- IP ^? J. W. NOELL. EDITOR A. 'VOL. No. 1XL CONFESSED SLAYER FINDS BONIS OF VICTIM MAJOR SAMUEL H. MCLEARY MURDERED King Tell* How He and Frank Har .roll Flagged Major McLeary's Au tomobile, Rode With Htm, Thei Shot Their Benefactor, Taking Hii Automobile On Wild- Jaunt Inti Mountains; Love of Fine Shin Proved Man's Undoing. Cheraw, S. C., July .7.?A horribh and nauseating heap of human bones picked bare of flesh by carrion eaten and covered with rotting remnants ol clothing, today, put a definite and of flniol a?/I _*.Ve " ?-?- ? J* ? a? CWa?. s ? ? ? ""?r el feels that it is to be congratulated upon securing the services of Hiss Macdonald to give this course. She has a charming personality and makes each lesson very interesting as well - aa instructive. ? - .?MASONIC SERVICE ' There -will be special Masonic Servic ea of the Woodsdale Lodge held at Bethel Hill Church" on next Sunday morning "the 27th, at. eleven o'clock Mr". N.- J. Tbdd will preach a specia .. _ aermon. All Master Masons especiall) *"' ." arr cordinlly invited ami'orgM to V >, present. A \ ' ' - . . .. _ ? NT) POBLISHER ROXBOR SCHOOL NOTES Below are givfn the names of the I pupils taking the coanty 7th grade examination. Those marked P have passed and- are entitled to enter High school. Those marked C are conditioned and are subject to the rules of the High School which they may desire to enter,?possibly may have to stand ' an entrance examination. U *| We are delighted at the many who ' have aspired to try this examination 'land trust that it may be an incentive ' that will greatly increase the stand1 ard of our 7th grade and that there may be many more to stand this ev-; amination next year. Start right this ! fall and keep it up. WHITE PUPILS AUensville High School ' Maude Ashley?C ' Early Brann?P ' Harold Gentry?P , ' Huell Gentry?P > Mabel Turner?C Etta Wilkerson?C ' .Cyphers Yar bo rough?P ? Myrtle Young?C ' - Caltplina J ' Fred Davis?C Hurdle MiUs Ruth O'Briant?P Nannie Hawkins?P Theodore King?P Rachel Long?P Garland Rimmer?P Vincent VanHook?C Bushy Fork High Schcjoi? James Berry?C i Corinna Bowes?C i I-aRue Bradsher?C < Louis Hester?P Let tie Long?P ' Alden Rogers?P Dan Rogers?C Janie Rogers?P f Mamie Walkers?C j Carr Whitfield?P 1 j Katherine Whitfield?P I Myrtle Whitfield?P | Oak Hill 1 Martha Barnett?P I Banks Berry?C | Vance Lunsford^-C j Floyd Murray?C ! Bertha Rogers?P ' '| Wilkerson , Ralph Fox?C ,' Helena High School ' Addle Blalock?P !l I Etelle Clayton?P 1 Be rman CI ayt on?P I Minnie Crogory?B _,J ' Gilbert Pearce?P < Ai 'Spring Clayton?C j Lou Day?P 1 I Victoria Garrett?C I! Gladys Rogers?C j 1 Beatrice Young?C ,< Bethel Hill High School Jack Bailey?P I Geraldine Clayton?P 1 Irma Gentry?C Luna Gravitte?P i Raymond Jones?C Frank Montague?P 1 j Harvey Morton?P t , Catherine Puliy?P * l Willie May Whitt?P l Lillian Woody?P 1 Mary Woody?P 1 Mori ah s I la Allen?P < I Ruth Bowling?C t ! Alma Clayton?C < Pearlie Mangum?C i Olive Hill High School t Bruce Clayton?P 1 Carl Clayton?P , Lottie Whitt?P 1 j Franklin Winstead?P < Harold Winstead?P I (Continued on page five) I 1 j COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEET. , An adjourned meeting of the Board c I of County Commissioners was held c | Monday July 21st in the Court House. ] j The only business transacted was , hearing complaints of unequal valua- , | tion of land and errors if any. The , I Board regrets that a good many i people got the idea that there was to ,be a general reduction in the valua- , tion of all land. No reduction will be 'made except in possible oases where < a man is radically out of line with _ his neighbors. ~ "j This meeting should have been held i on the second Monday but since the clerk neglected to have any notice of . it published, it was adjourned till the < third-' Monday, the 21st. 1. Tom TarheeLaays that he has found that money will breed money and from nrir?tsv. he intenda-to-have sortethini besides an umbrella for a rainy ' ""? ~trrr- 1 , - ' .. - [ ox bo HOME FIRST. O, NORTH CAROLINA MISS READE DEAD .AFTER L0N6 FIGHT Well Known Woman Died In Asherille After Three Years Illness Miss Lizzie M. Reade, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Reade. of Mt. Tirzah died Friday in Asheville, according to a message received here. She had been under-going treatment there for the past three years. The body arrived in Durham Saturday night at 8:35 o'clock and was taken to the home of her sister, Mrs. R. P. Reade from where the body was' be taken to the family burying ground in. Mt. Tirzah. The funeral was held at the Mt. Tirzah chnrch Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock with Rev. O. Mer-j ritt, the pastor, and Rev. W. W. Peele' pastor of Trinity Methodist church,' conducting the services. Miss Reade had numerous friends in K'oxboro and other sections of the! state, who for the last three years have watched with deep admiration her brave fight for health. Her cheerful disposition and splendid christian character endeared her to all who knew her. She is survived by her mother four sisters and three brothers, as follows: Mrs. J. P. Powers, Mrs. L. Sutherland and Miss Lila Reade, of Wallace, Mrs. R. P. Reade, o Durham, Dr. E. , G. Reade of Watertown, Conn.; J- j W. Reade, of Burgaw; and J. FJ. Reade jf Wallace. Pallbearers were: Dr. George W. Gentry, T. P. N'oell, Reginnld Harris, Dr. Joseph A. Speed, W. R. Reade, and R. P. Reade. Floral bearers as ollows: Misses Emma and Lizzie Noell Kate and Ruth Reade, Elizabeth and .ucy Tillett, Mrs. Reginald Harris, andt Mrs. R. H. Powell, Jr. CONCORD CHURCH TO HAVE CAKE SALE ' Circle Number 1 of Concord Ch will conduct a cake and pie sale at, Jackson's Garage Saturday August 2nd from 10 to 12 o'clock A. M. Every jousewife is urged to call early and j view this culinary display, and see if our products are not tempting en- j cugh and reasonable enough to en-i tice you to save yourself the trouble! >nd worry of preparing a dessert for Sunday. We shall be glad at any time t0| take orders for cakes. Phone or see, Mrs Clarence Brooks at Wilburn and Satterfield's store, get our prices and leave your orders Don't forget the late for the cake and pie sale. 7-23 2ta^ o ) 3ELIEVES THERE IS MONEY IN FARMING. Raleigh, N. C., July 19.?"I know:hat farming can be made to pay if lone right for I have made money \ ;ach year," is the unqualified statement made to County Agent Kope Glias of Mecklenburg County by B. ?. Withers of that county. Mr. Elias itatcs that B. F. Withers would be j classed by some as a city farmer but] hat he is doing the kind of farming >f which any dirt farmer could well ifford to be proud. In reporting on a rip to the Wither's farm recently, Mr. Elias says: "Five years ago his doctor told B.j ?. Withers that he would have to getj >ut of his office if he wanted to live. Se therefore, turned his attention to | :ho worn out farm of his childhood., ffe bought a few cows, awar of dime.! sowed soybeans and cowpeas in thej lummer and put in some crimson, :lover and vetch for winter cover i :rops. On a recent visit to this farm : ! found a field of oats that would | make an average of 60 bushels to the acre. In another field, of eleven acres, alfalfa was about three feet high. When Mr. Withers started to improve this land it would not produce as much as ten bhshels of corn to the acre. Now it is one of the most promotive farms in the vicinity." Reports like this comeTo the State College extension division week afterr week telling how the use of legumes will improve the soil, build up the fertility of the land, and help to con-1 vert a worn ~nnt farm into a money- j making enterprise. Agronomists of, ikn aV.l mo cAtcnaiuu scrrice state imn now is the tim? fn tnske plans for sowing, winter cover crops this fall; Man?j farmers ore making a success of ai-f falfa .-.nil, land tan -V. started thf^ fill for planting to ailaila la Mr. ?C ' : t - - - . ro (j ABROAD NEXT V Wednesday Evening J MAYOR'S COURT Saturday afternoon about seven O'clock gome kind of bottled stuff caused Dolph Holt to open up the throttle of his Ford a little too mnch, thereby causing the machine to cover territory faster than the law allows. In passing through the business block of Roxboro, which is difficult enough to manage at best, his car got tangled up, ran into the Ford coupe in which were Mr. S. A. Jones, wife and baby, skidded around, lost a rear wheel and then stopped. He was arrested by Deputy, Clayton and Policeman Moore, who had been attracted by the reckless driving. Monday morning he was 1 bound over to Court on twa charges: driving an automobile while intoxicated and assault with a deadly weapon, amount of bond being fixed at #T50. On a charge of intoxication in connection with this case, Mr. L. R. Long Was fined $6.53. Louis Clay, col. driving car with no 1 lights, fine and cost $3.55. R. H. Duke, Boston, Mass. speeding ' on streets, fine and cost $6.55. | Elijah Clayton, col. carrying con-|' coaled weapon. Bound over to court ' under bond of $100.00. Waley Cameron, driving ear with muffler open, fine and cost $12,55. o LARGE AMOUNT LIQUOR SEIZED IX RAIDS 1 In response to a report that a whiskey car was out on the edge of town, ] officers Alelvin Clayton, Sam Oliver and W. S. Gentry, Wednesday found ' five gallons hid in the woods. The ' ewner got rid of the stuff before the officers arrived and no one was arrested. Thursday jnorning the same officers:' captured a still of about 200 gallons capacity, poured out 3500 gallons ofj1 beer seized a car containing 10 gal- ; Ions of whiskey and arrested a man ' giving the name of Leo. Tewder. He was bound over under a $500 bond thieh he put up .in cash. L1 On Saturday Messrs. Clayton and f1 Gentry destroyed a 60 gallon still with j about 14 gallons of liquor, while-on: Sunday they got part of an outfit oubi1 on the Allensvillc road, including a- 1 bout two gallons of liquor. FRANKLIN-MOORE u Washington. D. C.. Julv 21st.?ThprpJ1 took place at noon yesterday the marriage of Willianr K. Moore of Rbxboro, and Miss Nancy C. Franklin, ' whose home is near Chapel Hill. The 1 ceremony was performed by Rev. John; E. Brings, pastor of the Calvary Baptist Church, the event taking place]1 at the home of Mr. Briggs. who is the ' uncle of the bridegroom The young j1 couple came to Washingtion in order ! that the wedding ceremony uiulll b<_ ' performed by Mr. Briggs. Iftlr. Moore who has spent much time here at the home of his uncle is now in the fancy I' grocery business at Roxboro, and his!] bride was engaged in the millinery]' business at the same place. Both "are ' popular young people with many 1 friends I o I DWELLING DESTROYED BY FIRE," La3t Thursday night at about 11 o'clock the dwelling belonging to Mr.; Roy Wrenn, on the road leading to Leasburg just outside, the town limits discovered to be on fire. The fire alarm was sounded and the firefighters were soon on the scene but the < hose would not reach the fire. The; dwelling, with all of the contents wsy ( totally destroyed. It was partially j covered with insurance. ;, No one is able to give any solution! | as to how the fire originated, both , Mr. and Mrs. Wrenn being absent at | the time. , j/ M^CLAYTON CUTS . BARN OF TOBACCO o . j Mr. Oeooge W. Clayton of Hurdle ] Mills, says let the warehousemen get i ready, as ne cut ofti S?rn of lutiauu this week. This is the first report we |' haveTtad of any tobacco being cut in ~ the county, althongh of course it is almost time for some of the southern markets to open. Tobacco in general in other sections of the'Virginia andNorth Carolina halt i, not looking, aat". good as it might, although,the crop, in Person County has shown ttronder- . Turtmprorcwent rewntly, indicatTtnps are that prices will'he good, -. Imti $L50 uly 23rd, 1924 ydci&A Miss Cornelia Thompson delight- j fully entertained on Monday evening t from eight to eleven o'clock. Many in- | teresting games were enjoyed by the ( young people. Misses Dorothy Thompson and Winnie Wilburn served de- < lightful refreshments to the following: , Misses Catherine Hatchett, Vertie , Moore, Annie Brame. Woods. Annie , Rooney Brooks, Julia Winsfead, Cath- , eruie w instead, Lucy Mae Barnett , and Franklin Long, Dan Richmond, , Ben Stalvey, Jerry Dixon, Sidney and Arnold Winstead and Edgar Masten. | 0 i Mrs. Baxter Mangum .delightfully j entertained in honor of Miss Mattic ( Rogers Smith on Saturday afternoon. ( Three tables were arranged for the ( game and many interesting progres- , lions were enjoyed. The house was | attractive with all kinds of beautiful flowers. Bridge was the game of the afternoon. The hostess served a dclic- , ous ice course to the following: Misses , Isabel and Mation deYlaming, Elaine , Goode of Reidsville, Louise Thompson, Elizabeth Harvie, Mattie Smith, Lucy ' Sievers of. Somerset Ky., Margaret ' Carlton, and Mesdames T. M. Davis, , E. V. Boatwright and T. B Woody The Bridge Club met on Tuesday 1 morning with Mrs. T. B. Woody and j Mrs. Woody also entertained in honor of her sister Miss. Lucy Silvers. ' of Somerset, Ky. Five tables were 1 placed for the game of Bridge. The living and dining rooms were beautiful with summer flowers arranged in basket and bowls. The hostess served a delightful ice course. Those pre- ' sent were Mesdames E, M. Davis, W S. Clary, Jr., W. T. Long, I O Wil- ' kerson, W. C. Watkins, Bowers of * Washington, N. C.,B . A. Thaxton, E. V. Boatwright, Baxter Mangum, ! and Misses Lucy Sievers, May Will son, Louise Thompson, Elizabeth Harvie, Mary Harris, Eglantine Merritt. ' Isabel deVlaming, Elaine Goode, Mar- ' ion deVlauring, Mattie Rogers Smith and Elizabeth Noell. . ^Krs. A. S. deVlaming chaperoned a ' group of young girls on a house party 1 last week at Loch Lilly. Those pre- ' sent on the party were Misses Louise rhoiupsuii, Isabel and Marion de- ' flaming, Eiaine Goode of Reidsville, Elizabeth Harvie, Eglantine Merritt ind Margaret Carlton. 0 ( On Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. ' -arr Timberlake entertained a num- ' jor of friends from Durham. Swiming ' was enjoyed and H picnic supper was served after which the party indulged 1 jaaeing until a late hour. , On Monday afternoon July 14, Mas- ' :cr Marshall Fredrick and Elizabeth f pittard celebrated their seventh and 'ighth birthday. There were several J friends present and they all enjoyed nany games, they also received many | gifts. Ice cream, cake, fruit, and 1 emonade "was served. JACK DEMPSEY HURT IN AN AUTO SMASH ; Los. Angeles, July 21,?Jack Dem- ' isey world's champion heavy-weight joxer and budding motion picture 3tar, s temporarily out of both lines of en- ' ieavor as the result of an automobile iccident near San Juan Capistro last ' Sunday night. Dempsey's condition was desc ribHi by his physicions as follows: Dislocated right elbow; strained seek ligaments; abrasions on right snee and cut on scalp. He was confin;d to his room today but appeared to je/Suffering little. , ' / a 1 DEATH OF GEORGE W. BOWEN. George W. Bowen of Helena died | in Watts Hospital at 12:30 Tuesday \ morning, alter an illness of a week , jr 10 days, -although sick, his death , trma unexpected. He will he buried ?t Mt. Tinah today at 3 o'clbck. ?' CARD OF THANK'S- . | We wish to express our thanksand . appreciation to our neighbors and friends -for their, help' 'and -Irindaee* ; shoftn us through the illness ar.d i death of m?e and mother Mrr-JTA. Kuddcr and~far.iily. ;. ti per year in advancb No. 30 MEETING OF EXECCTIVE cojfcM ITT EE OF WOMAN'8 baptist BEL'LAH ASSOCIATION. The Executive Committee ot the Woman's Beulah Baptist Association net with the Superintendent, Miss 511a Graves Thompson, on Sunday luly 13, at her lovely home In Leaa>urg. The object of the meeting was o make plans for the year's work. Since this is the last year of the IB Million Campaign, plans were nade to do special work to try to get ill pledges paid by the close of the rear. Mrs. Winstead of'Roxboro, who s chairman of the Stewardship Com. nittee will work for more tithers and >o help Mrs. Wilburn in her RoundUp-Campaign. Special emphasis will * put on the Junior work. Mrs. Garrett of Semora plans > -? - * * ? a oumor Rally for the association in the fall of. k* year. It is hoped that more meats well as women will study missions ?nd so get a greater vision of our fork. We hope to accomplish this by laving church schools of missions. After the meeting. Miss Thompson served delicious cream and fruit, rhose present were Miss Ella Graves Thompson Superintendent, Mrs. R. L. Wilburn of Roxboro, Campaign Director, Mrs. J. J. Winstead, Director >f Stewardship, Mrs. Garrett of Semora. Leader of Junior work. Mrs. R. (V. Isley, of Yanceyville, leader of Mission Study and County Leader of Caswell, Mrs. D. W. Bradsher, of Roxboro, who is County Leader of Person and Leader of Persotial' Serrice, was ill and could not attend the meeting.?Con. ? o FARMERS LOSING THEIR LAND. Years ago 90 per cent of the farm!rs in America owned their land. In 1920 only 61.9 per cent of the farmers >wned their land, and with the intense in foreclosures during the past four years, especially in the wheat;rowing sections where more than lalf of the farmers have been forced jff the farms or into tenantry, we sre approaching a point where the farmers will be mere serfs and will -V-..-.- - 1 lt? vuancis >ui\ ifie mortgage sharks. This condition requires the earnest attention of statesmen and economists, Sut more than that,"it requires that ;he farmers take a trip from labor and organize.?J. M. Baer. FREE DEMONSTRATION* FOR MEN On Friday night the 25th at eight /clock in the Kaplon building Miss Macdonald of the Red Cross will give a free demonstration of some of the :hings being taught in the Red Cross health classes that, should be of eseciai interest. to the men. Subjects hat will be taken up and thoroughly* explained at this time will include re- , i.uscitation of the .drowning, how to stop bleeding, fainting, handling a lelpless person, bed-making and other ;hings of this nature. All men and joys of the town and county are es- , >ecially invited but the demonstration s open to all who care to attend. PROVIDENCE LOCAL PROGRAM. The following program will be prelented by the Providence Local on Saturday evening, July 26th, at 8 >'clock: Song?by Local. Talk)?"My experience with poul;ry" W. D. White. Rleading?"What T hope ta see beFore 1949" Miaa Alma T"?nr?? Special Music?Quartet. Talks?"How to grow winter cabjage" Mess. J. T. Whitt and W. A. Dunn. Reading?"Bugville News" L. R. Perkins. E. H. Perkins, Sec. BEULAH ASSOCIATION TO MEET AT PROVIDENCE CHURCH The ninetieth session of Beaulah Baptist Association will be held on loly 29 and 30, at Providence Church, rhis office is in receipt of the official program of the meeting. The sea- . duns will Hat through all of'Tneil lay and Wednesday and several local speakers will appear on the program which will no doubt proye of great v,? interest to those in attendance. '* Mr. Robah Baynes left- last week for Shanghai. Chfis. where be baa ? accepted a position with the British? Cigarette Company, He.expects to be abroad about jwo years.