SALE, new dwell- c ing house, on Durham hard surface j road, just outside corporate limits, i J. L. Garrett. t , I Best prices on Paint. Lead and oil. |WATKINS & BULLOCK. MOVED. I have moved my shoe repairing , shop to Reams Avenue, place known [as old stemming factory oflce, corner Reams Ave., and Lamarr Street. Best work and reasonable prices. b-18 ti. "Sherman Lee. | Better fix up your barns! See WATIK1XS & BLTLLOCK. I ROXBORO LUMBER CO. QUALITY AT ROXBORO LUMBER CO. PRICES MAKES AN IDEAL BUILDING PROPOSITION. TRY IT. FOR SALE 50 bbls, of com, and home made molaaaes. Apply to K. L Street, Mill Creek, Roxboro, N. C. R6. 0-18 tf GET IT AT ROXBORO LUMBER CO. AND BANK THE COST OF REPAIRS. 666 is a Prescription for Colds, Grippe. Dengue Fever. Constipation, Bilious Headaches ! and Material Fever. I Shinnies and Roofing. WATKINS & BULLOCK. j For good roads, the best life insurance and Ihe best folks on earth j North Carolina stands at the top. The Jefferson Standard, the biggest, 'the be?t in all the South. SEE S. P. SATTERFIELD. A CAR OF " BRIGHT NEW SHINGLES JUST UNLOADED AT ROXBORO LUMBER CO. ALL LENGTHS 5V ROOFING AT ROXBORO LUMBER CO. j Buy a lot now at West Beaufort. North Carolina's newest tourist and j residential section. $100 lots for only ; $1.00 a week. Waterfront lots $200 i for $2.00 a week. Write Box FUO care of this newspaper. 6-11-4ts ' i FOR MANSION OR HUT YOU CAN GET IT AT ROXBORO LUMBER CO. This is vacation time. Before you leave phone or see me and get an accident ticket. One day up $5000?25c per day. | S. P. SATTERFIELD. Ticket Agt. f LARGE SHIPMENT OF GALVAN- " IZE ROOFING IN ALL LENGTHS " TiroT at nnTonpn fi LUMBER 00. ) Stop and think. Is your car covered with fire, theft and liability insurance? The Juries in North Carolina and other states are rendering ver! diets daily for damages ranging from five to fifty thousand. No man escapes now. Fix it before the accident., SEE SATTERFIELD "BEFORE YOU SLEEP". I DONT YOU HEAR THE PEOPLE SAY: "GET IT AT ROXBORO LUMBER CO." ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. [ Having qualified a* Administrator of R. W. Jones, latesof Person coots ty, this is. to notify all persona having claims' against said- estate to present them to the undersigned on "or, before the 30th day of Jane, 1935, or this notice will-be- pleaded, in-bar of their recovery. I All persons indebted" to raid estate (will please make immediate paymant^This June 30th, ,1924. S. M. Jones, > j ? _ Admintatrstor. jj! --re-? .... . _ .... ... . . . v.. . ; : ' " ' -v.' . " ^ New Shoes! By Yesterday's Express - - . The last word in ladies Pumps and San- S dais has just reached us from Selby Shoe p Co. These are high class shoes moderately e priced with all the style you could wish for, || I widths A to C. Low Heel, Low Cut Patent Sandals. Medium Heel, Stylish Cut Out, Black I Suede Pumps. R M A/4llirvt 1?I Anl Q^rlinU C* ?*> iTAwiiuiu A iJiyiiou v? ui VUL> * aiciii H Pumps. Medium Heel, Neat Cut Out, Black Kid g Pumps. I We shall be glad to show you these shoes. |j Harris & Burns | * ROXBORO'S BEST STORE 1 .|0 MONEY j gu | |! FUTURE ??j r i comfort, m If you have no bank account you should START one. A small sum will do so in our bank. If you have an account do not let it go to sleep but keep on adding to it and make your balance UKUVV. Then some day, sooner than you think, you can buy that new house or an interest in a business or start one of your own. We will welcome your account. THE Peoples Bank The Bank of The People" CANNING SEASON I * - I You have the fruit, we have the cans and sugar, and almost anything else you might need any season of the year, at prices un equaled. Try us. FOX'S CASH STORE AT THE CROSSING. N \ I j paTnting"! I Paper Hanging 1 it I have a complete line of the very best ENAMEL AND | "WALLPAPERS. I % Let me figure with you on your needs7 7 ? r H^feL- Masten |

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