K- * _ By Arthur^ Brisbane SHENANDOAH PASSES. TOO FEW OWN HOMES. |1 A LADY VICE-PRESIDENT. THE PEOPLE'S INDEPENDENCE. The airship Shenandoah, sailing toward Albany, above the Hudson, last week, passed the Twentieth Century, the fastest New York Central train, coming from Chicago. The airship carried 120 human beings, the express train many more. The passengers on the fast kg train bent their necks looking upward, and thought how strange it was travelihg up there in the air. In a few years that well-appointed express train will be out of date as the stage coach is now. The young Vanderbilt boys and George F. Baker, real boss of the New York Centra!, would do well to begin planning r.ow for transportation through the air. They a-,., .a. . ? ?h'c vuc ici iiiiiiaia, van raise niuiicy, and should aee the warning written 1 in the sky by smoke from the ex- a haust pipes of the big flying ship. pi President Coolidgc tells real estate men he wants to see this coan- i try a home-owning nation. That's better than Henry Navarre's wish that every Frenchman should have a chicken cooking on the Btove. 1 La Poule, au poto. < Frenchmen, seven million* of them, own the soil of France, thanks to the revolution. ' That's what helped them to hold i Verdun. The peasants own Sweden. That 1 enabled Charles Xn. to masch with only 12,000 of them through Peter's great armies. Too few own their homes and the land, in this country. , The Agricultural 'Departttfent reports the worst crops in many years. That's bad news for those i who eat the crops, but may meaif ' better prices for farmers not able to make a living recently. ; The Chicago Poard of Trade exwv-'A .. ? -- i and 1 with the wheat crop cut more than A forty million bushels something ought to hsppen. Federal District Judges Carpenter and Wilkerson act aside President Coolidge's pardon of Philip Grossman, in Chicago, denying the President's power in civil cases and adding: "To allow such power to p the Executive is to strike a death blow at the independence of the judiciary." That's a good saying and coura- , geous. All Federal Judges depend on the President for appointment ' and promotion. ? It'a alto a saying for the people i a ramamkoe in !?? ??-? w vuiEiuusi in vaoc vucj iiap^cu, , some day, to get ml era that repre- |c sent them, and nobody else. ! 1 At present our system "Allows > such power to the judiciary as to t endanger the independence of the people." You see it when the cast- s ing of one single appointed Su- I Kme Court vote, in the majority, y i power to over-rule an elected . Congress. And when Congress is I ruled by a bare majority, in a court 1 beyond the people's control, that is t not democracy. f If there exists any power t . .greater than the people's power, t then what we call self-government I, is a joke, as when a farmer lets his baby "drive the horses," the ' farmer, however, holding the reins, t while the baby only thinks he is j liriving. . ? Well thought out power to recall every one of their public servants, 1 k whether elected or appointed by an < W elected official, is what the people jj r will have eventually. That will come when they really take an in- * terest in their government and thus t prove their fitness to govern them- . salves. i. Mrs. Genevieve Allen, of San |? Francisco, suggested that som.i ! ? woman be nominated for VicePress dent. It i.-n1! necessary to say j ? what old politicians think of that ; ^^Nevertheless, young politicians will r live to .see things in politics moro surprising. The time hasn't come yet, however, for, strangely.enough, at thiii i moment more women than men Would be shocked at the idea of n woman on the President :ai ticket. Perhaps, pome day, the world will blcas the big war, although it did ' cost 250 billions and 20 million liver. Poison gas will Jo more good than it has ever done harm; it ha I been used to destroy the bAll weevil And row, in the-Ckraine, Trotzky orders his army fliers tu use gai against locusts and field mice. * We could use it here, a heavy vartety, to destroy prairie dog col*, onies, gnakes in their breeding ord mts in city sewers. During May veterinarians of the ? Stale Department Agriculture test - oi-10.378 head of cattle for tuberculosis finding 28 reactors and two aus---. The Board of Agriculture in Cleveland County is now working with the county home and farm agent in gatting the people to name their farms. Bvery farm in North Carolina should Itaver an appropriate name and be called by that name. 1 :.r . ' ?V- y ! ' " - , .1 IWCOME INCREASES INTEREST NOW READ IT BACKWARDS f" \ NOTICE OF SPECIAL SCHOOL ELECTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF PERSON COUNTY ON MONDAY JUNE 16th 1924, it being an adjournal meeting from June 2nd, an election was ordered held in the section of Person County hereinafter designated, as to whether a special tax of not' exceeding thirty cents on the hundred dollars valuation of real and personal property in said section, should be levied and collected for the j purpose of erecting a suitable building for, and the operating of a high! school in said section. Said election will be held on Saturday August 2nd 1924, at the storei of D. L. Whitfield and Brother, at Hurdle Mills, N: ?G., under the rule* and regulation prescribed for regular elections. D. L. Whitfield was duly appointed Registrar of said election, and C. A. Monk and W. T. Hawkins judges of election. ' ' The Registration books will be opened Saturday June 21st "1924, and closed on Saturday July 19th 1924. Those favoring the increase in taxes for .the purpose of maintaining a high school will vote a ballot on which shall be written or printed. "FOR HIGH SCHOOL i'AA."; those trw posing same will vote a ballot on tvhich shall be written or printed, AGAINST HIGH SCHOOL TAX." That the section of Person County ncluded iri* the- application as filed; ind in which said taxes will be levied ind- collected, if a majority of the lualified voters in said section apirove same is as follows: Beginning at the point in the Peron and Caswell county litre, that is iow the South West corner of Disrict No. 5 (Bushy Fork) thence with he line of District No. 5 in an Easterly direction to the corner of the and? of Daniel Long and X. P. Hurlle, thence following Hurdles South ine to his South East corner, thence lis East line in a Northerly direction o the North-line of W. A. Hicks, sc is to include W. A. Hicks. Emily Alen, J. A Hick?. W. W. and T. A. .Vhitfield to the West line of A. J. Dixon, thence in a northerly direeion so as to include the William Buron place, thence to the road leading rom Rushy Fork to Paynes Tavern, hen this road in an Easterly direcion frt its intersection with the Roxloro-Flat River,' Hurdle Mills road, u.st in front of Flat JR'irer church? hence follow Roxboro, Flat River, iurdle Mills road to the ford of Flat iiVer, thence down the river to the ine between John Moore and Mrs. Saliie Witkerson's farms, then this ine South so as to include Wilkerson md exclude Moore farm, to the Helena Hiw'h School district line (Disrict No. 3) thence alonj? this line to he Orahce. County line, thence the bounty line between Orange unci Peron to the corner of Person, Caswell md Oranjce counties, thence the Person and Caswell line to the beijinlinjp. W. H. Harris, f'hairman Board of County Commissioners. 6-18-4ts. NOTICE SALE OF LAND; By virtue of the authority conferi,ed upon me by a judgment of the Superior. Court of Person County, rendered in that special prov*edinp mtitled Henry Clayton, administrator of Anne Day, vs Bettie Rafcland ai. i win on MONDAY JULY 7th, 1924,.. in front of the court house door in Soxboro, N. C., sell to the highest bidder for cash the lands mentioned snd described in the petition in said actios to wttc 4 _ That certain tract of land in Roxboro township, Person County, IN. 0, x>unde<L. on the North by the lands ,f A W Rlnlnclr, on East by lands if J. C. Lunsford and South by land? f Lee Lunsford and West by land? >f Sallie Lunsford, containing fifteen acres more or less, and* being the ihare of Anne Day, deceased, Jn th( lands of her fathei liu?lute Jah? Sumpaaa. This June-8rd 192.4. | N. Lunsford. commission^. ; A : \ -*7* . ' , *' ' ' / the roxboro courier, jc Hall's Catawlt , Medicine aS"?V? ' rid your system of Catarrh or Deafnes caused by Catarrh. $oU by rfn<^rti far roar 40 arart ' ' .;: - ? AlXMINlSTRATOtrS NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator of James C. Yancey, late of Roxboro Person County, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before 7th day of June, 1925, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Ail persons indebted to said estate will- please make immediate payment. ; This June 7th, 1924. R. M. Spencer, itspd. Administrator. -o-. :? administratis notice. Having qualified as Administratis of the-estate of R. D. Smith, deceased, late of Person county, N. C., this , is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 11th day of June, 1925, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This June 11th, 1924. Mrs. Isabella Smith, Admmistratix. fOfEp&Y/esten Schedule Effective March 9, 1921 a. m. p. m. p. m. p. m. 7:05 SilS lv. Durham ar. 1:35 8:30 a. m. p. m. a. m. p. m. 8:18 6:25 lv. Roxboro ar. 12:19 7:20 8:45,6:52 lv. Dennlston ar. 11:50 6:62 9:1017:15 lv. S.Boston ar. 11:30 6:30 9:24 7:29 lv. Halifax ar. 11:18 6:15 11:43|9:45 ar. Lynchg.. lv. 9:05 4:00 Above trains daily. Connections at Lynchburg for Wash ington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. Parlor and sleeping cars dining cars. The best route to the west and northwest. Rates and .. information npon annlicetlon agent, or W. C. SAUNDERS, General Pass. Ageni Roanoke. Va 'v' ijfil Jf 11 8 Old Folks' | Ailments a "I began taking Black- k Tg Draught over fifty years ago Sg and my experience with It gp stretches over a good long gn J time," says Mr. Joe A. Blake0 more, a Civil War veteran ip flB and former Virginian, who Is u 5 now a prominent cititen of 2 m Floyd, Texas. "It is the beet W OS laxative I know of for old SB| iS people. .. A good many years W ago, in Virginia, I used to SP gg get bilious and I found that gjjj 5 Thedford's 5 BLACK-DRAUGHT @ was the best and quickest re- SS i??g lief I could get. Since 1 came B to Texaa I have these bilioue 2 Pa attacks every now and then? SRI a man will get bilious any- ?fg| where, you know?and I find ST ftS that a little Black-Draught la? tijH soon straightens me out. ^1 ? After a few doses, in little or m no time I'm all right again." gg Thedford's Black-Draught jg?| is a purely vegetable liver *jj medicine, used in America for *!? ana over eighty years. It acts on lis 03 the stomach, liver and bowels g9| jgj! in a gentle, natural way, ae sisting- digestion and rellev- HP feii ing constipation. Sold every- jgj|| Tsj! where. m E-102 m ASPfRiN Beware of - Imitations! \JLJ,) Ww jw ? the n?)? (W ? package or on tableta yon tn an* getttnr UN genuine Bayer Aepiriir pnnrad a<o by ^ mtllmaa^nd ^prgeofihed^ t^y Cold. Headache Toothache Lumbago Henri tie Rhonmetiem Kemajgth Pain, Pate Accept "Beyer Tablets of' Aepirte* i I only. Each unbroken package contains ?pores?dim.Mourn rtj 'i i i f' twatre ' tableta cost few rente Drug, stria abo tell bottler of M and 100. Ahptrtn in the trade nark of Bayer Maaufaetnre of Monro oottcaci darter of , SeHcylkaeMt __ ' "" " ' < . ____ rrmmwr nLi<?#vgi)j^ w>. *?w^p^jHtow|WW Lty 2nd 1921 DON'T forget us tor cleaning and iressing . See us about The Royal railors Proposition. Brooks & Latta. i. - i _o [; PROFESSIONAL, < CARDS DR. t. J TUCKER r i DENTIST | Office in Hote^ Jones. | I ? >| ; ? ; >VV ' r dr: gtct vickers i r DENTIST I Office in Newell Building on | North Main Streot, next door to j Roxboro Grocery Co. r N\ LUNSFORD Attorney - at - Law Office over Garrett's Stare J Roxboro, N. C. e folks! i /-^ / fbo GOT in our ?? V made yrt town v f ^ s "& * fop', gadio AK DeatUbem f McCuDough AUTOCASTER CT"^ <?IjHlS IS 1 ^ HEAVEN ^ r\ ^ J^VV ^ ^furnitureti ?? 33 | ierest 111 jewelry!} OMENS WEAR "ffl ftfSAI " ? . ? . * * ? . . '' ' . ' - - " - * ' : ''/ - . - DR. O. G. DAVIS Veterinarian, * Offers hi* .en ice to Roxboro and surrounding community " Phone ?7. S-r5 ?tpd? . ? > . * * W. T. BUCHANAN Survayor Roxboro. N. C., Route 6. ] e O. Bu CBOWRLL Attorney at Law, Next Door to Dr. Bradaher's Office, Roxboro, N. C. _____________ ' 0 ROBERT P. BURNS Attorney.ct-Law Office orer Davie Drug Store . ! i \ PT S. II AT TI \ / IU HAVE \ / \ | IT WOOKJN" 1 /. ow \ / R1&HT SOON 1 f J. J. ] ^ UNOY / V / OH *\ I C . LlKDY J ^ I MAN nature always pauses to.l pictures. Particularly is this true of readers. c any woman living in this towi lant. and she will tell you the ads ere the ones which attract I and perusal. Consequently, Mr. pictures influences her buying. have now procured the exc to the local advertising illustTati: ublishers Autocaster Service an r a pictue for every line of bt >r every season of the vear. I It With Picture*.?Mr. Merchi mow? BILLS Pi j|lLETTER HE ' . > ".***. - * ..' "* ' *T. ?fc- - -r ' " " PAGE SEVPT DR. J. H. HUGHES " Dentiat I Office in Hotel Jonea. next I d->or to Pr. Tucker's office. OR; S. RAPPORT of Durham will be in Roxboro at DAVIS DRUG STORE every first Wednesday in each I month to examine eyes and fit Kinases. When he fits you- v.ith glasses yoo have the satisfaction of knowing they are correct. TO SEE BETTER SEE ME. j lily next visit will be Wednesday. j JULY 2nd. n BWOAOCAvriMfr STV.nofl ' ^ ^ I HEARD TH' an&bus J mmm i | | U I f /J'? ]\Im' ytgM I [? ^ |SHOESl|! Hi ^EAT MARKET (fl iPSffl iiW0MENi$WEAR({| i rier ? *. ? - ? . . ^ _ _ : . ,.' " . ' : V?^ .. . ' _V. , " 7.' . ; - " A - .-' <1^... ' ". '

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