THE COURIER %[ J. W. Nortl, Editor. PaWished Every Wednesday Evening SI 11S< KII'TION TERMS\ RL60 a year, 75 cents for 6 months tO cants tor 3 months?Cash in AdPThe Editor is in no way responsible fsr views expressed by correspondents. Entered .at the Post OShffce at Roxboro, N. C., as second-class maiter. t-dnixn A4vertf*lng Rnpre??it?tl?e rnr amf.rican pr?-S3 assocj ation Roxboro, N. C. Sept. 10th 1924 ? d i GOING AFTER IT. Very few things worth while come to any of us at this day and time without going after it, and going hard. For the past two seasons it has totu a well-known fact that the Tobotco Growers Association was not , receiving the amount of tobacco which ahanld be delivered here, and we want to congratulate the officers of this 11 Asportation who- are making such strenuous efforts to bring tobacco to I this delivery point. If they do not succeed it will not be because they have n* made an earnest effort. We con, gratulate them for' their work and ie uie oenvenes nere this year will show the fruits of their efforts. ! 'H the independent warehouses will only fal in line and make equally as untiring efforts we shall see this Iwadtet show a great increase in namher of pounds handled here, by both plana. (There should not be any fight between the two plans, for those who deliver to the Association can not sell the independent way, neither can the iKc.. independent farmer?that is, the farmer who is not a member of the Association, sell with the co-op warehoose, for after the first day of delivery, September 23rd, you can not join the Assoiration if you want to. We are all good citisens. looking to f the prosperity of our own town and County, wanting to help build up the t- County religiously, morally and educationally, and the only way we can do this is to stick to home folks. So, I whether you sell openly or deliver to the co-ops, bring your tobacco to Bpxbero, deal with your friends and jr let's all forget those hard things each has said about the other?we be L brethren. USE GOOD JUDGMENT. trv . We wish we could impress upon every farmer in this County the necessity of showing good judgment in handling Ms-money this year. Many, we regret to say, are very much in Mt, have carried some of these debts over for two, or three, years and the first duty you owe?aftei providing for the necessities of your ? , family, is to pay something on these debts. Of course, we know, many are is debt through no negligence on theii pert, but owing to peculiar circurcstanees over which they had no central. It looks as if this was going U r ~ be a good crop year, both for tobacco and cotton, and from the way tobacco is selling in the Eastern part oi the State it looks as if it will bring t good price. We see it stated in th< papers this morning that it is aver, aging five centa a pound more on thi | Kinston market than it averaged r year ago. Cotton shows every sigt of selling well. Bnt what will all of this mean t< fyou. unless you use good judgment ir spending yonr -money. It matters no how much any one makes, so long ai one spends more than his income, s< long will that one be hard up, and i! Is oaly a question of time untU thr sheriff will sell him ont, either foi debts doe some one or taxes due th< comity. , Wo want to see the firmer havt jut am many comfort* and conveniences, and just an good automobile! aa any ona?for be deserves it, bo! E? " good judgment just now says "pay jronr debts," and get out from undei -flsedbomb of yam1 l'IwIiIui. and (ben BR".; bay tiie lusorieo. [ Governor Morrison ha* opened up I pm hia~?>mpalgn for boats and termb laala, but It loots hs if lie lias an upfrill road to travel. At a meeting of the Br ' r^mmsafic HftflVffrff in Pnlftlffh a' ffi* Bb, .. ~ IWWIAI *tttJ UUUUUft " iwsaviBH tZ::- _ tparty measure and all Democratic' |.'P??kcrs out in the interest of the party will stay off of it. Unless all signs fail?and they do in dry weather, this pet measure of the Governor is going to be buried ao deep it will be hard to awaken on the morning when Gabriel blows his horn. We are amused at some of the silly stuff put out by both political parties along about this time of n campaign year. For instance the manager of President Coolidge's campaign says it is generally conceded, and known by leading Democrats, that Mr. Davia will run third in the presidential race, Mr. LaFollette beinur second. Of course e?e a thimble full of brains, knows that Mr. LaFollette will not get as many votes in the entire Nation as Mr Davis will get in the South. o "As Main goes, etc." All rot, Maine went Republican of course, and everybody expected it to do so. A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT TO ABOLISH THE OFFICE OF TREASURURER OF PERSON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: Section 1. That effective at the end of the term of office of the present Treasurer of Person County, to wit, the first Monday in December one thousand nine hundred and twentyfour, the office of Treasurer of said County be and the same is hereby abolished. Sec. 2. On and after the first Mon day in December one thousand nine hundred and twenty-four, the Boardi of County Commissioners of Person Coutny is hereby authorized and em powered in its discretion, in lien of a County Treasurer, to appoint one or more solvent banks or Trust Companies located in said county as financial agents for the county, which Bank or Trust Company shall perform I the duties now performed by the Treasurer, on the best terms agreed | upon by the Bank or Trust Company | and County Commissioners. Such Bank or Trust Gompany shall not] charge nor receive any compensation -.v.- 11 ?-u -.1 ?vi ?i-d ov??aco, vnici mail 9U.ii ?uvantages and benefits as may accrue from the deposits of the Codnty fund in regular course of banking. Sec. 3. The Bank or Trust Company appointed and acting as the financial agent of its County shall be appointed for a term of two years, and shall be required to execute the same bonds for the safe keeping and proper accounting of such funds as maw come into its possession 'and belonging to such County and for the faithful discharge of its duties as are now required by law of County Treasurers. Sec. 4. That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with the provisions i of this act are hereby repealed. r Sec. 5. That this act shall be in . force from and after its ratification. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE > Having qualified, as administrator C. T. A. of the estate of J. N. O'Briant deceased, late of Person County, NT. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of 1 said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on' or before the 12th . day of September 1925, or this no[ tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payr nient. ! A. B. O'Briant, Administrator C. T. 1 A. of J. N; O'Briant, deceased. , This the 9th day of September, 1924. 6ts. WaiutsiN > cnpr inuu u en a. .4 x ivnri? T? 11it i-atn iw veni. i of MAG LAC Tooth Paste we will give a 50 cent Tooth Brush FREE. Hambrick, Austin & Thomas. 9-3, 2ts. FOR RENT, furnished rooms, hot and cold water, all conveniences. Mrs. Ahbitt, Academy Street. STRAYED?Monday September 8th. When last seen was goinjg from my h ' T-' ***> . . " " 1 /"i"I Vuv!; ~n f L Accidents will happen. It may be vnu next. TJpfore you leave on a trip call by Satterfleid's Insurance Office and get an seeident ticket; t&OOO.AO for 25e a day. SATTERFIELD INS. AGENCY. Lots of New Pail Difsses and Coats] at Hams St Btfrtla"and more coming every day. rc7- -" THE ROXBORO COURIER, DR. C. L. THOMAS. ! , Dentist, [ 1 Roxboro, N. C. j Office over Aubrey Long & Co's store, Main Street. Office hours: | 8 to 12 A. M. 1 to 5:SO P. M. FARM FOR RENT?A good tcbac- ' co farm 2 miles from Roxboro. Apply to Mrs. R. C. Carver. TWO WAKE COUNTY Farms For i Sale, both adapted to cotton and to bacco. Eight room dwelling on 63 ' acres. Good five room dwelling and tenant house on 58 acre farm. Good outbuildings, packing house, stripping room and pit. Reason for selling, other business requires my attention. 1 See or write Dr. O. E. Finch, Apex, ' N. C. 9-3 4ta. ' 1 Ladies Hats are cheaper than- ever . at Harris & Burns' and their stock is right up to the minute. TftKo/vft im naurinff nr!?w? A U?Il. storm in ten seconds would cost you maybe thousands. See S. P. Satterfleld and get that hail policy to-day. Six dollars ner acre for entire season. SATTERFIELD INS. AGENCY "OLD AND TRIED". Hats for little folks. You seldom see such pretty hats for children as they have at Harris & Burns'. For al| sizes from the infant to the little miss and the prices are extra low. Nice stock of little boy's hats, too. JEFFERSON. Get the beet, it costs no more than the other kind. LIFE, ACCIDENT and HEALTH all in one policy. Get it fixed before the trouble happens. SEE SATTERFIELD. "Do it now": NEW MEAT MARKET, in the D. M. Andrews' store house on Depot I Street, run by the oldest butcher in town 21 years experience. I will appreciate Your trade and save you money every time you come to my market. How can I do this? Because I do my own work and rent is cheap? that's why. Yours to serve. J. H. Loy. 9-9,4ts ! The Great & Paeii i f ROXBOR People like to shop in A & P if ' stores, conrteyus service and i | tures have made thousands steady ?_?______ SUGAR 8s P Fruit jars quarts 87c doz. Fruit jars pints... ...77c doz. Vinegar, gallon.----:?.. 70c New potatoes,^ 'Ac I 4 Peanut butter 22c 30 quart pails ....- 26s Pink Salmon 15c Fat-backs ? 18c Rib sides.. 19Hc Jar rings doz. ?..--7c I Jar tops doz... 28c ! j : Window Screen ? 60c LOAF E The quality and prices of our it | | it pays to shop at the A & P. The Great Atlantic i ' I f Floyd H. Hawl IV M E B FOUR C FA BIGGER AN r' , , r\ * i r n j greatest display or c. of the \ WEST I THE FINEST 20 C/ RC FREE ACT5f: Mac 4 trapez work. Bob and . ous*?lowns with lota n ? : ??; Elephant act. Major < plane. TIME COUNTI NIC \ I' ' * - '-?* %' > September 10th* 1924 ':S I SELL Tanners Shoes, give me your =? >rder?you cant go wrong when you juy a pair of Tanners Shoes. J. H. Loy. , 0-8, 4ts. j SCHOOL BOOKS?A c? lplete line 5 School Books and School .Supplies at llambrick, Austin & Thomas. )-8, 2ts. B FIRES, FIRES. For twenty-five 9 ,'caia we have paid every loss satis- R Factory to insured. You may be next, f? See us at once. SATTERFIELD INS. 8GENCY. "OLD AND TRIED". 666 is a Prescription for { Colds, Gripp?, Dengue Fever, Constipation, Bilious Headaches and Malarial Fever. PIANO TUNING. Mr. Lenox of Atlanta, Ga., reliable factory workman with 20 years experience, is in Roxboro this week only. Phone Pass' Furniture Co., 163, for appointment. 9-10, It pd. _? : __ I Look now at your fire policies. Not 3 one in ten has enough insurance on 3 his property. Phone No. 135. Do it g now. to-morrow may be too late, i SATTBRFIELD 'INS. AGENCY. FOR RENT, or sale on easy terms, g farm in Cunningham township, con- \ taining 312 acres. Apply to J, J. Win- * stead. Roxboro, N. C. 9-9, 4tspd. { NOTICE!?For Sale one lot of pure j bred Berkshire pigs, and one lot of i grade, Berkshire and Poland China, i Also several extra good brood sows, 2 especially good mothers. Extra large ' prolific stock. C. G. Daniel, Roxboro, : N. e. Route 4. 8-27 3tpd \ We handle' School Books. Long- 3 hurst Mercantile Co. 2ts : ? 1 r j The Jefferson leads, others follow, (T Don't think of taking life insurance J until von see the Jefferson. No trouble to show." SEE SATTERFIELD INS. AGENCY. "OLD AND TRIED". Get your sweater at Harris 4: Burns". . " . i Alantic ic Tea Co. V ' . Stores, Freph merchandise^ clean . ical prices?all A & P feai-customers year in and year out. j ER POUND I A & P Pork and beans.,.._9c ' Campbell'# pork and beans 10c | Extra qqality brooms.... 32z Lemons doz. "... 3lc i American Cheese lb 29c Corn Flakes package 7c Wesson oil, pt 27c t Wesson Oil, quart _49c Oatt Meal 8 U3c Campbell's Soup... 1 18; Fig bars ..." 12 He A &' P grape juice plht.. 28c IREAD 8c i 1 111 lerchandise.will convince you.tha' and Pacific Tea Co. j tins, Manager A N E OUNTY IR ID BETTER. - j [ .xhibits in the History Pair. .It SHOWS, iR SHOW ON THE AD. [ k and Mames clown 1 Ed Hu$chesorv famf new .stunts. Trained Gihnbre with" his air1Y DANCE EVERY . jT ;kt. ., ?.?_ ... ?? rt \ ' ; x.L" * " * V;-.' ' . *; v v YOUR NEW FALLHAT j Is Her e i p No trimmer, but plenty of ready trimmed hats. Trim- g triers cost as much as hats. We will have no trimmer here- fa after. The cost of the trimmer will be taken off the price I of the hats. You never saw a prettier line of hats in Roxboro than we are showing and you have never seen prices so low. This plan is working fine and we are selling the 1 hats. You owe it to your self and your purse to look here jj before you buy. 3 New Sweaters j This is sweater time, too. The cool days call for sweat- |jj ers. We have them for the whole family, nice wool sweat- 1 ers for service and sport wear. When you think of sweaters think of Bradley and ^ Harris & Burns j ROXBORO'S BEST STORE i : ~ i , i l ~ ^ I MI|B || I ^ Have yon got One? If you have a bank account and are REGULARLY adding to your balance, we congratulte you and say . "keep it up." If you have, no bank account, we urge you to come in and open one. The satisfied, confident feeling it will give you to know you are getting ahead, will strengthen your determination to make your balance grow. Come in today. We will welcome you. THE Peoples Bank "The Bank of The People" \ | Announcing? -J. ! ^ I YOU ARE INVITED J to come to jl Mi-Lady-s I - Hair Shop over I ' # . Aubrey Long & Cow, store Ladies Hair J BOBBED I in Latest Styles. We specialize on shampoo and i childrens' hair cutting and Beautv | Treatment. I Shop in charge of lady. You are cordially invited to give __ | us a trial. : j ." Mrs. Ida Pleasant, Manager. ! . v j- J. R. Doares.