1 Just Received! 100,000 New Pine Shingles All grades?Right Prices \ I ***** 5V GALVANIZE ROOFING All lengths?Best Grade * * * * * BSend us your orders and note the difference. | "Home of Quality Lumber" ^ I L~ i _____ ^ ^l-j~ I GIVE US YOUR ORDER FOR FRUIT | JARS.- I We have them from half pint sizes up to | half gallons. -I PLENTY OF RUBBERS AND CAPS. | We will appreciate your business. | Sergeant &C laytoni Sta-KUan Store PHONE 23 AND 24. ROXBORO, N. C. | I * ?. i v * v I WM\j?AV-^ ft ** I? {)? Prtnr^afi ?tj?atr? I Advance program from Thursday Aug. 28th to Wed. Sept. 3rd. | THURSDAY. Arttur S. Kane present* A Victor Halperin Pro- K dnction "WHEN A GIRL LOVES" with Agnes Ayers, Percy Mar- JS mont. Robert McKin, Kathlyn Williams and Mary Alden. A Pathe 8g Production. (Thrilling story of shackled lives?Modern husbands E and Wives). ADDED a two reel Fox Sunshine comedy "Jazz Week- 51 ly". Open 7:30-9:00 P. M. p FRIDAY. Albert E. Smith present* A David Smith Production |g "THE-CODE OF THE WILDERNESS" with John Bowers, Alice K Calhoun, Alan Hale, Otis Harlan. From the novel by Chas. Seltzen. 5P A Vitag/aph Production. (A story of fair play and square deals te according to man-made-laws). ADDED, Aesops Fables. No advance jte in admission*. Open 7:30-9:00 P. M. K SATURDAY. William Fox presents Tom Mix with Tony (The P master horse> in "NORTH OF HUDSON BAY". (The journey of p death where men fought for life against the wild packs--of the 8a Arctic?A Great drama of the vast white wilderness). ADDED, Ft a two reel Memorial Comedv "THE KICKOUT". Matinee Showings P 2:80-3:80 P. M. Evening at 7:30-8:45-9:15 P. M. - - ? NATIONAL PARAMOUNT WEEK?THE BEGINNING OF KQ THE FAMOUS 40. H MONDAY and TUESDAY. Jesse L. Lasky presents A James ra Cruse Production, "THE ENEMY SEX", with Betty Compson, jy Percy Marmont, Kathlyn Williams, Huntly Gordon, Sheldon Lewis. 0 From the novel "The Salamander" by Owen Johnson. A Pars- M mount Production. (The love-adventures of a beautiful "gold-dig- N ger" 'mid the gold fields of Rrnndwnv u a. to-- w - "J "<"> Drf H on" Director, and made to entertain). ADDED, Harold Lloyd Co n- pa BA edv. Majinee. Monday-8:00 P. M. No advance in admission. Even- B ings 7:30-9:00 P. M. WEDNESDAY. Jesse L. Lasky presents An Alan CroslnudPro duction "UNCARDED WOMEN", with Bebe Daniels, Richard 0 H Dix, Mary Astor. Adapted by James Creelman. A Paramount E m Production. (This is the story of a girl you know. Pretty, fun- ?i S3 wild, anchorless?one of the million unheeding, unblushing, "Un- M ?( gardud Woman" of Today I. A DDFiD.rA Cameo-Comedy-"Tea in ?J lat Tea". No advance in admissions. Open 7:30-9:00 P. JI. vO ? . U' ComlhgillfnT'ftey" giiff'THffKy.-CRSHir8sHnwtm-iir^wT-itr?iii".-'i?? sateen achievement. VA SOCIETY SCANDAL". A Paramount-Pro- S br-K iP7 SUBSCRIBE FOR THE COURIER _ t- v i . ? V . " . L L $1.50 pe. year. ! " ' ' . ' * . ' TKK noxaoRO COURIE: , THE COURIER Roxboro. X. C. Aug. 2J:h iOZi Everything to build with. Watk. 111s ? IJullqck. Mess. W. A. and Jule Warren spent j the week end in Wilmington, N. Q * * * e Dr. and Mrs. B- R. Long have returned from a trip to Asheville. * * e Mr. R. A. Burch was a Durham visitor Monday evening. * - Mr. J. A. Tucker of Milton visited his uncle, Dr. E. J. Tucker last week. * Mr. J. A. Long has just returned from a business trip to Philadelphia. * Mr. Clyde Crowell was a Charlotte visitor the first of the week. * * * * Mrs. R. H. Oakley 'spent last Sunday with friends in Smithfleld, N. C. ? ? Miss Eula Byerly of Salisbury is the guest of Miss Janie Carver. * * Mr. F. O. Carver and son. F. O., Jr., are spending the week in Norfolk, Va' ^ ? ? ? r? Mrs. Preston Satterfield is visiting relatives in Newton, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Woody left yesterday morning" for New York City. I * - ( Mrs. Frank Brimm of Sanford is _ visiting relatives here this wees. * * * Mr. ahd Mrs. Yancey left yesterday for Florida, where they will make their home. ? ? * Mrs. Irving Booth of Danville is visiting her parents, Mr. and Nrs. J Shi ("dp Harvey. ? * Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Critcher and children are spending the week visiting friends in Salisbury, N. C. ? Miss Lorena Whitfield and Miss Estelle King spent last we.sk in Durham visiting friends. * Mrs. J. W. Brooks is visiting her daughter, Mrs. R. F. Hedrick in Lilesville, N. C. * * * * iMiss Marie Brooks has returned from Petersburg, Va., where-she has been visiting Miss Louise Stafford. * ? * Mrs. Millie Woodv is visitine her daughter, Frs. J. C. Stafford in Pe tersburg, Va. * * Miss Helen. Morton is among the large number of summer guests at Kenilworth Inn, Asbeville, N. C. * * Mrs. R. C. Carver, Miss Pearl CarI ver and Mr. A. P. Brooks are visiting relatives in Reidsville this week. Mrs. Geo. E. Harris spent the past ten days with her daughter, Mrs. B. i B. Blalock of Zebu Ion, N. C. * * * Mrs. E. Y. Pleasant and son, of Rocky Mount, are the guests of Mrs. - G. W. Pulliam. * * * Mrs. B. G. Brooks has returned to her home in Raleigh after a visit to relatives. * * Mrs. I. R. Carter of Richmond is visiting her sister, Mrs. G. W. Pulliam this week. * * * Misses Lena and Thelma Clayton, spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs.| John F. Lewis, near Lynchburg, Va. * ? * Misses Annie Clayton and Cleo James are spending the week with HH. John F. Lewis of Naruna, Va. * * ? Miss Ophelia Warren left last Tuesday and will spend several weeks visI Ring frie-nds in thr-'country. ^ * Miss Mollie Walters of Baylor Col lege, Texas, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. J. Wlnstead. ? ? Dr. E. J. Tucker and Mr. A. R. Foushee spent last Sunday in Milton with friends. , * * * Miss Mnrgaret Winstead left yesterday for Jackson, N.C... where sh* ' will teach this winter. , ? Mrs. E. P. Dunlap and little Miss Mary Marshall have Tetnrned from a stay at JunaluskaT : 1 > Jl-Jl.X- . _ Mrs. Eugene Mtlls of Raleiglt visiting her pasents. Mr. and Mrs. H. 1 L. Crowell. ? t ?J? . Mrs. R. 'A. Knight and Miss Mary Knight of Durham were guests 1n the home of Rev. and Mrs. F. M. Sham" bprgst laai ay's* Mr. G. W. White and son, Mr. Linwood White of Greensboro spent Monday here visiting Rev. R. E. White and family. , '.ugu-t 2*llh, 1924 Mr. and Mr?. Paul Winston and children of Stanton. Va., after spending several days here visiting Mrs. R. N. Featherston, have returned to their home. * * Dr. ar.d Mrs. B. E. Love were Durham visitors Monday. They were aecornpan! d home by Mrs. Lillian Foreman, who has been a patient /at Watts Hospital. - * * Mrs. M. V. Laurence and son, M. V., Jr., and Miss Maxine Wilkerson have returned home after visiting Mr*. Lawrence's mother, Mrs. R. C. Carver. ***** Mrs. J, H. Shore and daughters Misses Lucile and Mary of Rockingham are guests in the home of Mr>. J. J. Winstead. * * Mrs. J. A. Bickford, Mrs. H. C. Noxell, Mrs. Z. V. Gwynn, Misses Elizabeth and Margaret Harlock are visiting Mrs. J. A. Long. * * * Mr. Hueen* Clnvtnn on nU RnvHSrn boy -now located in Kentucky in the tobacco business, is spending his vacation here with friends. * * * Judge and Mrs. D. W. Bradsher, who have been spending some time m Western North Carolina, have returned home. * * * Misses Nellie and Minnie Lee Winstead are spending the week in Durham with their sister, Mrs. Roland Register. * Mr .and Mrs. Thomas Clay of Helena spent Sunday here visiting Mrs. Clay's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Pass. *** * Born, to Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Blalock, of Zebulon, a son, B. B., Jr., Augnet 14th, 1924. Mrs. Blalock before marriage was Miss Nettie Lou Harris of Roxboro. * Mrs. Nannie Moore of Warrenton. N. C? spent the week end here visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. C. Bullock, Mrs. Bullock and children , accompanied her home Monday evening, making the trip in Mrs. Bullock's car. Don't ask your friend to sign your bond, too delicate a matter. Satterfield will make it in twenty minutes. B?? Satterfield Ins. Agency lor "Bonds of all kinds". COMMITTEE VISITS COLORED W M. S. A committee from the W. M. S. of Roxboro Baptist church visited the W. M. S. of our colored sisters at their church, Pleasant Grove, in Roxboro Tuesday afternoon. The visitors were given a cordial reception by Martha A. Peace, president of the soc?fy, and Pearl Burton, secretary and treasurer. We were especially impressed by the spiritual atmosphere that filled the meeting. These sisters most every Tuesday afternoon, rain or shine, and have their Bible study, hymns, sung with rich full voices and testimonials given by all present with a verse from a dear old fashioned hymn to suit every talk. We were also impressed with the magnitude of their benevolent work. Garments for the needy, food and supplies for the poor, visiting the sick and cheering them up, contributions to orphanage, home and Foreign missions making a splendid average. These sisters study a very interesting Christian magazine entitled. "Hope," with daily topics for Bible reading and discussion at their weekly meetings. The committee was glad to respond to an invitation for a speech because each one felt that_it was pood to be there with these earnest Christian workers who seemed double charged with the Spirit as they gave fervent testimony. We felt strengthened -in the Faith and in- Christian experience and will want to visit our sisters often that we may drink together at that fountain of living water that never.faileth, that we may be refreshed and made strong together as we run the race that is set before us looking ever unto God the author and finisher.jof our faith. Mrs. Sallie Morris, Mrs, Frank Hester, Mrs. R. L. Wilburn, . . Committee. o FREE TUBERCULOSIS CLINIC. ? It is-a joy to announce that thn nr. ranges-ient? with the State. Board of Health hBve been completed for at FREE TUBEROULOSIS OLINfC for Person County. - I The Clinic will be held in Roxboro beginning the 15th of September and will be opeu-and free to all, and tK?| "examination "wiTThe given by a Bpos I iaHst. Be sure'tQ watch The Courier for information about thia great oppor=_ tunity. i J. A. Beam.; j . ^ _ . . . r "PAGE SEVEW I You Don't Have To I H S B Guess Its A Knox jjj If yob like the pep in your Hat and you gl | are tim/d about being fussy, you dont have |? g to gifess you want a Knox Hat. g I A Knox Hat is primarily a young man's g hat carrying with with it the latest in styles E and pep without sacrificing quality. We have built our large hat business on jj Knox ancTStetson Hats. Watch ourwindows. \ New goods coming in daily. If you appreciate the latest in styles and in | merchandise that embodies Quality. It will jj pay you to trade with us. Try it. _ - | j Wilburn 8 Satterfield I | | I LUMBER ' Flooring, Ceiling, Siding, I ? I I \ Windows, Doors, Frames, . . r . Lime, Cement, Plaster, T i cu: d?i _i.i? uiiai^ics, txuuiiu^, L^diiis, i Paints, Oils, Varnish, ! Mantels, Grates, Tile- ' 1 WATKINS and BULLOCK "Everything to Build With" " , Roxboro, N. C. j ?????????????1??????? FOUNDED 1838 CHARTERED 1859 TRINITY COLLEGE DURHAM, N. C. The following groups of study are offered, all leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts: General; Business Administration; Religious Training; Engineering; Pre-Medical; Teaching; Pre-Legal. Graduate Courses in all departments. Schools of ENG1NEERI ING, EDUCATION and LAW. REGISTRATION FOR NEW STUDENTS?September 22. For atalogue and Illustrated Booklet, Address R. L. FLOWERS, I -o ,' ? Secretary. ' * i ' ~ TRAIN FOR BUSINESS I - Business life offers unusually alluring opportunities to trained young people. Preparation for service in this field may be made I quickly pnd economically. Our facilities foj_giving young people j j .Mhe necessary prepiration for business employment are especially j j good- i j CATALOG AND FULL INFORMATION ON REQUEST. Fall Session Begins Monday, September 1. Danville Commercial College Danville, Virginia 8-6. 41b j | fj CASH AND CHEAPER - We'buy for cash and we sell 15^ the same way. If there is a de-"\ cline in prices you wfll find it re- ~ " ' "" ; . fleeted In our pH&fe& fo ff6\L ' " ?----August is a time for you to plant your dollars right and our _v_ store is the garden spot for you. It you appreciate Sanitation, Ser! vice and Saving; come to see us. ~ . Aubrey Long and Cou ' ' ' ' ' ' * \ _ _ T.'-7-~??" - - - -??? W . - _ ' T ' 4