. 100,000 | New Pine Shingles 1 p^j ....V H All grades?Right Prices P I if. if. if. if. if. 5V GALVANIZE ROOFING All lengths?Best Grade | ***** 3 Sprifl lie vnur nrr]pre anrl nnfA f'ho ill I IRoxboro Lumber C?-1 "Home of Quality Lumber" B I We sell pure groceries. We keep our stock fresh. - - % We fill your orders promptly. We make our prices right. I AT I- 1- '* " Ivy c nccp a v^iean ana oanitary store. WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. Sergeant &C LAYTONI Sta-KUan Store g PHONE 23 AND 24. ROXBORO, N. C. | ?lfp prtnrpaa Gtypatrf I Advance program from Thursday Sept. 4th to Wed. Sept. 10th. | A GREATER MOVIT SEASON THUSDAY and PREPAY. Jesse L. Lanky presents an Allan & Dawn Production "A SOCIETY SCANDA'L" with Gloria Swan- |s son, Rod LaRocque, Richard Cortex, Allan Simpson. From the g play "The Laughing Lady" by Alfred Sutre. A Paramount Pro- g duction. (Never before such an array of wonderful, gasp-provoking gowns?Never such a highly emotional role, so superbly acted Ife ?This is by far Gloria's Swanson's greatest screen achievement). 5? ADDED, Aesop's Fables. Matinee Thursday 3:00 P. M. Admis- & sions 15c and 35c. Evenings at 7:30-9:00 P. M. (Please come on g the Hour). K SATURDAY. William Fox presents Chas. Buck Jones in "A- fir GAINST ALL ODDS". (A double-barreled romance? * onmronfcoW fa ghost; the hypnotic spell of n haunted ranch-house and Buck Jones ? gS battling against all Odds). ADDED, Hal Roach's rascalls a two S, H lael Our Gang Comedy, ''DERBY DAY". Matinee at 2:30-3:30 P. [-'? M. No advance in admissions. Evening at 7:30-8:45-9:15 P. M. jfe E3 MONDAY and TUESDAY. First National presents A Francis & Bjj Marion Production "THE SONG. OF DOVE" with Norma Tal- fe -S madge, 1-aurence Wheat, Maude Wayne, Edmund Carewe and James p Cooly. Adapted from Margaret Peterson's novel "Dust of Desires", h a A First National Attraction. (A Picture aglow with the flaming & 53 breath of impassioned love?A New Norma in a drama of mad p 8 loves, fierce hates and the clash of steel on Desert Sands). ADDED ? a Harold Lloyd Comedy. Matinee Monday 3.00 P. M. Evenings at S I 7:30-9:00 P. M. g I 5 WEDNESDAY. Albert E. Smith prsents A David Smith Pro- K? 1 a duction "BORROWEB HUSBANDS" with Florence Vidor, Earle jra ? Williams, Roekcliffe Fellows, Robt. Gordon. Adapted from the tg S hovel by Mildred K Barbour. A Vitagraph Picture. (A gripping tg Cr-? H ' story of a flirt who brought domestic disaster to her dearest fc t-ji friend). ADDED, a two reel Fox Sunshine Comedy "When wise jg , y Ducks Meet". No advance in admissions. Performances at 7:30- a ' H Coming Monday Sept. 15th. Anna Q. Nilsson in "Between g .y Coming Wednesday Sept. 17th. Buster Keaton in "Three Ages", g g Coming Thursday ScpL lati^.Ernest Tbrrence.in "aiue ijhpw of p " Miii'i) ill it fcX- t; r~- * ?? SUDSCRIDF, FCR ?? : THE COURIER?? 1 ~ - v $-U50 pe year. . . " ' ?>?rr* . ' . ??' ? ; ^ . ^ . .. - . ? ' THE ROXBORO COl'RIF.i: THE COURIER' Roxboro, N. C. Sept. 3rd 921 ? Everything to build with. Watkini & Jailock. Mr. and Mrs. Carr Timberlake of Durham spent Sunday here. * * Mrs. George Newell of CTewe, Va.,' is visiting Mrs. C. C. Winstead. e * * * t Mr. and Mrs. Baxter Mangum spent' Sunday in Durham. i' * * I Miss Orpha Allgood is visiting friends in Garner, N. C. . I' -Mrs. Norman H. Street is spending some time in Asheville. . * ? * Miss Lizzie Day left Friday for Washington, D. C., to visit friends. ? * 1 Miss' Claudia Carney has returned from the Northern markets. * ? Miss Martha Phelps, of Mebane, ! who has been visiting Mrs. Willie Pettigrew, has returned home. A. B. Warren left this week for Warsaw, N. C-, where he will be in , the tobacco business. e Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hunter of Snow Hill spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Watkins. M, ??H Xf,. YV M Pm onrt -Ml. dren were visitors in Norfolk, Va., last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Long have returned from their bridal tour to northern cities. ? Mrs. work as a member ot'the Methodist as Orphanage faculty.1 Q Mr. Chas. S. Barnett of Charles- 5 town, W. Vs., is spending some time ? here with his parente, Mr. and Mrs. 9 J. E. Barnett. n ei ji Miss Mona Frederick returned to ?>, her home here this morning after Eg spending the past five days visiting gj friends in Washington, N. C. ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Franklin of y| Florida, but formerly of Roxboro, E passed through this morning en route iM to Richmond, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Cheek and gj children of Duham spent a few days jgc lorn* wnalr V*- I T ^ nun nil, auu .urs, a. v. mr Wilkerson. * Mrs. J^H. McKeowan, who has been ra attending Trinity Summer School, is Is the guest of her parents, Mr. and gji Mrs. H. C. Bamett. ? >J Misses Elizabeth and Nancy Wat- a kins of Troy and Pattie Watkins of ? Ramseur are visiting Miss - Mary m Marshal Dunlap. , * e * Mr. Norman K. Street spent the |S week' end in Benson, N. C., visiting ;c his son, Thomas H. Street, who i? 5 located there. * a * . Mrs. L. H. Hardy and two children fa of Reidsville, N. C., are spending the 3 week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. a. L. P. Frederick. a a a a Mr. and Mrs, B. C. Hardy of Nor- . folk, Va., are visiting at the home of : Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Frederick this J i week. * a * * Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnson and children spent Sunday in Chapel Hill visiting Mrs. 'Johnson's brothers, J. A. and E. A. Phillips. a""a J j Mrs. Mary E. Phillips and little daughter Florence, spent Sunday in ! Chapel. Hill visiting her sons, J. A. | and E. A. Phillips. " jg h -a a * Jfcs-. Beulah Farley and Miss Eli- J zaoem raney, aner spenuing a wec& in the country with Mrs. I. G. Steph- I ens, have returned home. i Mr. S. D. Wilkins of Woodsdale [ route 1 was a welcome visitor yes- i terday. He has just about finished cur- ! ing and says his crop this year is I very good. Misses Martha Stewart and Alma j Terrell have returned to their homes ! in Mebane after spending the past j two weeks with Misses Margaret and ( Grace Jackson. * * ? Rev. R. A. McFarland of Lynchburg j passed through here last Thursday *5 en route to his old home in Granville _ county for a few days visit. . * * * Mr. R. H. Oakley, who is in the tobacco business-this year at Loris, S. 0., spent the week end here with his family. He was accompanied by Mrs. Oakley upon his return. * * '? Mrs. Tillman Jeter, and little daughter, Joseph^e, of Paces, Va., are visitnig Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Spen- j cer, parents of Mrs. Jeter. * ? Miss Abigail Fitzgerald, of Pur- _. lingtdn, N. C.t who has been a guest ff " in the home ofiiior uncle. W. J. Pet- J tigrew, has returned to her home. . \f ioeoc T nnica niose nnrl TaKti. I * son of Leesville. Va? and Evelyn I Gravitt of Alton, Va., are the guests J of Misses Mary and Myrtle Riley. * * Mrs. Ida E. Pleasants of Greens- | boro, .-who will have charge of the ladies parlor soon to be opened by 11 Mr. J. R. Doares... has arrived. The J I. opening day has been postponed on j I j account of the failure of fixtures to.| arrive. * * * Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Hereinand . L two boys, who have been spending (j their vacation here, left Mondtiv , ^ morning .for their home in Richland. ?NT. C. ? * Mr*. TV*. C. WiUkins, and daughter. Anne, have-returned from a visit"to West Jefferson, N, C. Tliey were accompanied home by Mrs. John Nelsor of Florence, S. CT ? ? Mr. S. A. Jones, who is in the tobacco business in Pinetops, N. (J., e?mHy He brought back with him his mother, Mrgrfl. H.- Jone?,-who had I been visiting her son, Mr. Walter Jones, in Farmville, N. C. . rr- j Watch our j Windows 1 Shipments of Ready-To-Wear and piece goods are coming-in daily. The first | la fka mat. a C ^La ? ? ? ? ? ? w UIW piVIk UI LI IC SCaSUIl. You will find here the latest creations, styles right up to the minute. Get ready for school, we have what you g, want. It will pay you to trade with us. TRY IT. Wilburn 8 Satterf ield |j MP?^? ?? LUMBER FlooTing, Ceiling, Siding, Windows, Doors, Frames, / ? Lime, Cement, Plaster, CL: l d?a? i ? *-i? tJiilllgiCS, lVUUIing, L-<*II1S, Paints," Oils, Varnish, ' 4 Mantels, Grates, Tile. * WATKINS and BULLOCK "Everything to Build With" i j ? ->J > Roxboro, N. C. r FOUNDED 1838 CHARTERED 1859 I TRINITY COLLEGE DURHAM, N. C. The following groups of study are offered, all leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts: General; Business Administration; Religious Training; Engineering; Pre-Medical; Teaching; Pre-Legal. Graduate Courses in all departments. Schools of ENGINEERING, EDUCATION and LAW. REGISTRATION FOR NEW STUDENTS?September 22. For atalogue and Illustrated Booklet, Address R. L. FLOWERS, Secretary. YOUR DOG AND YOUR DOL- III LAR are your good -*Jp FRIENDS A Your dog will stick to you under all c.ircumill stances but your dollars will leave you if you do not place them right. This is a time to see that ^SfT 1 they are well located. We buy for Cash and sell . ^yV-Y ~ke ^ame way. Bring your dolars to us we teach i f \ \ them to stand by you. Service and Sanitation. We sell for cash and sell for less. Aubrey Long and Co. Subscribe to The Courier ? to get ALL THE STATE, COUNTY AND TOWN NEWS. ' . - *1 ffl A YF.AR AND . WORTH IT ^ " t