' v PAGE SIX E. D. CHEEK & C Roxboro, N. G. FURNITURE AND UNDERTAK If 52 years of experience, 32 yea it spent in business in Person Goi means anything, l offer this exper: to you. Since moving in our new place of ness we am carrying a larger and b line than ever before, and we are b prepared to serve you. It will pay you to see us before bu You may find the misBing word or you may not, but you will not find better food than is served ?AT? Roxboro Cafe TELEPHONE 7-M VISIT OUR LUNCH COUNTER WHEN AT LOCH. UNDER THE SAME MANAGEMENT. JAS. M. PHILPOTT SALESMAN _ ? SALISBURY MARBLE CO. HIGH GRADE MONUMENTS PRICES REASONABLE NOTHING HIGH BUT QUALITY. Roxboro, N. C. Route 1 MISSING WORD CONTEST CONDITION?In one or more of the advertisement* | cm this page a word is missing. To be a winner you I are to find these words, mention from which advertisements it is omitted and between what words it should be inserted. A word will be omitted each week and it may be omitted from the same advertisement more than once. The contest will continue ten weeks. The person finding the greatest number of miss\ ing words will be given $10.00, the second $5.00, and* ? -ten 11-00 prizes will be awarded the r.pxt ten highest All answers must be in The Courier oifite three days after publication, or if from a distance bear a postmark prior to that time. Contest closes week of August 30th. "We Klean Clothes Klean" Send us your white duck pants and linen and Palm beach suits. (Soap and water is the only cure) Roxboro Steam Laundry Co. LAMARR ST. PHONE NO. 157 ~ Dixon & Featherstone Announce that they are going to discontinue* Hamilton 1 ? - ^ i *v il o III I'. of shoes. They offer men's low quarter shoes at special prices. Come in and investigate. ONE LOAD JUST RECEIVED. FLOWER POTS AND STONE JARS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS. Everything for the Farmers at the ^tlw; Roxboro^TL C. |j$ ' * ~ ' - ? nf ^KtttrrV7-''- '' - -I- * *,- ' ". - ' THE ROXBORO GOUR1E! o. Education* CAN YOU FIND THE INC $2S.?? Free nty! FI1?ST XATIC lence Roxbor CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND V> bfufsi" $200,0 letter ,7 etter "Safest For We pay 4 per cent interest ever} y>ng- Under United States Gov You may not find the missing word service if you do not buy from the Central Ser^ OPPOSITE I We handle genuine Ford parts, gas Roxboro. N'. C. r\f T A * iTir v^u rtn i i -rKUU ittAT SHOWS EXACTLY HOW FINELY Ti The .inside of a motor car ia what determines the i worth of y6ur investment. Because that is so, the =i Hupmobiie presents in a new way-quality-proof to . the buyer before he pays his money; 1 Qualityf-proof pertains to Hupmobfle parts. It is < made up of the -parts which you can't see in*the J completed car. It is on display in our salesrooms all 1 the time. < It establishes, in the surest, most positive way in < BROOKSDAL1 DONT FORGET WE ARE COMING O PHONE 10-185 PEOPLE LIKE THE SERVICE WE , accessi "Service on the jump a Suburban Ser b ' WE SOLICIT YOUR TRADE BEC P Dry goods, notions, hardware, ha ? ?. ?_ 1 1 1 ' ? 1 uaus, - irun, reea, nay, aaisy red dog, 1 tin cans for canning. Stone jars, from I Country Produce bou FOX & (X AT BROOKSDALE Sanitary Lunch IN FRONT OF JACKSON GARAGE. WE SERVE ALL KINDS OF LUNCH, BARB "ECUET^ND ICE CREAM.^" YOUR PATRONAGE IS APPRECIATED. GENUINE WATCH MATERIAL^ made by the factory that made the watch. We use only genuine watch material in all our watch repairing. J. W. Green 8 Son .>?- Over Priticess Theatre HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES PLUS PROMPT SERVICE ~ is what you get when you tradewith us. We also sell wood. PRICES RiGHTr . A. S. H ASS EN ? .. . _ /" _ * ' " ... ' * ' -s : ' V - r.'y . ' ? * V * I. July 2nd 1924 al Contest Do MISSING WORDS? $25.?? Free 1 >NAL BANK FOF o, N. C. E JD1V1DED PROFITS OVER V 00,00 . Cou Savings" j r sixty days on time deposits, eminent Supervision. [ in this ad, but you are missing real rice Station 'OST OFFICE , oils, and auto accessories. Telephone 137 F HE HUTMOBILE IS MANUFACTURED Ihe world, that H'jpmobile, quality, is unique and superior for a car of its class. [t shows you clearly that parts cannot he more finey made, or of finer materials, no matter what the tOSt. ; j It shows you these things, even though you may not be an expert in motor car manufacture. Come and see Hupmobile quality with your own jyes before you sign an order for any cat. 3 MOTOR CO. IT WITH A STRAIGHT EIGHT ROXBOItO, N. C. GIVE. We sell gas, oils and auto ories. nd with a smile." vice Station :ause our stock is comlete. ts, caps, shoes, flour, meal, corn, arand, middling, shipstuff, glass I to 6 gallons. Come to see us. ght and Sold. )MPANY roxboro, n. C. J. T. Bradsher For first class plumbing and heating let us give you some facts and figures. We nothing but first class work. All work guaranteed. 9 We are agents for Western Farm lighting and power plants. Roxboro, N. C. ? Phone 236. You may not find the Missing Word, in this ad but you are missing real value if you don't buy your groceries from Wilkerson & Jackson 1 ? rt ? - 1 elephone t). Quick Service. Eat Bread made of the Best Material that can bought. When buying bread demand "MIGHTY NICE" Bread. We make all kinds of cakes, pies ett. , Give us your orders. Roxboro Bakery . Phone 226 n't buy your Car Until? You hate Investigated rhe Studebaker l endurance, econony, and; asy rh5ing they cannot be beat. ; t rtesy and quick service is our hobby ickson Motor Co. Roxboro, n;. c. STUDEBAKER BUS LINE DURHAM AND ROXBORO (.?\>ts jialuoik.m: Hint!. *:d 1;S0 P. M. LEAVES JONES HOTEL, KOXBORO 10 A. M. AND 4 P. M. DAILY AND SUNDAY. b. D. HAMLIN, Mgr. "REMEMBER" 4 "THE COVERED WAGON" opens at. The Princess Theatre Wednesday, July 2-3?4th. Don't miss it. HAMBR1CK, AUSTIN & THOMAS Druggists VINOL, increases appetite, aids digestion and revitalizes the nervous system. We guarantee it to give .aat:suction. Price $1.00. :L' STATIONERY. Whitings. Cranes and Montags_box paper, correspondence cards, tablets and pound" paper with envelopes to match. KARA LINEN 45c lb. WATERMANS & CONKLINS fountain pens. Every one guaranteed, Prices $2.50 up to $50.00. A beautiful complexion is a womans birthright. We carry the leading domestic and imported face powders. creams, toilet waters, perfumes and other toilet requirement*. Send or bring us your prescriptions. If you can't ^corner send or call phone number 27 for anything carried in a first class drug store. RETURN ANSWER BLANK Missing word for Wednesday June 25, found Iky.. _ - - _ a , (Name) ; ? ; ? (Town) The word was J ?r and should appear between the words J and? in the advertisement of .? ...?...? ? The word was l..i ..and should appear between the words?i and ? :n the advertisement of. -.1 ' l'he word was.--- . and should appear between the words..- ?..and ? in the advertisement of.. ' ?... Return to Courier office hy Monday, IF you are looking for something to touch the SPOT this hot weather drink LIME COLA or NU GRAPE A FLAVOR YOU CAN'T FORGET. IimeCola * . BOTTLING WORKS Rioxboro, N. C. Phone No. 225 The month of June is the month of many Brides. Let us show you our line of wedding Invitations and Annonncemenfs. \xr t i t ^ wedding Kings and wedding presents. Agents for Jenner line of Invitations and Announcements. Jewelers Roxboro, N. C. wET sell genuine Chevrolet parts, michel1n tires, and ring shaped tubes. gas, oils, and all kinds of auto accessories. High quality .and low price. Free i air at all hours. :' r I.. & W. Auto.Co. Royborp, n. c. .? ?