I DADDY'S |l||l EVENING $15 FAIRYTAIlll^fl ^MaryGieham Banner I TORTOISE AND SUN f -"They think," said the Qiant Tot tolas, "that I am just a treat big crea tore without much appreciation of the heautlea and the fine thing* of thla life. "Bnt they're wrong. My keeper knuws they're wrong, too. "They think that I am perfectly happy doing nothing at all and that nothing particularly Intereaca me or makee me especially happy. "That la wrong. ' "It la correct enough that I am not what you would call a buay tortoise 1 don't care te rush and to hare lota of tlilnga to do. "1 ant contented and happy without much effort. E "Rut I am not entirely without appreciation of what la nice la thla world. I "Ah, there la one thing I lore. "It la no beautiful and warm and t nwnni. i nna it so pleasant. I apI predate It Oh. I dqn't believe any I one appreciates It as I do. -And this object of my spprecistlon Is the sun. Ht- "I am here in the soo. In this pleaeWm art llrrle house where there is nice dirt for my carpet and where above m. is a class roof which makes it sunny i and bright. "But I appreciate the sun. more than by simply enjoying It when 1 am inf aNIe. "You might think 1 was lasy and L that I-could have a pleasant time staying where I happened to be and enJoying the warmth of the sun through L the glass room. ^ i "But no. thst Is not enough appreciation for me to show the sun. [ . -Just as soon as the sun comes ont I get up from my rest and I walk out of my door Into the yard outside and there I stay as long as the sun sltlnes. -When the sun goes under s cloud I come hack again to my house. "I can't bear being outside and not having the beautiful sun shine overbead. -Even If the sun only goes under a cloud and even If T am quite sure it luay bo out again very soan I go Laside while It is under the cloud. "If my door has blown so that it Is shut I pnw at It and at the gravel "I Love the Sun." iiiui i ?1?i? *r [ been shut out and that I would like b ta be M In. P." "If .f bey do not cnnie to let me in I ?t oooe I keep en making n noise U!l ?. * tfr they-do. ! ;: "But t.bev itsujiiK come w me at f trace. lr is ?nl> when they do not I ' hear me ujt iii>t thnt they d'o'not eune. W-[ ' "Tlre.v ktmw- iljut I love, ti t- son and lhey know -litat it ts- nr.t foo'.ish of me. -4} ty. . understand. "They say": - -*<4Tho sun tiiuor have pone under a . cloud, that tortoise wupts to conif in." "t.T*ugHy _tuy door is open iind I WF egn <*?tne in of my own accord, "Then when the sun shine* nan In I mn nil ready to go out once more. "t get up, carrying my enoriiiou* shell covering with me?I always take ray own special roof of my own speL clal hoiise with me wherever 1 go? and I stretch forth ray very wrinkled r nc^k, nnd head and legs and out I go !nfo the .sunshine. "You might say that I wouldn't be able to enjoy the sun so much with soeh a hack aa I have, or, on the other r . hand ynn might say that 1 shouldn't ttood it when the aim pees under a" Hand for a moment. I1;.' "But 1 do* 4-4^ve the sun: I love It dearly. Yea, thia Giant Tortoise !?< adore* the sun, and auch are ray w-ays in showing it my great appreciation for Its warmth and It* comfort and It* hvy-;; ~ wmderrui, wonaerrui rays. Pedantic Yoanfter In ' | Hilda. clKlit yun ntd. irrnl tier ~rawt were wo Ik In* on a slippery rondalAe. aunt (thinking to t?t the little ftrl'a ability to meet a altnation)? TMs la precarious walking. Isn't Itt Hilda -I should iaj It la. Hilda (confidently) ?Kttrr Any fool eronld know that ! IT* denrerppa. Couldn't Part With All Dorothy waa objecting teerfnliy to * gt.uie command of her mother. "Well," aid her (deter, "X gneea we'll trade-off .vi. old mamma for a new one, since yru do ? ? Ufco hor." Vm, yon may." aonneo Dorothy, "hot (hesitatingly), t would Ilka the " new one to hare the aame old face on I " " ~~ " S? H ?i . " 18S??^*BsaaraspBS55Bai g|j|_? - f MABIA, ? ??;=^ suhhHJ i>? K* ^ Wv^vW . / ^ ^ ? ?-,. V v->fre?r?e\.& ? I ^uTOCMTtft, -. J III - >U > * .?r. Speed ace); on the East by William Baas; i the Sooth by YbrlfShfcley and oa ie West by the lands of whliaia Gar ft containing 23 acres more or, iesa ling the lands purchased by Irving ass from the estate of Ahris Bass. This August 7th, 1924. a la M. Carlton, Trustee f JKK&foEJK nVbkd Man. owass Rl nrwonn.Tettw or otherttcfc- TV/ /( inc Ma diantM. Try this 1 " DAVIS DRIG COMPANY KoxDoro, pi C. after every meat telleves that over- 1 Ita 1-a-a-t-l-a-a tlavoe satisfies the craving lor sweets. Wrlgley'n Is doahle I pleasure It provides. Seated us its Pmrity Mrs. Josephine Arthur Do You Need a Tonic? Durham, N. Car,?"About fifteen years ago two of my children had whooping cough so badly that afterward their lungs and bronchial tubes were affected from the strenuous coughing. They kept getting weaker and I believe would have had serious pulmonary affection had it not'been for Dr. Pierce's Golden. Medical Discovery. I gave them several bottles until they were entirely out of danger and well and strong. I would never hesitate in recommending Dr. Pierce's Golden. Medical Discovery as a tonic after any prostrating illness, because ib brings permanent strength."?Mrs, Josephine Arthur, 409 Toby St. Obtain Dr. Pierce's "Discovery* now from your druggist, in liquid on tshleti. It can safely be given to little folks as it contains no harmful ? ingredient. Write Dr. .Pierce, Piu. Men* invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, JM, I_ for free medical advice, ? 1 onto | I M M M I.I ! ? ?' v " " : "7 ??-??'